mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 08:25:19 +03:00
@ -81,8 +81,10 @@ test-suite semantic-diff-test
, free
, hspec
, semantic-diff
, QuickCheck
ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
default-language: Haskell2010
default-extensions: DeriveGeneric
source-repository head
type: git
@ -1,17 +1,89 @@
module Main where
import Categorizable
import Diff
import Interpreter
import Patch
import Range
import Split
import Syntax
import Term
import Control.Comonad.Cofree
import Control.Monad.Free
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Free hiding (unfold)
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import GHC.Generics
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck hiding (Fixed)
newtype ArbitraryTerm a annotation = ArbitraryTerm (annotation, (Syntax a (ArbitraryTerm a annotation)))
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
unTerm :: ArbitraryTerm a annotation -> Term a annotation
unTerm arbitraryTerm = unfold unpack arbitraryTerm
where unpack (ArbitraryTerm (annotation, syntax)) = (annotation, syntax)
instance (Eq a, Eq annotation, Arbitrary a, Arbitrary annotation) => Arbitrary (ArbitraryTerm a annotation) where
arbitrary = sized (\ x -> boundedTerm x x) -- first indicates the cube of the max length of lists, second indicates the cube of the max depth of the tree
where boundedTerm maxLength maxDepth = ArbitraryTerm <$> ((,) <$> arbitrary <*> boundedSyntax maxLength maxDepth)
boundedSyntax _ maxDepth | maxDepth <= 0 = liftM Leaf arbitrary
boundedSyntax maxLength maxDepth = frequency
[ (12, liftM Leaf arbitrary),
(1, liftM Indexed $ take maxLength <$> listOf (smallerTerm maxLength maxDepth)),
(1, liftM Fixed $ take maxLength <$> listOf (smallerTerm maxLength maxDepth)),
(1, liftM (Keyed . Map.fromList) $ take maxLength <$> listOf (arbitrary >>= (\x -> ((,) x) <$> smallerTerm maxLength maxDepth))) ]
smallerTerm maxLength maxDepth = boundedTerm (div maxLength 3) (div maxDepth 3)
shrink term@(ArbitraryTerm (annotation, syntax)) = (++) (subterms term) $ filter (/= term) $
ArbitraryTerm <$> ((,) <$> shrink annotation <*> case syntax of
Leaf a -> Leaf <$> shrink a
Indexed i -> Indexed <$> (List.subsequences i >>= recursivelyShrink)
Fixed f -> Fixed <$> (List.subsequences f >>= recursivelyShrink)
Keyed k -> Keyed . Map.fromList <$> (List.subsequences (Map.toList k) >>= recursivelyShrink))
data CategorySet = A | B | C | D deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Categorizable CategorySet where
categories A = Set.fromList [ "a" ]
categories B = Set.fromList [ "b" ]
categories C = Set.fromList [ "c" ]
categories D = Set.fromList [ "d" ]
instance Arbitrary CategorySet where
arbitrary = elements [ A, B, C, D ]
instance Arbitrary HTML where
arbitrary = oneof [
Text <$> arbitrary,
Span <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary,
const Break <$> (arbitrary :: Gen ()) ]
instance Arbitrary Line where
arbitrary = oneof [
Line <$> arbitrary,
const EmptyLine <$> (arbitrary :: Gen ()) ]
instance Arbitrary Row where
arbitrary = oneof [
Row <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary ]
main :: IO ()
main = hspec $ do
describe "Term" $ do
prop "equality is reflexive" $
\ a -> unTerm a == unTerm (a :: ArbitraryTerm String ())
describe "Diff" $ do
prop "equality is reflexive" $
\ a b -> let diff = interpret comparable (unTerm a) (unTerm (b :: ArbitraryTerm String CategorySet)) in
diff == diff
prop "equal terms produce identity diffs" $
\ a -> let term = unTerm (a :: ArbitraryTerm String CategorySet) in
diffCost (interpret comparable term term) == 0
describe "annotatedToRows" $ do
it "outputs one row for single-line unchanged leaves" $
annotatedToRows (unchanged "a" "leaf" (Leaf "")) "a" "a" `shouldBe` ([ Row (Line [ span "a" ]) (Line [ span "a" ]) ], (Range 0 1, Range 0 1))
@ -87,6 +159,15 @@ main = hspec $ do
], (Range 0 7, Range 0 1))
describe "adjoin2" $ do
prop "is idempotent for additions of empty rows" $
\ a -> adjoin2 (adjoin2 [ a ] mempty) mempty == (adjoin2 [ a ] mempty)
prop "is identity on top of empty rows" $
\ a -> adjoin2 [ mempty ] a == [ a ]
prop "is identity on top of no rows" $
\ a -> adjoin2 [] a == [ a ]
it "appends appends HTML onto incomplete lines" $
adjoin2 [ rightRowText "[" ] (rightRowText "a") `shouldBe`
[ rightRow [ Text "[", Text "a" ] ]
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