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synced 2025-01-02 04:10:29 +03:00
Merge pull request #2030 from github/serialize-test-queue-output
Serialize test queue output
This commit is contained in:
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ module Semantic.Task
-- * Interpreting
, runTask
, runTaskWithOptions
, withOptions
, runTaskWithConfig
-- * Re-exports
, Distribute
@ -127,11 +128,12 @@ runTask = runTaskWithOptions defaultOptions
-- | Execute a 'TaskEff' with the passed 'Options', yielding its result value in 'IO'.
runTaskWithOptions :: Options -> TaskEff a -> IO a
runTaskWithOptions opts task = do
config <- defaultConfig opts
result <- withTelemetry config $ \(TelemetryQueues logger statter _) ->
runTaskWithConfig config logger statter task
either (die . displayException) pure result
runTaskWithOptions opts task = withOptions opts (\ config logger statter -> runTaskWithConfig config logger statter task) >>= either (die . displayException) pure
withOptions :: Options -> (Config -> LogQueue -> StatQueue -> IO a) -> IO a
withOptions options with = do
config <- defaultConfig options
withTelemetry config (\ (TelemetryQueues logger statter _) -> with config logger statter)
-- | Execute a 'TaskEff' yielding its result value in 'IO'.
runTaskWithConfig :: Config -> LogQueue -> StatQueue -> TaskEff a -> IO (Either SomeException a)
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import Prelude hiding (readFile)
import Analysis.Abstract.Caching
import Analysis.Abstract.Collecting
import Control.Abstract
import Control.Exception (displayException)
import Control.Monad.Effect.Trace (runPrintingTrace)
import Data.Abstract.Address
import Data.Abstract.Evaluatable
@ -27,9 +28,12 @@ import Language.Haskell.HsColour
import Language.Haskell.HsColour.Colourise
import Parsing.Parser
import Prologue hiding (weaken)
import Semantic.Config
import Semantic.Graph
import Semantic.IO as IO
import Semantic.Task
import Semantic.Telemetry (LogQueue, StatQueue)
import System.Exit (die)
import System.FilePath.Posix (takeDirectory)
import Text.Show (showListWith)
import Text.Show.Pretty (ppShow)
@ -99,7 +103,12 @@ evalTypeScriptProject = justEvaluating <=< evaluateProject (Proxy :: Proxy 'Lang
typecheckGoFile = checking <=< evaluateProjectWithCaching (Proxy :: Proxy 'Language.Go) goParser Language.Go
-- Evaluate a project consisting of the listed paths.
evaluateProject proxy parser lang paths = runTaskWithOptions debugOptions $ do
evaluateProject proxy parser lang paths = withOptions debugOptions $ \ config logger statter ->
evaluateProject' (TaskConfig config logger statter) proxy parser lang paths
data TaskConfig = TaskConfig Config LogQueue StatQueue
evaluateProject' (TaskConfig config logger statter) proxy parser lang paths = either (die . displayException) pure <=< runTaskWithConfig config logger statter $ do
blobs <- catMaybes <$> traverse readFile (flip File lang <$> paths)
package <- fmap quieterm <$> parsePackage parser (Project (takeDirectory (maybe "/" fst (uncons paths))) blobs lang [])
modules <- topologicalSort <$> runImportGraph proxy package
@ -111,6 +120,7 @@ evaluateProject proxy parser lang paths = runTaskWithOptions debugOptions $ do
(raiseHandler (runModules (ModuleTable.modulePaths (packageModules package)))
(evaluate proxy id withTermSpans modules))))))
evaluateProjectWithCaching proxy parser lang path = runTaskWithOptions debugOptions $ do
project <- readProject Nothing path lang []
package <- fmap quieterm <$> parsePackage parser project
@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ import qualified Language.Go.Assignment as Go
import SpecHelpers
spec :: Spec
spec = parallel $ do
spec :: TaskConfig -> Spec
spec config = parallel $ do
describe "Go" $ do
it "imports and wildcard imports" $ do
(_, (heap, res)) <- evaluate ["main.go", "foo/foo.go", "bar/bar.go", "bar/rab.go"]
@ -30,4 +30,4 @@ spec = parallel $ do
fixtures = "test/fixtures/go/analysis/"
evaluate = evalGoProject . map (fixtures <>)
evalGoProject = testEvaluating <=< evaluateProject (Proxy :: Proxy 'Language.Go) goParser Language.Go
evalGoProject = testEvaluating <=< evaluateProject' config (Proxy :: Proxy 'Language.Go) goParser Language.Go
@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ import qualified Language.PHP.Assignment as PHP
import SpecHelpers
spec :: Spec
spec = parallel $ do
spec :: TaskConfig -> Spec
spec config = parallel $ do
describe "PHP" $ do
it "evaluates include and require" $ do
(_, (heap, res)) <- evaluate ["main.php", "foo.php", "bar.php"]
@ -42,4 +42,4 @@ spec = parallel $ do
fixtures = "test/fixtures/php/analysis/"
evaluate = evalPHPProject . map (fixtures <>)
evalPHPProject = testEvaluating <=< evaluateProject (Proxy :: Proxy 'Language.PHP) phpParser Language.PHP
evalPHPProject = testEvaluating <=< evaluateProject' config (Proxy :: Proxy 'Language.PHP) phpParser Language.PHP
@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ import qualified Data.Language as Language
import SpecHelpers
spec :: Spec
spec = parallel $ do
spec :: TaskConfig -> Spec
spec config = parallel $ do
describe "Python" $ do
it "imports" $ do
(_, (heap, res)) <- evaluate ["main.py", "a.py", "b/__init__.py", "b/c.py"]
@ -60,4 +60,4 @@ spec = parallel $ do
ns n = Just . Latest . Last . Just . Namespace n
fixtures = "test/fixtures/python/analysis/"
evaluate = evalPythonProject . map (fixtures <>)
evalPythonProject = testEvaluating <=< evaluateProject (Proxy :: Proxy 'Language.Python) pythonParser Language.Python
evalPythonProject = testEvaluating <=< evaluateProject' config (Proxy :: Proxy 'Language.Python) pythonParser Language.Python
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ import qualified Data.Language as Language
import SpecHelpers
spec :: Spec
spec = parallel $ do
spec :: TaskConfig -> Spec
spec config = parallel $ do
describe "Ruby" $ do
it "evaluates require_relative" $ do
(_, (heap, res)) <- evaluate ["main.rb", "foo.rb"]
@ -104,4 +104,4 @@ spec = parallel $ do
ns n = Just . Latest . Last . Just . Namespace n
fixtures = "test/fixtures/ruby/analysis/"
evaluate = evalRubyProject . map (fixtures <>)
evalRubyProject = testEvaluating <=< evaluateProject (Proxy :: Proxy 'Language.Ruby) rubyParser Language.Ruby
evalRubyProject = testEvaluating <=< evaluateProject' config (Proxy :: Proxy 'Language.Ruby) rubyParser Language.Ruby
@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Data.Sum
import SpecHelpers
spec :: Spec
spec = parallel $ do
spec :: TaskConfig -> Spec
spec config = parallel $ do
describe "TypeScript" $ do
it "imports with aliased symbols" $ do
(_, (_, res)) <- evaluate ["main.ts", "foo.ts", "a.ts", "foo/b.ts"]
@ -49,4 +49,4 @@ spec = parallel $ do
fixtures = "test/fixtures/typescript/analysis/"
evaluate = evalTypeScriptProject . map (fixtures <>)
evalTypeScriptProject = testEvaluating <=< evaluateProject (Proxy :: Proxy 'Language.TypeScript) typescriptParser Language.TypeScript
evalTypeScriptProject = testEvaluating <=< evaluateProject' config (Proxy :: Proxy 'Language.TypeScript) typescriptParser Language.TypeScript
@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ import SpecHelpers
languages :: [FilePath]
languages = ["go", "javascript", "json", "python", "ruby", "typescript"]
spec :: Spec
spec = parallel $ do
spec :: TaskConfig -> Spec
spec config = parallel $ do
for_ languages $ \language -> do
let dir = "test/fixtures" </> language </> "corpus"
it (language <> " corpus exists") $ examples dir `shouldNotReturn` []
@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ spec = parallel $ do
runTestsIn directory pending = do
examples <- runIO $ examples directory
traverse_ (runTest pending) examples
runTest pending ParseExample{..} = it ("parses " <> file) $ maybe (testParse file parseOutput) pendingWith (lookup parseOutput pending)
runTest pending DiffExample{..} = it ("diffs " <> diffOutput) $ maybe (testDiff (both fileA fileB) diffOutput) pendingWith (lookup diffOutput pending)
runTest pending ParseExample{..} = it ("parses " <> file) $ maybe (testParse config file parseOutput) pendingWith (lookup parseOutput pending)
runTest pending DiffExample{..} = it ("diffs " <> diffOutput) $ maybe (testDiff config (both fileA fileB) diffOutput) pendingWith (lookup diffOutput pending)
data Example = DiffExample { fileA :: FilePath, fileB :: FilePath, diffOutput :: FilePath }
| ParseExample { file :: FilePath, parseOutput :: FilePath }
@ -81,14 +81,14 @@ examples directory = do
normalizeName :: FilePath -> FilePath
normalizeName path = dropExtension $ dropExtension path
testParse :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Expectation
testParse path expectedOutput = do
actual <- verbatim <$> parseFilePath path
testParse :: TaskConfig -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Expectation
testParse config path expectedOutput = do
actual <- verbatim <$> parseFilePath config path
expected <- verbatim <$> B.readFile expectedOutput
actual `shouldBe` expected
testDiff :: Both FilePath -> FilePath -> Expectation
testDiff paths expectedOutput = do
actual <- verbatim <$> diffFilePaths paths
testDiff :: TaskConfig -> Both FilePath -> FilePath -> Expectation
testDiff config paths expectedOutput = do
actual <- verbatim <$> diffFilePaths config paths
expected <- verbatim <$> B.readFile expectedOutput
actual `shouldBe` expected
@ -24,34 +24,39 @@ import qualified Semantic.Spec
import qualified Semantic.CLI.Spec
import qualified Semantic.IO.Spec
import qualified Semantic.Stat.Spec
import Semantic.Config (defaultOptions)
import Semantic.Task (withOptions)
import Semantic.Util (TaskConfig(..))
import qualified Proto3.Roundtrip
import Test.Hspec
main :: IO ()
main = hspec $ do
describe "Semantic.Stat" Semantic.Stat.Spec.spec
parallel $ do
describe "Analysis.Go" Analysis.Go.Spec.spec
describe "Analysis.PHP" Analysis.PHP.Spec.spec
describe "Analysis.Python" Analysis.Python.Spec.spec
describe "Analysis.Ruby" Analysis.Ruby.Spec.spec
describe "Analysis.TypeScript" Analysis.TypeScript.Spec.spec
describe "Assigning.Assignment" Assigning.Assignment.Spec.spec
describe "Control.Abstract.Evaluator" Control.Abstract.Evaluator.Spec.spec
describe "Data.Diff" Data.Diff.Spec.spec
describe "Data.Abstract.Path" Data.Abstract.Path.Spec.spec
describe "Data.Functor.Classes.Generic" Data.Functor.Classes.Generic.Spec.spec
describe "Data.Scientific" Data.Scientific.Spec.spec
describe "Data.Source" Data.Source.Spec.spec
describe "Data.Term" Data.Term.Spec.spec
describe "Diffing.Algorithm.RWS" Diffing.Algorithm.RWS.Spec.spec
describe "Diffing.Algorithm.SES" Diffing.Algorithm.SES.Spec.spec
describe "Diffing.Interpreter" Diffing.Interpreter.Spec.spec
describe "Matching" Matching.Go.Spec.spec
describe "Numeric" Numeric.Spec.spec
describe "Rendering.TOC" Rendering.TOC.Spec.spec
describe "Semantic" Semantic.Spec.spec
describe "Semantic.CLI" Semantic.CLI.Spec.spec
describe "Semantic.IO" Semantic.IO.Spec.spec
describe "Integration" Integration.Spec.spec
describe "Protobuf roundtripping" Proto3.Roundtrip.spec
main = do
withOptions defaultOptions $ \ config logger statter -> hspec $ do
let args = TaskConfig config logger statter
describe "Semantic.Stat" Semantic.Stat.Spec.spec
parallel $ do
describe "Analysis.Go" (Analysis.Go.Spec.spec args)
describe "Analysis.PHP" (Analysis.PHP.Spec.spec args)
describe "Analysis.Python" (Analysis.Python.Spec.spec args)
describe "Analysis.Ruby" (Analysis.Ruby.Spec.spec args)
describe "Analysis.TypeScript" (Analysis.TypeScript.Spec.spec args)
describe "Assigning.Assignment" Assigning.Assignment.Spec.spec
describe "Control.Abstract.Evaluator" Control.Abstract.Evaluator.Spec.spec
describe "Data.Diff" Data.Diff.Spec.spec
describe "Data.Abstract.Path" Data.Abstract.Path.Spec.spec
describe "Data.Functor.Classes.Generic" Data.Functor.Classes.Generic.Spec.spec
describe "Data.Scientific" Data.Scientific.Spec.spec
describe "Data.Source" Data.Source.Spec.spec
describe "Data.Term" Data.Term.Spec.spec
describe "Diffing.Algorithm.RWS" Diffing.Algorithm.RWS.Spec.spec
describe "Diffing.Algorithm.SES" Diffing.Algorithm.SES.Spec.spec
describe "Diffing.Interpreter" Diffing.Interpreter.Spec.spec
describe "Matching" Matching.Go.Spec.spec
describe "Numeric" Numeric.Spec.spec
describe "Rendering.TOC" Rendering.TOC.Spec.spec
describe "Semantic" Semantic.Spec.spec
describe "Semantic.CLI" Semantic.CLI.Spec.spec
describe "Semantic.IO" Semantic.IO.Spec.spec
describe "Integration" (Integration.Spec.spec args)
describe "Protobuf roundtripping" Proto3.Roundtrip.spec
@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ module SpecHelpers
, TermEvaluator(..)
, Verbatim(..)
, toList
, Config
, LogQueue
, StatQueue
) where
import Control.Abstract
@ -65,16 +68,20 @@ import Test.LeanCheck as X
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Semantic.IO as IO
import Semantic.Config (Config)
import Semantic.Telemetry (LogQueue, StatQueue)
import System.Exit (die)
import Control.Exception (displayException)
runBuilder = toStrict . toLazyByteString
-- | Returns an s-expression formatted diff for the specified FilePath pair.
diffFilePaths :: Both FilePath -> IO ByteString
diffFilePaths paths = readFilePair paths >>= fmap runBuilder . runTask . runDiff SExpressionDiffRenderer . pure
diffFilePaths :: TaskConfig -> Both FilePath -> IO ByteString
diffFilePaths (TaskConfig config logger statter) paths = readFilePair paths >>= runTaskWithConfig config logger statter . runDiff SExpressionDiffRenderer . pure >>= either (die . displayException) (pure . runBuilder)
-- | Returns an s-expression parse tree for the specified FilePath.
parseFilePath :: FilePath -> IO ByteString
parseFilePath path = (fromJust <$> IO.readFile (file path)) >>= fmap runBuilder . runTask . runParse SExpressionTermRenderer . pure
parseFilePath :: TaskConfig -> FilePath -> IO ByteString
parseFilePath (TaskConfig config logger statter) path = (fromJust <$> IO.readFile (file path)) >>= runTaskWithConfig config logger statter . runParse SExpressionTermRenderer . pure >>= either (die . displayException) (pure . runBuilder)
-- | Read two files to a BlobPair.
readFilePair :: Both FilePath -> IO BlobPair
Reference in New Issue
Block a user