mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2024-12-14 17:31:48 +03:00

Don’t use record wildcards to unpack ScopeGraph.

This commit is contained in:
Rob Rix 2018-12-05 15:32:06 -05:00
parent dc2b94eef2
commit 0daef02edc

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@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ lookupScope scope = Map.lookup scope . graph
-- Declare a declaration with a span and an associated scope in the scope graph.
-- TODO: Return the whole value in Maybe or Either.
declare :: Ord scope => Declaration -> Span -> Maybe scope -> scope -> ScopeGraph scope -> (ScopeGraph scope, Maybe Position)
declare declaration ddata assocScope currentScope g@ScopeGraph{..} = fromMaybe (g, Nothing) $ do
declare declaration ddata assocScope currentScope g = fromMaybe (g, Nothing) $ do
scope <- lookupScope currentScope g
dataSeq <- ddataOfScope currentScope g
@ -134,25 +134,25 @@ declare declaration ddata assocScope currentScope g@ScopeGraph{..} = fromMaybe (
Just index -> pure (g, Just (Position index))
Nothing -> do
let newScope = scope { declarations = declarations scope Seq.|> (declaration, (ddata, assocScope)) }
pure (g { graph = Map.insert currentScope newScope graph }, Just (Position (length (declarations newScope))))
pure (ScopeGraph (Map.insert currentScope newScope (graph g)), Just (Position (length (declarations newScope))))
-- | Add a reference to a declaration in the scope graph.
-- Returns the original scope graph if the declaration could not be found.
reference :: Ord scope => Reference -> Declaration -> scope -> ScopeGraph scope -> ScopeGraph scope
reference ref decl@Declaration{..} currentAddress g@ScopeGraph{..} = fromMaybe g $ do
reference ref decl@Declaration{..} currentAddress g= fromMaybe g $ do
-- Start from the current address
currentScope' <- lookupScope currentAddress g
-- Build a path up to the declaration
go currentScope' currentAddress id
go currentScope address path
= ScopeGraph . flip (Map.insert currentAddress) graph . modifyReferences currentScope . Map.insert ref . path . DPath decl . snd <$> lookupDeclaration unDeclaration address g
= ScopeGraph . flip (Map.insert currentAddress) (graph g) . modifyReferences currentScope . Map.insert ref . path . DPath decl . snd <$> lookupDeclaration unDeclaration address g
<|> traverseEdges' Superclass <|> traverseEdges' Import <|> traverseEdges' Lexical
where traverseEdges' edge = linksOfScope address g >>= Map.lookup edge >>= traverseEdges path (go currentScope) edge
-- | Insert a reference into the given scope by constructing a resolution path to the declaration within the given scope graph.
insertImportReference :: Ord address => Reference -> Declaration -> address -> ScopeGraph address -> Scope address -> Maybe (Scope address)
insertImportReference ref decl@Declaration{..} currentAddress g@ScopeGraph{..} scope = go currentAddress (EPath Import currentAddress)
insertImportReference ref decl@Declaration{..} currentAddress g scope = go currentAddress (EPath Import currentAddress)
go address path
= modifyReferences scope . Map.insert ref . path . DPath decl . snd <$> lookupDeclaration unDeclaration address g
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ insertImportReference ref decl@Declaration{..} currentAddress g@ScopeGraph{..} s
where traverseEdges' edge = linksOfScope address g >>= Map.lookup edge >>= traverseEdges path go edge
lookupScopePath :: Ord scopeAddress => Name -> scopeAddress -> ScopeGraph scopeAddress -> Maybe (Path scopeAddress)
lookupScopePath declaration currentAddress g@ScopeGraph{..} = go currentAddress id
lookupScopePath declaration currentAddress g = go currentAddress id
go address path
= path . DPath (Declaration declaration) . snd <$> lookupDeclaration declaration address g
@ -192,45 +192,45 @@ putDeclarationScopeAtPosition :: Ord scopeAddress => scopeAddress -> Position ->
putDeclarationScopeAtPosition scope position assocScope g = fromMaybe g $ do
dataSeq <- ddataOfScope scope g
let seq = Seq.adjust' (\(d, (span, _)) -> (d, (span, assocScope))) (unPosition position) dataSeq
pure $ g { graph = Map.adjust (\s -> s { declarations = seq }) scope (graph g) }
pure $ ScopeGraph (Map.adjust (\s -> s { declarations = seq }) scope (graph g))
lookupReference :: Ord scopeAddress => Name -> scopeAddress -> ScopeGraph scopeAddress -> Maybe (Path scopeAddress)
lookupReference name scope g = Map.lookup (Reference name) =<< pathsOfScope scope g
insertEdge :: Ord scopeAddress => EdgeLabel -> scopeAddress -> scopeAddress -> ScopeGraph scopeAddress -> ScopeGraph scopeAddress
insertEdge label target currentAddress g@ScopeGraph{..} = fromMaybe g $ do
insertEdge label target currentAddress g = fromMaybe g $ do
currentScope' <- lookupScope currentAddress g
scopes <- maybeM (Just mempty) (Map.lookup label (edges currentScope'))
let newScope = currentScope' { edges = Map.insert label (target : scopes) (edges currentScope') }
pure (g { graph = Map.insert currentAddress newScope graph })
pure (ScopeGraph (Map.insert currentAddress newScope (graph g)))
-- | Insert associate the given associated scope into the declaration in the scope graph.
insertDeclarationScope :: Ord scopeAddress => Declaration -> scopeAddress -> scopeAddress -> ScopeGraph scopeAddress -> ScopeGraph scopeAddress
insertDeclarationScope decl@Declaration{..} address currentAddress g@ScopeGraph{..} = fromMaybe g $ do
insertDeclarationScope decl@Declaration{..} address currentAddress g = fromMaybe g $ do
declScope <- pathDeclarationScope currentAddress =<< lookupScopePath unDeclaration currentAddress g
(span, position) <- (fst . snd . fst &&& unPosition . snd) <$> lookupDeclaration unDeclaration declScope g
scope <- lookupScope declScope g
pure $ g { graph = Map.insert declScope (scope { declarations = Seq.adjust (const (decl, (span, Just address))) position (declarations scope) }) graph }
pure $ ScopeGraph (Map.insert declScope (scope { declarations = Seq.adjust (const (decl, (span, Just address))) position (declarations scope) }) (graph g))
-- | Insert a declaration span into the declaration in the scope graph.
insertDeclarationSpan :: Ord scopeAddress => Declaration -> Span -> ScopeGraph scopeAddress -> ScopeGraph scopeAddress
insertDeclarationSpan decl@Declaration{..} span g@ScopeGraph{..} = fromMaybe g $ do
insertDeclarationSpan decl@Declaration{..} span g = fromMaybe g $ do
declScope <- scopeOfDeclaration decl g
(associatedScope, position) <- (snd . snd . fst &&& unPosition . snd) <$> lookupDeclaration unDeclaration declScope g
scope <- lookupScope declScope g
pure $ g { graph = Map.insert declScope (scope { declarations = Seq.adjust (const (decl, (span, associatedScope))) position (declarations scope) }) graph }
pure $ ScopeGraph (Map.insert declScope (scope { declarations = Seq.adjust (const (decl, (span, associatedScope))) position (declarations scope) }) (graph g))
-- | Insert a new scope with the given address and edges into the scope graph.
newScope :: Ord address => address -> Map EdgeLabel [address] -> ScopeGraph address -> ScopeGraph address
newScope address edges = insertScope address (Scope edges mempty mempty)
insertScope :: Ord address => address -> Scope address -> ScopeGraph address -> ScopeGraph address
insertScope address scope g@ScopeGraph{..} = g { graph = Map.insert address scope graph }
insertScope address scope = ScopeGraph . Map.insert address scope . graph
-- | Returns the scope of a reference in the scope graph.
scopeOfRef :: Ord scope => Reference -> ScopeGraph scope -> Maybe scope
scopeOfRef ref g@ScopeGraph{..} = go (Map.keys graph)
scopeOfRef ref g = go (Map.keys (graph g))
go (s : scopes') = fromMaybe (go scopes') $ do
pathMap <- pathsOfScope s g
@ -247,13 +247,13 @@ pathOfRef ref graph = do
-- Returns the scope the declaration was declared in.
scopeOfDeclaration :: Ord scope => Declaration -> ScopeGraph scope -> Maybe scope
scopeOfDeclaration Declaration{..} g@ScopeGraph{..} = go (Map.keys graph)
scopeOfDeclaration Declaration{..} g = go (Map.keys (graph g))
go = foldr (\ scope -> (scope <$ lookupDeclaration unDeclaration scope g <|>)) Nothing
-- | Returns the scope associated with a declaration (the child scope if any exists).
associatedScope :: Ord scope => Declaration -> ScopeGraph scope -> Maybe scope
associatedScope Declaration{..} g@ScopeGraph{..} = go (Map.keys graph)
associatedScope Declaration{..} g = go (Map.keys (graph g))
go = foldr (\ scope -> ((lookupDeclaration unDeclaration scope g >>= snd . snd . fst) <|>)) Nothing