mirror of
synced 2024-12-29 01:42:43 +03:00
Telemetry interface handles details of creating/closing async queues
This commit is contained in:
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ data Options
, optionsFailOnWarning :: Bool -- ^ Should semantic fail fast on assignment warnings (for testing)
data StatsAddr = StatsAddr { addrHost :: String, addrPort :: String }
data StatsAddr = StatsAddr { addrHost :: Stat.Host, addrPort :: Stat.Port }
defaultOptions :: Options
defaultOptions = Options (Just Warning) Nothing False
@ -76,40 +76,34 @@ defaultConfig' options@Options{..} = do
, configOptions = options
withTelemetry :: Config -> (TelemetryQueues -> IO c) -> IO c
withTelemetry config action =
withLoggerFromConfig config $ \logger ->
withHaystackFromConfig config (queueLogMessage logger Error) $ \haystack ->
withStatterFromConfig config $ \statter ->
action (TelemetryQueues logger statter haystack)
defaultHaystackFromConfig :: Config -> Haystack.ErrorLogger -> IO HaystackQueue
defaultHaystackFromConfig c@Config{..} logError = haystackClientFromConfig c >>= newAsyncQueue configMaxTelemetyQueueSize (Haystack.reportError logError)
withLoggerFromConfig :: Config -> (LogQueue -> IO c) -> IO c
withLoggerFromConfig Config{..} = withLogger opts configMaxTelemetyQueueSize
where opts = LogOptions {
logOptionsLevel = optionsLogLevel configOptions
, logOptionsFormatter = configLogFormatter
, logOptionsContext =
[ ("app", configAppName)
, ("pid", show configProcessID)
, ("hostname", configHostName)
, ("sha", buildSHA)
] <> [("request_id", x) | x <- toList (optionsRequestID configOptions) ]
haystackClientFromConfig :: Config -> IO HaystackClient
haystackClientFromConfig Config{..} = haystackClient configHaystackURL tlsManagerSettings configAppName
withHaystackFromConfig :: Config -> Haystack.ErrorLogger -> (HaystackQueue -> IO c) -> IO c
withHaystackFromConfig Config{..} errorLogger =
withHaystack configHaystackURL tlsManagerSettings configAppName errorLogger configMaxTelemetyQueueSize
withLogger :: Config -> (LogQueue -> IO c) -> IO c
withLogger c = bracket (defaultLoggerFromConfig c) closeAsyncQueue
defaultLoggerFromConfig :: Config -> IO LogQueue
defaultLoggerFromConfig Config{..} =
newAsyncQueue configMaxTelemetyQueueSize Log.writeLogMessage LogOptions {
logOptionsLevel = optionsLogLevel configOptions
, logOptionsFormatter = configLogFormatter
, logOptionsContext =
[ ("app", configAppName)
, ("pid", show configProcessID)
, ("hostname", configHostName)
, ("sha", buildSHA)
] <> [("request_id", x) | x <- toList (optionsRequestID configOptions) ]
withStatter :: Config -> (StatQueue -> IO c) -> IO c
withStatter c = bracket (defaultStatterFromConfig c) $ \statter -> do
closeAsyncQueue statter
Stat.closeStatClient (asyncQueueExtra statter)
defaultStatterFromConfig :: Config -> IO StatQueue
defaultStatterFromConfig c@Config{..} = statsClientFromConfig c >>= newAsyncQueue configMaxTelemetyQueueSize Stat.sendStat
statsClientFromConfig :: Config -> IO StatsClient
statsClientFromConfig Config{..} = statsClient (addrHost configStatsAddr) (addrPort configStatsAddr) configAppName
withStatterFromConfig :: Config -> (StatQueue -> IO c) -> IO c
withStatterFromConfig Config{..} = withStatter host port configAppName configMaxTelemetyQueueSize
where host = addrHost configStatsAddr
port = addrPort configStatsAddr
lookupStatsAddr :: IO StatsAddr
lookupStatsAddr = do
@ -75,7 +75,6 @@ import Semantic.Distribute
import qualified Semantic.IO as IO
import Semantic.Resolution
import Semantic.Telemetry
import Semantic.Telemetry.Stat as Stat
import Serializing.Format hiding (Options)
import System.Exit (die)
@ -130,9 +129,8 @@ runTask = runTaskWithOptions defaultOptions
runTaskWithOptions :: Options -> TaskEff a -> IO a
runTaskWithOptions opts task = do
config <- defaultConfig' opts
result <- withLogger config $ \logger ->
withStatter config $ \statter ->
runTaskWithConfig config logger statter task
result <- withTelemetry config $ \(TelemetryQueues logger statter _) ->
runTaskWithConfig config logger statter task
either (die . displayException) pure result
-- | Execute a 'TaskEff' yielding its result value in 'IO'.
@ -197,26 +195,26 @@ runParser blob@Blob{..} parser = case parser of
AssignmentParser parser assignment -> do
ast <- runParser blob parser `catchError` \ (SomeException err) -> do
writeStat (Stat.increment "parse.parse_failures" languageTag)
writeStat (increment "parse.parse_failures" languageTag)
writeLog Error "failed parsing" (("task", "parse") : blobFields)
throwError (toException err)
config <- ask
time "parse.assign" languageTag $
case Assignment.assign blobSource assignment ast of
Left err -> do
writeStat (Stat.increment "parse.assign_errors" languageTag)
writeStat (increment "parse.assign_errors" languageTag)
logError config Error blob err (("task", "assign") : blobFields)
throwError (toException err)
Right term -> do
for_ (errors term) $ \ err -> case Error.errorActual err of
Just "ParseError" -> do
writeStat (Stat.increment "parse.parse_errors" languageTag)
writeStat (increment "parse.parse_errors" languageTag)
logError config Warning blob err (("task", "parse") : blobFields)
_ -> do
writeStat (Stat.increment "parse.assign_warnings" languageTag)
writeStat (increment "parse.assign_warnings" languageTag)
logError config Warning blob err (("task", "assign") : blobFields)
when (optionsFailOnWarning (configOptions config)) $ throwError (toException err)
writeStat (Stat.count "parse.nodes" (length term) languageTag)
writeStat (count "parse.nodes" (length term) languageTag)
pure term
MarkdownParser ->
time "parse.cmark_parse" languageTag $
@ -2,9 +2,13 @@
module Semantic.Telemetry
-- Async telemetry interface
, withHaystack
, withStatter
, LogQueue
, StatQueue
, HaystackQueue
, TelemetryQueues(..)
, queueLogMessage
, queueErrorReport
, queueStat
@ -43,20 +47,54 @@ module Semantic.Telemetry
, ignoreTelemetry
) where
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad.Effect
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Semantic.Telemetry.AsyncQueue
import Semantic.Telemetry.Haystack
import Semantic.Telemetry.Log
import Semantic.Telemetry.Stat as Stat
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad.Effect
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import qualified Data.Time.Clock.POSIX as Time (getCurrentTime)
import qualified Data.Time.LocalTime as LocalTime
import Network.HTTP.Client
import Semantic.Telemetry.AsyncQueue
import Semantic.Telemetry.Haystack
import Semantic.Telemetry.Log
import Semantic.Telemetry.Stat as Stat
type LogQueue = AsyncQueue Message LogOptions
type StatQueue = AsyncQueue Stat StatsClient
type HaystackQueue = AsyncQueue ErrorReport HaystackClient
data TelemetryQueues
= TelemetryQueues
{ telemetryLogger :: LogQueue
, telemetryStatter :: StatQueue
, telemetryHaystack :: HaystackQueue
-- | Execute an action in IO with access to a logger (async log queue).
withLogger :: LogOptions -- ^ Log options
-> Int -- ^ Max stats queue size before dropping stats
-> (LogQueue -> IO c) -- ^ Action in IO
-> IO c
withLogger options size = bracket setup closeAsyncQueue
where setup = newAsyncQueue size writeLogMessage options
-- | Execute an action in IO with access to haystack (async error reporting queue).
withHaystack :: Maybe String -> ManagerSettings -> String -> ErrorLogger -> Int -> (HaystackQueue -> IO c) -> IO c
withHaystack url settings appName errorLogger size = bracket setup closeAsyncQueue
where setup = haystackClient url settings appName >>= newAsyncQueue size (reportError errorLogger)
-- | Execute an action in IO with access to a statter (async stat queue).
-- Handles the bracketed setup and teardown of the underlying 'AsyncQueue' and
-- 'StatsClient'.
withStatter :: Host -- ^ Statsd host
-> Port -- ^ Statsd port
-> Namespace -- ^ Namespace prefix for stats
-> Int -- ^ Max stats queue size before dropping stats
-> (StatQueue -> IO c) -- ^ Action in IO
-> IO c
withStatter host port ns size = bracket setup teardown
where setup = statsClient host port ns >>= newAsyncQueue size sendStat
teardown statter = closeAsyncQueue statter >> Stat.closeStatClient (asyncQueueExtra statter)
-- | Queue a message to be logged.
queueLogMessage :: MonadIO io => LogQueue -> Level -> String -> [(String, String)] -> io ()
queueLogMessage q@AsyncQueue{..} level message pairs
@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ module Semantic.Telemetry.Stat
, set
, Stat
, Tags
, Host
, Port
, Namespace
-- Client
, statsClient
@ -99,17 +102,21 @@ data StatsClient
= StatsClient
{ statsClientUDPSocket :: Socket
, statsClientNamespace :: String
, statsClientUDPHost :: String
, statsClientUDPPort :: String
, statsClientUDPHost :: Host
, statsClientUDPPort :: Port
type Host = String
type Port = String
type Namespace = String
-- | Create a StatsClient at the specified host and port with a namespace prefix.
statsClient :: MonadIO io => String -> String -> String -> io StatsClient
statsClient host port statsClientNamespace = liftIO $ do
statsClient :: MonadIO io => Host -> Port -> Namespace -> io StatsClient
statsClient host port ns = liftIO $ do
(addr:_) <- getAddrInfo Nothing (Just host) (Just port)
sock <- socket (addrFamily addr) Datagram defaultProtocol
connect sock (addrAddress addr)
pure (StatsClient sock statsClientNamespace host port)
pure (StatsClient sock ns host port)
-- | Close the client's underlying socket.
closeStatClient :: MonadIO io => StatsClient -> io ()
Reference in New Issue
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