mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2025-01-03 04:51:57 +03:00

Spell out all the Heap type parameters in full.

This commit is contained in:
Rob Rix 2018-05-10 12:15:56 -04:00
parent 70a2199eec
commit 2c695b3537

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@ -9,42 +9,42 @@ import Data.Semilattice.Lower
import Prologue
-- | A map of addresses onto cells holding their values.
newtype Heap l a = Heap { unHeap :: Monoidal.Map l (Cell l a) }
newtype Heap location value = Heap { unHeap :: Monoidal.Map location (Cell location value) }
deriving (Generic1, Lower)
deriving instance (Eq l, Eq (Cell l a)) => Eq (Heap l a)
deriving instance (Ord l, Ord (Cell l a)) => Ord (Heap l a)
deriving instance (Show l, Show (Cell l a)) => Show (Heap l a)
instance (Eq l, Eq1 (Cell l)) => Eq1 (Heap l) where liftEq = genericLiftEq
instance (Ord l, Ord1 (Cell l)) => Ord1 (Heap l) where liftCompare = genericLiftCompare
instance (Show l, Show1 (Cell l)) => Show1 (Heap l) where liftShowsPrec = genericLiftShowsPrec
deriving instance Foldable (Cell l) => Foldable (Heap l)
deriving instance Functor (Cell l) => Functor (Heap l)
deriving instance Traversable (Cell l) => Traversable (Heap l)
deriving instance (Ord l, Semigroup (Cell l a)) => Semigroup (Heap l a)
deriving instance (Ord l, Semigroup (Cell l a)) => Monoid (Heap l a)
deriving instance (Ord l, Reducer a (Cell l a)) => Reducer (l, a) (Heap l a)
deriving instance (Eq location, Eq (Cell location value)) => Eq (Heap location value)
deriving instance (Ord location, Ord (Cell location value)) => Ord (Heap location value)
deriving instance (Show location, Show (Cell location value)) => Show (Heap location value)
instance (Eq location, Eq1 (Cell location)) => Eq1 (Heap location) where liftEq = genericLiftEq
instance (Ord location, Ord1 (Cell location)) => Ord1 (Heap location) where liftCompare = genericLiftCompare
instance (Show location, Show1 (Cell location)) => Show1 (Heap location) where liftShowsPrec = genericLiftShowsPrec
deriving instance Foldable (Cell location) => Foldable (Heap location)
deriving instance Functor (Cell location) => Functor (Heap location)
deriving instance Traversable (Cell location) => Traversable (Heap location)
deriving instance (Ord location, Semigroup (Cell location value)) => Semigroup (Heap location value)
deriving instance (Ord location, Semigroup (Cell location value)) => Monoid (Heap location value)
deriving instance (Ord location, Reducer value (Cell location value)) => Reducer (location, value) (Heap location value)
-- | Look up the cell of values for an 'Address' in a 'Heap', if any.
heapLookup :: Ord l => Address l a -> Heap l a -> Maybe (Cell l a)
heapLookup :: Ord location => Address location value -> Heap location value -> Maybe (Cell location value)
heapLookup (Address address) = Monoidal.lookup address . unHeap
-- | Look up the list of values stored for a given address, if any.
heapLookupAll :: (Ord l, Foldable (Cell l)) => Address l a -> Heap l a -> Maybe [a]
heapLookupAll :: (Ord location, Foldable (Cell location)) => Address location value -> Heap location value -> Maybe [value]
heapLookupAll address = fmap toList . heapLookup address
-- | Append a value onto the cell for a given address, inserting a new cell if none existed.
heapInsert :: (Ord l, Reducer a (Cell l a)) => Address l a -> a -> Heap l a -> Heap l a
heapInsert :: (Ord location, Reducer value (Cell location value)) => Address location value -> value -> Heap location value -> Heap location value
heapInsert (Address address) value = flip snoc (address, value)
-- | Manually insert a cell into the heap at a given address.
heapInit :: Ord l => Address l a -> Cell l a -> Heap l a -> Heap l a
heapInit :: Ord location => Address location value -> Cell location value -> Heap location value -> Heap location value
heapInit (Address address) cell (Heap h) = Heap (Monoidal.insert address cell h)
-- | The number of addresses extant in a 'Heap'.
heapSize :: Heap l a -> Int
heapSize :: Heap location value -> Int
heapSize = Monoidal.size . unHeap
-- | Restrict a 'Heap' to only those 'Address'es in the given 'Live' set (in essence garbage collecting the rest).
heapRestrict :: Ord l => Heap l a -> Live l a -> Heap l a
heapRestrict :: Ord location => Heap location value -> Live location value -> Heap location value
heapRestrict (Heap m) roots = Heap (Monoidal.filterWithKey (\ address _ -> Address address `liveMember` roots) m)