mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2024-12-30 18:36:27 +03:00

Field selection for tag output

This commit is contained in:
Timothy Clem 2018-01-16 10:40:45 -08:00
parent 9460066bb4
commit 173b9acd38
4 changed files with 66 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ module Rendering.Renderer
, renderDOTDiff
, renderDOTTerm
, Summaries(..)
, TagFields(..)
, defaultTagFields
) where
import Data.Aeson (Value)

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@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, MultiParamTypeClasses, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Rendering.Tag
( renderToTags
, TagFields(..)
, defaultTagFields
) where
import Analysis.Declaration
@ -15,33 +17,57 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import Rendering.TOC
-- | Render a 'Term' to a ctags like output (See 'Tag').
renderToTags :: (HasField fields (Maybe Declaration), HasField fields Span, Foldable f, Functor f) => Blob -> Term f (Record fields) -> [Value]
renderToTags Blob{..} = fmap toJSON . termToC blobPath
renderToTags :: (HasField fields (Maybe Declaration), HasField fields Span, Foldable f, Functor f) => TagFields -> Blob -> Term f (Record fields) -> [Value]
renderToTags fields Blob{..} = fmap toJSON . termToC fields blobPath
termToC :: (HasField fields (Maybe Declaration), HasField fields Span, Foldable f, Functor f) => FilePath -> Term f (Record fields) -> [Tag]
termToC path = mapMaybe (tagSummary path "unchanged") . termTableOfContentsBy declaration
termToC :: (HasField fields (Maybe Declaration), HasField fields Span, Foldable f, Functor f) => TagFields -> FilePath -> Term f (Record fields) -> [Tag]
termToC fields path = mapMaybe (tagSummary fields path "unchanged") . termTableOfContentsBy declaration
-- | Construct a 'Tag' from a node annotation and a change type label.
tagSummary :: (HasField fields (Maybe Declaration), HasField fields Span) => FilePath -> T.Text -> Record fields -> Maybe Tag
tagSummary path _ record = case getDeclaration record of
tagSummary :: (HasField fields (Maybe Declaration), HasField fields Span) => TagFields -> FilePath -> T.Text -> Record fields -> Maybe Tag
tagSummary TagFields{..} path _ record = case getDeclaration record of
Just ErrorDeclaration{} -> Nothing
Just declaration -> Just $ Tag (declarationIdentifier declaration) (T.pack path) (T.pack . show <$> declarationLanguage declaration) (toCategoryName declaration) (declarationText declaration) (getField record)
Just declaration -> Just $ Tag
{ tagSymbol = when tagFieldsShowSymbol (declarationIdentifier declaration)
, tagPath = when tagFieldsShowPath (T.pack path)
, tagLanguage = if tagFieldsShowLanguage then (T.pack . show <$> declarationLanguage declaration) else Nothing
, tagKind = when tagFieldsShowKind (toCategoryName declaration)
, tagLine = when tagFieldsShowLine (declarationText declaration)
, tagSpan = when tagFieldsShowSpan (getField record)
_ -> Nothing
data Tag
= Tag { tagSymbol :: T.Text
, tagPath :: T.Text
, tagLanguage :: Maybe T.Text
, tagKind :: T.Text
, tagLine :: T.Text
, tagSpan :: Span
deriving (Generic, Eq, Show)
data Tag = Tag
{ tagSymbol :: Maybe T.Text
, tagPath :: Maybe T.Text
, tagLanguage :: Maybe T.Text
, tagKind :: Maybe T.Text
, tagLine :: Maybe T.Text
, tagSpan :: Maybe Span
} deriving (Generic, Eq, Show)
instance ToJSON Tag where
toJSON Tag{..} = object [ "symbol" .= tagSymbol
toJSON Tag{..} = objectWithoutNulls [ "symbol" .= tagSymbol
, "path" .= tagPath
, "language" .= tagLanguage
, "kind" .= tagKind
, "line" .= tagLine
, "span" .= tagSpan ]
where objectWithoutNulls = object . filter (\(_, v) -> v /= Null)
when :: Bool -> a -> Maybe a
when True a = Just a
when False _ = Nothing
data TagFields = TagFields
{ tagFieldsShowSymbol :: Bool
, tagFieldsShowPath :: Bool
, tagFieldsShowLanguage :: Bool
, tagFieldsShowKind :: Bool
, tagFieldsShowLine :: Bool
, tagFieldsShowSpan :: Bool
deriving (Eq, Show)
defaultTagFields :: TagFields
defaultTagFields = TagFields True True True True True True

View File

@ -41,21 +41,21 @@ import Semantic.Task as Task
-- - Built in concurrency where appropriate.
-- - Easy to consume this interface from other application (e.g a cmdline or web server app).
parseBlobs :: Output output => TermRenderer output -> [Blob] -> Task ByteString
parseBlobs renderer blobs = toOutput' <$> distributeFoldMap (parseBlob renderer) blobs
parseBlobs :: Output output => TagFields -> TermRenderer output -> [Blob] -> Task ByteString
parseBlobs fields renderer blobs = toOutput' <$> distributeFoldMap (parseBlob fields renderer) blobs
where toOutput' = case renderer of
JSONTermRenderer -> toOutput . renderJSONTerms
_ -> toOutput
-- | A task to parse a 'Blob' and render the resulting 'Term'.
parseBlob :: TermRenderer output -> Blob -> Task output
parseBlob renderer blob@Blob{..}
parseBlob :: TagFields -> TermRenderer output -> Blob -> Task output
parseBlob fields renderer blob@Blob{..}
| Just (SomeParser parser) <- someParser (Proxy :: Proxy '[ConstructorName, HasDeclaration, IdentifierName, Foldable, Functor, ToJSONFields1]) <$> blobLanguage
= parse parser blob >>= case renderer of
ToCTermRenderer -> decorate (declarationAlgebra blob) >=> render (renderToCTerm blob)
JSONTermRenderer -> decorate constructorLabel >=> decorate identifierLabel >=> render (renderJSONTerm blob)
SExpressionTermRenderer -> decorate constructorLabel . (Nil <$) >=> render renderSExpressionTerm
TagsTermRenderer -> decorate (declarationAlgebra blob) >=> render (renderToTags blob)
TagsTermRenderer -> decorate (declarationAlgebra blob) >=> render (renderToTags fields blob)
DOTTermRenderer -> render (renderDOTTerm blob)
| otherwise = throwError (SomeException (NoLanguageForBlob blobPath))

View File

@ -26,14 +26,15 @@ import System.IO (Handle, stdin, stdout)
import qualified Semantic (parseBlobs, diffBlobPairs)
import Text.Read
main :: IO ()
main = customExecParser (prefs showHelpOnEmpty) arguments >>= uncurry Task.runTaskWithOptions
runDiff :: SomeRenderer DiffRenderer -> Either Handle [Both (FilePath, Maybe Language)] -> Task.Task ByteString
runDiff (SomeRenderer diffRenderer) = Semantic.diffBlobPairs diffRenderer <=< Task.readBlobPairs
runParse :: SomeRenderer TermRenderer -> Either Handle [(FilePath, Maybe Language)] -> Task.Task ByteString
runParse (SomeRenderer parseTreeRenderer) = Semantic.parseBlobs parseTreeRenderer <=< Task.readBlobs
runParse :: SomeRenderer TermRenderer -> TagFields -> Either Handle [(FilePath, Maybe Language)] -> Task.Task ByteString
runParse (SomeRenderer parseTreeRenderer) fields = Semantic.parseBlobs fields parseTreeRenderer <=< Task.readBlobs
-- | A parser for the application's command-line arguments.
@ -78,6 +79,7 @@ arguments = info (version <*> helper <*> ((,) <$> optionsParser <*> argumentsPar
<|> flag' (SomeRenderer ToCTermRenderer) (long "toc" <> help "Output JSON table of contents summary")
<|> flag' (SomeRenderer TagsTermRenderer) (long "tags" <> help "Output JSON tags/symbols")
<|> flag' (SomeRenderer DOTTermRenderer) (long "dot" <> help "Output the term as a DOT graph"))
<*> (option fieldsReader (long "fields" <> help "Comma delimited list of specific fields to return (tags output only)." <> metavar "FIELDS") <|> pure defaultTagFields)
<*> ( Right <$> some (argument filePathReader (metavar "FILES..."))
<|> pure (Left stdin) )
@ -91,3 +93,15 @@ arguments = info (version <*> helper <*> ((,) <$> optionsParser <*> argumentsPar
optionsReader options = eitherReader $ \ str -> maybe (Left ("expected one of: " <> intercalate ", " (fmap fst options))) (Right . snd) (find ((== str) . fst) options)
options options fields = option (optionsReader options) (fields <> showDefaultWith (findOption options) <> metavar (intercalate "|" (fmap fst options)))
findOption options value = maybe "" fst (find ((== value) . snd) options)
-- Example: --fields=symbol,path,language,kind,line,span
fieldsReader = eitherReader parseFields
parseFields arg = let fields = splitWhen (== ',') arg in
Right $ TagFields
{ tagFieldsShowSymbol = (elem "symbol" fields)
, tagFieldsShowPath = (elem "path" fields)
, tagFieldsShowLanguage = (elem "language" fields)
, tagFieldsShowKind = (elem "kind" fields)
, tagFieldsShowLine = (elem "line" fields)
, tagFieldsShowSpan = (elem "span" fields)