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2019-02-01 01:13:26 +03:00
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
module Main (main) where
2019-02-01 01:13:26 +03:00
import Control.Effect
import Control.Exception (displayException)
2018-09-18 23:00:31 +03:00
import Control.Monad
2019-02-01 01:13:26 +03:00
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.ByteString.Builder
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import Data.Either
2019-05-22 05:28:32 +03:00
import Data.Blob (fileForPath)
2019-03-25 18:37:19 +03:00
import Data.Flag
2018-09-18 23:00:31 +03:00
import Data.Foldable
import Data.List
2018-09-18 23:00:31 +03:00
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Quieterm
import Data.Typeable (cast)
import Data.Void
2018-09-18 23:00:31 +03:00
import Parsing.Parser
2019-02-12 23:49:34 +03:00
import Semantic.Api (TermOutputFormat (..), parseTermBuilder)
2019-03-25 18:37:19 +03:00
import Semantic.Config (Config (..), Options (..), FailOnWarning (..), defaultOptions)
import qualified Semantic.IO as IO
import Semantic.Task
import Semantic.Task.Files
2018-09-18 23:00:31 +03:00
import System.Directory
import System.Exit (die)
import System.FilePath.Glob
import System.FilePath.Posix
import System.Process
import Test.Hspec
main :: IO ()
main = withOptions opts $ \ config logger statter -> hspec . parallel $ do
2019-02-16 03:22:51 +03:00
let args = TaskSession config "-" False logger statter
runIO setupExampleRepos
for_ languages $ \ lang@LanguageExample{..} -> do
2019-06-11 18:23:56 +03:00
let tsDir = languagesDir </> languageName </> ("vendor/tree-sitter-" <> languageName)
parallel . describe languageName $ parseExamples args lang tsDir
2019-02-02 02:04:23 +03:00
parseExamples session LanguageExample{..} tsDir = do
knownFailures <- runIO $ knownFailuresForPath tsDir languageKnownFailuresTxt
files <- runIO $ globDir1 (compile ("**/*" <> languageExtension)) (tsDir </> languageExampleDir)
for_ files $ \file -> it file $ do
2019-02-02 02:04:23 +03:00
res <- runTask session (parseFilePath file)
2018-09-18 23:00:31 +03:00
case res of
Left (SomeException e) -> case cast e of
-- We have a number of known assignment timeouts, consider these pending specs instead of failing the build.
2018-11-14 01:59:20 +03:00
Just AssignmentTimedOut -> pendingWith $ show (displayException e)
Just ParserTimedOut -> pendingWith $ show (displayException e)
2018-09-18 23:00:31 +03:00
-- Other exceptions are true failures
_ -> expectationFailure (show (displayException e))
_ -> if file `elem` knownFailures
2019-06-16 14:00:47 +03:00
then pendingWith $ "Known parse failures " <> show ("Assignment: OK" <$ res)
2018-09-18 23:00:31 +03:00
else res `shouldSatisfy` isRight
2018-09-18 18:36:40 +03:00
setupExampleRepos = readProcess "script/clone-example-repos" mempty mempty >>= print
2019-03-25 18:37:19 +03:00
opts = defaultOptions { optionsFailOnWarning = flag FailOnWarning True, optionsLogLevel = Nothing }
knownFailuresForPath :: FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
knownFailuresForPath _ Nothing = pure []
knownFailuresForPath tsDir (Just path) = do
known <- BC.lines <$> B.readFile (tsDir </> path)
2018-09-18 23:00:31 +03:00
pure $ (tsDir </>) . BC.unpack <$> stripComments known
where stripComments = filter (\line -> not (BC.null line) && BC.head line == '#')
data LanguageExample
= LanguageExample
{ languageName :: FilePath
, languageExtension :: FilePath
, languageExampleDir :: FilePath
, languageKnownFailuresTxt :: Maybe FilePath
} deriving (Eq, Show)
le :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> LanguageExample
le = LanguageExample
languages :: [LanguageExample]
languages =
[ le "python" ".py" "examples" (Just "script/known_failures.txt")
, le "ruby" ".rb" "examples" (Just "script/known_failures.txt")
2019-06-07 02:11:29 +03:00
, le "typescript" ".ts" "examples" (Just "typescript/script/known_failures.txt")
, le "typescript" ".tsx" "examples" (Just "typescript/script/known_failures.txt")
2018-09-19 01:32:56 +03:00
, le "typescript" ".js" "examples" Nothing -- parse JavaScript with TypeScript parser.
2019-01-31 18:59:37 +03:00
, le "go" ".go" "examples" (Just "script/known-failures.txt")
2018-09-18 23:00:31 +03:00
-- TODO: Java assignment errors need to be investigated
-- , le "java" ".java" "examples/guava" (Just "script/known_failures_guava.txt")
-- , le "java" ".java" "examples/elasticsearch" (Just "script/known_failures_elasticsearch.txt")
-- , le "java" ".java" "examples/RxJava" (Just "script/known_failures_RxJava.txt")
2018-09-18 23:00:31 +03:00
-- TODO: Haskell assignment errors need to be investigated
-- , le "haskell" ".hs" "examples/effects" (Just "script/known-failures-effects.txt")
-- , le "haskell" ".hs" "examples/postgrest" (Just "script/known-failures-postgrest.txt")
-- , le "haskell" ".hs" "examples/ivory" (Just "script/known-failures-ivory.txt")
-- , ("php", ".php") -- TODO: No parse-examples in tree-sitter yet
2019-02-01 01:13:26 +03:00
parseFilePath :: (Member (Error SomeException) sig, Member Distribute sig, Member Task sig, Member Files sig, Carrier sig m, MonadIO m) => FilePath -> m Bool
2019-05-22 05:28:32 +03:00
parseFilePath path = readBlob (fileForPath path) >>= parseTermBuilder @[] TermShow . pure >>= const (pure True)
languagesDir :: FilePath
2019-06-11 21:54:48 +03:00
languagesDir = "tmp/haskell-tree-sitter/languages"