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synced 2025-01-02 20:41:38 +03:00
Merge branch 'master' into python-assignment
This commit is contained in:
@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ module Data.Syntax.Assignment
, Result(..)
, Error(..)
, ErrorCause(..)
, showError
, assign
, runAssignment
@ -136,7 +137,7 @@ data Rose a = Rose { roseValue :: !a, roseChildren :: ![Rose a] }
type Location = Record '[Info.Range, Info.SourceSpan]
-- | The label annotating a node in the AST, specified as the pairing of its symbol and location information.
type Node grammar = Record '[grammar, Info.Range, Info.SourceSpan]
type Node grammar = Record '[Maybe grammar, Info.Range, Info.SourceSpan]
-- | An abstract syntax tree in some 'grammar', with symbols and location information annotating each node.
type AST grammar = Rose (Node grammar)
@ -150,13 +151,18 @@ data Error symbol where
:: HasCallStack
=> { errorPos :: Info.SourcePos
, errorExpected :: [symbol]
, errorActual :: Maybe symbol
, errorCause :: ErrorCause symbol
} -> Error symbol
deriving instance Eq symbol => Eq (Error symbol)
deriving instance Show symbol => Show (Error symbol)
data ErrorCause symbol
= UnexpectedSymbol [symbol] symbol
| UnexpectedEndOfInput [symbol]
| ParseError [symbol]
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Pretty-print an Error with reference to the source where it occurred.
showError :: Show symbol => Source.Source -> Error symbol -> ShowS
showError source Error{..}
@ -164,10 +170,11 @@ showError source Error{..}
. showString context -- actualLines results include line endings, so no newline here
. showString (replicate (succ (Info.column errorPos + lineNumberDigits)) ' ') . showChar '^' . showChar '\n'
. showString (prettyCallStack callStack) . showChar '\n'
where showExpectation = case (errorExpected, errorActual) of
([], Nothing) -> showString "no rule to match at end of input nodes"
(symbols, Nothing) -> showString "expected " . showSymbols symbols . showString " at end of input nodes"
(symbols, Just a) -> showString "expected " . showSymbols symbols . showString ", but got " . shows a
where showExpectation = case errorCause of
UnexpectedEndOfInput [] -> showString "no rule to match at end of input nodes"
UnexpectedEndOfInput symbols -> showString "expected " . showSymbols symbols . showString " at end of input nodes"
UnexpectedSymbol symbols a -> showString "expected " . showSymbols symbols . showString ", but got " . shows a
ParseError symbols -> showString "expected " . showSymbols symbols . showString ", but got parse error"
context = maybe "\n" (toS . Source.sourceText . sconcat) (nonEmpty [ Source.Source (toS (showLineNumber i)) <> Source.Source ": " <> l | (i, l) <- zip [1..] (Source.actualLines source), inRange (Info.line errorPos - 2, Info.line errorPos) i ])
showLineNumber n = let s = show n in replicate (lineNumberDigits - length s) ' ' <> s
lineNumberDigits = succ (floor (logBase 10 (fromIntegral (Info.line errorPos) :: Double)))
@ -190,7 +197,8 @@ assignAllFrom :: (Symbol grammar, Enum grammar, Eq grammar, Show grammar, HasCal
assignAllFrom assignment state = case runAssignment assignment state of
Result es (Just (state, a)) -> case stateNodes (dropAnonymous state) of
[] -> Result [] (Just (state, a))
Rose (s :. _) _ :_ -> Result (if null es then [ Error (statePos state) [] (Just s) ] else es) Nothing
Rose (Just s :. _) _ :_ -> Result (if null es then [ Error (statePos state) (UnexpectedSymbol [] s) ] else es) Nothing
Rose (Nothing :. _) _ :_ -> Result (if null es then [ Error (statePos state) (ParseError []) ] else es) Nothing
r -> r
-- | Run an assignment of nodes in a grammar onto terms in a syntax.
@ -204,11 +212,12 @@ runAssignment = iterFreer run . fmap (\ a state -> Result [] (Just (state, a)))
(Children childAssignment, Rose _ children : _) -> case assignAllFrom childAssignment state { stateNodes = children } of
Result _ (Just (state', a)) -> yield a (advanceState state' { stateNodes = stateNodes })
Result es Nothing -> Result es Nothing
(Choose choices, Rose (symbol :. _) _ : _) | Just a <- IntMap.lookup (fromEnum symbol) choices -> yield a state
(Choose choices, Rose (Just symbol :. _) _ : _) | Just a <- IntMap.lookup (fromEnum symbol) choices -> yield a state
-- Nullability: some rules, e.g. 'pure a' and 'many a', should match at the end of input. Either side of an alternation may be nullable, ergo Alt can match at the end of input.
(Alt a b, _) -> yield a state <|> yield b state
(_, []) -> Result [ Error statePos expectedSymbols Nothing ] Nothing
(_, Rose (symbol :. _ :. nodeSpan :. Nil) _:_) -> Result [ Error (Info.spanStart nodeSpan) expectedSymbols (Just symbol) ] Nothing
(_, []) -> Result [ Error statePos (UnexpectedEndOfInput expectedSymbols) ] Nothing
(_, Rose (Just symbol :. _ :. nodeSpan :. Nil) _:_) -> Result [ Error (Info.spanStart nodeSpan) (UnexpectedSymbol expectedSymbols symbol) ] Nothing
(_, Rose (Nothing :. _ :. nodeSpan :. Nil) _ : _) -> Result [ Error (Info.spanStart nodeSpan) (ParseError expectedSymbols) ] Nothing
where state@AssignmentState{..} = case assignment of
Choose choices | all ((== Regular) . symbolType) (choiceSymbols choices) -> dropAnonymous initialState
_ -> initialState
@ -218,7 +227,7 @@ runAssignment = iterFreer run . fmap (\ a state -> Result [] (Just (state, a)))
choiceSymbols choices = ((toEnum :: Int -> grammar) <$> IntMap.keys choices)
dropAnonymous :: Symbol grammar => AssignmentState grammar -> AssignmentState grammar
dropAnonymous state = state { stateNodes = dropWhile ((/= Regular) . symbolType . rhead . roseValue) (stateNodes state) }
dropAnonymous state = state { stateNodes = dropWhile ((`notElem` [Just Regular, Nothing]) . fmap symbolType . rhead . roseValue) (stateNodes state) }
-- | Advances the state past the current (head) node (if any), dropping it off stateNodes & its corresponding bytes off of stateSource, and updating stateOffset & statePos to its end. Exhausted 'AssignmentState's (those without any remaining nodes) are returned unchanged.
advanceState :: AssignmentState grammar -> AssignmentState grammar
@ -275,9 +284,13 @@ instance (Show symbol, Show a) => Show (Result symbol a) where
showsPrec = showsPrec2
instance Show1 Error where
liftShowsPrec sp sl d (Error p e a) = showsTernaryWith showsPrec (liftShowsPrec sp sl) (liftShowsPrec sp sl) "Error" d p e a
where showsTernaryWith sp1 sp2 sp3 name d x y z = showParen (d > 10) $
showString name . showChar ' ' . sp1 11 x . showChar ' ' . sp2 11 y . showChar ' ' . sp3 11 z
liftShowsPrec sp sl d (Error p c) = showsBinaryWith showsPrec (liftShowsPrec sp sl) "Error" d p c
instance Show1 ErrorCause where
liftShowsPrec sp sl d e = case e of
UnexpectedSymbol expected actual -> showsBinaryWith (liftShowsPrec sp sl) sp "UnexpectedSymbol" d expected actual
UnexpectedEndOfInput expected -> showsUnaryWith (liftShowsPrec sp sl) "UnexpectedEndOfInput" d expected
ParseError expected -> showsUnaryWith (liftShowsPrec sp sl) "ParseError" d expected
instance Applicative (Result symbol) where
pure = Result [] . Just
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module TreeSitter
( treeSitterParser
, parseRubyToTerm
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ module TreeSitter
import Prologue hiding (Constructor)
import Category
import Data.Functor.Foldable hiding (Nil)
import Data.Ix
import Data.Record
import qualified Data.Syntax.Assignment as A
import Language
@ -94,17 +95,21 @@ parsePythonToTerm source = do
Just a -> pure (Just a)
_ -> traverse_ (putStrLn . ($ "") . A.showError source) errors >> pure Nothing
toAST :: Enum grammar => Node -> IO (A.RoseF (A.Node grammar) Node)
toAST :: (Bounded grammar, Enum grammar) => Node -> IO (A.RoseF (A.Node grammar) Node)
toAST node@Node{..} = do
let count = fromIntegral nodeChildCount
children <- allocaArray count $ \ childNodesPtr -> do
_ <- with nodeTSNode (\ nodePtr -> ts_node_copy_child_nodes nullPtr nodePtr childNodesPtr (fromIntegral count))
peekArray count childNodesPtr
pure $ A.RoseF (toEnum (fromIntegral nodeSymbol) :. nodeRange node :. nodeSpan node :. Nil) children
pure $ A.RoseF (safeToEnum (fromIntegral nodeSymbol) :. nodeRange node :. nodeSpan node :. Nil) children
anaM :: (Corecursive t, Monad m, Traversable (Base t)) => (a -> m (Base t a)) -> a -> m t
anaM g = a where a = pure . embed <=< traverse a <=< g
safeToEnum :: forall n. (Bounded n, Enum n) => Int -> Maybe n
safeToEnum n | (fromEnum (minBound :: n), fromEnum (maxBound :: n)) `inRange` n = Just (toEnum n)
| otherwise = Nothing
-- | Return a parser for a tree sitter language & document.
documentToTerm :: Language -> Ptr Document -> Parser (Syntax.Syntax Text) (Record DefaultFields)
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ spec = do
() <$ runAssignment (children red) (makeState "a" [Rose (rec Blue 0 1) [Rose (rec Red 0 1) []]]) `shouldBe` Result [] (Just ())
it "does not match if its subrule does not match" $
runAssignment (children red) (makeState "a" [Rose (rec Blue 0 1) [Rose (rec Green 0 1) []]]) `shouldBe` Result [ Error (Info.SourcePos 1 1) [Red] (Just Green) ] Nothing
(runAssignment (children red) (makeState "a" [Rose (rec Blue 0 1) [Rose (rec Green 0 1) []]])) `shouldBe` Result [ Error (Info.SourcePos 1 1) (UnexpectedSymbol [Red] Green) ] Nothing
it "matches nested children" $
@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ spec = do
it "does not drop anonymous nodes when requested" $
runAssignment ((,) <$> magenta <*> red) (makeState "magenta red" [Rose (rec Magenta 0 7) [], Rose (rec Red 8 11) []]) `shouldBe` Result [] (Just (AssignmentState 11 (Info.SourcePos 1 12) "" [], (Out "magenta", Out "red")))
rec :: symbol -> Int -> Int -> Record '[symbol, Range, SourceSpan]
rec symbol start end = symbol :. Range start end :. Info.SourceSpan (Info.SourcePos 1 (succ start)) (Info.SourcePos 1 (succ end)) :. Nil
rec :: symbol -> Int -> Int -> Record '[Maybe symbol, Range, SourceSpan]
rec symbol start end = Just symbol :. Range start end :. Info.SourceSpan (Info.SourcePos 1 (succ start)) (Info.SourcePos 1 (succ end)) :. Nil
data Grammar = Red | Green | Blue | Magenta
deriving (Enum, Eq, Show)
@ -1 +1 @@
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