mirror of
synced 2024-12-23 14:54:16 +03:00
Extract the evaluators into their own functions.
This commit is contained in:
@ -50,64 +50,72 @@ type Command = Freer CommandF
runCommand :: Command a -> IO a
runCommand = iterFreerA $ \ command yield -> case command of
ReadFile path -> do
source <- readAndTranscodeFile path
yield (sourceBlob source path)
ReadFilesAtSHAs gitDir paths sha1 sha2 ->
withRepository lgFactory gitDir $ do
-- repo <- getRepository
-- for_ alternateObjectDirs (liftIO . odbBackendAddPath repo . toS)
ReadFile path -> runReadFile path >>= yield
ReadFilesAtSHAs gitDir paths sha1 sha2 -> runReadFilesAtSHAs gitDir paths sha1 sha2 >>= yield
Parse language blob -> runParse language blob >>= yield
Diff term1 term2 -> yield (runDiff term1 term2)
RenderDiff renderer blob1 blob2 diff -> yield (runRenderDiff renderer blob1 blob2 diff)
liftIO $ traceEventIO ("START readFilesAtSHAs: " <> show paths)
runReadFile :: FilePath -> IO SourceBlob
runReadFile path = do
source <- readAndTranscodeFile path
return (sourceBlob source path)
tree1 <- treeForSha sha1
tree2 <- treeForSha sha2
runReadFilesAtSHAs :: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> String -> String -> IO [(SourceBlob, SourceBlob)]
runReadFilesAtSHAs gitDir paths sha1 sha2 = withRepository lgFactory gitDir $ do
-- repo <- getRepository
-- for_ alternateObjectDirs (liftIO . odbBackendAddPath repo . toS)
paths <- case paths of
(_ : _) -> pure paths
[] -> do
a <- pathsForTree tree1
b <- pathsForTree tree2
liftIO $ traceEventIO ("START readFilesAtSHAs: " <> show paths)
pure $! (a \\ b) <> (b \\ a)
tree1 <- treeForSha sha1
tree2 <- treeForSha sha2
blobs <- for paths $ \ path -> (,) <$> blobForPathInTree path tree1 <*> blobForPathInTree path tree2
paths <- case paths of
(_ : _) -> pure paths
[] -> do
a <- pathsForTree tree1
b <- pathsForTree tree2
pure $! (a \\ b) <> (b \\ a)
blobs <- for paths $ \ path -> (,) <$> blobForPathInTree path tree1 <*> blobForPathInTree path tree2
liftIO $! traceEventIO ("END readFilesAtSHAs: " <> show paths)
liftIO $ yield blobs
liftIO $! traceEventIO ("END readFilesAtSHAs: " <> show paths)
return blobs
where treeForSha sha = do
obj <- parseObjOid (toS sha)
commit <- reportGitmon "cat-file" $ lookupCommit obj
reportGitmon "cat-file" $ lookupTree (commitTree commit)
blobForPathInTree path tree = do
entry <- reportGitmon "ls-tree" $ treeEntry tree (toS path)
case entry of
Just (BlobEntry entryOid entryKind) -> do
blob <- reportGitmon "cat-file" $ lookupBlob entryOid
contents <- blobToByteString blob
transcoded <- liftIO $ transcode contents
let oid = renderObjOid $ blobOid blob
pure $! SourceBlob transcoded (toS oid) path (Just (toSourceKind entryKind))
_ -> pure $! emptySourceBlob path
pathsForTree tree = do
blobEntries <- reportGitmon "ls-tree" $ treeBlobEntries tree
return $! fmap (\ (p, _, _) -> toS p) blobEntries
where treeForSha sha = do
obj <- parseObjOid (toS sha)
commit <- reportGitmon "cat-file" $ lookupCommit obj
reportGitmon "cat-file" $ lookupTree (commitTree commit)
blobForPathInTree path tree = do
entry <- reportGitmon "ls-tree" $ treeEntry tree (toS path)
case entry of
Just (BlobEntry entryOid entryKind) -> do
blob <- reportGitmon "cat-file" $ lookupBlob entryOid
contents <- blobToByteString blob
transcoded <- liftIO $ transcode contents
let oid = renderObjOid $ blobOid blob
pure $! SourceBlob transcoded (toS oid) path (Just (toSourceKind entryKind))
_ -> pure $! emptySourceBlob path
pathsForTree tree = do
blobEntries <- reportGitmon "ls-tree" $ treeBlobEntries tree
return $! fmap (\ (p, _, _) -> toS p) blobEntries
toSourceKind (Git.PlainBlob mode) = Source.PlainBlob mode
toSourceKind (Git.ExecutableBlob mode) = Source.ExecutableBlob mode
toSourceKind (Git.SymlinkBlob mode) = Source.SymlinkBlob mode
toSourceKind (Git.PlainBlob mode) = Source.PlainBlob mode
toSourceKind (Git.ExecutableBlob mode) = Source.ExecutableBlob mode
toSourceKind (Git.SymlinkBlob mode) = Source.SymlinkBlob mode
runParse :: Language -> SourceBlob -> IO (Term (Syntax Text) (Record DefaultFields))
runParse language blob = parserForLanguage language blob
Parse language blob -> parserForLanguage language blob >>= yield
runDiff :: Term (Syntax Text) (Record DefaultFields) -> Term (Syntax Text) (Record DefaultFields) -> Diff (Syntax Text) (Record DefaultFields)
runDiff term1 term2 = stripDiff (diffTerms (decorate term1) (decorate term2))
where decorate = defaultFeatureVectorDecorator getLabel
getLabel :: TermF (Syntax Text) (Record DefaultFields) a -> (Category, Maybe Text)
getLabel (h :< t) = (Info.category h, case t of
Leaf s -> Just s
_ -> Nothing)
Diff term1 term2 ->
yield (stripDiff (diffTerms (decorate term1) (decorate term2)))
where decorate = defaultFeatureVectorDecorator getLabel
getLabel :: TermF (Syntax Text) (Record DefaultFields) a -> (Category, Maybe Text)
getLabel (h :< t) = (Info.category h, case t of
Leaf s -> Just s
_ -> Nothing)
RenderDiff renderer blob1 blob2 diff ->
yield (runDiffRenderer' renderer (both blob1 blob2) diff)
runRenderDiff :: DiffRenderer fields output -> SourceBlob -> SourceBlob -> Diff (Syntax Text) (Record fields) -> output
runRenderDiff renderer blob1 blob2 diff = runDiffRenderer' renderer (both blob1 blob2) diff
Reference in New Issue
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