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synced 2024-12-21 05:41:54 +03:00
Merge pull request #355 from github/split-property-tests
Split property tests
This commit is contained in:
@ -244,10 +244,6 @@ maybeLast list = listToMaybe $ reverse list
adjoin2 :: [Row] -> Row -> [Row]
adjoin2 [] row = [row]
adjoin2 rows (Row EmptyLine EmptyLine) = rows
adjoin2 (Row EmptyLine EmptyLine : rows) row = adjoin2 rows row
adjoin2 rows (Row left' right') | Just _ <- openLine $ leftLines rows, Just _ <- openLine $ rightLines rows = zipWith Row lefts rights
where lefts = adjoin2Lines (leftLines rows) left'
rights = adjoin2Lines (rightLines rows) right'
@ -296,11 +292,6 @@ adjoin2Lines (EmptyLine : xs) line | Just _ <- openLine xs = EmptyLine : adjoin2
adjoin2Lines (prev:rest) line | Just _ <- openLine [ prev ] = (prev <> line) : rest
adjoin2Lines lines line = line : lines
adjoinLines :: [Line] -> [Line] -> [Line]
adjoinLines [] lines = lines
adjoinLines lines [] = lines
adjoinLines accum (line : lines) = init accum ++ [ last accum <> line ] ++ lines
zipWithMaybe :: (Maybe a -> Maybe b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
zipWithMaybe f la lb = take len $ zipWith f la' lb'
@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ instance Arbitrary Row where
arbitrary = oneof [
Row <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary ]
instance Arbitrary HTML where
arbitrary = oneof [
Text <$> arbitrary,
@ -114,34 +113,25 @@ spec = do
describe "adjoin2" $ do
prop "is idempotent for additions of empty rows" $
\ a -> adjoin2 (adjoin2 [ a ] mempty) mempty == (adjoin2 [ a ] mempty)
prop "is identity on top of empty rows" $
\ a -> adjoin2 [ mempty ] a == [ a ]
prop "is identity on top of no rows" $
\ a -> adjoin2 [] a == [ a ]
it "appends appends HTML onto incomplete lines" $
adjoin2 [ rightRowText "[" ] (rightRowText "a") `shouldBe`
[ rightRow [ Text "[", Text "a" ] ]
prop "appends onto open rows" $
forAll ((arbitrary `suchThat` isOpen) >>= \ a -> ((,) a) <$> (arbitrary `suchThat` isOpen)) $
\ (a@(Row (Line ac1 as1) (Line bc1 bs1)), b@(Row (Line ac2 as2) (Line bc2 bs2))) ->
adjoin2 [ a ] b `shouldBe` [ Row (Line (ac1 || ac2) $ as1 ++ as2) (Line (bc1 || bc2) $ bs1 ++ bs2) ]
it "does not append HTML onto complete lines" $
adjoin2 [ leftRow [ Break ] ] (leftRowText ",") `shouldBe`
[ leftRowText ",", leftRow [ Break ] ]
prop "does not append onto closed rows" $
forAll ((arbitrary `suchThat` isClosed) >>= \ a -> ((,) a) <$> (arbitrary `suchThat` isClosed)) $
\ (a, b) -> adjoin2 [ a ] b `shouldBe` [ b, a ]
it "appends breaks onto incomplete lines" $
adjoin2 [ leftRowText "a" ] (leftRow [ Break ]) `shouldBe`
[ leftRow [ Text "a", Break ] ]
prop "does not promote elements through empty lines onto closed lines" $
forAll ((arbitrary `suchThat` isClosed) >>= \ a -> ((,) a) <$> (arbitrary `suchThat` isClosed)) $
\ (a, b) -> adjoin2 [ Row EmptyLine EmptyLine, a ] b `shouldBe` [ b, Row EmptyLine EmptyLine, a ]
it "does not promote HTML through empty lines onto complete lines" $
adjoin2 [ rightRowText "b", leftRow [ Break ] ] (leftRowText "a") `shouldBe`
[ leftRowText "a", rightRowText "b", leftRow [ Break ] ]
it "promotes breaks through empty lines onto incomplete lines" $
adjoin2 [ rightRowText "c", rowText "a" "b" ] (leftRow [ Break ]) `shouldBe`
[ rightRowText "c", Row (Line False [ Text "a", Break ]) (Line False [ Text "b" ]) ]
prop "promotes elements through empty lines onto open lines" $
forAll ((arbitrary `suchThat` isOpen) >>= \ a -> ((,) a) <$> (arbitrary `suchThat` isOpen)) $
\ (a, b) -> adjoin2 [ Row EmptyLine EmptyLine, a ] b `shouldBe` Row EmptyLine EmptyLine : adjoin2 [ a ] b
describe "termToLines" $ do
it "splits multi-line terms into multiple lines" $
@ -177,3 +167,6 @@ spec = do
offsetInfo by (Info (Range start end) categories) = Info (Range (start + by) (end + by)) categories
offsetAnnotated by1 by2 (Annotated (left, right) syntax) = Annotated (offsetInfo by1 left, offsetInfo by2 right) syntax
span = Span (Just "category-leaf")
isOpen (Row a b) = (maybe False (const True) $ openLine [ a ]) && (maybe False (const True) $ openLine [ b ])
isClosed (Row a@(Line _ _) b@(Line _ _)) = (maybe True (const False) $ openLine [ a ]) && (maybe True (const False) $ openLine [ b ])
isClosed (Row _ _) = False
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