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Merge pull request #1519 from github/if-evaluation

Support ifthenelse evaluation
This commit is contained in:
Patrick Thomson 2018-03-05 14:37:45 -05:00 committed by GitHub
commit 1549cbf00a
11 changed files with 70 additions and 73 deletions

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@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ library
, Control.Abstract.Addressable
, Control.Abstract.Analysis
, Control.Abstract.Evaluator
, Control.Abstract.Function
, Control.Abstract.Value
-- Control flow
, Control.Effect
-- Effects used for program analysis

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@ -29,13 +29,12 @@ type DeadCodeEffects t v
-- | Run a dead code analysis of the given program.
evaluateDead :: forall term value
. ( AbstractValue value
, Corecursive term
. ( Corecursive term
, Evaluatable (Base term)
, Foldable (Base term)
, FreeVariables term
, MonadAddressable (LocationFor value) value (DeadCodeAnalysis term value)
, MonadFunction term value (DeadCodeAnalysis term value)
, MonadValue term value (DeadCodeAnalysis term value)
, Ord (LocationFor value)
, Ord term
, Recursive term
@ -70,12 +69,11 @@ revive :: Ord t => t -> DeadCodeAnalysis t v ()
revive t = DeadCodeAnalysis (Evaluator (modify (Dead . delete t . unDead)))
instance ( AbstractValue v
, Corecursive t
instance ( Corecursive t
, Evaluatable (Base t)
, FreeVariables t
, MonadAddressable (LocationFor v) v (DeadCodeAnalysis t v)
, MonadFunction t v (DeadCodeAnalysis t v)
, MonadValue t v (DeadCodeAnalysis t v)
, Ord t
, Recursive t
, Semigroup (Cell (LocationFor v) v)

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@ -30,11 +30,10 @@ type EvaluationEffects t v
-- | Evaluate a term to a value.
evaluate :: forall v term
. ( AbstractValue v
, Evaluatable (Base term)
. ( Evaluatable (Base term)
, FreeVariables term
, MonadAddressable (LocationFor v) v (Evaluation term v)
, MonadFunction term v (Evaluation term v)
, MonadValue term v (Evaluation term v)
, Ord (LocationFor v)
, Recursive term
, Semigroup (Cell (LocationFor v) v)
@ -45,11 +44,10 @@ evaluate = run @(EvaluationEffects term v) . runEvaluator . runEvaluation . eval
-- | Evaluate terms and an entry point to a value.
evaluates :: forall v term
. ( AbstractValue v
, Evaluatable (Base term)
. ( Evaluatable (Base term)
, FreeVariables term
, MonadAddressable (LocationFor v) v (Evaluation term v)
, MonadFunction term v (Evaluation term v)
, MonadValue term v (Evaluation term v)
, Ord (LocationFor v)
, Recursive term
, Semigroup (Cell (LocationFor v) v)
@ -70,11 +68,10 @@ newtype Evaluation term value a = Evaluation { runEvaluation :: Evaluator (Evalu
deriving instance MonadEvaluator term value (Evaluation term value)
instance ( AbstractValue v
, Evaluatable (Base t)
instance ( Evaluatable (Base t)
, FreeVariables t
, MonadAddressable (LocationFor v) v (Evaluation t v)
, MonadFunction t v (Evaluation t v)
, MonadValue t v (Evaluation t v)
, Recursive t
, Semigroup (Cell (LocationFor v) v)

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Control.Abstract.Function where
module Control.Abstract.Value where
import Control.Abstract.Addressable
import Control.Abstract.Analysis
@ -8,20 +8,36 @@ import Control.Monad.Effect.Fresh
import Data.Abstract.Address
import Data.Abstract.Environment
import Data.Abstract.FreeVariables
import Data.Abstract.Value
import Data.Abstract.Type
import Data.Abstract.Value as Value
import Data.Abstract.Type as Type
import Prologue
import Prelude hiding (fail)
-- | A 'Monad' abstracting the evaluation of (and under) binding constructs (functions, methods, etc).
-- This allows us to abstract the choice of whether to evaluate under binders for different value types.
class MonadEvaluator t v m => MonadFunction t v m where
class (MonadEvaluator t v m) => MonadValue t v m where
-- | Construct an abstract unit value.
unit :: m v
-- | Construct an abstract integral value.
integer :: Prelude.Integer -> m v
-- | Construct an abstract boolean value.
boolean :: Bool -> m v
-- | Construct an abstract string value.
string :: ByteString -> m v
-- | Eliminate boolean values. TODO: s/boolean/truthy
ifthenelse :: v -> m v -> m v -> m v
-- | Evaluate an abstraction (a binder like a lambda or method definition).
abstract :: [Name] -> Subterm t (m v) -> m v
-- | Evaluate an application (like a function call).
apply :: v -> [Subterm t (m v)] -> m v
-- | Construct a 'Value' wrapping the value arguments (if any).
instance ( FreeVariables t
, MonadAddressable location (Value location t) m
, MonadAnalysis t (Value location t) m
@ -29,7 +45,17 @@ instance ( FreeVariables t
, Recursive t
, Semigroup (Cell location (Value location t))
=> MonadFunction t (Value location t) m where
=> MonadValue t (Value location t) m where
unit = pure $ inj Value.Unit
integer = pure . inj . Integer
boolean = pure . inj . Boolean
string = pure . inj . Value.String
ifthenelse cond if' else'
| Just (Boolean b) <- prj cond = if b then if' else else'
| otherwise = fail "not defined for non-boolean conditions"
abstract names (Subterm body _) = inj . Closure names body <$> askLocalEnv
apply op params = do
@ -41,7 +67,8 @@ instance ( FreeVariables t
envInsert name a <$> rest) (pure env) (zip names params)
localEnv (mappend bindings) (evaluateTerm body)
instance (Alternative m, MonadEvaluator t Type m, MonadFresh m) => MonadFunction t Type m where
-- | Discard the value arguments (if any), constructing a 'Type.Type' instead.
instance (Alternative m, MonadEvaluator t Type m, MonadFresh m) => MonadValue t Type m where
abstract names (Subterm _ body) = do
(env, tvars) <- foldr (\ name rest -> do
a <- alloc name
@ -52,6 +79,13 @@ instance (Alternative m, MonadEvaluator t Type m, MonadFresh m) => MonadFunction
ret <- localEnv (mappend env) body
pure (Product tvars :-> ret)
unit = pure Type.Unit
integer _ = pure Int
boolean _ = pure Bool
string _ = pure Type.String
ifthenelse cond if' else' = unify cond Bool *> (if' <|> else')
apply op params = do
tvar <- fresh
paramTypes <- traverse subtermValue params

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@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures, FunctionalDependencies, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Data.Abstract.Evaluatable
( Evaluatable(..)
, AbstractValue(..)
, module Addressable
, module Analysis
, module FreeVariables
, module Function
, module Value
, MonadEvaluator(..)
, require
, load
@ -14,7 +13,7 @@ module Data.Abstract.Evaluatable
import Control.Abstract.Addressable as Addressable
import Control.Abstract.Analysis as Analysis
import Control.Abstract.Evaluator
import Control.Abstract.Function as Function
import Control.Abstract.Value as Value
import Control.Monad.Effect.Fail
import Data.Abstract.Address
import Data.Abstract.Environment
@ -33,12 +32,11 @@ import Prologue
-- | The 'Evaluatable' class defines the necessary interface for a term to be evaluated. While a default definition of 'eval' is given, instances with computational content must implement 'eval' to perform their small-step operational semantics.
class Evaluatable constr where
eval :: ( AbstractValue value
, FreeVariables term
eval :: ( FreeVariables term
, MonadAddressable (LocationFor value) value m
, MonadAnalysis term value m
, MonadEvaluator term value m
, MonadFunction term value m
, MonadValue term value m
, Ord (LocationFor value)
, Semigroup (Cell (LocationFor value) value)
@ -63,7 +61,7 @@ instance Evaluatable s => Evaluatable (TermF s a) where
-- 2. Each statement can affect the environment of later statements (e.g. by 'modify'-ing the environment); and
-- 3. Only the last statements return value is returned.
instance Evaluatable [] where
eval [] = pure unit -- Return unit value if this is an empty list of terms
eval [] = unit -- Return unit value if this is an empty list of terms
eval [x] = subtermValue x -- Return the value for the last term
eval (x:xs) = do
_ <- subtermValue x -- Evaluate the head term

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import Data.Abstract.Live
import qualified Data.Abstract.Type as Type
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Prologue
import Prelude hiding (Integer, String)
import Prelude hiding (Integer, String, fail)
import qualified Prelude
type ValueConstructors location
@ -92,42 +92,11 @@ class ValueRoots l v | v -> l where
-- | Compute the set of addresses rooted by a given value.
valueRoots :: v -> Live l v
-- | An interface for constructing abstract values.
class AbstractValue v where
-- | Construct an abstract unit value.
unit :: v
-- | Construct an abstract integral value.
integer :: Prelude.Integer -> v
-- | Construct an abstract boolean value.
boolean :: Bool -> v
-- | Construct an abstract string value.
string :: ByteString -> v
-- Instances
instance (FreeVariables term, Ord location) => ValueRoots location (Value location term) where
valueRoots v
| Just (Closure names body env) <- prj v = envRoots env (foldr Set.delete (freeVariables body) names)
| Just (Interface _ env) <- prj v = envAll env
| otherwise = mempty
-- | Construct a 'Value' wrapping the value arguments (if any).
instance AbstractValue (Value location term) where
unit = inj Unit
integer = inj . Integer
boolean = inj . Boolean
string = inj . String
instance ValueRoots Monovariant Type.Type where
valueRoots _ = mempty
-- | Discard the value arguments (if any), constructing a 'Type.Type' instead.
instance AbstractValue Type.Type where
unit = Type.Unit
integer _ = Type.Int
boolean _ = Type.Bool
string _ = Type.String

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@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ instance Evaluatable Program where
interface val = pure val -- inj . Value.Interface val <$> askLocalEnv
eval' [] = interface unit
eval' [] = unit >>= interface
eval' [x] = subtermValue x >>= interface
eval' (x:xs) = do
_ <- subtermValue x
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ instance Ord1 Empty where liftCompare _ _ _ = EQ
instance Show1 Empty where liftShowsPrec _ _ _ _ = showString "Empty"
instance Evaluatable Empty where
eval _ = pure unit
eval _ = unit
-- | Syntax representing a parsing or assignment error.

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ instance Ord1 Comment where liftCompare = genericLiftCompare
instance Show1 Comment where liftShowsPrec = genericLiftShowsPrec
instance Evaluatable Comment where
eval _ = pure unit
eval _ = unit
-- TODO: nested comment types
-- TODO: documentation comment types

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@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ instance Ord1 Import where liftCompare = genericLiftCompare
instance Show1 Import where liftShowsPrec = genericLiftShowsPrec
instance Evaluatable Import where
eval (Import from _ _) = require (subterm from) >> pure unit
eval (Import from _ _) = require (subterm from) *> unit
-- | An imported symbol

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@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ instance Ord1 Boolean where liftCompare = genericLiftCompare
instance Show1 Boolean where liftShowsPrec = genericLiftShowsPrec
instance Evaluatable Boolean where
eval (Boolean x) = pure (boolean x)
eval (Boolean x) = boolean x
-- Numeric
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ instance Show1 Data.Syntax.Literal.Integer where liftShowsPrec = genericLiftShow
instance Evaluatable Data.Syntax.Literal.Integer where
-- TODO: This instance probably shouldn't have readInteger?
eval (Data.Syntax.Literal.Integer x) = pure (integer (maybe 0 fst (readInteger x)))
eval (Data.Syntax.Literal.Integer x) = integer (maybe 0 fst (readInteger x))
-- TODO: Should IntegerLiteral hold an Integer instead of a ByteString?
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ instance Ord1 TextElement where liftCompare = genericLiftCompare
instance Show1 TextElement where liftShowsPrec = genericLiftShowsPrec
instance Evaluatable TextElement where
eval (TextElement x) = pure (string x)
eval (TextElement x) = string x
data Null a = Null
deriving (Diffable, Eq, Foldable, Functor, GAlign, Generic1, Mergeable, Ord, Show, Traversable, FreeVariables1)

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@ -14,9 +14,10 @@ instance Eq1 If where liftEq = genericLiftEq
instance Ord1 If where liftCompare = genericLiftCompare
instance Show1 If where liftShowsPrec = genericLiftShowsPrec
-- TODO: Implement Eval instance for If
instance Evaluatable If
instance Evaluatable If where
eval (If cond if' else') = do
bool <- subtermValue cond
ifthenelse bool (subtermValue if') (subtermValue else')
-- | Else statement. The else condition is any term, that upon successful completion, continues evaluation to the elseBody, e.g. `for ... else` in Python.
data Else a = Else { elseCondition :: !a, elseBody :: !a }
@ -185,8 +186,8 @@ instance Ord1 NoOp where liftCompare = genericLiftCompare
instance Show1 NoOp where liftShowsPrec = genericLiftShowsPrec
-- TODO: Implement Eval instance for NoOp
instance Evaluatable NoOp
instance Evaluatable NoOp where
eval _ = unit
-- Loops