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synced 2025-01-01 11:46:14 +03:00
Remove Data.Abstract.Environment
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@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass, DerivingStrategies, GADTs #-}
module Data.Abstract.Environment
( Environment(..)
, Bindings(..)
, EvalContext(..)
, EnvironmentError(..)
, addresses
, aliasBindings
, allNames
, delete
, flatPairs
, head
, insert
, insertEnv
, intersect
, lookup
, lookupEnv'
, names
, newEnv
, overwrite
, pairs
, pop
, push
, roots
, unpairs
) where
import Data.Abstract.Live
import Data.Abstract.Name
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Prelude hiding (head, lookup)
import Prologue
-- | A map of names to values. Represents a single scope level of an environment chain.
newtype Bindings address = Bindings { unBindings :: Map.Map Name address }
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Generic)
deriving anyclass (NFData)
instance Semigroup (Bindings address) where
(<>) (Bindings a) (Bindings b) = Bindings (a <> b)
instance Monoid (Bindings address) where
mempty = Bindings mempty
mappend = (<>)
instance Lower (Bindings address) where
lowerBound = mempty
instance Show address => Show (Bindings address) where
showsPrec d = showsUnaryWith showsPrec "Bindings" d . pairs
-- | A LIFO stack of maps of names to addresses, representing a lexically-scoped evaluation environment.
-- All behaviors can be assumed to be frontmost-biased: looking up "a" will check the most specific
-- scope for "a", then the next, and so on.
newtype Environment address = Environment { unEnvironment :: NonEmpty (Bindings address) }
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Generic)
deriving anyclass (NFData)
data EvalContext address = EvalContext { ctxSelf :: Maybe address, ctxEnvironment :: Environment address }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, NFData)
-- | Errors involving the environment.
data EnvironmentError address return where
FreeVariable :: Name -> EnvironmentError address address
instance NFData1 (EnvironmentError address) where
liftRnf _ (FreeVariable n) = rnf n
instance (NFData return) => NFData (EnvironmentError address return) where
rnf = liftRnf rnf
deriving instance Eq (EnvironmentError address return)
deriving instance Show (EnvironmentError address return)
instance Show1 (EnvironmentError address) where liftShowsPrec _ _ = showsPrec
instance Eq1 (EnvironmentError address) where liftEq _ (FreeVariable n1) (FreeVariable n2) = n1 == n2
instance Lower (EvalContext address) where
lowerBound = EvalContext Nothing lowerBound
-- | Make and enter a new empty scope in the given environment.
push :: Environment address -> Environment address
push (Environment (a :| as)) = Environment (mempty :| a : as)
-- | Remove the frontmost scope.
pop :: Environment address -> Environment address
pop (Environment (_ :| [])) = lowerBound
pop (Environment (_ :| a : as)) = Environment (a :| as)
-- | Return the frontmost (ie. most local) frame of bindings in the environment
head :: Environment address -> Bindings address
head (Environment (a :| _)) = a
-- | Extract an association list of bindings from a 'Bindings'.
-- >>> pairs (head shadowed)
-- [("foo",Precise 1)]
pairs :: Bindings address -> [(Name, address)]
pairs = Map.toList . unBindings
unpairs :: [(Name, address)] -> Bindings address
unpairs = Bindings . Map.fromList
flatPairs :: Environment address -> [(Name, address)]
flatPairs = (>>= pairs) . toList . unEnvironment
newEnv :: Bindings address -> Environment address
newEnv = Environment . pure
-- | Lookup a 'Name' in the bindings.
lookup :: Name -> Bindings address -> Maybe address
lookup name = Map.lookup name . unBindings
-- | Lookup a 'Name' in the environment.
lookupEnv' :: Name -> Environment address -> Maybe address
lookupEnv' name = foldMapA (lookup name) . unEnvironment
-- | Insert a 'Name' in the bindings
insert :: Name -> address -> Bindings address -> Bindings address
insert name addr = Bindings . Map.insert name addr . unBindings
-- | Insert a 'Name' in the environment
insertEnv :: Name -> address -> Environment address -> Environment address
insertEnv name addr (Environment (Bindings a :| as)) = Environment (Bindings (Map.insert name addr a) :| as)
-- | Remove a 'Name' from the environment.
delete :: Name -> Environment address -> Environment address
delete name = trim . Environment . fmap (Bindings . Map.delete name . unBindings) . unEnvironment
trim :: Environment address -> Environment address
trim (Environment (a :| as)) = Environment (a :| filtered)
where filtered = filter (not . Map.null . unBindings) as
intersect :: Foldable t => t Name -> Environment address -> Environment address
intersect names env = newEnv (unpairs (mapMaybe lookupName (toList names)))
lookupName name = (,) name <$> lookupEnv' name env
-- | Get all bound 'Name's in a binding.
names :: Bindings address -> [Name]
names = fmap fst . pairs
-- | Order preserving deduplication in O(n log n) time
dedup :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
dedup = go Set.empty
go _ [] = []
go seen (x:xs)
| Set.member x seen = go seen xs
| otherwise = x : go (Set.insert x seen) xs
-- | Get all bound 'Name's in an environment.
allNames :: Environment address -> [Name]
allNames = dedup . fmap fst . flatPairs
aliasBindings :: [(Name, Name)] -> Bindings address -> Bindings address
aliasBindings pairs binds = unpairs $ mapMaybe lookupAndAlias pairs
lookupAndAlias (oldName, newName) = (,) newName <$> Map.lookup oldName (unBindings binds)
-- | Lookup and alias name-value bindings from an environment.
overwrite :: [(Name, Name)] -> Environment address -> Environment address
overwrite pairs env = newEnv . unpairs $ mapMaybe lookupAndAlias pairs
lookupAndAlias (oldName, newName) = (,) newName <$> lookupEnv' oldName env
-- | Retrieve the 'Live' set of addresses to which the given free variable names are bound.
-- Unbound names are silently dropped.
roots :: (Ord address, Foldable t) => Environment address -> t Name -> Live address
roots env names = addresses (names `intersect` env)
addresses :: Ord address => Environment address -> Live address
addresses = fromAddresses . map snd . flatPairs
instance Lower (Environment address) where lowerBound = Environment (lowerBound :| [])
-- N.B. this show instance drops some information to avoid generating
-- an infinite string in certain cases. As such, two unequal
-- environments may produce equal outputs over Show.
instance Show address => Show (Environment address) where
showsPrec d = showsUnaryWith showsPrec "Environment" d . flatPairs
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ module Data.Abstract.Exports
, toBindings
, toBindings
) where
) where
import Data.Abstract.Environment (Bindings, unpairs)
import Data.Abstract.Name
import Data.Abstract.Name
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Prelude hiding (null)
import Prelude hiding (null)
@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import qualified Assigning.Assignment.Spec
import qualified Control.Abstract.Evaluator.Spec
import qualified Control.Abstract.Evaluator.Spec
import qualified Control.Rewriting.Spec
import qualified Control.Rewriting.Spec
import qualified Data.Diff.Spec
import qualified Data.Diff.Spec
import qualified Data.Abstract.Environment.Spec
import qualified Data.Abstract.Name.Spec
import qualified Data.Abstract.Name.Spec
import qualified Data.Abstract.Path.Spec
import qualified Data.Abstract.Path.Spec
import qualified Data.Functor.Classes.Generic.Spec
import qualified Data.Functor.Classes.Generic.Spec
@ -56,7 +55,6 @@ main = do
describe "Control.Rewriting.Spec" Control.Rewriting.Spec.spec
describe "Control.Rewriting.Spec" Control.Rewriting.Spec.spec
describe "Data.Diff" Data.Diff.Spec.spec
describe "Data.Diff" Data.Diff.Spec.spec
describe "Data.Graph" Data.Graph.Spec.spec
describe "Data.Graph" Data.Graph.Spec.spec
describe "Data.Abstract.Environment.Spec" Data.Abstract.Environment.Spec.spec
describe "Data.Abstract.Path" Data.Abstract.Path.Spec.spec
describe "Data.Abstract.Path" Data.Abstract.Path.Spec.spec
describe "Data.Abstract.Name" Data.Abstract.Name.Spec.spec
describe "Data.Abstract.Name" Data.Abstract.Name.Spec.spec
describe "Data.Functor.Classes.Generic" Data.Functor.Classes.Generic.Spec.spec
describe "Data.Functor.Classes.Generic" Data.Functor.Classes.Generic.Spec.spec
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