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synced 2024-12-26 02:51:57 +03:00
As we start building out code collaboration we wanna have the ability to push gitbutler state to, when enabled
240 lines
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240 lines
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use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::path::Path;
use std::time::Duration;
use crate::events::InternalEvent;
use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result};
use gitbutler_core::{git, projects::ProjectId};
use notify::Watcher;
use notify_debouncer_full::new_debouncer;
use tokio::task;
use tracing::Level;
use gitbutler_core::ops::OPLOG_FILE_NAME;
/// The timeout for debouncing file change events.
/// This is used to prevent multiple events from being sent for a single file change.
const DEBOUNCE_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_millis(100);
/// This error is required only because `anyhow::Error` isn't implementing `std::error::Error`, and [`spawn()`]
/// needs to wrap it into a `backoff::Error` which also has to implement the `Error` trait.
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
struct RunError {
source: anyhow::Error,
/// Listen to interesting filesystem events of files in `path` that are not `.gitignore`d,
/// turn them into [`Events`](Event) which classifies it, and associates it with `project_id`.
/// These are sent through the passed `out` channel, to indicate either **Git** repository changes
/// or **ProjectWorktree** changes
/// ### Why is this not an iterator?
/// The internal `notify_rx` could be an iterator, which performs all transformations and returns them as item.
/// However, due to closures being continuously created each time events come in, nested closures need to own
/// their resources which means they are `Clone` or `Copy`. This isn't the case for `git::Repository`.
/// Even though `gix::Repository` is `Clone`, an efficient implementation of `is_path_ignored()` requires more state
/// that ideally is kept between invocations. For that reason, the current channel-based 'worker' architecture
/// is chosen to allow all this state to live on the stack.
/// Additionally, a channel plays better with how events are handled downstream.
pub fn spawn(
project_id: ProjectId,
worktree_path: &std::path::Path,
out: tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedSender<InternalEvent>,
) -> Result<()> {
let (notify_tx, notify_rx) = std::sync::mpsc::channel();
let mut debouncer =
new_debouncer(DEBOUNCE_TIMEOUT, None, notify_tx).context("failed to create debouncer")?;
let policy = backoff::ExponentialBackoffBuilder::new()
// Start the watcher, but retry if there are transient errors.
backoff::retry(policy, || {
.watch(worktree_path, notify::RecursiveMode::Recursive)
.map_err(|err| match err.kind {
notify::ErrorKind::PathNotFound => backoff::Error::permanent(RunError::from(
anyhow!("{} not found", worktree_path.display()),
notify::ErrorKind::Io(_) | notify::ErrorKind::InvalidConfig(_) => {
_ => backoff::Error::transient(RunError::from(anyhow::Error::from(err))),
.context("failed to start watcher")?;
let worktree_path = worktree_path.to_owned();
task::spawn_blocking(move || {
tracing::debug!(%project_id, "file watcher started");
let _debouncer = debouncer;
let _runtime = tracing::span!(Level::INFO, "file monitor", %project_id ).entered();
'outer: for result in notify_rx {
let stats = tracing::span!(
"handle debounced events",
ignored = tracing::field::Empty,
project = tracing::field::Empty,
project_dedup = tracing::field::Empty,
git = tracing::field::Empty,
git_dedup = tracing::field::Empty,
git_noop = tracing::field::Empty,
fs_events = tracing::field::Empty,
let (mut ignored, mut git_noop) = (0, 0);
match result {
Err(err) => {
tracing::error!(?err, "ignored file watcher error");
Ok(events) => {
let maybe_repo = git::Repository::open(&worktree_path)
.with_context(|| format!("failed to open project repository: {}", worktree_path.display()))
.unwrap_or_else(|err| {
"will consider changes to all files as repository couldn't be opened"
let num_events = events.len();
let classified_file_paths = events
.filter(|event| is_interesting_kind(event.kind))
.flat_map(|event| event.event.paths)
.map(|file| {
let kind = maybe_repo
.map_or(FileKind::Project, |repo| classify_file(repo, &file));
(file, kind)
let mut oplog_changed = false;
let (mut stripped_git_paths, mut worktree_relative_paths) =
(HashSet::new(), HashSet::new());
for (file_path, kind) in classified_file_paths {
match kind {
FileKind::ProjectIgnored => ignored += 1,
FileKind::GitUninteresting => git_noop += 1,
FileKind::GitButlerOplog => {
oplog_changed = true;
FileKind::Project | FileKind::Git => match file_path
Ok(relative_file_path) => {
if relative_file_path.as_os_str().is_empty() {
if let Ok(stripped) = relative_file_path.strip_prefix(".git") {
} else {
Err(err) => {
tracing::error!(%project_id, ?err, "failed to strip prefix");
stats.record("fs_events", num_events);
stats.record("ignored", ignored);
stats.record("git_noop", git_noop);
stats.record("git", stripped_git_paths.len());
stats.record("project", worktree_relative_paths.len());
if !stripped_git_paths.is_empty() {
let paths_dedup: Vec<_> = stripped_git_paths.into_iter().collect();
stats.record("git_dedup", paths_dedup.len());
let event = InternalEvent::GitFilesChange(project_id, paths_dedup);
if out.send(event).is_err() {
tracing::info!("channel closed - stopping file watcher");
break 'outer;
if !worktree_relative_paths.is_empty() {
let paths_dedup: Vec<_> = worktree_relative_paths.into_iter().collect();
stats.record("project_dedup", paths_dedup.len());
let event = InternalEvent::ProjectFilesChange(project_id, paths_dedup);
if out.send(event).is_err() {
tracing::info!("channel closed - stopping file watcher");
break 'outer;
if oplog_changed {
let event = InternalEvent::GitButlerOplogChange(project_id);
if out.send(event).is_err() {
tracing::info!("channel closed - stopping file watcher");
break 'outer;
#[cfg(target_family = "unix")]
fn is_interesting_kind(kind: notify::EventKind) -> bool {
| notify::EventKind::Modify(notify::event::ModifyKind::Data(_))
| notify::EventKind::Modify(notify::event::ModifyKind::Name(_))
| notify::EventKind::Remove(notify::event::RemoveKind::File)
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
fn is_interesting_kind(kind: notify::EventKind) -> bool {
notify::EventKind::Create(_) | notify::EventKind::Modify(_) | notify::EventKind::Remove(_)
/// A classification for a changed file.
enum FileKind {
/// A file in the `.git` repository of the current project itself.
/// Like `Git`, but shouldn't have any effect.
/// A file in the worktree of the current project.
/// A file that was ignored in the project, and thus shouldn't trigger a computation.
/// GitButler oplog file (`.git/gitbutler/operations-log.toml`)
fn classify_file(git_repo: &git::Repository, file_path: &Path) -> FileKind {
if let Ok(check_file_path) = file_path.strip_prefix(git_repo.path()) {
if check_file_path == Path::new("FETCH_HEAD")
|| check_file_path == Path::new("logs/HEAD")
|| check_file_path == Path::new("HEAD")
|| check_file_path == Path::new("GB_FLUSH")
|| check_file_path == Path::new("index")
} else if check_file_path == Path::new("gitbutler").join(OPLOG_FILE_NAME) {
} else {
} else if git_repo.is_path_ignored(file_path).unwrap_or(false) {
} else {