mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 12:51:52 +03:00
Placate hlint.
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,19 +17,19 @@ import Info
import Patch
import Prologue hiding (fst, snd)
import Renderer
import Source hiding ((++), break)
import Source hiding ((<>), break)
import SplitDiff
-- | Render a timed out file as a truncated diff.
truncatePatch :: DiffArguments -> Both SourceBlob -> Text
truncatePatch _ blobs = pack $ header blobs ++ "#timed_out\nTruncating diff: timeout reached.\n"
truncatePatch _ blobs = pack $ header blobs <> "#timed_out\nTruncating diff: timeout reached.\n"
-- | Render a diff in the traditional patch format.
patch :: Renderer
patch diff blobs = pack $ case getLast (foldMap (Last . Just) string) of
Just c | c /= '\n' -> string ++ "\n\\ No newline at end of file\n"
Just c | c /= '\n' -> string <> "\n\\ No newline at end of file\n"
_ -> string
where string = header blobs ++ mconcat (showHunk blobs <$> hunks diff blobs)
where string = header blobs <> mconcat (showHunk blobs <$> hunks diff blobs)
-- | A hunk in a patch, including the offset, changes, and context.
data Hunk a = Hunk { offset :: Both (Sum Int), changes :: [Change a], trailingContext :: [Join These a] }
@ -53,20 +53,20 @@ rowIncrement = Join . fromThese (Sum 0) (Sum 0) . runJoin . (Sum 1 <$)
-- | Given the before and after sources, render a hunk to a string.
showHunk :: Both SourceBlob -> Hunk (SplitDiff a Info) -> String
showHunk blobs hunk = maybeOffsetHeader ++
concat (showChange sources <$> changes hunk) ++
showHunk blobs hunk = maybeOffsetHeader <>
concat (showChange sources <$> changes hunk) <>
showLines (snd sources) ' ' (maybeSnd . runJoin <$> trailingContext hunk)
where sources = source <$> blobs
maybeOffsetHeader = if lengthA > 0 && lengthB > 0
then offsetHeader
else mempty
offsetHeader = "@@ -" ++ offsetA ++ "," ++ show lengthA ++ " +" ++ offsetB ++ "," ++ show lengthB ++ " @@" ++ "\n"
offsetHeader = "@@ -" <> offsetA <> "," <> show lengthA <> " +" <> offsetB <> "," <> show lengthB <> " @@" <> "\n"
(lengthA, lengthB) = runJoin . fmap getSum $ hunkLength hunk
(offsetA, offsetB) = runJoin . fmap (show . getSum) $ offset hunk
-- | Given the before and after sources, render a change to a string.
showChange :: Both (Source Char) -> Change (SplitDiff a Info) -> String
showChange sources change = showLines (snd sources) ' ' (maybeSnd . runJoin <$> context change) ++ deleted ++ inserted
showChange sources change = showLines (snd sources) ' ' (maybeSnd . runJoin <$> context change) <> deleted <> inserted
where (deleted, inserted) = runJoin $ pure showLines <*> sources <*> both '-' '+' <*> Join (unzip (fromThese Nothing Nothing . runJoin . fmap Just <$> contents change))
-- | Given a source, render a set of lines to a string with a prefix.
@ -82,25 +82,25 @@ showLine source line | Just line <- line = Just . toString . (`slice` source) $
-- | Returns the header given two source blobs and a hunk.
header :: Both SourceBlob -> String
header blobs = intercalate "\n" [filepathHeader, fileModeHeader, beforeFilepath, afterFilepath] ++ "\n"
where filepathHeader = "diff --git a/" ++ pathA ++ " b/" ++ pathB
header blobs = intercalate "\n" [filepathHeader, fileModeHeader, beforeFilepath, afterFilepath] <> "\n"
where filepathHeader = "diff --git a/" <> pathA <> " b/" <> pathB
fileModeHeader = case (modeA, modeB) of
(Nothing, Just mode) -> intercalate "\n" [ "new file mode " ++ modeToDigits mode, blobOidHeader ]
(Just mode, Nothing) -> intercalate "\n" [ "deleted file mode " ++ modeToDigits mode, blobOidHeader ]
(Just mode, Just other) | mode == other -> "index " ++ oidA ++ ".." ++ oidB ++ " " ++ modeToDigits mode
(Nothing, Just mode) -> intercalate "\n" [ "new file mode " <> modeToDigits mode, blobOidHeader ]
(Just mode, Nothing) -> intercalate "\n" [ "deleted file mode " <> modeToDigits mode, blobOidHeader ]
(Just mode, Just other) | mode == other -> "index " <> oidA <> ".." <> oidB <> " " <> modeToDigits mode
(Just mode1, Just mode2) -> intercalate "\n" [
"old mode " ++ modeToDigits mode1,
"new mode " ++ modeToDigits mode2,
"old mode " <> modeToDigits mode1,
"new mode " <> modeToDigits mode2,
(Nothing, Nothing) -> ""
blobOidHeader = "index " ++ oidA ++ ".." ++ oidB
blobOidHeader = "index " <> oidA <> ".." <> oidB
modeHeader :: String -> Maybe SourceKind -> String -> String
modeHeader ty maybeMode path = case maybeMode of
Just _ -> ty ++ "/" ++ path
Just _ -> ty <> "/" <> path
Nothing -> "/dev/null"
beforeFilepath = "--- " ++ modeHeader "a" modeA pathA
afterFilepath = "+++ " ++ modeHeader "b" modeB pathB
beforeFilepath = "--- " <> modeHeader "a" modeA pathA
afterFilepath = "+++ " <> modeHeader "b" modeB pathB
(pathA, pathB) = runJoin $ path <$> blobs
(oidA, oidB) = runJoin $ oid <$> blobs
(modeA, modeB) = runJoin $ blobKind <$> blobs
Reference in New Issue
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