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synced 2024-12-20 21:31:48 +03:00
Merge pull request #318 from github/remove-reprinter-and-rewriter
Remove experimental reprinting and rewriting facilities.
This commit is contained in:
@ -165,12 +165,6 @@ library
, Data.Patch
, Data.Project
, Data.Quieterm
, Data.Reprinting.Errors
, Data.Reprinting.Fragment
, Data.Reprinting.Operator
, Data.Reprinting.Scope
, Data.Reprinting.Splice
, Data.Reprinting.Token
, Data.Semigroup.App
, Data.Scientific.Exts
-- À la carte syntax types
@ -196,9 +190,7 @@ library
, Language.Go.Syntax
, Language.Go.Type
, Language.JSON.Assignment
, Language.JSON.PrettyPrint
, Language.Ruby.Assignment
, Language.Ruby.PrettyPrint
, Language.Ruby.Syntax
, Language.TSX.Assignment
, Language.TSX.Syntax
@ -213,7 +205,6 @@ library
, Language.PHP.Assignment
, Language.PHP.Syntax
, Language.Python.Assignment
, Language.Python.PrettyPrint
, Language.Python.Syntax
, Numeric.Exts
-- Parser glue
@ -224,10 +215,6 @@ library
, Rendering.Graph
, Rendering.JSON
, Rendering.TOC
, Reprinting.Tokenize
, Reprinting.Translate
, Reprinting.Typeset
, Reprinting.Pipeline
-- High-level flow & operational functionality (logging, stats, etc.)
, Semantic.Analysis
-- API
@ -362,10 +349,6 @@ test-suite test
, Integration.Spec
, Numeric.Spec
, Parsing.Spec
, Reprinting.Spec
, Rewriting.Go.Spec
, Rewriting.JSON.Spec
, Rewriting.Python.Spec
, Rendering.TOC.Spec
, Semantic.Spec
, Semantic.CLI.Spec
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
module Data.Reprinting.Errors ( TranslationError (..) ) where
import Data.Reprinting.Token
import Data.Reprinting.Scope
-- | Represents failure occurring in a 'Concrete' machine during the translation
-- phases of the reprinting pipeline.
data TranslationError
= UnbalancedPair Scope [Scope]
-- ^ Thrown if an unbalanced 'Enter'/'Exit' pair is encountered.
| NoTranslation Element [Scope]
-- ^ Thrown if no translation found for a given element.
deriving (Eq, Show)
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Data.Reprinting.Fragment
( Fragment(..)
, copy
, insert
, defer
) where
import Data.Text (Text)
import Streaming
import Streaming.Prelude (yield)
import Data.Reprinting.Scope
import Data.Reprinting.Token
-- | An intermediate representation of concrete syntax in the reprinting pipeline.
data Fragment
= Verbatim Text
-- ^ Verbatim copy of original 'Text' (un-refactored).
| New Element [Scope] Text
-- ^ New 'Text' to be inserted, along with original 'Element' and `Scope`
-- allowing later steps to re-write.
| Defer Element [Scope]
-- ^ To be handled further down the pipeline.
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Copy along some original, un-refactored 'Text'.
copy :: Monad m => Text -> Stream (Of Fragment) m ()
copy = yield . Verbatim
-- | Insert some new 'Text'.
insert :: Monad m => Element -> [Scope] -> Text -> Stream (Of Fragment) m ()
insert el c = yield . New el c
-- | Defer processing an element to a later stage.
defer :: Monad m => Element -> [Scope] -> Stream (Of Fragment) m ()
defer el = yield . Defer el
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
module Data.Reprinting.Operator
( Operator (..)
, Direction (..)
) where
data Direction
= Less
| Greater
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | A sum type representing every concievable infix operator a
-- language can define. These are handled by instances of 'Concrete'
-- and given appropriate precedence.
data Operator
= Add
| Multiply
| Subtract
| Divide
| Modulus
| Raise
| FloorDivide
| RegexMatch
| RegexNotMatch
| LogicalOr
| LogicalAnd
| LogicalNot
| LogicalXor
| BinaryOr
| BinaryAnd
| BinaryXor
| BinaryComplement
| NumericNegate
| LeftShift
| RightShift
| Eql
| StrictEql
| Compare Direction
| CompareEql Direction
| Spaceship
deriving (Show, Eq)
@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
module Data.Reprinting.Scope
( Scope (..)
, precedenceOf
, imperativeDepth
) where
import Data.Reprinting.Operator
-- | A 'Scope' represents a scope in which other tokens can be
-- interpreted. For example, in the 'Imperative' context a 'Sep'
-- could be a semicolon or newline, whereas in a 'List' context a
-- 'Sep' is probably going to be a comma.
-- TODO: look into sharing control-flow constructs with 'Flow'
data Scope
= List -- ^ List literals (usually comma-separated, in square brackets)
| Hash -- ^ Hashes (key-value pairs, in curly brackets)
| Pair -- ^ Colon-separated key-value pairs
| Slice -- ^ Range-selection context, as in Go or Python
| Method -- ^ Member-function declaration
| Atom -- ^ Quoted symbols, e.g. Ruby Symbol
| Function -- ^ Function declaration
| Namespace -- ^ Namespace/module context
| Call -- ^ Function call (usually comma-separated arguments)
| Params -- ^ Function parameters (ibid.)
| Return -- ^ Zero or more values
| Loop -- ^ @for@, @while@, @foreach@ loops
| If -- ^ Conditionals
| Case -- ^ @case@ or @switch@ context
| InfixL Operator Int -- ^ Left-associative operators, with context
| Prefix Operator -- ^ Prefix operators
| Indexing -- ^ Single-element array/list indexing
| Imperative -- ^ ALGOL-style top-to-bottom int
| Interpolation -- ^ String interpolation
| Catch -- ^ @try@
| Finally -- ^ @except@
| BeginBlock -- ^ Ruby-specific: @BEGIN@
| EndBlock -- ^ Ruby-specific: @END@
| Class -- ^ Class definition
deriving (Show, Eq)
precedenceOf :: [Scope] -> Int
precedenceOf cs = case filter isInfix cs of
(InfixL _ n:_) -> n
_ -> 0
where isInfix (InfixL _ _) = True
isInfix _ = False
-- | Depth of imperative scope.
imperativeDepth :: [Scope] -> Int
imperativeDepth = length . filter (== Imperative)
@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Data.Reprinting.Splice
( Fragment(..)
, copy
, insert
, defer
, Splice(..)
, emit
, emitIf
, layout
, indent
, layouts
, space
, Whitespace(..)
, Indentation(..)
) where
import Prologue hiding (Element)
import Streaming
import Streaming.Prelude (yield)
import Data.Reprinting.Fragment
-- | The final representation of concrete syntax in the reprinting pipeline.
data Splice
= Emit Text
| Layout Whitespace
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Emit some 'Text' as a 'Splice'.
emit :: Monad m => Text -> Stream (Of Splice) m ()
emit = yield . Emit
-- | Emit the provided 'Text' if the given predicate is true.
emitIf :: Monad m => Bool -> Text -> Stream (Of Splice) m ()
emitIf p = when p . emit
-- | Construct a layout 'Splice'.
layout :: Monad m => Whitespace -> Stream (Of Splice) m ()
layout = yield . Layout
-- | @indent w n@ emits @w@ 'Spaces' @n@ times.
indent :: Monad m => Int -> Int -> Stream (Of Splice) m ()
indent width times
| times > 0 = replicateM_ times (layout (Indent width Spaces))
| otherwise = pure ()
-- | Construct multiple layouts.
layouts :: Monad m => [Whitespace] -> Stream (Of Splice) m ()
layouts = traverse_ (yield . Layout)
-- | Single space.
space :: Monad m => Stream (Of Splice) m ()
space = yield (Layout Space)
-- | Indentation, spacing, and other whitespace.
data Whitespace
= HardWrap
| SoftWrap
| Space
| Indent Int Indentation
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Indentation = Tabs | Spaces
deriving (Eq, Show)
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
module Data.Reprinting.Token
( Token (..)
, isChunk
, isControl
, Element (..)
, Control (..)
, Flow (..)
) where
import Data.Reprinting.Scope
import Data.Text (Text)
import Source.Source (Source)
-- | 'Token' encapsulates 'Element' and 'Control' tokens, as well as sliced
-- portions of the original 'Source' for a given AST.
data Token
= Chunk Source -- ^ Verbatim 'Source' from AST, unmodified.
| Element Element -- ^ Content token to be rendered.
| Control Control -- ^ AST's context.
deriving (Show, Eq)
isChunk :: Token -> Bool
isChunk (Chunk _) = True
isChunk _ = False
isControl :: Token -> Bool
isControl (Control _) = True
isControl _ = False
-- | 'Element' tokens describe atomic pieces of source code to be
-- output to a rendered document. These tokens are language-agnostic
-- and are interpreted into language-specific representations at a
-- later point in the reprinting pipeline.
data Element
= Run Text -- ^ A literal chunk of text.
| Truth Bool -- ^ A boolean value.
| Glyph Text -- ^ A glyph like 'a' or #a.
| Nullity -- ^ @null@ or @nil@ or some other zero value.
| Sep -- ^ Some sort of delimiter, interpreted in some 'Context'.
| Sym -- ^ Some sort of symbol, interpreted in some 'Context'.
| Open -- ^ The beginning of some 'Context', such as an @[@ or @{@.
| Close -- ^ The opposite of 'Open'.
| Access -- ^ Member/method access
| Resolve -- ^ Namespace/package resolution
| Assign -- ^ Variable binding
| Self -- ^ @self@ or @this@
| Superclass -- ^ @super@
| Flow Flow -- ^ Control-flow token (@if@, @else@, @for@...)
| Extends -- ^ Subclassing indicator (syntax varies)
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Helper datum to corral control-flow entities like @while@, @for@,
-- etc. Usually corresponds to a keyword in a given language.
data Flow
= Break
| Continue
| Else
| For
| Foreach
| In -- ^ Usually associated with 'Foreach' loops
| Rescue -- ^ AKA @catch@ in most languages
| Retry
| Switch -- ^ AKA @case@
| Then -- ^ The true-branch of @if@-statements
| Try
| While
| Yield
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | 'Control' tokens describe information about some AST's context.
-- Though these are ultimately rendered as whitespace (or nothing) on
-- the page, they are needed to provide information as to how deeply
-- subsequent entries in the pipeline should indent.
data Control
= Enter Scope
| Exit Scope
| Log String
deriving (Eq, Show)
@ -8,13 +8,11 @@ import Data.JSON.Fields
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Sum
import Data.Term
import qualified Data.Reprinting.Token as Token
import GHC.Types (Constraint)
import GHC.TypeLits
import Diffing.Algorithm
import Prelude
import Prologue
import Reprinting.Tokenize hiding (Element)
import Source.Loc
import Source.Range as Range
import Source.Span as Span
@ -133,9 +131,6 @@ instance Evaluatable Identifier where
ref _ _ (Identifier name) = lookupSlot (Declaration name)
instance Tokenize Identifier where
tokenize = yield . Token.Run . formatName . Data.Syntax.name
instance FreeVariables1 Identifier where
liftFreeVariables _ (Identifier x) = Set.singleton x
@ -163,9 +158,6 @@ data Empty a = Empty
instance Evaluatable Empty where
eval _ _ _ = unit
instance Tokenize Empty where
tokenize = ignore
-- | Syntax representing a parsing or assignment error.
data Error a = Error { errorCallStack :: ErrorStack, errorExpected :: [String], errorActual :: Maybe String, errorChildren :: [a] }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
@ -173,10 +165,6 @@ data Error a = Error { errorCallStack :: ErrorStack, errorExpected :: [String],
instance Evaluatable Error
instance Tokenize Error where
-- TODO: Considering producing comments like "ERROR: due to.." instead of ignoring.
tokenize = ignore
errorSyntax :: Error.Error String -> [a] -> Error a
errorSyntax Error.Error{..} = Error (ErrorStack $ errorSite <$> getCallStack callStack) errorExpected errorActual
@ -239,8 +227,5 @@ instance Hashable1 Context where liftHashWithSalt = foldl
instance Evaluatable Context where
eval eval _ Context{..} = eval contextSubject
instance Tokenize Context where
tokenize Context{..} = sequenceA_ (sepTrailing contextTerms) *> contextSubject
instance Declarations1 Context where
liftDeclaredName declaredName = declaredName . contextSubject
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import Prologue
import Data.Abstract.Evaluatable
import Data.JSON.Fields
import Diffing.Algorithm
import Reprinting.Tokenize as Token
-- | An unnested comment (line or block).
newtype Comment a = Comment { commentContent :: Text }
@ -17,9 +16,6 @@ newtype Comment a = Comment { commentContent :: Text }
instance Evaluatable Comment where
eval _ _ _ = unit
instance Tokenize Comment where
tokenize = yield . Run . commentContent
-- TODO: nested comment types
-- TODO: documentation comment types
-- TODO: literate programming comment types? alternatively, consider those as markup
@ -13,9 +13,7 @@ import Data.Abstract.Evaluatable
import Data.Abstract.Name (__self)
import qualified Data.Abstract.ScopeGraph as ScopeGraph
import Data.JSON.Fields
import qualified Data.Reprinting.Scope as Scope
import Diffing.Algorithm
import Reprinting.Tokenize hiding (Superclass)
import Source.Span
data Function a = Function { functionContext :: ![a], functionName :: !a, functionParameters :: ![a], functionBody :: !a }
@ -59,11 +57,6 @@ declareFunction name accessControl span kind = do
name' <- declareMaybeName name Default accessControl span kind (Just associatedScope)
pure (name', associatedScope)
instance Tokenize Function where
tokenize Function{..} = within' Scope.Function $ do
within' Scope.Params $ sequenceA_ (sep functionParameters)
instance Declarations1 Function where
liftDeclaredName declaredName = declaredName . functionName
@ -101,12 +94,6 @@ instance Evaluatable Method where
v <- function name params methodBody associatedScope
v <$ assign addr v
instance Tokenize Data.Syntax.Declaration.Method where
tokenize Method{..} = within' Scope.Method $ do
within' Scope.Params $ sequenceA_ (sep methodParameters)
instance Declarations1 Method where
liftDeclaredName declaredName = declaredName . methodName
@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import Data.Abstract.Module (ModuleInfo (..))
import Data.JSON.Fields
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Diffing.Algorithm
import Reprinting.Tokenize
import Source.Span
-- A file directive like the Ruby constant `__FILE__`.
@ -20,10 +19,6 @@ data File a = File
instance Evaluatable File where
eval _ _ File = currentModule >>= string . T.pack . modulePath
-- We may need a separate token class for these given additional languages
instance Tokenize File where
tokenize _ = yield . Run $ "__FILE__"
-- A line directive like the Ruby constant `__LINE__`.
data Line a = Line
@ -32,7 +27,3 @@ data Line a = Line
instance Evaluatable Line where
eval _ _ Line = currentSpan >>= integer . fromIntegral . line . start
-- PT TODO: proper token for this
instance Tokenize Line where
tokenize _ = yield . Run $ "__FILE__"
@ -11,13 +11,9 @@ import Data.Abstract.Name as Name
import Data.Abstract.Number (liftIntegralFrac, liftReal, liftedExponent, liftedFloorDiv)
import Data.Fixed
import Data.JSON.Fields
import Data.List (intersperse)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Reprinting.Scope as Scope
import qualified Data.Reprinting.Token as Token
import Diffing.Algorithm hiding (Delete)
import Reprinting.Tokenize hiding (Superclass)
import qualified Data.Abstract.ScopeGraph as ScopeGraph
-- | Typical prefix function application, like `f(x)` in many languages, or `f x` in Haskell.
@ -34,13 +30,6 @@ instance Evaluatable Call where
args <- traverse eval callParams
call op args
instance Tokenize Call where
tokenize Call{..} = within Scope.Call $ do
-- TODO: callContext
within' Scope.Params $ sequenceA_ (sep callParams)
data LessThan a = LessThan { lhs :: a, rhs :: a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically LessThan
@ -49,9 +38,6 @@ instance Evaluatable LessThan where
eval eval _ t = traverse eval t >>= go where
go (LessThan a b) = liftComparison (Concrete (<)) a b
instance Tokenize LessThan where
tokenize LessThan{..} = within' (Scope.InfixL (Compare Less) 4) $ lhs *> yield Token.Sym <* rhs
data LessThanEqual a = LessThanEqual { lhs :: a, rhs :: a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically LessThanEqual
@ -60,9 +46,6 @@ instance Evaluatable LessThanEqual where
eval eval _ t = traverse eval t >>= go where
go (LessThanEqual a b) = liftComparison (Concrete (<=)) a b
instance Tokenize LessThanEqual where
tokenize LessThanEqual{..} = within' (Scope.InfixL (CompareEql Less) 4) $ lhs *> yield Token.Sym <* rhs
data GreaterThan a = GreaterThan { lhs :: a, rhs :: a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically GreaterThan
@ -71,9 +54,6 @@ instance Evaluatable GreaterThan where
eval eval _ t = traverse eval t >>= go where
go (GreaterThan a b) = liftComparison (Concrete (>)) a b
instance Tokenize GreaterThan where
tokenize GreaterThan{..} = within' (Scope.InfixL (Compare Greater) 4) $ lhs *> yield Token.Sym <* rhs
data GreaterThanEqual a = GreaterThanEqual { lhs :: a, rhs :: a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically GreaterThanEqual
@ -82,9 +62,6 @@ instance Evaluatable GreaterThanEqual where
eval eval _ t = traverse eval t >>= go where
go (GreaterThanEqual a b) = liftComparison (Concrete (>=)) a b
instance Tokenize GreaterThanEqual where
tokenize GreaterThanEqual{..} = within' (Scope.InfixL (CompareEql Greater) 4) $ lhs *> yield Token.Sym <* rhs
data Equal a = Equal { lhs :: a, rhs :: a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically Equal
@ -95,9 +72,6 @@ instance Evaluatable Equal where
-- We need some mechanism to customize this behavior per-language.
go (Equal a b) = liftComparison (Concrete (==)) a b
instance Tokenize Equal where
tokenize Equal{..} = within' (Scope.InfixL Eql 4) $ lhs *> yield Token.Sym <* rhs
data StrictEqual a = StrictEqual { lhs :: a, rhs :: a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically StrictEqual
@ -108,9 +82,6 @@ instance Evaluatable StrictEqual where
-- We need some mechanism to customize this behavior per-language.
go (StrictEqual a b) = liftComparison (Concrete (==)) a b
instance Tokenize StrictEqual where
tokenize StrictEqual{..} = within' (Scope.InfixL StrictEql 4) $ lhs *> yield Token.Sym <* rhs
data Comparison a = Comparison { lhs :: a, rhs :: a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically Comparison
@ -119,9 +90,6 @@ instance Evaluatable Comparison where
eval eval _ t = traverse eval t >>= go where
go (Comparison a b) = liftComparison (Concrete (==)) a b
instance Tokenize Comparison where
tokenize Comparison{..} = within' (Scope.InfixL Spaceship 4) $ lhs *> yield Token.Sym <* rhs
data Plus a = Plus { lhs :: a, rhs :: a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically Plus
@ -130,9 +98,6 @@ instance Evaluatable Plus where
eval eval _ t = traverse eval t >>= go where
go (Plus a b) = liftNumeric2 add a b where add = liftReal (+)
instance Tokenize Plus where
tokenize Plus{..} = within' (Scope.InfixL Add 6) $ lhs *> yield Token.Sym <* rhs
data Minus a = Minus { lhs :: a, rhs :: a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically Minus
@ -141,9 +106,6 @@ instance Evaluatable Minus where
eval eval _ t = traverse eval t >>= go where
go (Minus a b) = liftNumeric2 (liftReal (-)) a b
instance Tokenize Minus where
tokenize Minus{..} = within' (Scope.InfixL Subtract 6) $ lhs *> yield Token.Sym <* rhs
data Times a = Times { lhs :: a, rhs :: a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically Times
@ -152,9 +114,6 @@ instance Evaluatable Times where
eval eval _ t = traverse eval t >>= go where
go (Times a b) = liftNumeric2 (liftReal (*)) a b
instance Tokenize Times where
tokenize Times{..} = within' (Scope.InfixL Multiply 7) $ lhs *> yield Token.Sym <* rhs
data DividedBy a = DividedBy { lhs :: a, rhs :: a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically DividedBy
@ -163,9 +122,6 @@ instance Evaluatable DividedBy where
eval eval _ t = traverse eval t >>= go where
go (DividedBy a b) = liftNumeric2 (liftIntegralFrac div (/)) a b
instance Tokenize DividedBy where
tokenize DividedBy{..} = within' (Scope.InfixL Divide 7) $ lhs *> yield Token.Sym <* rhs
data Modulo a = Modulo { lhs :: a, rhs :: a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically Modulo
@ -174,9 +130,6 @@ instance Evaluatable Modulo where
eval eval _ t = traverse eval t >>= go where
go (Modulo a b) = liftNumeric2 (liftIntegralFrac mod mod') a b
instance Tokenize Modulo where
tokenize Modulo{..} = within' (Scope.InfixL Modulus 7) $ lhs *> yield Token.Sym <* rhs
data Power a = Power { lhs :: a, rhs :: a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically Power
@ -185,9 +138,6 @@ instance Evaluatable Power where
eval eval _ t = traverse eval t >>= go where
go (Power a b) = liftNumeric2 liftedExponent a b
instance Tokenize Power where
tokenize Power{..} = within' (Scope.InfixL Raise 9) $ lhs *> yield Token.Sym <* rhs
newtype Negate a = Negate { value :: a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically Negate
@ -196,9 +146,6 @@ instance Evaluatable Negate where
eval eval _ t = traverse eval t >>= go where
go (Negate a) = liftNumeric negate a
instance Tokenize Negate where
tokenize Negate{..} = within' (Scope.Prefix NumericNegate) $ yield Token.Sym <* value
data FloorDivision a = FloorDivision { lhs :: a, rhs :: a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically FloorDivision
@ -207,9 +154,6 @@ instance Evaluatable FloorDivision where
eval eval _ t = traverse eval t >>= go where
go (FloorDivision a b) = liftNumeric2 liftedFloorDiv a b
instance Tokenize FloorDivision where
tokenize FloorDivision{..} = within' (Scope.InfixL FloorDivide 7) $ lhs *> yield Token.Sym <* rhs
-- | Regex matching operators (Ruby's =~ and ~!)
data Matches a = Matches { lhs :: a, rhs :: a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
@ -217,18 +161,12 @@ data Matches a = Matches { lhs :: a, rhs :: a }
instance Evaluatable Matches
instance Tokenize Matches where
tokenize Matches{..} = within' (Scope.InfixL RegexMatch 1) $ lhs *> yield Token.Sym <* rhs
data NotMatches a = NotMatches { lhs :: a, rhs :: a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically NotMatches
instance Evaluatable NotMatches
instance Tokenize NotMatches where
tokenize NotMatches{..} = within' (Scope.InfixL RegexNotMatch 1) $ lhs *> yield Token.Sym <* rhs
data Or a = Or { lhs :: a, rhs :: a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically Or
@ -238,9 +176,6 @@ instance Evaluatable Or where
a' <- eval a
ifthenelse a' (pure a') (eval b)
instance Tokenize Or where
tokenize Or{..} = within' (Scope.InfixL LogicalOr 2) $ lhs *> yield Token.Sym <* rhs
data And a = And { lhs :: a, rhs :: a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically And
@ -250,9 +185,6 @@ instance Evaluatable And where
a' <- eval a
ifthenelse a' (eval b) (pure a')
instance Tokenize And where
tokenize And{..} = within' (Scope.InfixL LogicalAnd 2) $ lhs *> yield Token.Sym <* rhs
newtype Not a = Not { value :: a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically Not
@ -260,9 +192,6 @@ newtype Not a = Not { value :: a }
instance Evaluatable Not where
eval eval _ (Not a) = eval a >>= asBool >>= boolean . not
instance Tokenize Not where
tokenize Not{..} = within' (Scope.Prefix LogicalNot) $ yield Token.Sym <* value
data XOr a = XOr { lhs :: a, rhs :: a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically XOr
@ -271,9 +200,6 @@ instance Evaluatable XOr where
-- N.B. we have to use Monad rather than Applicative/Traversable on 'And' and 'Or' so that we don't evaluate both operands
eval eval _ (XOr a b) = liftA2 (/=) (eval a >>= asBool) (eval b >>= asBool) >>= boolean
instance Tokenize XOr where
tokenize XOr{..} = within' (Scope.InfixL LogicalXor 2) $ lhs *> yield Token.Sym <* rhs
-- | Javascript delete operator
newtype Delete a = Delete { value :: a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
@ -319,9 +245,6 @@ instance Evaluatable BOr where
b' <- eval b >>= castToInteger
liftBitwise2 (.|.) a' b'
instance Tokenize BOr where
tokenize BOr{..} = within' (Scope.InfixL BinaryOr 4) $ lhs *> yield Token.Sym <* rhs
data BAnd a = BAnd { lhs :: a, rhs :: a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically BAnd
@ -332,9 +255,6 @@ instance Evaluatable BAnd where
b' <- eval b >>= castToInteger
liftBitwise2 (.&.) a' b'
instance Tokenize BAnd where
tokenize BAnd{..} = within' (Scope.InfixL BinaryAnd 5) $ lhs *> yield Token.Sym <* rhs
data BXOr a = BXOr { lhs :: a, rhs :: a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically BXOr
@ -345,9 +265,6 @@ instance Evaluatable BXOr where
b' <- eval b >>= castToInteger
liftBitwise2 xor a' b'
instance Tokenize BXOr where
tokenize BXOr{..} = within' (Scope.InfixL BinaryXor 5) $ lhs *> yield Token.Sym <* rhs
data LShift a = LShift { lhs :: a, rhs :: a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically LShift
@ -360,9 +277,6 @@ instance Evaluatable LShift where
shiftL' a b = shiftL a (fromIntegral (toInteger b))
instance Tokenize LShift where
tokenize LShift{..} = within' (Scope.InfixL LeftShift 4) $ lhs *> yield Token.Sym <* rhs
data RShift a = RShift { lhs :: a, rhs :: a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically RShift
@ -375,9 +289,6 @@ instance Evaluatable RShift where
shiftR' a b = shiftR a (fromIntegral (toInteger b))
instance Tokenize RShift where
tokenize RShift{..} = within' (Scope.InfixL RightShift 4) $ lhs *> yield Token.Sym <* rhs
data UnsignedRShift a = UnsignedRShift { lhs :: a, rhs :: a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically UnsignedRShift
@ -397,9 +308,6 @@ instance Evaluatable Complement where
a' <- eval a >>= castToInteger
liftBitwise complement a'
instance Tokenize Complement where
tokenize Complement{..} = within' (Scope.Prefix BinaryComplement) $ yield Token.Sym <* value
-- | Member Access (e.g. a.b)
data MemberAccess a = MemberAccess { lhs :: a, rhs :: a }
deriving (Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
@ -448,9 +356,6 @@ instance Evaluatable MemberAccess where
Nothing -> throwEvalError (ReferenceError lhsValue rhs)
instance Tokenize MemberAccess where
tokenize MemberAccess{..} = lhs *> yield Access <* rhs
-- | Subscript (e.g a[1])
data Subscript a = Subscript { lhs :: a, rhs :: [a] }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
@ -462,18 +367,12 @@ instance Evaluatable Subscript where
eval eval _ (Subscript l [r]) = join (index <$> eval l <*> eval r)
eval _ _ (Subscript _ _) = throwUnspecializedError (UnspecializedError "Eval unspecialized for subscript with slices")
instance Tokenize Subscript where
tokenize Subscript{..} = lhs *> within' Scope.Indexing (sequenceA_ (intersperse (yield Token.Sep) rhs))
data Member a = Member { lhs :: a, rhs :: a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically Member
instance Evaluatable Member where
instance Tokenize Member where
tokenize Member{..} = lhs *> yield Token.Access <* rhs
-- | Enumeration (e.g. a[1:10:1] in Python (start at index 1, stop at index 10, step 1 element from start to stop))
data Enumeration a = Enumeration { enumerationStart :: !a, enumerationEnd :: !a, enumerationStep :: !a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
@ -482,9 +381,6 @@ data Enumeration a = Enumeration { enumerationStart :: !a, enumerationEnd :: !a,
-- TODO: Implement Eval instance for Enumeration
instance Evaluatable Enumeration
instance Tokenize Enumeration where
tokenize Enumeration{..} = within Scope.Slice $ enumerationStart *> enumerationEnd *> enumerationStep
-- | InstanceOf (e.g. a instanceof b in JavaScript
data InstanceOf a = InstanceOf { instanceOfSubject :: !a, instanceOfObject :: !a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
@ -503,10 +399,6 @@ instance Hashable1 ScopeResolution where liftHashWithSalt = foldl
instance Evaluatable ScopeResolution
instance Tokenize ScopeResolution where
tokenize (ScopeResolution (a :| rest)) =
a *> for_ rest (yield Token.Resolve *>)
instance Declarations1 ScopeResolution where
liftDeclaredName declaredName = declaredName . NonEmpty.last . scopes
@ -584,16 +476,10 @@ data Super a = Super
instance Evaluatable Super
instance Tokenize Super where
tokenize _ = yield Token.Superclass
data This a = This
deriving (Diffable, Eq, Foldable, Functor, Generic1, Ord, Show, Traversable, FreeVariables1, Declarations1, ToJSONFields1, Hashable1, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically This
instance Tokenize This where
tokenize _ = yield Self
instance Evaluatable This where
eval _ _ This = do
span <- ask @Span
@ -7,12 +7,10 @@ import Prologue hiding (Set, hash, null)
import Data.Abstract.Evaluatable as Eval
import Data.JSON.Fields
import qualified Data.Reprinting.Scope as Scope
import Data.Scientific.Exts
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Diffing.Algorithm
import Numeric.Exts
import Reprinting.Tokenize as Tok
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
-- Boolean
@ -31,9 +29,6 @@ false = Boolean False
instance Evaluatable Boolean where
eval _ _ (Boolean x) = boolean x
instance Tokenize Boolean where
tokenize = yield . Truth . booleanContent
-- | A literal integer of unspecified width. No particular base is implied.
newtype Integer a = Integer { integerContent :: Text }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
@ -44,9 +39,6 @@ instance Evaluatable Data.Syntax.Literal.Integer where
eval _ _ (Data.Syntax.Literal.Integer x) =
either (const (throwEvalError (IntegerFormatError x))) pure (parseInteger x) >>= integer
instance Tokenize Data.Syntax.Literal.Integer where
tokenize = yield . Run . integerContent
-- | A literal float of unspecified width.
newtype Float a = Float { floatContent :: Text }
@ -58,9 +50,6 @@ instance Evaluatable Data.Syntax.Literal.Float where
eval _ _ (Float s) =
either (const (throwEvalError (FloatFormatError s))) pure (parseScientific s) >>= float
instance Tokenize Data.Syntax.Literal.Float where
tokenize = yield . Run . floatContent
-- Rational literals e.g. `2/3r`
newtype Rational a = Rational { value :: Text }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
@ -73,9 +62,6 @@ instance Evaluatable Data.Syntax.Literal.Rational where
parsed = readMaybe @Prelude.Integer (T.unpack trimmed)
in maybe (throwEvalError (RationalFormatError r)) (pure . toRational) parsed >>= rational
instance Tokenize Data.Syntax.Literal.Rational where
tokenize (Rational t) = yield . Run $ t
-- Complex literals e.g. `3 + 2i`
newtype Complex a = Complex { value :: Text }
deriving (Diffable, Eq, Foldable, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, Traversable, FreeVariables1, Declarations1, ToJSONFields1, NFData1)
@ -84,9 +70,6 @@ newtype Complex a = Complex { value :: Text }
-- TODO: Implement Eval instance for Complex
instance Evaluatable Complex
instance Tokenize Complex where
tokenize (Complex v) = yield . Run $ v
-- Strings, symbols
newtype String a = String { stringElements :: [a] }
@ -98,18 +81,12 @@ newtype String a = String { stringElements :: [a] }
-- TODO: Implement Eval instance for String
instance Evaluatable Data.Syntax.Literal.String
instance Tokenize Data.Syntax.Literal.String where
tokenize = sequenceA_
newtype Character a = Character { characterContent :: Text }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Ord1, Show1) via Generically Character
instance Evaluatable Data.Syntax.Literal.Character
instance Tokenize Character where
tokenize = yield . Glyph . characterContent
-- | An interpolation element within a string literal.
newtype InterpolationElement a = InterpolationElement { interpolationBody :: a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
@ -118,9 +95,6 @@ newtype InterpolationElement a = InterpolationElement { interpolationBody :: a }
-- TODO: Implement Eval instance for InterpolationElement
instance Evaluatable InterpolationElement
instance Tokenize InterpolationElement where
tokenize = sequenceA_
-- | A sequence of textual contents within a string literal.
newtype TextElement a = TextElement { textElementContent :: Text }
deriving (Diffable, Eq, Foldable, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, Traversable, FreeVariables1, Declarations1, ToJSONFields1, NFData1)
@ -129,9 +103,6 @@ newtype TextElement a = TextElement { textElementContent :: Text }
instance Evaluatable TextElement where
eval _ _ (TextElement x) = string x
instance Tokenize TextElement where
tokenize = yield . Run . textElementContent
isTripleQuoted :: TextElement a -> Bool
isTripleQuoted (TextElement t) =
let trip = "\"\"\""
@ -148,18 +119,12 @@ newtype EscapeSequence a = EscapeSequence { value :: Text }
-- TODO: Implement Eval instance for EscapeSequence
instance Evaluatable EscapeSequence
instance Tokenize EscapeSequence where
tokenize (EscapeSequence e) = yield . Run $ e
data Null a = Null
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Foldable, Traversable, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Diffable, FreeVariables1, Declarations1, ToJSONFields1, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Ord1, Show1) via Generically Null
instance Evaluatable Null where eval _ _ _ = pure null
instance Tokenize Null where
tokenize _ = yield Nullity
newtype Symbol a = Symbol { symbolElements :: [a] }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Ord1, Show1) via Generically Symbol
@ -167,9 +132,6 @@ newtype Symbol a = Symbol { symbolElements :: [a] }
-- TODO: Implement Eval instance for Symbol
instance Evaluatable Symbol
instance Tokenize Symbol where
tokenize s = within Scope.Atom (yield Sym *> sequenceA_ s)
newtype SymbolElement a = SymbolElement { symbolContent :: Text }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Ord1, Show1) via Generically SymbolElement
@ -177,9 +139,6 @@ newtype SymbolElement a = SymbolElement { symbolContent :: Text }
instance Evaluatable SymbolElement where
eval _ _ (SymbolElement s) = string s
instance Tokenize SymbolElement where
tokenize = yield . Run . symbolContent
newtype Regex a = Regex { regexContent :: Text }
deriving (Diffable, Eq, Foldable, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, Traversable, FreeVariables1, Declarations1, ToJSONFields1, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Ord1, Show1) via Generically Regex
@ -190,9 +149,6 @@ newtype Regex a = Regex { regexContent :: Text }
instance Evaluatable Regex where
eval _ _ (Regex x) = string x
instance Tokenize Regex where
tokenize = yield . Run . regexContent
-- Collections
newtype Array a = Array { arrayElements :: [a] }
@ -202,9 +158,6 @@ newtype Array a = Array { arrayElements :: [a] }
instance Evaluatable Array where
eval eval _ Array{..} = array =<< traverse eval arrayElements
instance Tokenize Array where
tokenize = list . arrayElements
newtype Hash a = Hash { hashElements :: [a] }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Foldable, Traversable, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Diffable, FreeVariables1, Declarations1, ToJSONFields1, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Ord1, Show1) via Generically Hash
@ -214,9 +167,6 @@ instance Evaluatable Hash where
elements <- traverse (eval >=> asPair) (hashElements t)
Eval.hash elements
instance Tokenize Hash where
tokenize = Tok.hash . hashElements
data KeyValue a = KeyValue { key :: !a, value :: !a }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Foldable, Traversable, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Diffable, FreeVariables1, Declarations1, ToJSONFields1, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Ord1, Show1) via Generically KeyValue
@ -227,9 +177,6 @@ instance Evaluatable KeyValue where
v <- eval value
kvPair k v
instance Tokenize KeyValue where
tokenize (KeyValue k v) = pair k v
newtype Tuple a = Tuple { tupleContents :: [a] }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Ord1, Show1) via Generically Tuple
@ -10,12 +10,9 @@ import Data.Aeson (ToJSON1 (..))
import Data.JSON.Fields
import qualified Data.Abstract.ScopeGraph as ScopeGraph
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Reprinting.Scope as Scope
import qualified Data.Reprinting.Token as Token
import Data.Semigroup.App
import Data.Semigroup.Foldable
import Diffing.Algorithm
import Reprinting.Tokenize (Tokenize (..), imperative, within', yield)
-- | Imperative sequence of statements/declarations s.t.:
@ -33,9 +30,6 @@ instance Evaluatable Statements where
eval eval _ (Statements xs) =
maybe unit (runApp . foldMap1 (App . eval)) (nonEmpty xs)
instance Tokenize Statements where
tokenize = imperative
newtype StatementBlock a = StatementBlock { statements :: [a] }
deriving (Diffable, Eq, Foldable, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, Traversable, FreeVariables1, Declarations1, ToJSONFields1, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically StatementBlock
@ -46,9 +40,6 @@ instance Evaluatable StatementBlock where
eval eval _ (StatementBlock xs) =
maybe unit (runApp . foldMap1 (App . eval)) (nonEmpty xs)
instance Tokenize StatementBlock where
tokenize = imperative
-- | Conditional. This must have an else block, which can be filled with some default value when omitted in the source, e.g. 'pure ()' for C-style if-without-else or 'pure Nothing' for Ruby-style, in both cases assuming some appropriate Applicative context into which the If will be lifted.
data If a = If { ifCondition :: !a, ifThenBody :: !a, ifElseBody :: !a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
@ -59,13 +50,6 @@ instance Evaluatable If where
bool <- eval cond
ifthenelse bool (eval if') (eval else')
instance Tokenize If where
tokenize If{..} = within' Scope.If $ do
yield (Token.Flow Token.Then)
yield (Token.Flow Token.Else)
-- | Else statement. The else condition is any term, that upon successful completion, continues evaluation to the elseBody, e.g. `for ... else` in Python.
data Else a = Else { elseCondition :: !a, elseBody :: !a }
@ -75,8 +59,6 @@ data Else a = Else { elseCondition :: !a, elseBody :: !a }
-- TODO: Implement Eval instance for Else
instance Evaluatable Else
instance Tokenize Else where
tokenize Else{..} = within' Scope.If (yield (Token.Flow Token.Else) *> elseCondition *> yield Token.Sep *> elseBody)
-- TODO: Alternative definition would flatten if/else if/else chains: data If a = If ![(a, a)] !(Maybe a)
@ -96,12 +78,6 @@ data Match a = Match { matchSubject :: !a, matchPatterns :: !a }
-- TODO: Implement Eval instance for Match
instance Evaluatable Match
instance Tokenize Match where
tokenize Match{..} = do
yield (Token.Flow Token.Switch)
yield (Token.Flow Token.In) -- This may need further refinement
-- | A pattern in a pattern-matching or computed jump control-flow statement, like 'case' in C or JavaScript, 'when' in Ruby, or the left-hand side of '->' in the body of Haskell 'case' expressions.
data Pattern a = Pattern { value :: !a, patternBody :: !a }
@ -111,9 +87,6 @@ data Pattern a = Pattern { value :: !a, patternBody :: !a }
-- TODO: Implement Eval instance for Pattern
instance Evaluatable Pattern
instance Tokenize Pattern where
tokenize Pattern{..} = within' Scope.Case (value *> patternBody)
-- | A let statement or local binding, like 'a as b' or 'let a = b'.
data Let a = Let { letVariable :: !a, letValue :: !a, letBody :: !a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
@ -164,10 +137,6 @@ instance Evaluatable Assignment where
assign lhs rhs
pure rhs
instance Tokenize Assignment where
-- Should we be using 'assignmentContext' in here?
tokenize Assignment{..} = assignmentTarget *> yield Token.Assign <* assignmentValue
-- | Post increment operator (e.g. 1++ in Go, or i++ in C).
newtype PostIncrement a = PostIncrement { value :: a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
@ -212,9 +181,6 @@ newtype Return a = Return { value :: a }
instance Evaluatable Return where
eval eval _ (Return x) = eval x >>= earlyReturn
instance Tokenize Return where
tokenize (Return x) = within' Scope.Return x
newtype Yield a = Yield { value :: a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically Yield
@ -222,9 +188,6 @@ newtype Yield a = Yield { value :: a }
-- TODO: Implement Eval instance for Yield
instance Evaluatable Yield
instance Tokenize Yield where
tokenize (Yield y) = yield (Token.Flow Token.Yield) *> y
newtype Break a = Break { value :: a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
@ -233,9 +196,6 @@ newtype Break a = Break { value :: a }
instance Evaluatable Break where
eval eval _ (Break x) = eval x >>= throwBreak
instance Tokenize Break where
tokenize (Break b) = yield (Token.Flow Token.Break) *> b
newtype Continue a = Continue { value :: a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically Continue
@ -243,9 +203,6 @@ newtype Continue a = Continue { value :: a }
instance Evaluatable Continue where
eval eval _ (Continue x) = eval x >>= throwContinue
instance Tokenize Continue where
tokenize (Continue c) = yield (Token.Flow Token.Continue) *> c
newtype Retry a = Retry { value :: a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically Retry
@ -253,9 +210,6 @@ newtype Retry a = Retry { value :: a }
-- TODO: Implement Eval instance for Retry
instance Evaluatable Retry
instance Tokenize Retry where
tokenize (Retry r) = yield (Token.Flow Token.Retry) *> r
newtype NoOp a = NoOp { value :: a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically NoOp
@ -279,14 +233,6 @@ data ForEach a = ForEach { forEachBinding :: !a, forEachSubject :: !a, forEachBo
-- TODO: Implement Eval instance for ForEach
instance Evaluatable ForEach
instance Tokenize ForEach where
tokenize ForEach{..} = within' Scope.Loop $ do
yield (Token.Flow Token.Foreach)
yield (Token.Flow Token.In)
data While a = While { whileCondition :: !a, whileBody :: !a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically While
@ -294,12 +240,6 @@ data While a = While { whileCondition :: !a, whileBody :: !a }
instance Evaluatable While where
eval eval _ While{..} = while (eval whileCondition) (eval whileBody)
instance Tokenize While where
tokenize While{..} = within' Scope.Loop $ do
yield (Token.Flow Token.While)
data DoWhile a = DoWhile { doWhileCondition :: !a, doWhileBody :: !a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically DoWhile
@ -324,13 +264,6 @@ data Try a = Try { tryBody :: !a, tryCatch :: ![a] }
-- TODO: Implement Eval instance for Try
instance Evaluatable Try
instance Tokenize Try where
tokenize Try{..} = do
yield (Token.Flow Token.Try)
yield (Token.Flow Token.Rescue)
sequenceA_ tryCatch
data Catch a = Catch { catchException :: !a, catchBody :: !a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically Catch
@ -338,9 +271,6 @@ data Catch a = Catch { catchException :: !a, catchBody :: !a }
-- TODO: Implement Eval instance for Catch
instance Evaluatable Catch
instance Tokenize Catch where
tokenize Data.Syntax.Statement.Catch{..} = within' Scope.Catch $ catchException *> catchBody
newtype Finally a = Finally { value :: a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically Finally
@ -348,9 +278,6 @@ newtype Finally a = Finally { value :: a }
-- TODO: Implement Eval instance for Finally
instance Evaluatable Finally
instance Tokenize Finally where
tokenize (Finally f) = within' Scope.Finally f
-- Scoping
-- | ScopeEntry (e.g. `BEGIN {}` block in Ruby or Perl).
@ -361,9 +288,6 @@ newtype ScopeEntry a = ScopeEntry { terms :: [a] }
-- TODO: Implement Eval instance for ScopeEntry
instance Evaluatable ScopeEntry
instance Tokenize ScopeEntry where
tokenize (ScopeEntry t) = within' Scope.BeginBlock (sequenceA_ t)
-- | ScopeExit (e.g. `END {}` block in Ruby or Perl).
newtype ScopeExit a = ScopeExit { terms :: [a] }
@ -372,6 +296,3 @@ newtype ScopeExit a = ScopeExit { terms :: [a] }
-- TODO: Implement Eval instance for ScopeExit
instance Evaluatable ScopeExit
instance Tokenize ScopeExit where
tokenize (ScopeExit t) = within' Scope.EndBlock (sequenceA_ t)
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import Data.JSON.Fields
import Diffing.Algorithm
import Prelude hiding (Bool, Float, Int, Double)
import Prologue hiding (Map)
import Reprinting.Tokenize
data Array a = Array { arraySize :: Maybe a, arrayElementType :: a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
@ -26,11 +25,6 @@ data Annotation a = Annotation { annotationSubject :: a, annotationType :: a }
instance Evaluatable Annotation where
eval eval _ Annotation{..} = eval annotationSubject
instance Tokenize Annotation where
-- FIXME: This ignores annotationType.
-- TODO: Not sure what this should look like yet
tokenize Annotation{..} = annotationSubject
data Function a = Function { functionParameters :: [a], functionReturn :: a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
module Language.JSON.PrettyPrint
( defaultBeautyOpts
, defaultJSONPipeline
, printingJSON
, beautifyingJSON
, minimizingJSON
) where
import Prologue
import Control.Effect.Error
import Streaming
import qualified Streaming.Prelude as Streaming
import Data.Reprinting.Errors
import Data.Reprinting.Scope
import Data.Reprinting.Splice
import Data.Reprinting.Token
-- | Default printing pipeline for JSON.
defaultJSONPipeline :: (Member (Error TranslationError) sig, Carrier sig m)
=> Stream (Of Fragment) m a
-> Stream (Of Splice) m a
= beautifyingJSON defaultBeautyOpts
. printingJSON
-- | Print JSON syntax.
printingJSON :: Monad m
=> Stream (Of Fragment) m a
-> Stream (Of Fragment) m a
printingJSON = Streaming.map step where
step s@(Defer el cs) =
let ins = New el cs
in case (el, listToMaybe cs) of
(Truth True, _) -> ins "true"
(Truth False, _) -> ins "false"
(Nullity, _) -> ins "null"
(Open, Just List) -> ins "["
(Close, Just List) -> ins "]"
(Open, Just Hash) -> ins "{"
(Close, Just Hash) -> ins "}"
(Sep, Just List) -> ins ","
(Sep, Just Pair) -> ins ":"
(Sep, Just Hash) -> ins ","
_ -> s
step x = x
-- TODO: Fill out and implement configurable options like indentation count,
-- tabs vs. spaces, etc.
data JSONBeautyOpts = JSONBeautyOpts { jsonIndent :: Int, jsonUseTabs :: Bool }
deriving (Eq, Show)
defaultBeautyOpts :: JSONBeautyOpts
defaultBeautyOpts = JSONBeautyOpts 2 False
-- | Produce JSON with configurable whitespace and layout.
beautifyingJSON :: (Member (Error TranslationError) sig, Carrier sig m)
=> JSONBeautyOpts
-> Stream (Of Fragment) m a
-> Stream (Of Splice) m a
beautifyingJSON _ s = Streaming.for s step where
step (Defer el cs) = effect (throwError (NoTranslation el cs))
step (Verbatim txt) = emit txt
step (New el cs txt) = case (el, cs) of
(Open, Hash:_) -> emit txt *> layout HardWrap *> indent 2 (hashDepth cs)
(Close, Hash:rest) -> layout HardWrap *> indent 2 (hashDepth rest) *> emit txt
(Sep, List:_) -> emit txt *> space
(Sep, Pair:_) -> emit txt *> space
(Sep, Hash:_) -> emit txt *> layout HardWrap *> indent 2 (hashDepth cs)
_ -> emit txt
-- | Produce whitespace minimal JSON.
minimizingJSON :: (Member (Error TranslationError) sig, Carrier sig m)
=> Stream (Of Fragment) m a
-> Stream (Of Splice) m a
minimizingJSON s = Streaming.for s step where
step (Defer el cs) = effect (throwError (NoTranslation el cs))
step (Verbatim txt) = emit txt
step (New _ _ txt) = emit txt
hashDepth :: [Scope] -> Int
hashDepth = length . filter (== Hash)
@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Language.Python.PrettyPrint ( printingPython ) where
import Control.Effect.Error
import Streaming
import qualified Streaming.Prelude as Streaming
import Data.Reprinting.Errors
import Data.Reprinting.Splice
import Data.Reprinting.Token as Token
import Data.Reprinting.Scope
import Data.Reprinting.Operator
-- | Print Python syntax.
printingPython :: (Member (Error TranslationError) sig, Carrier sig m)
=> Stream (Of Fragment) m a
-> Stream (Of Splice) m a
printingPython s = Streaming.for s step
step :: (Member (Error TranslationError) sig, Carrier sig m) => Fragment -> Stream (Of Splice) m ()
step (Verbatim txt) = emit txt
step (New _ _ txt) = emit txt
step (Defer el cs) = case (el, cs) of
-- Function declarations
(Open, Function:_) -> emit "def" *> space
(Open, Params:Function:_) -> emit "("
(Close, Params:Function:_) -> emit "):"
(Close, Function:xs) -> endContext (imperativeDepth xs)
-- Return statements
(Open, Return:_) -> emit "return" *> space
(Close, Return:_) -> pure ()
(Open, Imperative:Return:_) -> pure ()
(Sep, Imperative:Return:_) -> emit "," *> space
(Close, Imperative:Return:_) -> pure () -- Don't hardwarp or indent for return statements
-- If statements
(Open, If:_) -> emit "if" *> space
(Flow Then, If:_) -> emit ":"
(Flow Else, If:xs) -> endContext (imperativeDepth xs) *> emit "else:"
(Close, If:_) -> pure ()
-- Booleans
(Truth True, _) -> emit "True"
(Truth False, _) -> emit "False"
-- Infix binary operators
(Open, InfixL _ p:xs) -> emitIf (p < precedenceOf xs) "("
(Sym, InfixL Add _:_) -> space *> emit "+" *> space
(Sym, InfixL Multiply _:_) -> space *> emit "*" *> space
(Sym, InfixL Subtract _:_) -> space *> emit "-" *> space
(Close, InfixL _ p:xs) -> emitIf (p < precedenceOf xs) ")"
-- General params handling
(Open, Params:_) -> emit "("
(Sep, Params:_) -> emit "," *> space
(Close, Params:_) -> emit ")"
-- Imperative context and whitespace handling
(Open, [Imperative]) -> pure () -- Don't indent at the top-level imperative context...
(Close, [Imperative]) -> layout HardWrap -- but end the program with a newline.
(Open, Imperative:xs) -> layout HardWrap *> indent 4 (imperativeDepth xs)
(Sep, Imperative:xs) -> layout HardWrap *> indent 4 (imperativeDepth xs)
(Close, Imperative:_) -> pure ()
_ -> effect (throwError (NoTranslation el cs))
endContext times = layout HardWrap *> indent 4 (pred times)
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
module Language.Ruby.PrettyPrint ( printingRuby ) where
import Control.Effect.Error
import Streaming
import qualified Streaming.Prelude as Streaming
import Data.Reprinting.Scope
import Data.Reprinting.Errors
import Data.Reprinting.Operator
import Data.Reprinting.Splice
import Data.Reprinting.Token as Token
-- | Print Ruby syntax.
printingRuby :: (Member (Error TranslationError) sig, Carrier sig m)
=> Stream (Of Fragment) m a
-> Stream (Of Splice) m a
printingRuby s = Streaming.for s step
step :: (Member (Error TranslationError) sig, Carrier sig m)
=> Fragment
-> Stream (Of Splice) m ()
step (Verbatim txt) = emit txt
step (New _ _ txt) = emit txt
step (Defer el cs) = case (el, cs) of
(Open, Method:_) -> emit "def" *> space
(Close, Method:xs) -> endContext (imperativeDepth xs) *> emit "end"
-- ODO: do..end vs {..} should be configurable.
(Open, Function:_) -> space *> emit "do" *> space
(Open, Params:Function:_) -> emit "|"
(Close, Params:Function:_) -> emit "|"
(Close, Function:xs) -> endContext (imperativeDepth xs) *> emit "end"
-- ODO: Parens for calls are a style choice, make configurable.
(Open, Params:_) -> emit "("
(Sep, Params:_) -> emit "," *> space
(Close, Params:_) -> emit ")"
(Open, InfixL _ p:xs) -> emitIf (p < precedenceOf xs) "("
(Sym, InfixL Add _:_) -> space *> emit "+" *> space
(Sym, InfixL Multiply _:_) -> space *> emit "*" *> space
(Sym, InfixL Subtract _:_) -> space *> emit "-" *> space
(Close, InfixL _ p:xs) -> emitIf (p < precedenceOf xs) ")"
(Open, [Imperative]) -> pure ()
(Open, Imperative:xs) -> layout HardWrap *> indent 2 (imperativeDepth xs)
(Sep, Imperative:xs) -> layout HardWrap *> indent 2 (imperativeDepth xs)
(Close, [Imperative]) -> layout HardWrap
(Close, Imperative:xs) -> indent 2 (pred (imperativeDepth xs))
(Sep, Call:_) -> emit "."
_ -> effect (throwError (NoTranslation el cs))
endContext times = layout HardWrap *> indent 2 (pred times)
@ -18,13 +18,10 @@ import qualified Data.Abstract.ScopeGraph as ScopeGraph
import Data.JSON.Fields
import qualified Data.Language as Language
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Reprinting.Scope as Scope
import qualified Data.Reprinting.Token as Token
import Data.Semigroup.App
import Data.Semigroup.Foldable
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Diffing.Algorithm
import Reprinting.Tokenize hiding (Superclass)
import System.FilePath.Posix
-- TODO: Fully sort out ruby require/load mechanics
@ -85,13 +82,6 @@ instance Evaluatable Send where
call boundFunc args -- TODO pass through sendBlock
maybe callFunction (`withScopeAndFrame` callFunction) lhsFrame
instance Tokenize Send where
tokenize Send{..} = within Scope.Call $ do
maybe (pure ()) (\r -> r *> yield Sep) sendReceiver
fromMaybe (pure ()) sendSelector
within' Scope.Params $ sequenceA_ (sep sendArgs)
fromMaybe (pure ()) sendBlock
data Require a = Require { requireRelative :: Bool, requirePath :: !a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically Require
@ -106,13 +96,6 @@ instance Evaluatable Require where
insertFrameLink ScopeGraph.Import (Map.singleton moduleScope moduleFrame)
pure v -- Returns True if the file was loaded, False if it was already loaded. http://ruby-doc.org/core-2.5.0/Kernel.html#method-i-require
instance Tokenize Require where
tokenize Require{..} = do
yield . Run $ if requireRelative
then "require_relative"
else "require"
within' Scope.Params requirePath
doRequire :: ( Member (Boolean value) sig
, Member (Modules address value) sig
, Carrier sig m
@ -130,11 +113,6 @@ data Load a = Load { loadPath :: a, loadWrap :: Maybe a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically Load
instance Tokenize Load where
tokenize Load{..} = do
yield (Run "load")
within' Scope.Params $ loadPath *> fromMaybe (pure ()) loadWrap
instance Evaluatable Load where
eval eval _ (Load x Nothing) = do
path <- eval x >>= asString
@ -228,14 +206,6 @@ instance Evaluatable Class where
instance Declarations1 Class where
liftDeclaredName declaredName = declaredName . classIdentifier
instance Tokenize Class where
tokenize Class{..} = within' Scope.Class $ do
case classSuperClass of
Just a -> yield Token.Extends *> a
Nothing -> pure ()
data Module a = Module { moduleIdentifier :: !a, moduleStatements :: ![a] }
deriving (Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
@ -280,12 +250,6 @@ instance Evaluatable Module where
instance Declarations1 Module where
liftDeclaredName declaredName = declaredName . moduleIdentifier
instance Tokenize Module where
tokenize Module{..} = do
yield (Run "module")
within' Scope.Namespace $ sequenceA_ moduleStatements
data LowPrecedenceAnd a = LowPrecedenceAnd { lhs :: a, rhs :: a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
@ -298,11 +262,6 @@ instance Evaluatable LowPrecedenceAnd where
cond <- a
ifthenelse cond b (pure cond)
-- TODO: These should probably be expressed with a new context/token,
-- rather than a literal run, and need to take surrounding precedence
-- into account.
instance Tokenize LowPrecedenceAnd where
tokenize LowPrecedenceAnd{..} = lhs *> yield (Token.Run "and") <* rhs
data LowPrecedenceOr a = LowPrecedenceOr { lhs :: a, rhs :: a }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
@ -315,9 +274,6 @@ instance Evaluatable LowPrecedenceOr where
cond <- a
ifthenelse cond (pure cond) b
instance Tokenize LowPrecedenceOr where
tokenize LowPrecedenceOr{..} = lhs *> yield (Token.Run "or") <* rhs
data Assignment a = Assignment { assignmentContext :: ![a], assignmentTarget :: !a, assignmentValue :: !a }
deriving (Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically Assignment
@ -351,9 +307,6 @@ instance Evaluatable Assignment where
assign lhs rhs
pure rhs
instance Tokenize Assignment where
-- Should we be using 'assignmentContext' in here?
tokenize Assignment{..} = assignmentTarget *> yield Token.Assign <* assignmentValue
-- | A call to @super@ without parentheses in Ruby is known as "zsuper", which has
-- the semantics of invoking @super()@ but implicitly passing the current function's
@ -363,6 +316,3 @@ data ZSuper a = ZSuper
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically ZSuper
instance Evaluatable ZSuper
instance Tokenize ZSuper where
tokenize _ = yield $ Run "super"
@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
{- |
This module represents the top-level interface for @semantic@'s
reprinting functionality. Reprinting here is defined as the
conversion, given some 'Source' code, of the parsed (and possibly
modified) syntax tree corresponding to that source, back into a
document representing that source code.
The approach is based on techniques drawn from:
* /A Pretty Good Formatting Pipeline/ by Bagge and Hasu (2010)
* /Scrap Your Reprinter/ by Orchard et al (2017)
The reprinter was designed with the following goals in mind:
* Laziness: a node that was unmodified in a refactoring pass
should draw its representation from the original source file,
rather than being explicitly pretty-printed. The only nodes
that do not consult the original document are those that were
synthesized during a refactoring operation.
* Generality: each syntax node should have one and only one
declaration that describes how reprinting takes place. No node
should be concerned with language-specific syntactic issues.
* Precedence-sensitivity: semantic syntax nodes do not contain
information about parenthesization of binary operators.
Binary operators should report their precedence and the
pipeline should insert parentheses as necessary.
* Modularity: each stage in the reprinting pipeline
should be testable independently.
* Time/space efficiency: the reprinting algorithm should scale
to trees with hundreds of thousands of nodes without linear
space usage.
* Roundtrip correctness: reprinting an unmodified syntax tree
should produce source text exactly corresponding to the original
The reprinter takes the form of a pipeline operating over a stream of
tokens. Each stage in the pipeline converts a given token to a
lower-level representation, ultimately resulting in a 'Doc' data type
from the @prettyprinter@ library (to which we defer the nitty-gritty
details of actually pretty-printing text). A representation of the
stages of the pipeline follows:
The Pipeline starts with a tree, where terms are annotated with 'History' to
denote what's been refactored.
A subterm algebra converting a tree (terms) to a stream of tokens.
| Seq Token
A stack machine interface through which tokens are interpreted to splices
(with context). A splice is a concrete representation of syntax, to which
additional language specific transformations can be applied.
| Seq Fragment
[PrettyPrint] --> <Format> --> <Beautify> --> <...>
A language specific stack machine interface allowing further refinement of the
sequence of splices. Language machines should emit specific keywords,
punctutation, and layout rules. Additional steps can be added for project
specific style, formatting, and even post-processing (minimizers, etc).
(Language-specific, Project-specific)
| Seq Splice
A stack machine that converts splices to a Doc. (Language-agnostic)
| Doc
A simple function that produces 'Text' or 'Source' with the desired layout
settings from a 'Doc'. (Language-agnostic)
| Text
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Reprinting.Pipeline
( runReprinter
, runTokenizing
, runContextualizing
, runTranslating
) where
import Control.Effect as Effect
import Control.Effect.Error as Effect
import Control.Effect.State as Effect
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Text
import Streaming
import qualified Streaming.Prelude as Streaming
import Data.Reprinting.Errors
import Data.Reprinting.Scope
import Data.Reprinting.Splice
import Data.Reprinting.Token
import Data.Term
import Reprinting.Tokenize
import Reprinting.Translate
import Reprinting.Typeset
import qualified Source.Source as Source
-- | Run the reprinting pipeline given the original 'Source', a language specific
-- translation function (as a function over 'Stream's) and the provided 'Term'.
runReprinter :: Tokenize a
=> Source.Source
-> (Stream (Of Fragment) TranslatorC () -> Stream (Of Splice) TranslatorC ())
-> Term a History
-> Either TranslationError Source.Source
runReprinter src translating
= fmap go
. Effect.run
. Effect.runError
. evalState @[Scope] mempty
. Streaming.mconcat_
. typesetting
. translating
. contextualizing
. tokenizing src
where go = Source.fromText . renderStrict . layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions
-- | Run the reprinting pipeline up to tokenizing.
runTokenizing :: Tokenize a
=> Source.Source
-> Term a History
-> [Token]
runTokenizing src
= runIdentity
. Streaming.toList_
. tokenizing src
-- | Run the reprinting pipeline up to contextualizing.
runContextualizing :: Tokenize a
=> Source.Source
-> Term a History
-> Either TranslationError [Fragment]
runContextualizing src
= Effect.run
. Effect.runError
. evalState @[Scope] mempty
. Streaming.toList_
. contextualizing
. tokenizing src
runTranslating :: Tokenize a
=> Source.Source
-> (Stream (Of Fragment) TranslatorC () -> Stream (Of Splice) TranslatorC ())
-> Term a History
-> Either TranslationError [Splice]
runTranslating src translating
= Effect.run
. Effect.runError
. evalState @[Scope] mempty
. Streaming.toList_
. translating
. contextualizing
. tokenizing src
@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, LambdaCase, RankNTypes, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Reprinting.Tokenize
( module Token
, module Scope
, module Operator
, History (..)
, mark
, remark
-- * The Reprinter monad
, Tokenizer
, yield
, control
, within
, within'
, log
, ignore
, sep
, sepTrailing
, list
, hash
, pair
, imperative
-- * Tokenize interface
, Tokenize (..)
-- * Invocation/results
, tokenizing
) where
import Prelude hiding (fail, filter, log)
import Prologue hiding (Element, hash)
import Streaming hiding (Sum)
import qualified Streaming.Prelude as Streaming
import Data.History
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.Reprinting.Operator as Operator
import Data.Reprinting.Scope (Scope)
import qualified Data.Reprinting.Scope as Scope
import Data.Reprinting.Token as Token
import Data.Term
import Source.Range
import Source.Source (Source)
import qualified Source.Source as Source
-- | The 'Tokenizer' monad represents a context in which 'Control'
-- tokens and 'Element' tokens can be sent to some downstream
-- consumer. Its primary interface is through the 'Tokenize'
-- typeclass, and is compiled to a 'Data.Machine.Source' by
-- 'tokenizing'.
data Tokenizer a where
Pure :: a -> Tokenizer a
Bind :: Tokenizer a -> (a -> Tokenizer b) -> Tokenizer b
Tell :: Token -> Tokenizer ()
Get :: Tokenizer State
Put :: State -> Tokenizer ()
-- Tokenizers are compiled directly into Stream values. Note that the
-- state parameter is internal to the tokenizer being run: the invoker
-- of 'tokenizing' doesn't need to keep track of it at all.
compile :: Monad m => State -> Tokenizer a -> Stream (Of Token) m (State, a)
compile p = \case
Pure a -> pure (p, a)
Bind a f -> compile p a >>= (\(new, v) -> compile new (f v))
Tell t -> Streaming.yield t $> (p, ())
Get -> pure (p, p)
Put p' -> pure (p', ())
instance Functor Tokenizer where fmap = liftA
instance Applicative Tokenizer where
pure = Pure
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad Tokenizer where (>>=) = Bind
data Strategy
= Reprinting
| PrettyPrinting
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Filter
= AllowAll
| ForbidData
deriving (Eq, Show)
data State = State
{ source :: Source -- We need to be able to slice
, history :: History -- What's the history of the term we're examining
, strategy :: Strategy -- What are we doing right now?
, cursor :: Int -- Where do we begin slices?
, filter :: Filter -- Should we ignore data tokens?
} deriving (Show, Eq)
-- Builtins
-- | Yield an 'Element' token in a 'Tokenizer' context.
yield :: Element -> Tokenizer ()
yield e = do
on <- filter <$> Get
when (on == AllowAll) . Tell . Element $ e
-- | Yield a 'Control' token.
control :: Control -> Tokenizer ()
control = Tell . Control
-- | Yield a 'Chunk' of some 'Source'.
chunk :: Source -> Tokenizer ()
chunk = Tell . Chunk
-- | Ensures that the final chunk is emitted
finish :: Tokenizer ()
finish = do
crs <- asks cursor
log ("Finishing, cursor is " <> show crs)
src <- asks source
chunk (Source.drop crs src)
-- State handling
asks :: (State -> a) -> Tokenizer a
asks f = f <$> Get
modify :: (State -> State) -> Tokenizer ()
modify f = Get >>= \x -> Put . f $! x
allowAll, forbidData :: Tokenizer ()
allowAll = modify (\x -> x { filter = AllowAll })
forbidData = modify (\x -> x { filter = ForbidData })
move :: Int -> Tokenizer ()
move c = modify (\x -> x { cursor = c })
withHistory :: Annotated t History
=> t
-> Tokenizer a
-> Tokenizer a
withHistory t act = do
old <- asks history
modify (\x -> x { history = annotation t })
act <* modify (\x -> x { history = old })
withStrategy :: Strategy -> Tokenizer a -> Tokenizer a
withStrategy s act = do
old <- Get
Put (old { strategy = s })
res <- act
new <- Get
Put (new { strategy = strategy old })
pure res
-- The reprinting algorithm.
-- | A subterm algebra inspired by the /Scrap Your Reprinter/ algorithm.
descend :: Tokenize constr => SubtermAlgebra constr (Term a History) (Tokenizer ())
descend t = do
(State src hist strat crs _) <- asks id
let into s = withHistory (subterm s) (subtermRef s)
case (hist, strat) of
(Unmodified _, _) -> do
tokenize (fmap into t)
(Refactored _, PrettyPrinting) -> do
tokenize (fmap into t)
(Refactored r, Reprinting) -> do
let delimiter = Range crs (start r)
unless (delimiter == Range 0 0) $ do
log ("slicing: " <> show delimiter)
chunk (Source.slice src delimiter)
move (start r)
tokenize (fmap (withStrategy PrettyPrinting . into) t)
move (end r)
-- Combinators
-- | Emit a log message to the token stream. Useful for debugging.
log :: String -> Tokenizer ()
log = control . Log
-- | Emit an Enter for the given context, then run the provided
-- action, then emit a corresponding Exit.
within :: Scope -> Tokenizer () -> Tokenizer ()
within c r = control (Enter c) *> r <* control (Exit c)
-- | Like 'within', but adds 'Open' and 'Close' elements around the action.
within' :: Scope -> Tokenizer () -> Tokenizer ()
within' c x = within c $ yield Token.Open *> x <* yield Token.Close
-- | Emit a sequence of tokens interspersed with 'Sep'.
sep :: Foldable t => t (Tokenizer ()) -> [Tokenizer ()]
sep = intersperse (yield Token.Sep) . toList
-- | Emit a sequence of tokens each with trailing 'Sep'.
sepTrailing :: Foldable t => t (Tokenizer ()) -> [Tokenizer ()]
sepTrailing = foldr (\x acc -> x : yield Token.Sep : acc) mempty
-- | Emit a sequence of tokens within a 'List' Scope with appropriate 'Open',
-- 'TClose' tokens surrounding.
list :: Foldable t => t (Tokenizer ()) -> Tokenizer ()
list = within' Scope.List . sequenceA_ . sep
-- | Emit a sequence of tokens within a 'Hash' Scope with appropriate
-- 'Open', 'TClose' tokens surrounding and interspersing 'Sep'.
hash :: Foldable t => t (Tokenizer ()) -> Tokenizer ()
hash = within' Scope.Hash . sequenceA_ . sep
-- | Emit key value tokens with a 'Sep' within a scoped 'Pair'.
pair :: Tokenizer () -> Tokenizer () -> Tokenizer ()
pair k v = within Scope.Pair $ k *> yield Token.Sep <* v
-- | Emit a sequence of tokens within an 'Imperative' scope with
-- appropriate 'Open', 'Close' tokens surrounding and interspersing
-- 'Sep'.
imperative :: Foldable t => t (Tokenizer ()) -> Tokenizer ()
imperative = within' Scope.Imperative . sequenceA_ . sep
-- | Shortcut for @const (pure ())@, useful for when no action
-- should be taken.
ignore :: a -> Tokenizer ()
ignore = const (pure ())
-- | An instance of the 'Tokenize' typeclass describes how to emit tokens to
-- pretty print the value of the supplied constructor in its AST context.
class (Show1 constr, Traversable constr) => Tokenize constr where
-- | Should emit control and data tokens.
tokenize :: FAlgebra constr (Tokenizer ())
tokenizing :: (Monad m, Tokenize a)
=> Source
-> Term a History
-> Stream (Of Token) m ()
tokenizing src term = pipe
where pipe = fmap snd $ compile state go
state = State src (termAnnotation term) Reprinting 0 ForbidData
go = forbidData *> foldSubterms descend term <* finish
-- | Sums of reprintable terms are reprintable.
instance (Apply Show1 fs, Apply Functor fs, Apply Foldable fs, Apply Traversable fs, Apply Tokenize fs) => Tokenize (Sum fs) where
tokenize = apply @Tokenize tokenize
-- | Annotated terms are reprintable and operate in a context derived from the annotation.
instance Tokenize a => Tokenize (TermF a History) where
tokenize t = withHistory t (tokenize (termFOut t))
instance Tokenize [] where
tokenize = imperative
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Reprinting.Translate
( contextualizing
, TranslatorC
) where
import Control.Effect.Error
import Control.Effect.Pure
import Control.Effect.State
import Control.Monad
import Streaming
import qualified Streaming.Prelude as Streaming
import Data.Reprinting.Errors
import Data.Reprinting.Scope
import Data.Reprinting.Splice
import Data.Reprinting.Token
import qualified Source.Source as Source
type TranslatorC
= StateC [Scope]
( ErrorC TranslationError PureC)
contextualizing :: Stream (Of Token) TranslatorC a
-> Stream (Of Fragment) TranslatorC a
contextualizing = Streaming.mapMaybeM $ \case
Chunk source -> pure . Just . Verbatim . Source.toText $ source
Element t -> Just <$> case t of
Run f -> get >>= \c -> pure (New t c f)
_ -> get >>= pure . Defer t
Control ctl -> Nothing <$ case ctl of
Enter c -> enterScope c
Exit c -> exitScope c
_ -> pure ()
enterScope :: (Member (State [Scope]) sig, Carrier sig m)
=> Scope
-> m ()
enterScope c = modify (c :)
exitScope :: ( Member (State [Scope]) sig
, Member (Error TranslationError) sig
, Carrier sig m
=> Scope
-> m ()
exitScope c = get >>= \case
(x:xs) -> when (x == c) (put xs)
cs -> throwError (UnbalancedPair c cs)
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
module Reprinting.Typeset
( typesetting
, typesettingWithVisualWhitespace
) where
import Prologue
import Streaming
import qualified Streaming.Prelude as Streaming
import Data.Reprinting.Splice hiding (space)
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc
typesetting :: Monad m => Stream (Of Splice) m x
-> Stream (Of (Doc a)) m x
typesetting = Streaming.map step
step :: Splice -> Doc a
step (Emit t) = pretty t
step (Layout SoftWrap) = softline
step (Layout HardWrap) = hardline
step (Layout Space) = space
step (Layout (Indent 0 Spaces)) = mempty
step (Layout (Indent n Spaces)) = stimes n space
step (Layout (Indent 0 Tabs)) = mempty
step (Layout (Indent n Tabs)) = stimes n "\t"
-- | Typeset, but show whitespace with printable characters for debugging purposes.
typesettingWithVisualWhitespace :: Monad m
=> Stream (Of Splice) m x
-> Stream (Of (Doc a)) m x
typesettingWithVisualWhitespace = Streaming.map step where
step :: Splice -> Doc a
step (Emit t) = pretty t
step (Layout SoftWrap) = softline
step (Layout HardWrap) = "\\n" <> hardline
step (Layout Space) = "."
step (Layout (Indent 0 Spaces)) = mempty
step (Layout (Indent n Spaces)) = stimes n "."
step (Layout (Indent 0 Tabs)) = mempty
step (Layout (Indent n Tabs)) = stimes n "\t"
@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, OverloadedLists, TypeOperators #-}
module Reprinting.Spec (spec) where
import SpecHelpers
import Control.Effect.Parse
import Data.Foldable
import Streaming hiding (Sum)
import qualified Streaming.Prelude as Streaming
import Control.Rewriting
import qualified Data.Language as Language
import Data.Reprinting.Scope
import Data.Reprinting.Token
import Data.Sum
import qualified Data.Syntax.Literal as Literal
import Language.JSON.PrettyPrint
import Reprinting.Pipeline
import Reprinting.Tokenize
increaseNumbers :: (Literal.Float :< fs, Apply Functor fs) => Rule (Term (Sum fs) History)
increaseNumbers = do
(Literal.Float c) <- target >>= guardTerm
create (Literal.Float (c <> "0"))
spec :: Spec
spec = describe "reprinting" $ do
context "JSON" $ do
let path = "test/fixtures/javascript/reprinting/map.json"
(src, tree) <- runIO $ do
src <- blobSource <$> readBlobFromFile' (File path Language.JSON)
tree <- parseFileQuiet jsonParser path
pure (src, tree)
describe "tokenization" $ do
it "should pass over a pristine tree" $ do
let tagged = mark Unmodified tree
let toks = runIdentity . Streaming.toList_ $ tokenizing src tagged
toks `shouldSatisfy` not . null
head toks `shouldSatisfy` isControl
last toks `shouldSatisfy` isChunk
it "should emit control tokens but only 1 chunk for a wholly-modified tree" $ do
let toks = runIdentity . Streaming.toList_ $ tokenizing src (mark Refactored tree)
for_ @[] [List, Hash] $ \t -> do
toks `shouldSatisfy` elem (Control (Enter t))
toks `shouldSatisfy` elem (Control (Exit t))
describe "pipeline" $ do
it "should roundtrip exactly over a pristine tree" $ do
let tagged = mark Unmodified tree
let printed = runReprinter src defaultJSONPipeline tagged
printed `shouldBe` Right src
it "should roundtrip exactly over a wholly-modified tree" $ do
let tagged = mark Refactored tree
let printed = runReprinter src defaultJSONPipeline tagged
printed `shouldBe` Right src
it "should be able to parse the output of a refactor" $ do
let maybeTagged = rewrite (mark Unmodified tree) (topDownAny increaseNumbers)
tagged <- maybe (fail "rewrite failed") pure maybeTagged
let eitherPrinted = runReprinter src defaultJSONPipeline tagged
printed <- either (fail "reprinter failed") pure eitherPrinted
tree' <- runTaskOrDie (runParseWithConfig (parse jsonParser (makeBlob printed path Language.JSON mempty)))
length tree' `shouldSatisfy` (/= 0)
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Rewriting.Go.Spec (spec) where
import Control.Rewriting
import Data.List
import Data.Sum
import qualified Data.Syntax.Literal as Lit
import qualified Data.Syntax.Statement as Stmt
import Data.Text (Text)
import SpecHelpers
-- This gets the Text contents of all integers
integerMatcher :: (Lit.Integer :< fs) => Rewrite (Term (Sum fs) ann) Text
integerMatcher = enter Lit.integerContent
-- This matches all for-loops with its index variable new variable bound to 0,
-- e.g. `for i := 0; i < 10; i++`
loopMatcher :: ( Stmt.For :< fs
, Stmt.Assignment :< fs
, Lit.Integer :< fs)
=> Rule (Term (Sum fs) ann)
loopMatcher = target <* go where
go = enter Stmt.forBefore
>>> enter Stmt.assignmentValue
>>> enter Lit.integerContent
>>> ensure (== "0")
spec :: Spec
spec = describe "recursively" $ do
it "extracts integers" $ do
parsed <- parseFileQuiet goParser "test/fixtures/go/matching/integers.go"
let matched = recursively integerMatcher parsed
sort matched `shouldBe` ["1", "2", "3"]
it "counts for loops" $ do
parsed <- parseFileQuiet goParser "test/fixtures/go/matching/for.go"
let matched = recursively @[] @(Term _ _) loopMatcher parsed
length matched `shouldBe` 2
@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, TypeOperators #-}
module Rewriting.JSON.Spec (spec) where
import Prelude hiding (id, (.))
import SpecHelpers
import Control.Category
import Control.Rewriting as Rewriting
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.History as History
import Data.Sum
import qualified Data.Syntax.Literal as Literal
import Data.Text (Text)
import Language.JSON.PrettyPrint
import Reprinting.Pipeline
import qualified Source.Source as Source
-- Adds a "hi": "bye" key-value pair to any empty Hash.
onTrees :: ( Literal.TextElement :< syn
, Literal.Hash :< syn
, Literal.KeyValue :< syn
, Apply Functor syn
, term ~ Term (Sum syn) History
) => Rule term
onTrees = do
Literal.Hash els <- Rewriting.target >>= guardTerm
guard (null els)
k <- create $ Literal.TextElement "\"hi\""
v <- create $ Literal.TextElement "\"bye\""
pair <- create $ Literal.KeyValue k v
create (Literal.Hash (pair : els))
-- Matches only "hi" string literals.
isHi :: ( Literal.TextElement :< fs
) => Rewrite (Term (Sum fs) History) Text
isHi = enter Literal.textElementContent
>>> ensure (== "\"hi\"")
spec :: Spec
spec = describe "rewriting" $ do
let path = "test/fixtures/json/rewriting/add_keys.json"
bytes <- runIO $ Source.fromUTF8 <$> B.readFile path
refactored <- runIO $ do
json <- parseFileQuiet jsonParser path
let result = rewrite @Maybe (History.mark Unmodified json) (topDownAny onTrees)
maybe (fail "rewrite failed") pure result
it "should add keys to JSON values" $ do
length (recursively @[] isHi refactored) `shouldBe` 1
it "should round-trip correctly" $ do
let res = runReprinter bytes defaultJSONPipeline refactored
expected <- Source.fromUTF8 <$> B.readFile "test/fixtures/json/rewriting/add_keys_expected.json"
res `shouldBe` Right expected
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, TypeOperators #-}
module Rewriting.Python.Spec (spec) where
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Rewriting
import Data.Sum
import qualified Data.Syntax.Declaration as Decl
import qualified Data.Syntax.Literal as Lit
import SpecHelpers
-- This gets the Text contents of all integers
docstringMatcher :: ( Decl.Function :< fs
, [] :< fs
, Lit.TextElement :< fs
, term ~ Term (Sum fs) ann
) => Rewrite term (TermF Decl.Function ann term)
docstringMatcher =
narrowF <* (enter Decl.functionBody
>>> narrow @[]
>>> mhead
>>> narrow @Lit.TextElement
>>> ensure Lit.isTripleQuoted)
spec :: Spec
spec = describe "matching/python" $ do
it "matches top-level docstrings" $ do
parsed <- parseFileQuiet pythonParser "test/fixtures/python/matching/docstrings.py"
let matched = recursively @[] docstringMatcher parsed
length matched `shouldBe` 2
it "matches docstrings recursively" $ do
parsed <- parseFileQuiet pythonParser "test/fixtures/python/matching/docstrings_nested.py"
let matched = recursively @[] docstringMatcher parsed
length matched `shouldBe` 3
@ -26,10 +26,6 @@ import qualified Integration.Spec
import qualified Numeric.Spec
import qualified Parsing.Spec
import qualified Rendering.TOC.Spec
import qualified Reprinting.Spec
import qualified Rewriting.Go.Spec
import qualified Rewriting.JSON.Spec
import qualified Rewriting.Python.Spec
import qualified Tags.Spec
import qualified Semantic.Spec
import qualified Semantic.CLI.Spec
@ -86,10 +82,6 @@ legacySpecs = parallel $ do
describe "Diffing.Interpreter" Diffing.Interpreter.Spec.spec
describe "Graphing.Calls" Graphing.Calls.Spec.spec
describe "Rendering.TOC" Rendering.TOC.Spec.spec
describe "Reprinting.Spec" Reprinting.Spec.spec
describe "Rewriting.Go" Rewriting.Go.Spec.spec
describe "Rewriting.JSON" Rewriting.JSON.Spec.spec
describe "Rewriting.Python" Rewriting.Python.Spec.spec
describe "Tags.Spec" Tags.Spec.spec
describe "Semantic" Semantic.Spec.spec
describe "Semantic.IO" Semantic.IO.Spec.spec
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