diff --git a/src/Control/Abstract/Heap.hs b/src/Control/Abstract/Heap.hs
index dd260d78a..ef02fcba8 100644
--- a/src/Control/Abstract/Heap.hs
+++ b/src/Control/Abstract/Heap.hs
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ import qualified Data.Abstract.Heap as Heap
import Data.Abstract.Live
import Data.Abstract.Module (ModuleInfo)
import Data.Abstract.Name
-import Data.Abstract.ScopeGraph (Path (..), putDeclarationScopeAtPosition)
+import Data.Abstract.ScopeGraph (Path (..), Relation(..), putDeclarationScopeAtPosition)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Span (Span, emptySpan)
import Prologue
@@ -174,11 +174,12 @@ define :: ( HasCallStack
, Carrier sig m
=> Declaration
+ -> Relation
-> Evaluator term address value m value
-> Evaluator term address value m ()
-define declaration def = withCurrentCallStack callStack $ do
+define declaration rel def = withCurrentCallStack callStack $ do
-- TODO: This span is still wrong.
- declare declaration emptySpan Nothing
+ declare declaration rel emptySpan Nothing
slot <- lookupDeclaration declaration
value <- def
assign slot value
diff --git a/src/Control/Abstract/Primitive.hs b/src/Control/Abstract/Primitive.hs
index 9ac35c5a6..bbe23c82a 100644
--- a/src/Control/Abstract/Primitive.hs
+++ b/src/Control/Abstract/Primitive.hs
@@ -33,18 +33,19 @@ defineBuiltIn :: ( HasCallStack
, Carrier sig m
=> Declaration
+ -> Relation
-> BuiltIn
-> Evaluator term address value m ()
-defineBuiltIn declaration value = withCurrentCallStack callStack $ do
+defineBuiltIn declaration rel value = withCurrentCallStack callStack $ do
currentScope' <- currentScope
let lexicalEdges = Map.singleton Lexical [ currentScope' ]
associatedScope <- newScope lexicalEdges
-- TODO: This span is still wrong.
- declare declaration emptySpan (Just associatedScope)
+ declare declaration rel emptySpan (Just associatedScope)
param <- gensym
withScope associatedScope $ do
- declare (Declaration param) emptySpan Nothing
+ declare (Declaration param) rel emptySpan Nothing
slot <- lookupDeclaration declaration
value <- builtIn associatedScope value
@@ -70,7 +71,7 @@ defineClass :: ( AbstractValue term address value m
-> [Declaration]
-> Evaluator term address value m a
-> Evaluator term address value m ()
-defineClass declaration superclasses body = void . define declaration $ do
+defineClass declaration superclasses body = void . define declaration Default $ do
currentScope' <- currentScope
superScopes <- for superclasses associatedScope
@@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ defineNamespace :: ( AbstractValue term address value m
=> Declaration
-> Evaluator term address value m a
-> Evaluator term address value m ()
-defineNamespace declaration@Declaration{..} body = void . define declaration $ do
+defineNamespace declaration@Declaration{..} body = void . define declaration Default $ do
withChildFrame declaration $ \frame -> do
_ <- body
namespace unDeclaration frame
diff --git a/src/Control/Abstract/ScopeGraph.hs b/src/Control/Abstract/ScopeGraph.hs
index d9fc4207f..7c9fe9d1a 100644
--- a/src/Control/Abstract/ScopeGraph.hs
+++ b/src/Control/Abstract/ScopeGraph.hs
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ module Control.Abstract.ScopeGraph
, ScopeGraph
, ScopeError(..)
, Reference(..)
+ , Relation(..)
, EdgeLabel(..)
, CurrentScope(..)
, currentScope
@@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ import Control.Effect.Carrier
import Data.Abstract.BaseError
import Data.Abstract.Module
import Data.Abstract.Name hiding (name)
-import Data.Abstract.ScopeGraph (Declaration (..), EdgeLabel, Reference, Scope (..), ScopeGraph, Slot (..))
+import Data.Abstract.ScopeGraph (Declaration(..), EdgeLabel, Reference, Relation(..), Scope (..), ScopeGraph, Slot(..))
import qualified Data.Abstract.ScopeGraph as ScopeGraph
import Data.Span
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
@@ -56,12 +57,13 @@ declare :: ( Carrier sig m
, Ord address
=> Declaration
+ -> Relation
-> Span
-> Maybe address
-> Evaluator term address value m ()
-declare decl span scope = do
+declare decl rel span scope = do
currentAddress <- currentScope
- modify (fst . ScopeGraph.declare decl span scope currentAddress)
+ modify (fst . ScopeGraph.declare decl rel span scope currentAddress)
putDeclarationScope :: (Ord address, Member (Reader (CurrentScope address)) sig, Member (State (ScopeGraph address)) sig, Carrier sig m) => Declaration -> address -> Evaluator term address value m ()
putDeclarationScope decl assocScope = do
diff --git a/src/Data/Abstract/Evaluatable.hs b/src/Data/Abstract/Evaluatable.hs
index d18490ca8..38fe43299 100644
--- a/src/Data/Abstract/Evaluatable.hs
+++ b/src/Data/Abstract/Evaluatable.hs
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import Data.Abstract.Declarations as X
import Data.Abstract.FreeVariables as X
import Data.Abstract.Module
import Data.Abstract.Name as X
+import Data.Abstract.ScopeGraph (Relation(..))
import Data.Language
import Data.Scientific (Scientific)
import Data.Semigroup.App
@@ -135,26 +136,26 @@ instance HasPrelude 'PHP
instance HasPrelude 'Python where
definePrelude _ =
- defineBuiltIn (Declaration $ X.name "print") Print
+ defineBuiltIn (Declaration $ X.name "print") Default Print
instance HasPrelude 'Ruby where
definePrelude _ = do
- defineBuiltIn (Declaration $ X.name "puts") Print
+ defineBuiltIn (Declaration $ X.name "puts") Default Print
defineClass (Declaration (X.name "Object")) [] $ do
- defineBuiltIn (Declaration $ X.name "inspect") Show
+ defineBuiltIn (Declaration $ X.name "inspect") Default Show
instance HasPrelude 'TypeScript where
definePrelude _ = do
- defineNamespace (Declaration (X.name "console")) $ defineBuiltIn (Declaration $ X.name "log") Print
+ defineNamespace (Declaration (X.name "console")) $ defineBuiltIn (Declaration $ X.name "log") Default Print
instance HasPrelude 'JavaScript where
definePrelude _ = do
- defineNamespace (Declaration (X.name "console")) $ defineBuiltIn (Declaration $ X.name "log") Print
+ defineNamespace (Declaration (X.name "console")) $ defineBuiltIn (Declaration $ X.name "log") Default Print
defineSelf :: ( AbstractValue term address value m
, Carrier sig m
@@ -172,7 +173,8 @@ defineSelf :: ( AbstractValue term address value m
=> Evaluator term address value m ()
defineSelf = do
let self = Declaration $ X.name "__self"
- declare self emptySpan Nothing
+ -- TODO: Should `self` be given a special Relation?
+ declare self Default emptySpan Nothing
slot <- lookupDeclaration self
assign slot =<< object =<< currentFrame
diff --git a/src/Data/Abstract/ScopeGraph.hs b/src/Data/Abstract/ScopeGraph.hs
index e4c80d895..23f6957bc 100644
--- a/src/Data/Abstract/ScopeGraph.hs
+++ b/src/Data/Abstract/ScopeGraph.hs
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ module Data.Abstract.ScopeGraph
, Position(..)
, reference
, Reference(..) -- TODO don't export these constructors
+ , Relation(..)
, ScopeGraph(..)
, lookupScope
, lookupScopePath
@@ -44,11 +45,11 @@ data Slot address = Slot { frameAddress :: address, position :: Position }
data Relation = Default | InstanceOf
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Generic, NFData)
-data Data address = Data {
- declaration :: Declaration
- , relation :: Relation
- , span :: Span
- , scopeAddress :: Maybe address
+data Data scopeAddress = Data {
+ dataDeclaration :: Declaration
+ , dataRelation :: Relation
+ , dataSpan :: Span
+ , dataAssociatedScope :: Maybe scopeAddress
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Generic, NFData)
@@ -125,12 +126,12 @@ lookupScope scope = Map.lookup scope . unScopeGraph
-- Declare a declaration with a span and an associated scope in the scope graph.
-- TODO: Return the whole value in Maybe or Either.
-declare :: Ord scope => Declaration -> Span -> Relation -> Maybe scope -> scope -> ScopeGraph scope -> (ScopeGraph scope, Maybe Position)
-declare decl declSpan rel assocScope currentScope g = fromMaybe (g, Nothing) $ do
+declare :: Ord scope => Declaration -> Relation -> Span -> Maybe scope -> scope -> ScopeGraph scope -> (ScopeGraph scope, Maybe Position)
+declare decl rel declSpan assocScope currentScope g = fromMaybe (g, Nothing) $ do
scope <- lookupScope currentScope g
dataSeq <- ddataOfScope currentScope g
- case Seq.findIndexR (\Data{..} -> decl == declaration && declSpan == span && rel == relation) dataSeq of
+ case Seq.findIndexR (\Data{..} -> decl == dataDeclaration && declSpan == dataSpan && rel == dataRelation) dataSeq of
Just index -> pure (g, Just (Position index))
Nothing -> do
let newScope = scope { declarations = declarations scope Seq.|> Data decl rel declSpan assocScope }
@@ -177,23 +178,23 @@ pathToDeclaration decl address g = DPath decl . snd <$> lookupDeclaration (unDec
insertReference :: Reference -> Path scopeAddress -> Scope scopeAddress -> Scope scopeAddress
insertReference ref path scope = scope { references = Map.insert ref path (references scope) }
-lookupDeclaration :: Ord scopeAddress => Name -> scopeAddress -> ScopeGraph scopeAddress -> Maybe ((Declaration, (Span, Maybe scopeAddress)), Position)
+lookupDeclaration :: Ord scopeAddress => Name -> scopeAddress -> ScopeGraph scopeAddress -> Maybe (Data scopeAddress, Position)
lookupDeclaration name scope g = do
dataSeq <- ddataOfScope scope g
- index <- Seq.findIndexR (\Data{..} -> Declaration name == declaration) dataSeq
+ index <- Seq.findIndexR (\Data{..} -> Declaration name == dataDeclaration) dataSeq
(, Position index) <$> Seq.lookup index dataSeq
declarationNames :: Ord address => [EdgeLabel] -> Scope address -> ScopeGraph address -> Set Declaration
declarationNames edgeLabels scope scopeGraph = localDeclarations <> edgeNames
where addresses = join (Map.elems $ Map.restrictKeys (edges scope) (Set.fromList edgeLabels))
edgeNames = flip foldMap addresses $ \address -> maybe mempty (flip (declarationNames edgeLabels) scopeGraph) (lookupScope address scopeGraph)
- localDeclarations = Set.fromList . toList . fmap fst $ declarations scope
+ localDeclarations = Set.fromList . toList . fmap dataDeclaration $ declarations scope
putDeclarationScopeAtPosition :: Ord scopeAddress => scopeAddress -> Position -> Maybe scopeAddress -> ScopeGraph scopeAddress -> ScopeGraph scopeAddress
putDeclarationScopeAtPosition scope position assocScope g@(ScopeGraph graph) = fromMaybe g $ do
dataSeq <- ddataOfScope scope g
- let seq = Seq.adjust' (\(d, (span, _)) -> (d, (span, assocScope))) (unPosition position) dataSeq
+ let seq = Seq.adjust' (\Data{..} -> Data dataDeclaration dataRelation dataSpan assocScope) (unPosition position) dataSeq
pure $ ScopeGraph (Map.adjust (\s -> s { declarations = seq }) scope graph)
lookupReference :: Ord scopeAddress => Name -> scopeAddress -> ScopeGraph scopeAddress -> Maybe (Path scopeAddress)
@@ -207,21 +208,22 @@ insertEdge label target currentAddress g@(ScopeGraph graph) = fromMaybe g $ do
pure (ScopeGraph (Map.insert currentAddress newScope graph))
--- | Insert associate the given associated scope into the declaration in the scope graph.
+-- | Update the 'Scope' containing a 'Declaration' with an associated scope address.
+-- Returns an unmodified 'ScopeGraph' if the 'Declaration' cannot be found with the given scope address.
insertDeclarationScope :: Ord scopeAddress => Declaration -> scopeAddress -> scopeAddress -> ScopeGraph scopeAddress -> ScopeGraph scopeAddress
-insertDeclarationScope decl@Declaration{..} address currentAddress g@(ScopeGraph graph) = fromMaybe g $ do
- declScope <- pathDeclarationScope currentAddress =<< lookupScopePath unDeclaration currentAddress g
- (span, position) <- (fst . snd . fst &&& unPosition . snd) <$> lookupDeclaration unDeclaration declScope g
- scope <- lookupScope declScope g
- pure $ ScopeGraph (Map.insert declScope (scope { declarations = Seq.adjust (const (decl, (span, Just address))) position (declarations scope) }) graph)
+insertDeclarationScope decl@Declaration{..} associatedScopeAddress scopeAddress g = fromMaybe g $ do
+ declScopeAddress <- pathDeclarationScope scopeAddress =<< lookupScopePath unDeclaration scopeAddress g
+ scope <- lookupScope declScopeAddress g
+ (declData, position) <- (id . fst &&& unPosition . snd) <$> lookupDeclaration unDeclaration declScopeAddress g
+ pure $ insertScope declScopeAddress (scope { declarations = Seq.adjust (const (Data decl (dataRelation declData) (dataSpan declData) (Just associatedScopeAddress))) position (declarations scope) }) g
-- | Insert a declaration span into the declaration in the scope graph.
insertDeclarationSpan :: Ord scopeAddress => Declaration -> Span -> ScopeGraph scopeAddress -> ScopeGraph scopeAddress
-insertDeclarationSpan decl@Declaration{..} span g@(ScopeGraph graph) = fromMaybe g $ do
- declScope <- scopeOfDeclaration decl g
- (associatedScope, position) <- (snd . snd . fst &&& unPosition . snd) <$> lookupDeclaration unDeclaration declScope g
- scope <- lookupScope declScope g
- pure $ ScopeGraph (Map.insert declScope (scope { declarations = Seq.adjust (const (decl, (span, associatedScope))) position (declarations scope) }) graph)
+insertDeclarationSpan decl@Declaration{..} span g = fromMaybe g $ do
+ declScopeAddress <- scopeOfDeclaration decl g
+ (declData, position) <- (id . fst &&& unPosition . snd) <$> lookupDeclaration unDeclaration declScopeAddress g
+ scope <- lookupScope declScopeAddress g
+ pure $ insertScope declScopeAddress (scope { declarations = Seq.adjust (const (Data decl (dataRelation declData) span (dataAssociatedScope declData))) position (declarations scope) }) g
-- | Insert a new scope with the given address and edges into the scope graph.
newScope :: Ord address => address -> Map EdgeLabel [address] -> ScopeGraph address -> ScopeGraph address
@@ -257,7 +259,7 @@ scopeOfDeclaration Declaration{..} g@(ScopeGraph graph) = go (Map.keys graph)
associatedScope :: Ord scope => Declaration -> ScopeGraph scope -> Maybe scope
associatedScope Declaration{..} g@(ScopeGraph graph) = go (Map.keys graph)
- go = foldr (\ scope -> ((lookupDeclaration unDeclaration scope g >>= snd . snd . fst) <|>)) Nothing
+ go = foldr (\ scope -> ((lookupDeclaration unDeclaration scope g >>= dataAssociatedScope . fst) <|>)) Nothing
newtype Reference = Reference { unReference :: Name }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, NFData)
diff --git a/src/Data/Syntax/Declaration.hs b/src/Data/Syntax/Declaration.hs
index 597c188b0..a10f54a6a 100644
--- a/src/Data/Syntax/Declaration.hs
+++ b/src/Data/Syntax/Declaration.hs
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ instance Evaluatable Function where
params <- withScope associatedScope . for functionParameters $ \paramNode -> do
param <- maybeM (throwEvalError $ NoNameError paramNode) (declaredName paramNode)
- param <$ declare (Declaration param) span Nothing
+ param <$ declare (Declaration param) Default span Nothing
addr <- lookupDeclaration (Declaration name)
v <- function name params functionBody associatedScope
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ declareFunction name span = do
currentScope' <- currentScope
let lexicalEdges = Map.singleton Lexical [ currentScope' ]
associatedScope <- newScope lexicalEdges
- declare (Declaration name) span (Just associatedScope)
+ declare (Declaration name) Default span (Just associatedScope)
pure associatedScope
instance Tokenize Function where
@@ -92,10 +92,12 @@ instance Evaluatable Method where
params <- withScope associatedScope $ do
let self = Name.name "__self"
- declare (Declaration self) emptySpan Nothing
+ -- TODO: Should we give `self` a special Relation?
+ declare (Declaration self) Default emptySpan Nothing
fmap (self :) . for methodParameters $ \paramNode -> do
param <- maybeM (throwEvalError $ NoNameError paramNode) (declaredName paramNode)
- param <$ declare (Declaration param) span Nothing
+ -- TODO: Should we treat params as a special Relation? I've left this as an `InstanceOf` for now.
+ param <$ declare (Declaration param) InstanceOf span Nothing
addr <- lookupDeclaration (Declaration name)
v <- function name params methodBody associatedScope
@@ -164,7 +166,7 @@ instance Evaluatable VariableDeclaration where
eval eval _ (VariableDeclaration decs) = do
for_ decs $ \declaration -> do
name <- maybeM (throwEvalError $ NoNameError declaration) (declaredName declaration)
- declare (Declaration name) emptySpan Nothing
+ declare (Declaration name) Default emptySpan Nothing
(span, _) <- do
ref <- eval declaration
subtermSpan <- get @Span
@@ -210,7 +212,7 @@ instance Evaluatable PublicFieldDefinition where
propertyName <- maybeM (throwEvalError $ NoNameError publicFieldPropertyName) (declaredName publicFieldPropertyName)
-- withScope instanceScope $ do
- declare (Declaration propertyName) span Nothing
+ declare (Declaration propertyName) InstanceOf span Nothing
slot <- lookupDeclaration (Declaration propertyName)
value <- eval publicFieldValue
assign slot value
@@ -258,7 +260,7 @@ instance Evaluatable Class where
current = (Lexical, ) <$> pure (pure currentScope')
edges = Map.fromList (superclassEdges <> current)
classScope <- newScope edges
- declare (Declaration name) span (Just classScope)
+ declare (Declaration name) Default span (Just classScope)
let frameEdges = Map.singleton Superclass (Map.fromList (catMaybes superScopes))
classFrame <- newFrame classScope frameEdges
@@ -351,7 +353,8 @@ instance Evaluatable TypeAlias where
span <- ask @Span
assocScope <- associatedScope (Declaration kindName)
- declare (Declaration name) span assocScope
+ -- TODO: Should we consider a special Relation for `TypeAlias`?
+ declare (Declaration name) Default span assocScope
slot <- lookupDeclaration (Declaration name)
kindSlot <- lookupDeclaration (Declaration kindName)
diff --git a/src/Data/Syntax/Expression.hs b/src/Data/Syntax/Expression.hs
index 7572c8da2..6ebccfa0b 100644
--- a/src/Data/Syntax/Expression.hs
+++ b/src/Data/Syntax/Expression.hs
@@ -638,6 +638,7 @@ instance Evaluatable New where
slot <- lookupDeclaration (Declaration name)
classVal <- deref slot
classFrame <- maybeM (throwEvalError $ ScopedEnvError classVal) =<< scopedEnvironment classVal
objectFrame <- newFrame objectScope (Map.singleton Superclass $ Map.singleton assocScope classFrame)
objectVal <- object objectFrame
diff --git a/src/Data/Syntax/Statement.hs b/src/Data/Syntax/Statement.hs
index f79553ca3..8cd7582c0 100644
--- a/src/Data/Syntax/Statement.hs
+++ b/src/Data/Syntax/Statement.hs
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ instance Evaluatable Let where
assocScope <- associatedScope (Declaration valueName)
_ <- withLexicalScopeAndFrame $ do
- declare (Declaration name) letSpan assocScope
+ declare (Declaration name) Default letSpan assocScope
letVal <- eval letValue
slot <- lookupDeclaration (Declaration name)
assign slot letVal
diff --git a/src/Language/Go/Syntax.hs b/src/Language/Go/Syntax.hs
index 7925517db..a3c0c264f 100644
--- a/src/Language/Go/Syntax.hs
+++ b/src/Language/Go/Syntax.hs
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ instance Evaluatable QualifiedImport where
alias <- maybeM (throwEvalError $ NoNameError aliasTerm) (declaredName aliasTerm)
span <- ask @Span
scopeAddress <- newScope mempty
- declare (Declaration alias) span (Just scopeAddress)
+ declare (Declaration alias) Default span (Just scopeAddress)
aliasSlot <- lookupDeclaration (Declaration alias)
withScope scopeAddress $ do
diff --git a/src/Language/Python/Syntax.hs b/src/Language/Python/Syntax.hs
index 3301d24e4..02d5d9122 100644
--- a/src/Language/Python/Syntax.hs
+++ b/src/Language/Python/Syntax.hs
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ instance Evaluatable Import where
aliasFrame <- newFrame importScope (Map.singleton ScopeGraph.Import scopeMap)
-- Add declaration of the alias name to the current scope (within our current module).
- declare (Declaration aliasName) span (Just importScope)
+ declare (Declaration aliasName) Default span (Just importScope)
-- Retrieve the frame slot for the new declaration.
aliasSlot <- lookupDeclaration (Declaration aliasName)
assign aliasSlot =<< object aliasFrame
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ instance Evaluatable QualifiedImport where
go ((name, modulePath) : namesAndPaths) = do
span <- ask @Span
scopeAddress <- newScope mempty
- declare (Declaration name) span (Just scopeAddress)
+ declare (Declaration name) Default span (Just scopeAddress)
aliasSlot <- lookupDeclaration (Declaration name)
-- a.b.c
withScope scopeAddress $
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ instance Evaluatable QualifiedAliasedImport where
span <- ask @Span
scopeAddress <- newScope mempty
alias <- maybeM (throwEvalError $ NoNameError aliasTerm) (declaredName aliasTerm)
- declare (Declaration alias) span (Just scopeAddress)
+ declare (Declaration alias) Default span (Just scopeAddress)
objFrame <- newFrame scopeAddress mempty
val <- object objFrame
aliasSlot <- lookupDeclaration (Declaration alias)
diff --git a/src/Language/Ruby/Syntax.hs b/src/Language/Ruby/Syntax.hs
index a1757a14a..1703238d9 100644
--- a/src/Language/Ruby/Syntax.hs
+++ b/src/Language/Ruby/Syntax.hs
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ instance Evaluatable Class where
current = (Lexical, ) <$> pure (pure currentScope')
edges = Map.fromList (superclassEdges <> current)
classScope <- newScope edges
- declare (Declaration name) span (Just classScope)
+ declare (Declaration name) Default span (Just classScope)
let frameEdges = Map.singleton Superclass (Map.fromList (catMaybes superScopes))
childFrame <- newFrame classScope frameEdges
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ instance Evaluatable Module where
Nothing -> do
let edges = Map.singleton Lexical [ currentScope' ]
classScope <- newScope edges
- declare (Declaration name) span (Just classScope)
+ declare (Declaration name) Default span (Just classScope)
currentFrame' <- currentFrame
let frameEdges = Map.singleton Lexical (Map.singleton currentScope' currentFrame')
@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ instance Evaluatable Assignment where
lhsName <- maybeM (throwEvalError $ NoNameError assignmentTarget) (declaredName assignmentTarget)
maybeSlot <- maybeLookupDeclaration (Declaration lhsName)
assignmentSpan <- ask @Span
- maybe (declare (Declaration lhsName) assignmentSpan Nothing) (const (pure ())) maybeSlot
+ maybe (declare (Declaration lhsName) Default assignmentSpan Nothing) (const (pure ())) maybeSlot
lhs <- ref assignmentTarget
rhs <- eval assignmentValue
diff --git a/src/Language/TypeScript/Syntax/JSX.hs b/src/Language/TypeScript/Syntax/JSX.hs
index 2441198bf..3cc75d03f 100644
--- a/src/Language/TypeScript/Syntax/JSX.hs
+++ b/src/Language/TypeScript/Syntax/JSX.hs
@@ -98,7 +98,8 @@ instance Evaluatable RequiredParameter where
eval eval ref RequiredParameter{..} = do
name <- maybeM (throwEvalError $ NoNameError requiredParameterSubject) (declaredName requiredParameterSubject)
span <- ask @Span
- declare (Declaration name) span Nothing
+ -- TODO: Should we specify function parameters with a special Relation?
+ declare (Declaration name) Default span Nothing
lhs <- ref requiredParameterSubject
rhs <- eval requiredParameterValue
diff --git a/src/Language/TypeScript/Syntax/JavaScript.hs b/src/Language/TypeScript/Syntax/JavaScript.hs
index 3ec487828..6ab14b546 100644
--- a/src/Language/TypeScript/Syntax/JavaScript.hs
+++ b/src/Language/TypeScript/Syntax/JavaScript.hs
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ instance Evaluatable JavaScriptRequire where
Just alias -> do
span <- ask @Span
importScope <- newScope (Map.singleton ScopeGraph.Import [ moduleScope ])
- declare (Declaration alias) span (Just importScope)
+ declare (Declaration alias) Default span (Just importScope)
let scopeMap = Map.singleton moduleScope moduleFrame
aliasFrame <- newFrame importScope (Map.singleton ScopeGraph.Import scopeMap)
aliasSlot <- lookupDeclaration (Declaration alias)
diff --git a/src/Language/TypeScript/Syntax/TypeScript.hs b/src/Language/TypeScript/Syntax/TypeScript.hs
index 4c568208f..692651362 100644
--- a/src/Language/TypeScript/Syntax/TypeScript.hs
+++ b/src/Language/TypeScript/Syntax/TypeScript.hs
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ instance Evaluatable QualifiedAliasedImport where
aliasFrame <- newFrame importScope (Map.singleton ScopeGraph.Import scopeMap)
alias <- maybeM (throwEvalError $ NoNameError aliasTerm) (declaredName aliasTerm)
- declare (Declaration alias) span (Just importScope)
+ declare (Declaration alias) Default span (Just importScope)
aliasSlot <- lookupDeclaration (Declaration alias)
assign aliasSlot =<< object aliasFrame
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ instance Evaluatable DefaultExport where
withScopeAndFrame exportFrame $ do
valueRef <- eval term
let declaration = Declaration $ Name.name "__default"
- declare declaration exportSpan Nothing
+ declare declaration Default exportSpan Nothing
defaultSlot <- lookupDeclaration declaration
assign defaultSlot valueRef
@@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ declareModule eval identifier statements = do
Nothing -> do
let edges = Map.singleton Lexical [ currentScope' ]
childScope <- newScope edges
- declare (Declaration name) span (Just childScope)
+ declare (Declaration name) Default span (Just childScope)
currentFrame' <- currentFrame
let frameEdges = Map.singleton Lexical (Map.singleton currentScope' currentFrame')
@@ -676,7 +676,7 @@ instance Evaluatable AbstractClass where
current = (Lexical, ) <$> pure (pure currentScope')
edges = Map.fromList (superclassEdges <> current)
classScope <- newScope edges
- declare (Declaration name) span (Just classScope)
+ declare (Declaration name) Default span (Just classScope)
let frameEdges = Map.singleton Superclass (Map.fromList (catMaybes superScopes))
childFrame <- newFrame classScope frameEdges
diff --git a/test/fixtures/typescript/analysis/class2.ts b/test/fixtures/typescript/analysis/class2.ts
index 8a6db70f3..ec19c1376 100644
--- a/test/fixtures/typescript/analysis/class2.ts
+++ b/test/fixtures/typescript/analysis/class2.ts
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-class Adder {
+class Adder {
summand: number;
constructor(summand: number) {
this.summand = summand;
- add() {
- return 4 + this.summand;
+ add(foo: A) {
+ return foo