mirror of
synced 2024-12-27 00:44:57 +03:00
Split concretization into the primitive operations.
This allows us to produce values of the correct type for abstract domains which don’t distinguish between primitive types, and to act on the expected type when e.g. typechecking by unifying.
This commit is contained in:
@ -111,14 +111,15 @@ instance ( Applicative term
, Has (A.Heap Addr (Concrete term)) sig m
, Has (Reader Path.AbsRelFile) sig m
, Has (Reader Span) sig m
, MonadFail m
=> Algebra (Domain term Addr (Concrete term) :+: sig) (DomainC term m) where
alg = \case
L (Abstract i k) -> case i of
I.Unit -> k Unit
I.Bool b -> k (Bool b)
I.String s -> k (String s)
I.Lam b -> do
I.Unit -> k Unit
I.Bool b -> k (Bool b)
I.String s -> k (String s)
I.Lam b -> do
path <- ask
span <- ask
k (Closure path span b)
@ -130,12 +131,18 @@ instance ( Applicative term
A.assign @Addr @(Concrete term) addr v
pure (name, addr)
k (Record (Map.fromList fields'))
L (Concretize c k) -> case c of
Unit -> k I.Unit
Bool b -> k (I.Bool b)
String s -> k (I.String s)
Closure _ _ b -> k (I.Lam b)
Record fields -> k (I.Record (map (fmap pure) (Map.toList fields)))
L (AsBool c k) -> case c of
Bool b -> k b
_ -> fail "expected Bool"
L (AsString c k) -> case c of
String s -> k s
_ -> fail "expected String"
L (AsLam c k) -> case c of
Closure _ _ b -> k b
_ -> fail "expected Closure"
L (AsRecord c k) -> case c of
Record fields -> k (map (fmap pure) (Map.toList fields))
_ -> fail "expected Record"
R other -> DomainC (send (handleCoercible other))
@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
module Analysis.Effect.Domain
( -- * Domain effect
, concretize
, unit
, bool
, asBool
@ -30,8 +29,6 @@ import Analysis.Intro (Intro)
import qualified Analysis.Intro as A
import Analysis.Name
import Control.Algebra
import Control.Monad ((>=>))
import Control.Monad.Fail as Fail
import Data.Text (Text)
import GHC.Generics (Generic1)
import Syntax.Scope (Scope)
@ -39,9 +36,6 @@ import Syntax.Scope (Scope)
abstract :: Has (Domain term addr abstract) sig m => Intro term addr -> m abstract
abstract concrete = send (Abstract concrete pure)
concretize :: Has (Domain term addr abstract) sig m => abstract -> m (Intro term addr)
concretize abstract = send (Concretize abstract pure)
unit :: forall term addr abstract m sig . Has (Domain term addr abstract) sig m => m abstract
unit = abstract @term @addr A.Unit
@ -49,46 +43,37 @@ unit = abstract @term @addr A.Unit
bool :: forall term addr abstract m sig . Has (Domain term addr abstract) sig m => Bool -> m abstract
bool = abstract @term @addr . A.Bool
asBool :: forall term addr abstract m sig . (Has (Domain term addr abstract) sig m, MonadFail m, Show addr, forall a . Show a => Show (term a)) => abstract -> m Bool
asBool = concretize @term @addr >=> \case
A.Bool b -> pure b
other -> typeError "Bool" other
asBool :: forall term addr abstract m sig . Has (Domain term addr abstract) sig m => abstract -> m Bool
asBool v = send (AsBool @term @addr v pure)
string :: forall term addr abstract m sig . Has (Domain term addr abstract) sig m => Text -> m abstract
string = abstract @term @addr . A.String
asString :: forall term addr abstract m sig . (Has (Domain term addr abstract) sig m, MonadFail m, Show addr, forall a . Show a => Show (term a)) => abstract -> m Text
asString = concretize @term @addr >=> \case
A.String t -> pure t
other -> typeError "String" other
asString :: forall term addr abstract m sig . Has (Domain term addr abstract) sig m => abstract -> m Text
asString v = send (AsString @term @addr v pure)
lam :: Has (Domain term addr abstract) sig m => Named (Scope () term addr) -> m abstract
lam = abstract . A.Lam
asLam :: (Has (Domain term addr abstract) sig m, MonadFail m, Show addr, forall a . Show a => Show (term a)) => abstract -> m (Named (Scope () term addr))
asLam = concretize >=> \case
A.Lam b -> pure b
other -> typeError "Lam" other
asLam :: Has (Domain term addr abstract) sig m => abstract -> m (Named (Scope () term addr))
asLam v = send (AsLam v pure)
record :: forall term addr abstract m sig . Has (Domain term addr abstract) sig m => [(Name, term addr)] -> m abstract
record = abstract @term . A.Record
asRecord :: forall term addr abstract m sig . (Has (Domain term addr abstract) sig m, MonadFail m, Show addr, forall a . Show a => Show (term a)) => abstract -> m [(Name, term addr)]
asRecord = concretize @term >=> \case
A.Record fs -> pure fs
other -> typeError "Record" other
asRecord :: forall term addr abstract m sig . Has (Domain term addr abstract) sig m => abstract -> m [(Name, term addr)]
asRecord v = send (AsRecord v pure)
data Domain term addr abstract m k
= Abstract (Intro term addr) (abstract -> m k)
| Concretize abstract (Intro term addr -> m k)
= Abstract (Intro term addr) (abstract -> m k)
| AsBool abstract (Bool -> m k)
| AsString abstract (Text -> m k)
| AsLam abstract (Named (Scope () term addr) -> m k)
| AsRecord abstract ([(Name, term addr)] -> m k)
deriving (Functor, Generic1)
instance HFunctor (Domain term addr abstract)
instance Effect (Domain term addr abstract)
typeError :: (Show a, MonadFail m) => String -> a -> m b
typeError expected actual = Fail.fail $ "expected " <> expected <> ", got " <> show actual
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ instance MonadTrans (DomainC term) where
lift = DomainC . lift
-- FIXME: decompose into a product domain and two atomic domains
instance Has (Env Addr :+: A.Heap Addr (Value (Semi term)) :+: Reader Path.AbsRelFile :+: Reader Span) sig m => Algebra (A.Domain term Addr (Value (Semi term)) :+: sig) (DomainC term m) where
instance (Alternative m, Has (Env Addr :+: A.Heap Addr (Value (Semi term)) :+: Reader Path.AbsRelFile :+: Reader Span) sig m, MonadFail m) => Algebra (A.Domain term Addr (Value (Semi term)) :+: sig) (DomainC term m) where
alg = \case
L (A.Abstract i k) -> case i of
I.Unit -> k mempty
@ -129,8 +129,11 @@ instance Has (Env Addr :+: A.Heap Addr (Value (Semi term)) :+: Reader Path.AbsRe
v <- lift (eval t)
v <$ A.assign @Addr @(Value (Semi term)) addr v
k (fold fields)
L (A.Concretize (Value s _) k) -> case s of
Abstract -> k I.Unit -- FIXME: this should be broken down for case analysis
String s -> k (I.String s)
Closure _ _ b -> k (I.Lam b)
L (A.AsBool _ k) -> k True <|> k False
L (A.AsString _ k) -> k mempty
L (A.AsLam (Value v _) k) -> case v of
Closure _ _ b -> k b
String _ -> fail $ "expected closure, got String"
Abstract -> fail $ "expected closure, got Abstract"
L (A.AsRecord _ k) -> k []
R other -> DomainC (send (handleCoercible other))
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ newtype DomainC term m a = DomainC (ReaderC (term Addr -> m ScopeGraph) m a)
instance MonadTrans (DomainC term) where
lift = DomainC . lift
instance (Has (Env Addr :+: A.Heap Addr ScopeGraph :+: Reader Path.AbsRelFile :+: Reader Span) sig m, Monad term) => Algebra (Domain term Addr ScopeGraph :+: sig) (DomainC term m) where
instance (Alternative m, Has (Env Addr :+: A.Heap Addr ScopeGraph :+: Reader Path.AbsRelFile :+: Reader Span) sig m, Monad term) => Algebra (Domain term Addr ScopeGraph :+: sig) (DomainC term m) where
alg = \case
L (Abstract i k) -> case i of
Unit -> k mempty
@ -123,5 +123,8 @@ instance (Has (Env Addr :+: A.Heap Addr ScopeGraph :+: Reader Path.AbsRelFile :+
let v' = ScopeGraph (Map.singleton (Decl k path span) mempty) <> v
v' <$ A.assign @Addr addr v'
k (fold fields')
L (Concretize _ k) -> k Unit -- FIXME: break Concretize out by constructor.
L (AsBool _ k) -> k True <|> k False
L (AsString _ k) -> k mempty
L (AsLam _ k) -> alloc (Name mempty) >>= k . Named (Name mempty) . lift . pure
L (AsRecord _ k) -> k []
R other -> DomainC (send (handleCoercible other))
@ -223,38 +223,56 @@ instance ( Alternative m
, Has (Env Addr) sig m
, Has Fresh sig m
, Has (A.Heap Addr Type) sig m
, Has (State (Set.Set Constraint)) sig m
, Monad term
, MonadFail m
, Has Intro.Intro syn term
=> Algebra (Domain term Addr Type :+: sig) (DomainC term m) where
alg (L (Abstract v k)) = case v of
Intro.Unit -> k (Alg Unit)
Intro.Bool _ -> k (Alg Bool)
Intro.String _ -> k (Alg String)
Intro.Lam (Named n b) -> do
eval <- DomainC ask
addr <- alloc @Name n
arg <- meta
A.assign addr arg
ty <- lift (eval (instantiate1 (pure n) b))
k (Alg (arg :-> ty))
Intro.Record fields -> do
eval <- DomainC ask
fields' <- for fields $ \ (k, t) -> do
addr <- alloc @Addr k
v <- lift (eval t)
(k, v) <$ A.assign addr v
-- FIXME: should records reference types by address instead?
k (Alg (Record (Map.fromList fields')))
alg = \case
L (Abstract v k) -> case v of
Intro.Unit -> k (Alg Unit)
Intro.Bool _ -> k (Alg Bool)
Intro.String _ -> k (Alg String)
Intro.Lam (Named n b) -> do
eval <- DomainC ask
addr <- alloc @Name n
arg <- meta
A.assign addr arg
ty <- lift (eval (instantiate1 (pure n) b))
k (Alg (arg :-> ty))
Intro.Record fields -> do
eval <- DomainC ask
fields' <- for fields $ \ (k, t) -> do
addr <- alloc @Addr k
v <- lift (eval t)
(k, v) <$ A.assign addr v
-- FIXME: should records reference types by address instead?
k (Alg (Record (Map.fromList fields')))
alg (L (Concretize t k)) = case t of
Alg Unit -> k Intro.Unit
Alg Bool -> k (Intro.Bool True) <|> k (Intro.Bool False)
Alg String -> k (Intro.String mempty)
Alg (_ :-> b) -> concretize @term b >>= k . Intro.Lam . Named (Name mempty) . lift . send
Alg (Record t) -> traverse (traverse concretize) (Map.toList t) >>= k . Intro.Record . map (fmap send)
t -> fail ("can’t concretize " <> show t)
alg (R other) = DomainC (send (handleCoercible other))
L (AsBool t k) -> do
unify t (Alg Bool)
k True <|> k False
L (AsString t k) -> do
unify t (Alg String)
k mempty
L (AsLam t k) -> do
arg <- meta
ret <- meta
unify t (Alg (arg :-> ret))
b <- concretize ret
k (Named (Name mempty) (lift b)) where
concretize = \case
Alg Unit -> pure Intro.unit
Alg Bool -> pure (Intro.bool True) <|> pure (Intro.bool False)
Alg String -> pure (Intro.string mempty)
Alg (_ :-> b) -> send . Intro.Lam . Named (Name mempty) . lift <$> concretize b
Alg (Record t) -> Intro.record <$> traverse (traverse concretize) (Map.toList t)
t -> fail $ "can’t concretize " <> show t -- FIXME: concretize type variables by incrementally solving constraints
L (AsRecord t k) -> do
unify t (Alg (Record mempty))
k mempty -- FIXME: return whatever fields we have, when it’s actually a Record
R other -> DomainC (send (handleCoercible other))
-- FIXME: we don’t get the chance to unify anything because concretization asks for an intro form, not an intro form of a specific type
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