2016-06-27 20:15:03 +03:00
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
2016-06-27 20:12:06 +03:00
module Diff.Spec where
2016-06-27 20:15:03 +03:00
import Category
2017-01-08 07:17:05 +03:00
import Data.Bifunctor.Join
import Data.Functor.Listable
2017-02-08 19:15:37 +03:00
import Data.RandomWalkSimilarity
2017-01-08 07:17:05 +03:00
import Data.String
2016-06-27 20:12:06 +03:00
import Diff
2017-02-08 19:15:37 +03:00
import Info
2016-06-27 20:15:03 +03:00
import Interpreter
2017-01-08 07:17:05 +03:00
import Patch
2016-06-27 20:12:06 +03:00
import Prologue
2017-01-08 07:17:05 +03:00
import Term
2016-06-27 20:12:06 +03:00
import Test.Hspec
2017-01-08 07:17:05 +03:00
import Test.Hspec.LeanCheck
2016-06-27 20:12:06 +03:00
spec :: Spec
spec = parallel $ do
2017-02-08 19:15:37 +03:00
let decorate = defaultFeatureVectorDecorator (category . headF)
2016-06-27 20:18:20 +03:00
prop "equality is reflexive" $
2017-01-08 07:17:05 +03:00
\ a -> let diff = unListableDiff a :: SyntaxDiff String '[Category] in
2016-06-27 20:21:32 +03:00
diff `shouldBe` diff
2016-06-27 20:18:20 +03:00
2016-07-13 00:29:47 +03:00
prop "equal terms produce identity diffs" $
2017-02-08 19:15:37 +03:00
\ a -> let term = decorate (unListableF a :: SyntaxTerm String '[Category]) in
diffCost (diffTerms wrap (==) diffCost term term) `shouldBe` 0
2016-06-27 20:18:20 +03:00
2016-06-27 20:23:43 +03:00
describe "beforeTerm" $ do
prop "recovers the before term" $
2017-02-08 19:15:37 +03:00
\ a b -> let diff = stripDiff $ diffTerms wrap (==) diffCost (decorate (unListableF a)) (decorate (unListableF b :: SyntaxTerm String '[Category])) in
2017-01-08 07:17:05 +03:00
beforeTerm diff `shouldBe` Just (unListableF a)
2016-06-27 20:15:03 +03:00
2016-06-27 20:24:50 +03:00
describe "afterTerm" $ do
prop "recovers the after term" $
2017-02-08 19:15:37 +03:00
\ a b -> let diff = stripDiff $ diffTerms wrap (==) diffCost (decorate (unListableF a)) (decorate (unListableF b :: SyntaxTerm String '[Category])) in
2017-01-08 07:17:05 +03:00
afterTerm diff `shouldBe` Just (unListableF b)
2016-06-27 20:24:50 +03:00
2017-01-08 07:17:05 +03:00
unListableDiff :: Functor f => ListableF (Free (TermF f (ListableF (Join (,)) annotation))) (Patch (ListableF (Term f) annotation)) -> Diff f annotation
unListableDiff diff = transFreeT (first unListableF) $ fmap unListableF <$> unListableF diff