mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 12:21:57 +03:00
Produce error nodes if productions don't match expected shape
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,57 +29,76 @@ termConstructor source sourceSpan name range children
| otherwise = withDefaultInfo $ case (name, children) of
("return_statement", _) -> S.Return (listToMaybe children)
("assignment", [ identifier, value ]) -> S.Assignment identifier value
("assignment", _ ) -> S.Error children
("math_assignment", [ identifier, value ]) -> S.MathAssignment identifier value
("math_assignment", _ ) -> S.Error children
("member_access", [ base, property ]) -> S.MemberAccess base property
("member_access", _ ) -> S.Error children
("subscript_access", [ base, element ]) -> S.SubscriptAccess base element
("subscript_access", _ ) -> S.Error children
("comma_op", [ a, b ]) -> case unwrap b of
S.Indexed rest -> S.Indexed $ a : rest
_ -> S.Indexed children
("comma_op", _ ) -> S.Error children
("function_call", _) -> case runCofree <$> children of
[ _ :< S.MemberAccess{..}, _ :< S.Args args ] -> S.MethodCall memberId property args
[ _ :< S.MemberAccess{..} ] -> S.MethodCall memberId property []
[ function, _ :< S.Args args ] -> S.FunctionCall (cofree function) args
(x:xs) -> S.FunctionCall (cofree x) (cofree <$> xs)
_ -> S.Indexed children
_ -> S.Error children
("ternary", condition : cases) -> S.Ternary condition cases
("ternary", _ ) -> S.Error children
("arguments", _) -> S.Args children
("var_assignment", [ x, y ]) -> S.VarAssignment x y
("var_assignment", _ ) -> S.Error children
("var_declaration", _) -> S.Indexed $ toVarDecl <$> children
("switch_statement", expr : rest) -> S.Switch expr rest
("switch_statement", _ ) -> S.Error children
("case", [ expr, body ]) -> S.Case expr body
("case", _ ) -> S.Error children
("object", _) -> S.Object $ foldMap toTuple children
("pair", _) -> S.Fixed children
("comment", _) -> S.Comment . toText $ slice range source
("if_statement", [ expr, thenClause, elseClause ]) -> toElseIf expr thenClause elseClause
("if_statement", [ expr, thenClause ]) -> S.If expr thenClause []
("if_statement", _ ) -> S.Error children
("while_statement", [ expr, body ]) -> S.While expr body
("while_statement", _ ) -> S.Error children
("do_statement", [ expr, body ]) -> S.DoWhile expr body
("do_statement", _ ) -> S.Error children
("throw_statement", [ expr ]) -> S.Throw expr
("throw_statment", _ ) -> S.Error children
("new_expression", [ expr ]) -> S.Constructor expr
("new_expression", _ ) -> S.Error children
("try_statement", [ body ]) -> S.Try body Nothing Nothing
("try_statement", [ body, catch ]) | Catch <- category (extract catch) -> S.Try body (Just catch) Nothing
("try_statement", [ body, finally ]) | Finally <- category (extract finally) -> S.Try body Nothing (Just finally)
("try_statement", [ body, catch, finally ])
| Catch <- category (extract catch)
, Finally <- category (extract finally) -> S.Try body (Just catch) (Just finally)
("try_statement", _ ) -> S.Error children
("array", _) -> S.Array children
("method_definition", [ identifier, params, exprs ]) -> S.Method identifier (toList (unwrap params)) (toList (unwrap exprs))
("method_definition", [ identifier, exprs ]) -> S.Method identifier [] (toList (unwrap exprs))
("method_definition", _ ) -> S.Error children
("class", [ identifier, superclass, definitions ]) -> S.Class identifier (Just superclass) (toList (unwrap definitions))
("class", [ identifier, definitions ]) -> S.Class identifier Nothing (toList (unwrap definitions))
("class", _ ) -> S.Error children
("import_statement", [ statements, identifier ] ) -> S.Import identifier (toList (unwrap statements))
("import_statement", [ identifier ] ) -> S.Import identifier []
("import_statement", _ ) -> S.Error children
("export_statement", [ statements, identifier] ) -> S.Export (Just identifier) (toList (unwrap statements))
("export_statement", [ statements ] ) -> case unwrap statements of
S.Indexed _ -> S.Export Nothing (toList (unwrap statements))
_ -> S.Export (Just statements) []
("export_statement", _ ) -> S.Error children
_ | name `elem` forStatements, Just (exprs, body) <- unsnoc children -> S.For exprs body
_ | name `elem` operators -> S.Operator children
_ | name `elem` functions -> case children of
[ body ] -> S.AnonymousFunction [] body
[ params, body ] -> S.AnonymousFunction (toList (unwrap params)) body
[ id, params, body ] -> S.Function id (toList (unwrap params)) body
_ -> S.Indexed children
_ -> S.Error children
(_, []) -> S.Leaf . toText $ slice range source
_ -> S.Indexed children
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