const plugin = require('tailwindcss/plugin');
const config = {
	content: ['./src/**/*.{html,js,svelte,ts}'],
	darkMode: 'class',
	corePlugins: {
		backgroundOpacity: false
	theme: {
		extend: {
			transitionProperty: {
				width: 'width'
		fontFamily: {
			sans: ['Inter', 'SF Pro', '-apple-system', 'system-ui'],
			mono: ['SF Mono', 'Consolas', 'Liberation Mono', 'monospace']
		fontSize: {
			xs: '0.625rem',
			sm: '0.6875rem',
			base: '0.8125rem',
			lg: '0.9375rem',
			xl: '1.125rem',
			'2xl': '1.375rem',
			'3xl': '1.6875rem',
			'4xl': '2rem'
		colors: {
			modal: {
				background: '#242429',
				stroke: '#3f3f3f'
			gb: {
				700: '#52525B'
			interactive: '#2563EB',
			divider: '#3f3f46',
			card: {
				active: '#3B3B3F',
				default: '#2F2F33'
			app: {
				gradient: '#27272A'
			overlay: {
				default: '#18181B'
			text: {
				default: '#D4D4D8',
				subdued: '#71717A'
			icon: {
				default: '#A1A1AA'
			bookmark: {
				selected: '#2563EB'
			white: '#FFFFFF',
			black: '#000000',
			transparent: 'transparent',
			gray: {
				400: '#9ca3af',
				500: '#6B7280'
			dark: {
				50: '#FAFAFA', // Button text
				100: '#D4D4D8', // Normal text
				200: '#A1A1AA', // Commit sequence line, meatballs menu
				300: '#71717A', // Subtle text
				400: '#545454', // File card border
				500: '#414141', // Commit message border
				600: '#393939', // Commit card border
				700: '#373737', // Commit message background
				800: '#2C2C2C', // Tray and commit card background
				850: '#282828', // Scrollbar
				900: '#212121', // Header background
				1000: '#1E1E1E', // Board and inactive tab background
				1100: '#181818' // Git log background
			light: {
				25: '#FAFAFB', // Active tab and file card background
				50: '#F6F6F7', // Active tab and file card background
				100: '#F4F4F5', // Branch background in tray
				150: '#EAEAEB', // Branch background in tray
				200: '#E4E4E7', // Board background and commit message border
				300: '#DDDDDE', // File card border
				400: '#D4D4D8', // Branch lane border and disabled text
				500: '#CDCDD0', // Scroll bar color
				600: '#A1A1AA', // Commit sequence line, meatballs menu, icons
				700: '#6D7175', // Subtle text
				800: '#3F3F46', // Branch text in tray
				900: '#202223' // Normal text
			blue: {
				50: '#EFF4FF',
				100: '#CBE2FE',
				200: '#bfdbfe',
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				900: '#1e3a8a'
			yellow: {
				50: '#FFFBE6',
				100: '#FFF7CC',
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				300: '#FDE978',
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				500: '#EAB308',
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			red: {
				400: '#F87171',
				500: '#ef4444',
				600: '#dc2626',
				700: '#b91c1c',
				900: '#7c2d12'
			green: {
				200: '#AFEDB1',
				300: '#6BE66D',
				400: '#4ade80',
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				470: '#314D39',
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				900: '#14532d'
			purple: {
				50: '#F2F0FD',
				100: '#E6E0FA',
				200: '#CFC7F5',
				300: '#B8ADF1',
				400: '#A193EC',
				500: '#666ADB',
				600: '#5852A0',
				700: '#443D7A',
				800: '#302854',
				900: '#1C142E'
			orange: {
				50: '#FEF6E4',
				100: '#FEE9C8',
				200: '#FED7AA',
				300: '#FDC592',
				400: '#FCB37B',
				500: '#FBA163',
				600: '#FA8E4B',
				700: '#CD6E02',
				800: '#A55602',
				900: '#7D3F02'
			zinc: {
				50: '#fafafa',
				100: '#f4f4f5',
				200: '#e5e5e5',
				300: '#d4d4d8',
				400: '#a1a1aa',
				500: '#71717a',
				600: '#52525b',
				700: '#3f3f46',
				800: '#27272a',
				900: '#18181b'

module.exports = config;