mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2024-12-22 14:21:31 +03:00

Results hold errors instead of text.

This commit is contained in:
Rob Rix 2017-04-28 15:45:13 -04:00
parent 3d1e74bf4e
commit 0168773814

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@ -11,19 +11,17 @@ module Data.Syntax.Assignment
, Node
, Result(..)
, Error(..)
, assignAll
, runAssignment
, AssignmentState(..)
) where
import Control.Monad.Free.Freer
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Functor.Classes
import Data.Functor.Foldable hiding (Nil)
import qualified Data.IntMap.Lazy as IntMap
import Data.List ((!!))
import Data.Record
import Data.Text (unpack)
import qualified Info
import Prologue hiding (Alt, get, Location, state)
import Range (offsetRange)
@ -80,27 +78,27 @@ type AST grammar = Rose (Node grammar)
-- | The result of assignment, possibly containing an error.
data Result a = Result [Text] (Maybe a)
data Result symbol a = Result [Error symbol] (Maybe a)
deriving (Eq, Foldable, Functor, Traversable)
data Error symbol = Error { errorLine :: Int, errorColumn :: Int, errorSymbols :: [symbol] }
data Error symbol = Error { errorPos :: Info.SourcePos, errorSymbols :: [symbol] }
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Run an assignment of nodes in a grammar onto terms in a syntax, discarding any unparsed nodes.
assignAll :: (Symbol grammar, Enum grammar, Eq grammar, Show grammar) => Assignment (Node grammar) a -> Source.Source -> [AST grammar] -> Result a
assignAll :: (Symbol grammar, Enum grammar, Eq grammar, Show grammar) => Assignment (Node grammar) a -> Source.Source -> [AST grammar] -> Result grammar a
assignAll assignment = (fmap snd .) . (assignAllFrom assignment .) . AssignmentState 0 (Info.SourcePos 1 1)
assignAllFrom :: (Symbol grammar, Enum grammar, Eq grammar, Show grammar) => Assignment (Node grammar) a -> AssignmentState grammar -> Result (AssignmentState grammar, a)
assignAllFrom :: (Symbol grammar, Enum grammar, Eq grammar, Show grammar) => Assignment (Node grammar) a -> AssignmentState grammar -> Result grammar (AssignmentState grammar, a)
assignAllFrom assignment state = case runAssignment assignment state of
Result es (Just (state, a)) -> case stateNodes (dropAnonymous state) of
[] -> Result [] (Just (state, a))
c:_ -> Result ("Expected end of input, but got: " <> show c : es) Nothing
_:_ -> Result (Error (statePos state) [] : es) Nothing
r -> r
-- | Run an assignment of nodes in a grammar onto terms in a syntax.
runAssignment :: forall grammar a. (Symbol grammar, Enum grammar, Eq grammar, Show grammar) => Assignment (Node grammar) a -> AssignmentState grammar -> Result (AssignmentState grammar, a)
runAssignment :: forall grammar a. (Symbol grammar, Enum grammar, Eq grammar, Show grammar) => Assignment (Node grammar) a -> AssignmentState grammar -> Result grammar (AssignmentState grammar, a)
runAssignment = iterFreer run . fmap (\ a state -> Result [] (Just (state, a)))
where run :: AssignmentF (Node grammar) x -> (x -> AssignmentState grammar -> Result (AssignmentState grammar, a)) -> AssignmentState grammar -> Result (AssignmentState grammar, a)
where run :: AssignmentF (Node grammar) x -> (x -> AssignmentState grammar -> Result grammar (AssignmentState grammar, a)) -> AssignmentState grammar -> Result grammar (AssignmentState grammar, a)
run assignment yield initialState = case (assignment, stateNodes) of
(Location, Rose (_ :. location) _ : _) -> yield location state
(Location, []) -> yield (Info.Range stateOffset stateOffset :. Info.SourceSpan statePos statePos :. Nil) state
@ -111,14 +109,11 @@ runAssignment = iterFreer run . fmap (\ a state -> Result [] (Just (state, a)))
(Choose choices, Rose (symbol :. _) _ : _) | Just a <- IntMap.lookup (fromEnum symbol) choices -> yield a state
-- Nullability: some rules, e.g. 'pure a' and 'many a', should match at the end of input. Either side of an alternation may be nullable, ergo Alt can match at the end of input.
(Alt a b, _) -> yield a state <|> yield b state
_ -> Result [expectation <> maybe "end of input" (show . rhead . roseValue) (listToMaybe stateNodes) <> ":\n" <> toS (B.lines (Source.sourceText stateSource) !! pred (Info.line statePos)) <> "\n" <> toS (replicate (pred (Info.column statePos)) ' ') <> "^"] Nothing
_ -> Result [ Error statePos expectedSymbols ] Nothing
where state@AssignmentState{..} = dropAnonymous initialState
expectation = case assignment of
Source -> "Expected a leaf node but got "
Children _ -> "Expected a branch node but got "
Choose choices | [(i, _)] <- IntMap.toList choices -> "Expected " <> show ((toEnum :: Int -> grammar) i) <> " but got "
| otherwise -> "Expected one of " <> show ((toEnum :: Int -> grammar) <$> IntMap.keys choices) <> " but got "
_ -> "No rule to match at "
expectedSymbols = case assignment of
Choose choices -> ((toEnum :: Int -> grammar) <$> IntMap.keys choices)
_ -> []
dropAnonymous :: Symbol grammar => AssignmentState grammar -> AssignmentState grammar
dropAnonymous state = state { stateNodes = dropWhile ((/= Regular) . symbolType . rhead . roseValue) (stateNodes state) }
@ -163,17 +158,20 @@ data RoseF a f = RoseF a [f]
instance Recursive (Rose a) where project (Rose a as) = RoseF a as
instance Corecursive (Rose a) where embed (RoseF a as) = Rose a as
instance Show1 Result where
liftShowsPrec sp sl d (Result es a) = showsBinaryWith (const (foldr ((.) . (showString . unpack)) identity)) (liftShowsPrec sp sl) "Result" d es a
instance Show2 Result where
liftShowsPrec2 sp1 sl1 sp2 sl2 d (Result es a) = showsBinaryWith (liftShowsPrec (liftShowsPrec sp1 sl1) (liftShowList sp1 sl1)) (liftShowsPrec sp2 sl2) "Result" d es a
instance Show a => Show (Result a) where
showsPrec = showsPrec1
instance (Show symbol, Show a) => Show (Result symbol a) where
showsPrec = showsPrec2
instance Applicative Result where
instance Show1 Error where
liftShowsPrec sp sl d (Error p s) = showsBinaryWith showsPrec (liftShowsPrec sp sl) "Error" d p s
instance Applicative (Result symbol) where
pure = Result [] . Just
Result e1 f <*> Result e2 a = Result (e1 <> e2) (f <*> a)
instance Alternative Result where
instance Alternative (Result symbol) where
empty = Result [] Nothing
Result e (Just a) <|> _ = Result e (Just a)
Result e1 Nothing <|> Result e2 b = Result (e1 <> e2) b