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synced 2025-01-09 00:56:32 +03:00
Revert to using State
This commit is contained in:
@ -63,8 +63,13 @@ findNearestNeighoursToDiff' :: (RWS f fields :< e)
-> Eff e ([(These Int Int, Diff f fields)], UnmappedTerms f fields)
findNearestNeighoursToDiff' diffs as bs = send (FindNearestNeighoursToDiff diffs as bs)
deleteRemaining' :: (RWS f fields :< e)
=> [(These Int Int, These (Term f (Record fields)) (Term f (Record fields)))]
-> UnmappedTerms f fields
-> Eff e [(These Int Int, These (Term f (Record fields)) (Term f (Record fields)))]
deleteRemaining' diffs remaining = send (DeleteRemaining diffs remaining)
insertMapped' :: (RWS f fields :< e) => [(These Int Int, These (Term f (Record fields)) (Term f (Record fields)))] -> [(These Int Int, These (Term f (Record fields)) (Term f (Record fields)))] -> Eff e [(These Int Int, These (Term f (Record fields)) (Term f (Record fields)))]
insertMapped' diffs mappedDiffs = send (InsertMapped diffs mappedDiffs)
@ -96,7 +101,7 @@ run :: (Eq1 f, Functor f, HasField fields Category, HasField fields (Maybe Featu
run editDistance canCompare as bs = relay pure (\m q -> q $ case m of
SES -> ses (gliftEq (==) `on` fmap category) as bs
(GenFeaturizedTermsAndDiffs sesDiffs) ->
genFeaturizedTermsAndDiffs sesDiffs
evalState (genFeaturizedTermsAndDiffs sesDiffs) (0, 0)
(FindNearestNeighoursToDiff allDiffs featureAs featureBs) ->
findNearestNeighboursToDiff editDistance canCompare allDiffs featureAs featureBs
(DeleteRemaining allDiffs remainingDiffs) ->
@ -192,6 +197,7 @@ findNearestNeighbourTo editDistance canCompare kdTrees term@(UnmappedTerm j _ b)
put (i, IntMap.delete i unmappedA, IntMap.delete j unmappedB)
pure (These i j, These a b)
isInMoveBounds :: Int -> Int -> Bool
isInMoveBounds previous i = previous < i && i < previous + defaultMoveBound
-- | Finds the most-similar unmapped term to the passed-in term, if any.
@ -208,16 +214,13 @@ nearestUnmapped
-> Maybe (UnmappedTerm f fields) -- ^ The most similar unmapped term, if any.
nearestUnmapped editDistance canCompare unmapped tree key = getFirst $ foldMap (First . Just) (sortOn (editDistanceIfComparable editDistance canCompare (term key) . term) (toList (IntMap.intersection unmapped (toMap (kNearest tree defaultL key)))))
editDistanceIfComparable :: Bounded t => (These a b -> t) -> (a -> b -> Bool) -> a -> b -> t
editDistanceIfComparable editDistance canCompare a b = if canCompare a b
then editDistance (These a b)
else maxBound
defaultD, defaultL, defaultP, defaultQ, defaultMoveBound :: Int
defaultD = 15
-- | How many of the most similar terms to consider, to rule out false positives.
defaultL, defaultMoveBound :: Int
defaultL = 2
defaultP = 2
defaultQ = 3
defaultMoveBound = 2
-- Returns a state (insertion index, old unmapped terms, new unmapped terms), and value of (index, inserted diff),
@ -232,18 +235,38 @@ insertion previous unmappedA unmappedB (UnmappedTerm j _ b) = do
put (previous, unmappedA, IntMap.delete j unmappedB)
pure (That j, That b)
genFeaturizedTermsAndDiffs :: (Functor f, HasField fields (Maybe FeatureVector)) => RWSEditScript f fields -> ([UnmappedTerm f fields], [UnmappedTerm f fields], [(These Int Int, These (Term f (Record fields)) (Term f (Record fields)))], [TermOrIndexOrNone (UnmappedTerm f fields)])
genFeaturizedTermsAndDiffs sesDiffs = (featurizedAs, featurizedBs, countersAndDiffs, allDiffs)
-- genFeaturizedTermsAndDiffs :: (Functor f, HasField fields (Maybe FeatureVector)) => RWSEditScript f fields -> ([UnmappedTerm f fields], [UnmappedTerm f fields], [(These Int Int, These (Term f (Record fields)) (Term f (Record fields)))], [TermOrIndexOrNone (UnmappedTerm f fields)])
-- genFeaturizedTermsAndDiffs sesDiffs = (featurizedAs, featurizedBs, countersAndDiffs, allDiffs)
-- where
-- (featurizedAs, featurizedBs, _, _, countersAndDiffs, allDiffs) = foldl' (\(as, bs, counterA, counterB, diffs, allDiffs) diff ->
-- case diff of
-- This term ->
-- (as <> pure (featurize counterA term), bs, succ counterA, counterB, diffs, allDiffs <> pure None)
-- That term ->
-- (as, bs <> pure (featurize counterB term), counterA, succ counterB, diffs, allDiffs <> pure (Term (featurize counterB term)))
-- These a b ->
-- (as, bs, succ counterA, succ counterB, diffs <> pure (These counterA counterB, These a b), allDiffs <> pure (Index counterA))
-- ) ([], [], 0, 0, [], []) sesDiffs
genFeaturizedTermsAndDiffs :: (Functor f, HasField fields (Maybe FeatureVector)) => RWSEditScript f fields -> State (Int, Int) ([UnmappedTerm f fields], [UnmappedTerm f fields], [(These Int Int, These (Term f (Record fields)) (Term f (Record fields)))], [TermOrIndexOrNone (UnmappedTerm f fields)])
genFeaturizedTermsAndDiffs sesDiffs = go
(featurizedAs, featurizedBs, _, _, countersAndDiffs, allDiffs) = foldl' (\(as, bs, counterA, counterB, diffs, allDiffs) diff ->
case diff of
This term ->
(as <> pure (featurize counterA term), bs, succ counterA, counterB, diffs, allDiffs <> pure None)
That term ->
(as, bs <> pure (featurize counterB term), counterA, succ counterB, diffs, allDiffs <> pure (Term (featurize counterB term)))
These a b ->
(as, bs, succ counterA, succ counterB, diffs <> pure (These counterA counterB, These a b), allDiffs <> pure (Index counterA))
) ([], [], 0, 0, [], []) sesDiffs
go = case sesDiffs of
[] -> pure ([], [], [], [])
(diff : diffs) -> do
(counterA, counterB) <- get
case diff of
This term -> do
put (succ counterA, counterB)
(as, bs, mappedDiffs, allDiffs) <- genFeaturizedTermsAndDiffs diffs
pure (featurize counterA term : as, bs, mappedDiffs, None : allDiffs )
That term -> do
put (counterA, succ counterB)
(as, bs, mappedDiffs, allDiffs) <- genFeaturizedTermsAndDiffs diffs
pure (as, featurize counterB term : bs, mappedDiffs, Term (featurize counterB term) : allDiffs)
These a b -> do
put (succ counterA, succ counterB)
(as, bs, mappedDiffs, allDiffs) <- genFeaturizedTermsAndDiffs diffs
pure (as, bs, (These counterA counterB, These a b) : mappedDiffs, Index counterA : allDiffs)
featurize :: (HasField fields (Maybe FeatureVector), Functor f) => Int -> Term f (Record fields) -> UnmappedTerm f fields
featurize index term = UnmappedTerm index (let Just v = getField (extract term) in v) (eraseFeatureVector term)
@ -255,13 +278,16 @@ eraseFeatureVector term = let record :< functor = runCofree term in
setFeatureVector :: HasField fields (Maybe FeatureVector) => Record fields -> Maybe FeatureVector -> Record fields
setFeatureVector = setField
minimumTermIndex :: [RWS.UnmappedTerm f fields] -> Int
minimumTermIndex = pred . maybe 0 getMin . getOption . foldMap (Option . Just . Min . termIndex)
toMap :: [UnmappedTerm f fields] -> IntMap (UnmappedTerm f fields)
toMap = IntMap.fromList . fmap (termIndex &&& identity)
toKdTree :: [UnmappedTerm f fields] -> KdTree Double (UnmappedTerm f fields)
toKdTree = build (elems . feature)
data EditGraph a b = EditGraph { as :: !(Array Int a), bs :: !(Array Int b) }
data EditGraph a b = EditGraph { as :: Array Int a, bs :: Array Int b }
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- data Step a b result where
Reference in New Issue
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