mirror of
synced 2025-01-03 13:02:37 +03:00
Merge branch 'master' into records
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,16 +2,9 @@
:set -package pretty-show -package hscolour
-- See docs/💡ProTip!.md
:undef pretty
:def pretty \ _ -> return ":set -interactive-print Semantic.Util.Pretty.prettyShow"
-- See docs/💡ProTip!.md
:undef no-pretty
:def no-pretty \_ -> return ":set -interactive-print System.IO.print"
-- See docs/💡ProTip!.md
:undef r
:def r \_ -> return (unlines [":reload", ":pretty"])
:def! pretty \ _ -> return ":set -interactive-print Semantic.Util.Pretty.prettyShow"
:def! no-pretty \_ -> return ":set -interactive-print System.IO.print"
:def! r \_ -> return (unlines [":reload", ":pretty"])
-- See docs/💡ProTip!.md for documentation & examples.
@ -29,8 +22,7 @@ assignmentExample lang = case lang of
_ -> mk "" ""
where mk fileExtension parser = putStrLn ("example: fmap (() <$) . runTask . parse " ++ parser ++ "Parser =<< Semantic.Util.blob \"example." ++ fileExtension ++ "\"") >> return ("import Parsing.Parser\nimport Semantic.Task\nimport Semantic.Util")
:undef assignment
:def assignment assignmentExample
:def! assignment assignmentExample
-- Enable breaking on errors for code written in the repl.
:seti -fbreak-on-error
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
set -e
cd $(dirname "$0")/..
BUILD_SHA=$(git rev-parse HEAD 2>/dev/null)
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
cabal-version: 2.4
name: semantic
synopsis: Framework and executable for analyzing and diffing untrusted code.
description: Semantic is a library for parsing, analyzing, and comparing source code across many languages.
homepage: http://github.com/github/semantic#readme
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import Data.Abstract.Name
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Prologue
-- | 'Monovariant' models using one address for a particular name. It trackes the set of values that a particular address takes and uses it's name to lookup in the store and only allocation if new.
-- | 'Monovariant' models using one address for a particular name. It tracks the set of values that a particular address takes and uses it's name to lookup in the store and only allocation if new.
newtype Monovariant = Monovariant { unMonovariant :: Name }
deriving (Eq, Ord)
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ instance Ord AccessControl where
(<=) Private _ = True
(<=) _ Private = False
-- | Protected AccessControl is inbetween Private and Public in the order specification.
-- | Protected AccessControl is in between Private and Public in the order specification.
-- Protected AccessControl "on the left" has access to Protected or Public AccessControls "on the right".
(<=) Protected Public = True
(<=) Protected Protected = True
@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ readBlobsFromDir path = liftIO . fmap catMaybes $
findFilesInDir path supportedExts mempty >>= Async.mapConcurrently (readBlobFromFile . fileForPath)
-- | Read all blobs from the Git repo with Language.supportedExts
readBlobsFromGitRepo :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> Git.OID -> [FilePath] -> m [Blob]
readBlobsFromGitRepo path oid excludePaths = liftIO . fmap catMaybes $
readBlobsFromGitRepo :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> Git.OID -> [FilePath] -> [FilePath] -> m [Blob]
readBlobsFromGitRepo path oid excludePaths includePaths = liftIO . fmap catMaybes $
Git.lsTree path oid >>= Async.mapConcurrently (blobFromTreeEntry path)
-- Only read tree entries that are normal mode, non-minified blobs in a language we can parse.
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ readBlobsFromGitRepo path oid excludePaths = liftIO . fmap catMaybes $
, lang `elem` codeNavLanguages
, not (pathIsMinified path)
, path `notElem` excludePaths
, null includePaths || path `elem` includePaths
= Just . sourceBlob' path lang oid . fromText <$> Git.catFile gitDir oid
blobFromTreeEntry _ _ = pure Nothing
@ -661,6 +661,6 @@ manyTermsTill step end = manyTill (step <|> comment) end
manyTerm :: Assignment Term -> Assignment [Term]
manyTerm = many . term
-- | Match a term and contextualize any comments preceeding or proceeding the term.
-- | Match a term and contextualize any comments preceding or proceeding the term.
term :: Assignment Term -> Assignment Term
term term' = contextualize comment term' <|> makeTerm1 <$> (Syntax.Context <$> some1 comment <*> emptyTerm)
@ -51,10 +51,10 @@ diffStyle name = (defaultStyle (fromString . show . diffVertexId))
{ graphName = fromString (quote name)
, vertexAttributes = vertexAttributes }
where quote a = "\"" <> a <> "\""
vertexAttributes (DiffTreeVertex _ (Just (Deleted DeletedTerm{..}))) = [ "label" := fromString (T.unpack term), "color" := "red" ]
vertexAttributes (DiffTreeVertex _ (Just (Inserted InsertedTerm{..}))) = [ "label" := fromString (T.unpack term), "color" := "green" ]
vertexAttributes (DiffTreeVertex _ (Just (Replaced ReplacedTerm{..}))) = [ "label" := "Replacement", "color" := "orange", "style" := "dashed" ]
vertexAttributes (DiffTreeVertex _ (Just (Merged MergedTerm{..}))) = [ "label" := fromString (T.unpack term) ]
vertexAttributes (DiffTreeVertex _ (Just (Deleted (Just DeletedTerm{..})))) = [ "label" := fromString (T.unpack term), "color" := "red" ]
vertexAttributes (DiffTreeVertex _ (Just (Inserted (Just InsertedTerm{..})))) = [ "label" := fromString (T.unpack term), "color" := "green" ]
vertexAttributes (DiffTreeVertex _ (Just (Replaced (Just ReplacedTerm{..})))) = [ "label" := "Replacement", "color" := "orange", "style" := "dashed" ]
vertexAttributes (DiffTreeVertex _ (Just (Merged (Just MergedTerm{..})))) = [ "label" := fromString (T.unpack term) ]
vertexAttributes _ = []
class ToTreeGraph vertex t | t -> vertex where
@ -82,16 +82,16 @@ instance (ConstructorName syntax, Foldable syntax) =>
instance (ConstructorName syntax, Foldable syntax) =>
ToTreeGraph DiffTreeVertex (DiffF syntax Location Location) where
toTreeGraph d = case d of
Merge t@(In (a1, a2) syntax) -> diffAlgebra t (Merged (MergedTerm (T.pack (constructorName syntax)) (ann a1) (ann a2)))
Patch (Delete t1@(In a1 syntax)) -> diffAlgebra t1 (Deleted (DeletedTerm (T.pack (constructorName syntax)) (ann a1)))
Patch (Insert t2@(In a2 syntax)) -> diffAlgebra t2 (Inserted (InsertedTerm (T.pack (constructorName syntax)) (ann a2)))
Merge t@(In (a1, a2) syntax) -> diffAlgebra t (Merged (Just (MergedTerm (T.pack (constructorName syntax)) (ann a1) (ann a2))))
Patch (Delete t1@(In a1 syntax)) -> diffAlgebra t1 (Deleted (Just (DeletedTerm (T.pack (constructorName syntax)) (ann a1))))
Patch (Insert t2@(In a2 syntax)) -> diffAlgebra t2 (Inserted (Just (InsertedTerm (T.pack (constructorName syntax)) (ann a2))))
Patch (Replace t1@(In a1 syntax1) t2@(In a2 syntax2)) -> do
i <- fresh
parent <- ask
let (beforeName, beforeSpan) = (T.pack (constructorName syntax1), ann a1)
let (afterName, afterSpan) = (T.pack (constructorName syntax2), ann a2)
let replace = vertex (DiffTreeVertex (fromIntegral i) (Just (Replaced (ReplacedTerm beforeName beforeSpan afterName afterSpan))))
graph <- local (const replace) (overlay <$> diffAlgebra t1 (Deleted (DeletedTerm beforeName beforeSpan))) <*> diffAlgebra t2 (Inserted (InsertedTerm afterName afterSpan))
let replace = vertex (DiffTreeVertex (fromIntegral i) (Just (Replaced (Just (ReplacedTerm beforeName beforeSpan afterName afterSpan)))))
graph <- local (const replace) (overlay <$> diffAlgebra t1 (Deleted (Just (DeletedTerm beforeName beforeSpan))) <*> diffAlgebra t2 (Inserted (Just (InsertedTerm afterName afterSpan))))
pure (parent `connect` replace `overlay` graph)
ann a = converting #? locationSpan a
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ newtype DedupeKey = DedupeKey (T.Text, T.Text) deriving (Eq, Ord)
-- different behaviors:
-- 1. Identical entries are in the list.
-- Action: take the first one, drop all subsequent.
-- 2. Two similar entries (defined by a case insensitive comparision of their
-- 2. Two similar entries (defined by a case insensitive comparison of their
-- identifiers) are in the list.
-- Action: Combine them into a single Replaced entry.
dedupe :: [Entry Declaration] -> [Entry Declaration]
@ -114,7 +114,9 @@ parseCommand = command "parse" (info parseArgumentsParser (progDesc "Generate pa
<$> option str (long "gitDir" <> help "A .git directory to read from")
<*> option shaReader (long "sha" <> help "The commit SHA1 to read from")
<*> ( ExcludePaths <$> many (option str (long "exclude" <> short 'x' <> help "Paths to exclude"))
<|> ExcludeFromHandle <$> flag' stdin (long "exclude-stdin" <> help "Exclude paths given to stdin"))
<|> ExcludeFromHandle <$> flag' stdin (long "exclude-stdin" <> help "Exclude paths given to stdin")
<|> IncludePaths <$> many (option str (long "only" <> help "Only include the specified paths"))
<|> IncludePathsFromHandle <$> flag' stdin (long "only-stdin" <> help "Include only the paths given to stdin"))
<|> FilesFromPaths <$> some (argument filePathReader (metavar "FILES..."))
<|> pure (FilesFromHandle stdin)
pure $ Task.readBlobs filesOrStdin >>= renderer
@ -131,7 +133,9 @@ tsParseCommand = command "ts-parse" (info tsParseArgumentsParser (progDesc "Gene
<$> option str (long "gitDir" <> help "A .git directory to read from")
<*> option shaReader (long "sha" <> help "The commit SHA1 to read from")
<*> ( ExcludePaths <$> many (option str (long "exclude" <> short 'x' <> help "Paths to exclude"))
<|> ExcludeFromHandle <$> flag' stdin (long "exclude-stdin" <> help "Exclude paths given to stdin"))
<|> ExcludeFromHandle <$> flag' stdin (long "exclude-stdin" <> help "Exclude paths given to stdin")
<|> IncludePaths <$> many (option str (long "only" <> help "Only include the specified paths"))
<|> IncludePathsFromHandle <$> flag' stdin (long "only-stdin" <> help "Include only the paths given to stdin"))
<|> FilesFromPaths <$> some (argument filePathReader (metavar "FILES..."))
<|> pure (FilesFromHandle stdin)
pure $ Task.readBlobs filesOrStdin >>= AST.runASTParse format
@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ entryParser = TreeEntry
<*> oidParser <* AP.char '\t'
<*> (unpack <$> AP.takeWhile (/= '\NUL'))
typeParser = AP.choice [BlobObject <$ "blob", TreeObject <$ "tree"]
modeParser = AP.choice [NormalMode <$ "100644", ExecutableMode <$ "100755", SymlinkMode <$ "120000", TreeMode <$ "040000"]
typeParser = AP.choice [BlobObject <$ "blob", TreeObject <$ "tree", OtherObjectType <$ AP.takeWhile isAlphaNum]
modeParser = AP.choice [NormalMode <$ "100644", ExecutableMode <$ "100755", SymlinkMode <$ "120000", TreeMode <$ "040000", OtherMode <$ AP.takeWhile isAlphaNum]
oidParser = OID <$> AP.takeWhile isHexDigit
newtype OID = OID Text
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-- Code generated by protoc-gen-haskell 0.1.0, DO NOT EDIT.
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia, DeriveAnyClass, DuplicateRecordFields, PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia, DeriveAnyClass, DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-imports -Wno-missing-export-lists #-}
module Semantic.Proto.SemanticPB where
@ -746,46 +746,32 @@ instance Proto3.Message DiffTreeEdge where
<*> at decodeMessageField 2
dotProto = undefined
data DiffTreeVertexDiffTerm = DiffTreeVertexDiffTerm
{ deleted :: Maybe DeletedTerm
, inserted :: Maybe InsertedTerm
, replaced :: Maybe ReplacedTerm
, merged :: Maybe MergedTerm
} deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
deriving anyclass (Proto3.Message, Proto3.Named, NFData)
pattern Deleted :: DeletedTerm -> DiffTreeVertexDiffTerm
pattern Deleted a = DiffTreeVertexDiffTerm (Just a) Nothing Nothing Nothing
pattern Inserted :: InsertedTerm -> DiffTreeVertexDiffTerm
pattern Inserted a = DiffTreeVertexDiffTerm Nothing (Just a) Nothing Nothing
pattern Replaced :: ReplacedTerm -> DiffTreeVertexDiffTerm
pattern Replaced a = DiffTreeVertexDiffTerm Nothing Nothing (Just a) Nothing
pattern Merged :: MergedTerm -> DiffTreeVertexDiffTerm
pattern Merged a = DiffTreeVertexDiffTerm Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just a)
data DiffTreeVertexDiffTerm
= Deleted (Maybe DeletedTerm)
| Inserted (Maybe InsertedTerm)
| Replaced (Maybe ReplacedTerm)
| Merged (Maybe MergedTerm)
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
deriving anyclass (Proto3.Message, Proto3.Named, NFData)
instance FromJSONPB DiffTreeVertexDiffTerm where
parseJSONPB = A.withObject "DiffTreeVertexDiffTerm" $ \obj -> DiffTreeVertexDiffTerm
<$> obj .: "deleted"
<*> obj .: "inserted"
<*> obj .: "replaced"
<*> obj .: "merged"
parseJSONPB = A.withObject "DiffTreeVertexDiffTerm" $ \obj -> msum
Deleted <$> parseField obj "deleted"
, Inserted <$> parseField obj "inserted"
, Replaced <$> parseField obj "replaced"
, Merged <$> parseField obj "merged"
instance ToJSONPB DiffTreeVertexDiffTerm where
toJSONPB DiffTreeVertexDiffTerm{..} = object
[ "deleted" .= deleted
, "inserted" .= inserted
, "replaced" .= replaced
, "merged" .= merged
toEncodingPB DiffTreeVertexDiffTerm{..} = pairs
[ "deleted" .= deleted
, "inserted" .= inserted
, "replaced" .= replaced
, "merged" .= merged
toJSONPB (Deleted x) = object [ "deleted" .= x ]
toJSONPB (Inserted x) = object [ "inserted" .= x ]
toJSONPB (Replaced x) = object [ "replaced" .= x ]
toJSONPB (Merged x) = object [ "merged" .= x ]
toEncodingPB (Deleted x) = pairs [ "deleted" .= x ]
toEncodingPB (Inserted x) = pairs [ "inserted" .= x ]
toEncodingPB (Replaced x) = pairs [ "replaced" .= x ]
toEncodingPB (Merged x) = pairs [ "merged" .= x ]
instance FromJSON DiffTreeVertexDiffTerm where
parseJSON = parseJSONPB
@ -828,11 +814,23 @@ instance Proto3.Message DiffTreeVertex where
encodeMessage _ DiffTreeVertex{..} = mconcat
encodeMessageField 1 diffVertexId
, encodeMessageField 2 (Proto3.Nested diffTerm)
, case diffTerm of
Nothing -> mempty
Just (Deleted deleted) -> encodeMessageField 2 deleted
Just (Inserted inserted) -> encodeMessageField 3 inserted
Just (Replaced replaced) -> encodeMessageField 4 replaced
Just (Merged merged) -> encodeMessageField 5 merged
decodeMessage _ = DiffTreeVertex
<$> at decodeMessageField 1
<*> at decodeMessageField 2
<*> oneof
(2, Just . Deleted <$> decodeMessageField)
, (3, Just . Inserted <$> decodeMessageField)
, (4, Just . Replaced <$> decodeMessageField)
, (5, Just . Merged <$> decodeMessageField)
dotProto = undefined
data DeletedTerm = DeletedTerm
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ module Semantic.Task.Files
, Handle (..)
, FilesC(..)
, FilesArg(..)
, Excludes(..)
, PathFilter(..)
) where
import Control.Effect.Carrier
@ -36,15 +36,17 @@ data Source blob where
FromPath :: File -> Source Blob
FromHandle :: Handle 'IO.ReadMode -> Source [Blob]
FromDir :: FilePath -> Source [Blob]
FromGitRepo :: FilePath -> Git.OID -> Excludes -> Source [Blob]
FromGitRepo :: FilePath -> Git.OID -> PathFilter -> Source [Blob]
FromPathPair :: Both File -> Source BlobPair
FromPairHandle :: Handle 'IO.ReadMode -> Source [BlobPair]
data Destination = ToPath FilePath | ToHandle (Handle 'IO.WriteMode)
data Excludes
data PathFilter
= ExcludePaths [FilePath]
| ExcludeFromHandle (Handle 'IO.ReadMode)
| IncludePaths [FilePath]
| IncludePathsFromHandle (Handle 'IO.ReadMode)
-- | An effect to read/write 'Blob's from 'Handle's or 'FilePath's.
data Files (m :: * -> *) k
@ -80,8 +82,10 @@ instance (Member (Error SomeException) sig, Member Catch sig, MonadIO m, Carrier
Read (FromPath path) k -> rethrowing (readBlobFromFile' path) >>= k
Read (FromHandle handle) k -> rethrowing (readBlobsFromHandle handle) >>= k
Read (FromDir dir) k -> rethrowing (readBlobsFromDir dir) >>= k
Read (FromGitRepo path sha (ExcludePaths excludePaths)) k -> rethrowing (readBlobsFromGitRepo path sha excludePaths) >>= k
Read (FromGitRepo path sha (ExcludeFromHandle handle)) k -> rethrowing (readPathsFromHandle handle >>= readBlobsFromGitRepo path sha) >>= k
Read (FromGitRepo path sha (ExcludePaths excludePaths)) k -> rethrowing (readBlobsFromGitRepo path sha excludePaths mempty) >>= k
Read (FromGitRepo path sha (ExcludeFromHandle handle)) k -> rethrowing (readPathsFromHandle handle >>= (\x -> readBlobsFromGitRepo path sha x mempty)) >>= k
Read (FromGitRepo path sha (IncludePaths includePaths)) k -> rethrowing (readBlobsFromGitRepo path sha mempty includePaths) >>= k
Read (FromGitRepo path sha (IncludePathsFromHandle h)) k -> rethrowing (readPathsFromHandle h >>= readBlobsFromGitRepo path sha mempty) >>= k
Read (FromPathPair paths) k -> rethrowing (runBothWith readFilePair paths) >>= k
Read (FromPairHandle handle) k -> rethrowing (readBlobPairsFromHandle handle) >>= k
ReadProject rootDir dir language excludeDirs k -> rethrowing (readProjectFromPaths rootDir dir language excludeDirs) >>= k
@ -96,7 +100,7 @@ readBlob file = send (Read (FromPath file) pure)
data FilesArg
= FilesFromHandle (Handle 'IO.ReadMode)
| FilesFromPaths [File]
| FilesFromGitRepo FilePath Git.OID Excludes
| FilesFromGitRepo FilePath Git.OID PathFilter
-- | A task which reads a list of 'Blob's from a 'Handle' or a list of 'FilePath's optionally paired with 'Language's.
readBlobs :: (Member Files sig, Carrier sig m, MonadIO m) => FilesArg -> m [Blob]
@ -107,7 +111,7 @@ readBlobs (FilesFromPaths [path]) = do
then send (Read (FromDir (filePath path)) pure)
else pure <$> send (Read (FromPath path) pure)
readBlobs (FilesFromPaths paths) = traverse (send . flip Read pure . FromPath) paths
readBlobs (FilesFromGitRepo path sha excludes) = send (Read (FromGitRepo path sha excludes) pure)
readBlobs (FilesFromGitRepo path sha filter) = send (Read (FromGitRepo path sha filter) pure)
-- | A task which reads a list of pairs of 'Blob's from a 'Handle' or a list of pairs of 'FilePath's optionally paired with 'Language's.
readBlobPairs :: (Member Files sig, Carrier sig m) => Either (Handle 'IO.ReadMode) [Both File] -> m [BlobPair]
@ -31,12 +31,46 @@ spec = do
git ["config", "user.email", "'test@test.test'"]
git ["commit", "-am", "'test commit'"]
readBlobsFromGitRepo (dir </> ".git") (Git.OID "HEAD") []
readBlobsFromGitRepo (dir </> ".git") (Git.OID "HEAD") [] []
let files = sortOn fileLanguage (blobFile <$> blobs)
files `shouldBe` [ File "foo.py" Python
, File "bar.rb" Ruby
when hasGit . it "should read from a git directory with --only" $ do
-- This temporary directory will be cleaned after use.
blobs <- liftIO . withSystemTempDirectory "semantic-temp-git-repo" $ \dir -> do
shelly $ silently $ do
cd (fromString dir)
let git = run_ "git"
git ["init"]
run_ "touch" ["foo.py", "bar.rb"]
git ["add", "foo.py", "bar.rb"]
git ["config", "user.name", "'Test'"]
git ["config", "user.email", "'test@test.test'"]
git ["commit", "-am", "'test commit'"]
readBlobsFromGitRepo (dir </> ".git") (Git.OID "HEAD") [] ["foo.py"]
let files = sortOn fileLanguage (blobFile <$> blobs)
files `shouldBe` [ File "foo.py" Python ]
when hasGit . it "should read from a git directory with --exclude" $ do
-- This temporary directory will be cleaned after use.
blobs <- liftIO . withSystemTempDirectory "semantic-temp-git-repo" $ \dir -> do
shelly $ silently $ do
cd (fromString dir)
let git = run_ "git"
git ["init"]
run_ "touch" ["foo.py", "bar.rb"]
git ["add", "foo.py", "bar.rb"]
git ["config", "user.name", "'Test'"]
git ["config", "user.email", "'test@test.test'"]
git ["commit", "-am", "'test commit'"]
readBlobsFromGitRepo (dir </> ".git") (Git.OID "HEAD") ["foo.py"] []
let files = sortOn fileLanguage (blobFile <$> blobs)
files `shouldBe` [ File "bar.rb" Ruby ]
describe "readFile" $ do
it "returns a blob for extant files" $ do
Just blob <- readBlobFromFile (File "semantic.cabal" Unknown)
@ -109,4 +143,3 @@ spec = do
jsonException :: Selector InvalidJSONException
jsonException = const True
@ -44,5 +44,10 @@ spec = do
let expected = [ TreeEntry NormalMode TreeObject (OID "abcdef") "/this/is/the/path", TreeEntry SymlinkMode BlobObject (OID "17776") "/dev/urandom"]
parseEntries input `shouldBe` expected
it "parses submodules and other types" $ do
let input = "160000 commit 50865e8895c54037bf06c4c1691aa925d030a59d\tgemoji"
let expected = Right $ TreeEntry OtherMode OtherObjectType (OID "50865e8895c54037bf06c4c1691aa925d030a59d") "gemoji"
parseEntry input `shouldBe` expected
methodsBlob = makeBlob "def foo\nend\n" "methods.rb" Ruby mempty
Reference in New Issue
Block a user