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synced 2024-12-29 18:06:14 +03:00
Finish documenting Control.Rule.
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@ -28,39 +28,55 @@ import Data.Text (Text, intercalate, unpack)
-- A 'Rule' is a simple wrapper around the 'ProcessT' type from
-- @machines@. As such, it limits the input type of tokens to the
-- 'Is' carrier type, which might not be sufficiently flexible.
-- We may want to use 'MachineT' and make the machine's input
-- language explicit in the type of Rule:
-- @
-- data GRule input effs from to = GRule
-- { description :: [Text]
-- , machine :: MachineT (Eff effs) (k from) to
-- }
-- newtype Rule effs from to = Rule { unruly :: GRule Is effs from to }
-- @
-- This would allow us to use 'T' and 'Stack' in rules, which would be
-- pretty slick.
data Rule effs from to = Rule
{ description :: [Text]
, machine :: ProcessT (Eff effs) from to
} deriving Functor
-- As per the above, we may wish to do the following:
-- data GRule input effs from to = GRule
-- { description :: [Text]
-- , machine :: MachineT (Eff effs) (k from) to
-- }
-- newtype Rule effs from to = Rule { unruly :: GRule Is effs from to }
-- | The identity (pass-through) rule is 'id'. To compose 'Rule's
-- sequentially, use the `(>>>)` and `(<<<)` operators from
-- Control.Arrow.
instance Category (Rule effs) where
id = Rule ["[anonymous] Rule.Category.id"] echo
Rule d p . Rule d' p' = Rule (d' <> d) (p' ~> p)
-- | You can contravariantly map over the 'from' parameter and
-- covariantly map over the 'to' with 'lmap' and 'rmap' respectively
instance Profunctor (Rule effs) where
lmap f (Rule d p) = Rule d (auto f ~> p)
rmap = fmap
-- | You can use the Arrow combinators, or @-XArrows@ if you're really
-- feeling it.
instance Arrow (Rule effs) where
arr = fromFunction "[anonymous] Rule.Arrow.arr"
(Rule d a) *** (Rule d' b)
= Rule (d <> d') (teeT zipping (auto fst ~> a) (auto snd ~> b))
-- | Rules contain 'description' values. They will generally have
-- at least one description, and will attempt, when composed, to yield
-- a list of descriptions that describes the composition to some degree.
instance Show (Rule effs from to) where
show = unpack . intercalate " | " . description
-- | The empty 'Rule' is 'stopped' and does not accept any input.
instance Lower (Rule effs from to) where
lowerBound = Rule [] mempty
lowerBound = Rule ["[anonymous] lowerBound"] mempty
-- | Left-to-right composition.
instance Semigroup (Rule effs from to) where
(Rule a c) <> (Rule b d) = Rule (a <> b) (c <> d)
@ -71,9 +87,6 @@ instance Monoid (Rule effs from to) where
fromPlan :: Text -> PlanT (Is from) to (Eff effs) a -> Rule effs from to
fromPlan desc plan = Rule [desc] (repeatedly plan)
-- This function is not possible to write yet. It will take a refactor of Rule.
-- fromPlan' :: Text -> PlanT k o (Eff effs) a -> GRule k effs from to
fromStateful :: Lower state => Text -> (state -> PlanT (Is from) to (Eff effs) state) -> Rule effs from to
fromStateful t = Rule [t] . unfoldPlan lowerBound
@ -83,7 +96,7 @@ fromFunction = fromAutomaton
fromEffect :: Text -> (from -> Eff effs to) -> Rule effs from to
fromEffect t = fromAutomatonM t . Kleisli
fromAutomaton :: (Automaton k) => Text -> k from to -> Rule effs from to
fromAutomaton :: Automaton k => Text -> k from to -> Rule effs from to
fromAutomaton t = Rule [t] . auto
fromAutomatonM :: AutomatonM k => Text -> k (Eff effs) from to -> Rule effs from to
@ -91,49 +104,3 @@ fromAutomatonM t = Rule [t] . autoT
runRule :: Foldable f => f from -> Rule effs from to -> Eff effs [to]
runRule inp r = runT (source inp ~> machine r)
-- fromFunction :: Text -> (from -> to) -> Rule from to
-- fromFunction t = Rule [t] . auto
-- justs :: Rule (Maybe it) it
-- justs = Rule "[builtin] justs"
-- fromMealy :: Text -> Plan from to () -> Rule from to
-- fromMealy t f = Rule [t] . auto $ unfoldMealy go initial where
-- initial = After Nothing (error shouldn'tHappen)
-- shouldn'tHappen = "bug: attempted to access an After before it was ready"
-- go acc from =
-- let into = acc { current = from }
-- out = into { previous = Just from }
-- in (f into, out)
-- remembering :: Rule effs from (After from)
-- remembering =
-- instance Monoid (Rule effs from to) where
-- mappend = (<>)
-- mempty = lowerBound
-- -- instance Profunctor (Rule effs) where
-- -- dimap f g (Rule t m) = Rule t _
-- -- | This is a natural transformation between 'effs' and 'Identity'.
-- -- type Purifier effs = forall a . Eff effs a -> a
-- -- runRule :: Foldable f => (Eff effs a -> a) -> Rule effs from to -> f from -> [to]
-- -- runRule p (Rule _ m) s = Eff.run . . runT $ source s ~> m
-- --p . snd . runState lowerBound . runT
-- inside :: (forall a . Eff old a -> Eff new a) -> Rule old from to -> Rule new from to
-- inside f (Rule d m) = Rule d (fitM f m)
-- toProcess :: Effect (Union effs) => Rule effs from to -> ProcessT (Eff effs) from to
-- toProcess = machine
-- runRuleM :: (Effect (Union effs), Effectful m, Foldable f) => Rule effs from to -> f from -> m effs [to]
-- runRuleM (Rule _ mach) src
-- = raiseEff
-- . runT $ source src ~> mach
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