mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2025-01-04 21:47:07 +03:00
This commit is contained in:
Patrick Thomson 2019-03-01 14:01:27 -05:00
parent 77672564eb
commit 2eb1280681
2 changed files with 80 additions and 66 deletions

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@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import Data.Term
import Prologue
import Semantic.Api.Helpers
import Semantic.Api.V1.CodeAnalysisPB
import Control.Lens
import qualified Data.Text as T
@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ instance (ConstructorName syntax, Foldable syntax) =>
termAlgebra (In ann syntax) = do
i <- fresh
parent <- ask
let root = vertex (TermVertex (fromIntegral i) (T.pack (constructorName syntax)) (spanToSpan (locationSpan ann)))
let root = vertex (TermVertex (fromIntegral i) (T.pack (constructorName syntax)) (locationSpan ann ^? bridging))
subGraph <- foldl' (\acc x -> overlay <$> acc <*> local (const root) x) (pure mempty) syntax
pure (parent `connect` root `overlay` subGraph)
@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ instance (ConstructorName syntax, Foldable syntax) =>
graph <- local (const replace) (overlay <$> diffAlgebra t1 (Deleted (Just (DeletedTerm beforeName beforeSpan))) <*> diffAlgebra t2 (Inserted (Just (InsertedTerm afterName afterSpan))))
pure (parent `connect` replace `overlay` graph)
ann a = spanToSpan (locationSpan a)
ann a = a ^? to locationSpan.bridging
diffAlgebra ::
( Foldable f
, Member Fresh sig

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@ -1,39 +1,94 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies, LambdaCase, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module Semantic.Api.Helpers
( spanToSpan
, spanToLegacySpan
( APIBridge (..)
, toChangeType
, languageToApiLanguage
, apiSpanToSpan
, apiLanguageToLanguage
, apiBlobsToBlobs
, apiBlobToBlob
, apiBlobPairsToBlobPairs
, apiBlobPairToBlobPair
) where
import Prologue
import Control.Lens
import qualified Data.Blob as Data
import qualified Data.Language as Data
import Data.Source (fromText)
import Data.Source (fromText, toText)
import qualified Data.Span as Data
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Semantic.Api.LegacyTypes as Legacy
import qualified Semantic.Api.V1.CodeAnalysisPB as API
spanToSpan :: Data.Span -> Maybe API.Span
spanToSpan Data.Span{..} = Just $ API.Span (toPos spanStart) (toPos spanEnd)
where toPos Data.Pos{..} = Just $ API.Position (fromIntegral posLine) (fromIntegral posColumn)
class APIConvert api native | api -> native where
converting :: Prism' api native
spanToLegacySpan :: Data.Span -> Maybe Legacy.Span
spanToLegacySpan Data.Span{..} = Just $ Legacy.Span (toPos spanStart) (toPos spanEnd)
where toPos Data.Pos{..} = Just $ Legacy.Position posLine posColumn
class APIBridge api native | api -> native where
bridging :: Iso' api native
apiSpanToSpan :: Maybe API.Span -> Data.Span
apiSpanToSpan (Just API.Span{..}) = Data.Span (toPos start) (toPos end)
where toPos (Just API.Position{..}) = Data.Pos (fromIntegral line) (fromIntegral column)
toPos Nothing = Data.Pos 1 1
apiSpanToSpan Nothing = Data.emptySpan
instance APIBridge Legacy.Position Data.Pos where
bridging = iso fromAPI toAPI where
toAPI Data.Pos{..} = Legacy.Position posLine posColumn
fromAPI Legacy.Position{..} = Data.Pos line column
instance APIBridge API.Position Data.Pos where
bridging = iso fromAPI toAPI where
toAPI Data.Pos{..} = API.Position (fromIntegral posLine) (fromIntegral posColumn)
fromAPI API.Position{..} = Data.Pos (fromIntegral line) (fromIntegral column)
instance APIBridge Data.Span API.Span where
bridging = iso toAPI fromAPI where
toAPI Data.Span{..} = API.Span (spanStart ^? re bridging) (spanEnd ^? re bridging)
fromAPI API.Span{..} = Data.Span (start^.non single.bridging) (end^.non single.bridging)
single = API.Position 1 1
instance APIBridge API.Language Data.Language where
bridging = iso apiLanguageToLanguage languageToApiLanguage where
languageToApiLanguage :: Data.Language -> API.Language
languageToApiLanguage = \case
Data.Unknown -> API.Unknown
Data.Go -> API.Go
Data.Haskell -> API.Haskell
Data.Java -> API.Java
Data.JavaScript -> API.Javascript
Data.JSON -> API.Json
Data.JSX -> API.Jsx
Data.Markdown -> API.Markdown
Data.Python -> API.Python
Data.Ruby -> API.Ruby
Data.TypeScript -> API.Typescript
Data.PHP -> API.Php
apiLanguageToLanguage :: API.Language -> Data.Language
apiLanguageToLanguage = \case
API.Unknown -> Data.Unknown
API.Go -> Data.Go
API.Haskell -> Data.Haskell
API.Java -> Data.Java
API.Javascript -> Data.JavaScript
API.Json -> Data.JSON
API.Jsx -> Data.JSX
API.Markdown -> Data.Markdown
API.Python -> Data.Python
API.Ruby -> Data.Ruby
API.Typescript -> Data.TypeScript
API.Php -> Data.PHP
instance APIBridge API.Blob Data.Blob where
bridging = iso apiBlobToBlob blobToApiBlob where
blobToApiBlob Data.Blob{..} = API.Blob (toText blobSource) (T.pack blobPath) (bridging # blobLanguage)
apiBlobToBlob API.Blob{..} = Data.Blob (fromText content) (T.unpack path) (language ^. bridging)
instance APIConvert API.BlobPair Data.BlobPair where
converting = prism' blobPairToApiBlobPair apiBlobPairToBlobPair where
apiBlobPairToBlobPair (API.BlobPair (Just before) (Just after)) = Just $ Data.Diffing (before^.bridging) (after^.bridging)
apiBlobPairToBlobPair (API.BlobPair (Just before) Nothing) = Just $ Data.Deleting (before^.bridging)
apiBlobPairToBlobPair (API.BlobPair Nothing (Just after)) = Just $ Data.Inserting (after^.bridging)
apiBlobPairToBlobPair _ = Nothing
blobPairToApiBlobPair (Data.Diffing before after) = API.BlobPair (before ^? re bridging) (after ^? re bridging)
blobPairToApiBlobPair (Data.Inserting after) = API.BlobPair Nothing (after ^? re bridging)
blobPairToApiBlobPair (Data.Deleting before) = API.BlobPair (before ^? re bridging) Nothing
toChangeType :: T.Text -> API.ChangeType
toChangeType = \case
@ -42,47 +97,5 @@ toChangeType = \case
"removed" -> API.Removed
_ -> API.None
languageToApiLanguage :: Data.Language -> API.Language
languageToApiLanguage = \case
Data.Unknown -> API.Unknown
Data.Go -> API.Go
Data.Haskell -> API.Haskell
Data.Java -> API.Java
Data.JavaScript -> API.Javascript
Data.JSON -> API.Json
Data.JSX -> API.Jsx
Data.Markdown -> API.Markdown
Data.Python -> API.Python
Data.Ruby -> API.Ruby
Data.TypeScript -> API.Typescript
Data.PHP -> API.Php
apiLanguageToLanguage :: API.Language -> Data.Language
apiLanguageToLanguage = \case
API.Unknown -> Data.Unknown
API.Go -> Data.Go
API.Haskell -> Data.Haskell
API.Java -> Data.Java
API.Javascript -> Data.JavaScript
API.Json -> Data.JSON
API.Jsx -> Data.JSX
API.Markdown -> Data.Markdown
API.Python -> Data.Python
API.Ruby -> Data.Ruby
API.Typescript -> Data.TypeScript
API.Php -> Data.PHP
apiBlobsToBlobs :: V.Vector API.Blob -> [Data.Blob]
apiBlobsToBlobs = V.toList . fmap apiBlobToBlob
apiBlobToBlob :: API.Blob -> Data.Blob
apiBlobToBlob API.Blob{..} = Data.Blob (fromText content) (T.unpack path) (apiLanguageToLanguage language)
apiBlobPairsToBlobPairs :: V.Vector API.BlobPair -> [Data.BlobPair]
apiBlobPairsToBlobPairs = V.toList . fmap apiBlobPairToBlobPair
apiBlobPairToBlobPair :: API.BlobPair -> Data.BlobPair
apiBlobPairToBlobPair (API.BlobPair (Just before) (Just after)) = Data.Diffing (apiBlobToBlob before) (apiBlobToBlob after)
apiBlobPairToBlobPair (API.BlobPair (Just before) Nothing) = Data.Deleting (apiBlobToBlob before)
apiBlobPairToBlobPair (API.BlobPair Nothing (Just after)) = Data.Inserting (apiBlobToBlob after)
apiBlobPairToBlobPair _ = Prelude.error "Expected BlobPair to have either 'before' and/or 'after'."
apiBlobsToBlobs = V.toList . fmap (^.bridging)