const plugin = require('tailwindcss/plugin'); const config = { content: ['./src/**/*.{html,js,svelte,ts}'], darkMode: 'class', corePlugins: { backgroundOpacity: false }, theme: { fontFamily: { sans: ['Inter', 'SF Pro', '-apple-system', 'system-ui'], mono: ['SF Mono', 'Consolas', 'Liberation Mono', 'monospace'] }, fontSize: { xs: '10px', sm: '11px', base: '13px', lg: '15px', xl: '18px', '2xl': '22px', '3xl': '27px', '4xl': '32px' }, colors: { modal: { background: '#242429', stroke: '#3f3f3f' }, gb: { 700: '#52525B' }, interactive: '#2563EB', divider: '#3f3f46', card: { active: '#3B3B3F', default: '#2F2F33' }, app: { gradient: '#27272A' }, overlay: { default: '#18181B' }, text: { default: '#D4D4D8', subdued: '#71717A' }, icon: { default: '#A1A1AA' }, bookmark: { selected: '#2563EB' }, white: '#FFFFFF', black: '#000000', transparent: 'transparent', gray: { 400: '#9ca3af', 500: '#6B7280' }, dark: { 50: '#FAFAFA', // Button text 100: '#D4D4D8', // Normal text 200: '#A1A1AA', // Commit sequence line, meatballs menu 300: '#71717A', // Subtle text 400: '#545454', // File card border 500: '#414141', // Commit message border 600: '#393939', // Commit card border 700: '#373737', // Commit message background 800: '#2C2C2C', // Tray and commit card background 900: '#212121', // Header background 1000: '#1E1E1E' // Board and inactive tab background }, light: { 50: '#F6F6F7', // Active tab and file card background 100: '#F4F4F5', // Branch background in tray 200: '#E4E4E7', // Board background and commit message border 300: '#DDDDDE', // File card border 400: '#D4D4D8', // Branch lane border and disabled text 500: '#CDCDD0', // Scroll bar color 600: '#A1A1AA', // Commit sequence line, meatballs menu, icons 700: '#6D7175', // Subtle text 800: '#3F3F46', // Branch text in tray 900: '#202223' // Normal text }, blue: { 200: '#bfdbfe', 400: '#60a5fa', 500: '#3b82f6', 600: '#2563eb', 700: '#1d4ed8', 900: '#1e3a8a' }, yellow: { 400: '#facc15', 500: '#eab308', 900: '#713f12' }, red: { 400: '#F87171', 500: '#ef4444', 600: '#dc2626', 700: '#b91c1c', 900: '#7c2d12' }, green: { 400: '#4ade80', 500: '#22c55e', 600: '#16a34a', 700: '#15803d', 900: '#14532d' }, orange: { 200: '#fed7aa' }, zinc: { 50: '#fafafa', 100: '#f4f4f5', 200: '#e5e5e5', 300: '#d4d4d8', 400: '#a1a1aa', 500: '#71717a', 600: '#52525b', 700: '#3f3f46', 800: '#27272a', 900: '#18181b' } } }, plugins: [ // Expose color palette as CSS variables (--color-xxx-yyy) // plugin(function ({ addBase, theme }) { function extractColorVars(colorObj, colorGroup = '') { return Object.keys(colorObj).reduce((vars, colorKey) => { const value = colorObj[colorKey]; const newVars = typeof value === 'string' ? { [`--color${colorGroup}-${colorKey}`]: value } : extractColorVars(value, `-${colorKey}`); return { ...vars, ...newVars }; }, {}); } addBase({ ':root': extractColorVars(theme('colors')) }); }) ] }; module.exports = config;