mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2025-01-03 04:51:57 +03:00

handle missing files in CorpusSpec

This commit is contained in:
joshvera 2016-08-09 15:51:01 -04:00
parent 5aac311a88
commit 07dfb0f5d8

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, FlexibleContexts, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module CorpusSpec where
import Data.String
import Unsafe (unsafeFromJust)
import Diffing
import Renderer
import qualified Renderer.JSON as J
@ -11,14 +11,11 @@ import qualified Renderer.Split as Split
import Category
import Control.DeepSeq
import Data.Functor.Both
import Data.List as List
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Record
import Data.Set as Set
import Data.List (union)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Info
import Prologue hiding (fst, snd)
import Range
import Prologue hiding (fst, snd, lookup)
import qualified Source as S
import System.FilePath
import System.FilePath.Glob
@ -37,32 +34,36 @@ spec = parallel $ do
examples "test/diffs/" `shouldNotReturn` []
runTestsIn :: FilePath -> (Verbatim -> Verbatim -> Expectation) -> SpecWith ()
runTestsIn :: FilePath -> (Maybe Verbatim -> Maybe Verbatim -> Expectation) -> SpecWith ()
runTestsIn directory matcher = do
paths <- runIO $ examples directory
let tests = correctTests =<< paths
traverse_ (\ (formatName, renderer, paths, output) -> it (normalizeName (fst paths) ++ " (" ++ formatName ++ ")") $ testDiff renderer paths output matcher) tests
correctTests paths@(_, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing) = testsForPaths paths
correctTests paths = List.filter (\(_, _, _, output) -> isJust output) $ testsForPaths paths
testsForPaths (paths, json, patch, split) = [ ("json", J.json, paths, json), ("patch", P.patch, paths, patch), ("split", Split.split, paths, split) ]
traverse_ (\ (formatName, renderer, paths, output) ->
it (maybe "/dev/null" normalizeName (fst paths) ++ " (" ++ formatName ++ ")") $ testDiff renderer paths output matcher) tests
correctTests paths@(_, _, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing) = testsForPaths paths
correctTests paths = filter (\(_, _, _, output) -> isJust output) $ testsForPaths paths
testsForPaths (aPath, bPath, json, patch, split) = [ ("json", J.json, paths, json), ("patch", P.patch, paths, patch), ("split", Split.split, paths, split) ]
where paths = both aPath bPath
-- | Return all the examples from the given directory. Examples are expected to
-- | have the form "foo.A.js", "foo.B.js", "foo.patch.js". Diffs are not
-- | required as the test may be verifying that the inputs don't crash.
examples :: FilePath -> IO [(Both FilePath, Maybe FilePath, Maybe FilePath, Maybe FilePath)]
examples :: FilePath -> IO [(Maybe FilePath, Maybe FilePath, Maybe FilePath, Maybe FilePath, Maybe FilePath)]
examples directory = do
as <- toDict <$> globFor "*.A.*"
bs <- toDict <$> globFor "*.B.*"
jsons <- toDict <$> globFor "*.json.*"
patches <- toDict <$> globFor "*.patch.*"
splits <- toDict <$> globFor "*.split.*"
let keys = Set.unions $ keysSet <$> [as, bs]
pure $ (\name -> (both (as ! name) (bs ! name), Map.lookup name jsons, Map.lookup name patches, Map.lookup name splits)) <$> sort (Set.toList keys)
as <- globFor "*.A.*"
bs <- globFor "*.B.*"
jsons <- globFor "*.json.*"
patches <- globFor "*.patch.*"
splits <- globFor "*.split.*"
let lookupName name = (lookupNormalized name as, lookupNormalized name bs, lookupNormalized name jsons, lookupNormalized name patches, lookupNormalized name splits)
let keys = normalizeName <$> union as bs
pure $ lookupName <$> keys
lookupNormalized name = find $ (== name) . normalizeName
globFor :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
globFor p = globDir1 (compile p) directory
toDict list = Map.fromList ((normalizeName <$> list) `zip` list)
-- | Given a test name like "foo.A.js", return "foo.js".
normalizeName :: FilePath -> FilePath
@ -71,17 +72,23 @@ normalizeName path = addExtension (dropExtension $ dropExtension path) (takeExte
-- | Given file paths for A, B, and, optionally, a diff, return whether diffing
-- | the files will produce the diff. If no diff is provided, then the result
-- | is true, but the diff will still be calculated.
testDiff :: Renderer (Record '[Range, Category, Cost]) -> Both FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> (Verbatim -> Verbatim -> Expectation) -> Expectation
testDiff :: Renderer (Record '[Range, Category, Cost]) -> Both (Maybe FilePath) -> Maybe FilePath -> (Maybe Verbatim -> Maybe Verbatim -> Expectation) -> Expectation
testDiff renderer paths diff matcher = do
sources <- sequence $ readAndTranscodeFile <$> paths
actual <- Verbatim <$> diffFiles parser renderer (sourceBlobs sources)
sources <- traverse (traverse readAndTranscodeFile) paths
actual <- fmap Verbatim <$> traverse (diffFiles' sources) parser
case diff of
Nothing -> matcher actual actual
Just file -> do
expected <- Verbatim <$> readFile file
matcher actual expected
where parser = parserForFilepath (fst paths)
sourceBlobs sources = pure S.SourceBlob <*> sources <*> pure mempty <*> paths <*> pure (Just S.defaultPlainBlob)
matcher actual (Just expected)
where diffFiles' sources parser = diffFiles parser renderer (sourceBlobs sources paths)
parser = parserForFilepath <$> runBothWith (<|>) paths
sourceBlobs :: Both (Maybe (S.Source Char)) -> Both (Maybe FilePath) -> Both S.SourceBlob
sourceBlobs sources paths = case runJoin paths of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> Join (S.emptySourceBlob "", S.emptySourceBlob "")
(Nothing, Just filepath) -> Join (S.emptySourceBlob "", S.sourceBlob (unsafeFromJust $ snd sources) filepath)
(Just filepath, Nothing) -> Join (S.sourceBlob (unsafeFromJust $ fst sources) filepath, S.emptySourceBlob "")
(Just path1, Just path2) -> Join (S.sourceBlob (unsafeFromJust $ fst sources) path1, S.sourceBlob (unsafeFromJust $ snd sources) path2)
-- | A wrapper around `Text` with a more readable `Show` instance.
newtype Verbatim = Verbatim Text