mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2024-12-18 12:21:57 +03:00

Rows contain sets of classnames

This commit is contained in:
joshvera 2015-12-07 15:37:42 -05:00
parent c4600cdc1c
commit 4061be6240

View File

@ -46,36 +46,42 @@ split diff before after = return . renderHtml
. (table ! A.class_ (stringValue "diff"))
. mconcat $ toMarkup <$> (fst $ diffToRows diff (0, 0) before after)
data Row = Row [HTML] [HTML]
data Row = Row (Set.Set ClassName) [HTML] [HTML]
deriving (Show, Eq)
makeRow :: [HTML] -> [HTML] -> Row
makeRow = Row Set.empty
instance ToMarkup Row where
toMarkup (Row left right) = (tr $ (td . mconcat $ toMarkup <$> left) <> (td . mconcat $ toMarkup <$> right))
toMarkup (Row _ left right) = (tr $ (td . mconcat $ toMarkup <$> left) <> (td . mconcat $ toMarkup <$> right))
bimap :: ([HTML] -> [HTML]) -> ([HTML] -> [HTML]) -> Row -> Row
bimap f g (Row a b) = Row (f a) (g b)
bimap f g (Row className a b) = Row className (f a) (g b)
instance Monoid Row where
mempty = Row [] []
mappend (Row x1 y1) (Row x2 y2) = Row (x1 <> x2) (y1 <> y2)
mempty = makeRow [] []
mappend (Row c1 x1 y1) (Row c2 x2 y2) = Row (c1 <> c2) (x1 <> x2) (y1 <> y2)
insertClasses = Set.singleton "insert"
deleteClasses = Set.singleton "delete"
replaceClasses = Set.singleton "replace"
diffToRows :: Diff a Info -> (Int, Int) -> String -> String -> ([Row], (Range, Range))
diffToRows (Free annotated) _ before after = annotatedToRows annotated before after
diffToRows (Pure (Insert term)) (previousIndex, _) _ after = (rowWithInsertedLine <$> afterLines, (range, Range previousIndex previousIndex))
(afterLines, range) = termToLines term after
rowWithInsertedLine (Line elements) = Row [] elements
rowWithInsertedLine (Line elements) = Row insertClasses [] elements
diffToRows (Pure (Delete term)) (_, previousIndex) before _ = (rowWithDeletedLine <$> lines, (range, Range previousIndex previousIndex))
(lines, range) = termToLines term before
rowWithDeletedLine (Line elements) = Row elements []
rowWithDeletedLine (Line elements) = Row deleteClasses elements []
diffToRows (Pure (Replace a b)) _ before after = (zipWithMaybe rowFromMaybeRows (unLine <$> leftElements) (unLine <$> rightElements), (leftRange, rightRange))
rowFromMaybeRows :: Maybe [HTML] -> Maybe [HTML] -> Row
rowFromMaybeRows a b = Row (join $ Maybe.maybeToList a) (join $ Maybe.maybeToList b)
rowFromMaybeRows a b = Row replaceClasses (join $ Maybe.maybeToList a) (join $ Maybe.maybeToList b)
(leftElements, leftRange) = termToLines a before
(rightElements, rightRange) = termToLines b after
rowWithReplacedLine (Line elements) = Row elements []
newtype Line = Line { unLine :: [HTML] } deriving (Show, Eq)
@ -134,7 +140,7 @@ ends :: (Range, Range) -> (Int, Int)
ends (left, right) = (end left, end right)
rowFromMaybeRows :: Maybe HTML -> Maybe HTML -> Row
rowFromMaybeRows a b = Row (Maybe.maybeToList a) (Maybe.maybeToList b)
rowFromMaybeRows a b = makeRow (Maybe.maybeToList a) (Maybe.maybeToList b)
-- | Adjoin a list of rows onto an existing list of rows.
adjoinRows :: [Row] -> [Row] -> [Row]
@ -144,11 +150,11 @@ adjoinRows accum (row : rows) = reverse (adjoin2 (reverse accum) row) ++ rows
adjoin2 :: [Row] -> Row -> [Row]
adjoin2 [] row = [row]
adjoin2 (Row [] [] : init) row = adjoin2 init row
adjoin2 (Row [] rights : Row lefts rights' : init) (Row xs ys) =
Row [] (rights <> ys) : Row (lefts <> xs) rights' : init
adjoin2 (Row lefts [] : Row lefts' rights : init) (Row xs ys) =
Row (lefts <> xs) [] : Row lefts' (rights <> ys) : init
adjoin2 (Row _ [] [] : init) row = adjoin2 init row
adjoin2 (Row c1 [] rights : Row c2 lefts rights' : init) (Row c3 xs ys) =
Row (Set.union c1 c3) [] (rights <> ys) : Row (Set.union c2 c3) (lefts <> xs) rights' : init
adjoin2 (Row c1 lefts [] : Row c2 lefts' rights : init) (Row c3 xs ys) =
Row (Set.union c1 c3) (lefts <> xs) [] : Row (Set.union c2 c3) lefts' (rights <> ys) : init
adjoin2 (last:init) row = (last <> row) : init
adjoinLines :: [Line] -> [Line] -> [Line]