mirror of
synced 2024-12-01 00:33:59 +03:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into enhanced-json-output
This commit is contained in:
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ cachingTerms :: ( Cacheable term location (Cell location) value
, Corecursive term
, Member NonDet effects
, Member (Reader (Cache term location (Cell location) value)) effects
, Member (Reader (Live location value)) effects
, Member (Reader (Live location)) effects
, Member (State (Cache term location (Cell location) value)) effects
, Member (State (Environment location)) effects
, Member (State (Heap location (Cell location) value)) effects
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ convergingModules :: ( AbstractValue location value effects
, Member NonDet effects
, Member (Reader (Cache term location (Cell location) value)) effects
, Member (Reader (Environment location)) effects
, Member (Reader (Live location value)) effects
, Member (Reader (Live location)) effects
, Member (Resumable (EnvironmentError location)) effects
, Member (State (Cache term location (Cell location) value)) effects
, Member (State (Environment location)) effects
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import Prologue
-- | An analysis performing GC after every instruction.
collectingTerms :: ( Foldable (Cell location)
, Member (Reader (Live location value)) effects
, Member (Reader (Live location)) effects
, Member (State (Heap location (Cell location) value)) effects
, Ord location
, ValueRoots location value
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ gc :: ( Ord location
, Foldable (Cell location)
, ValueRoots location value
=> Live location value -- ^ The set of addresses to consider rooted.
=> Live location -- ^ The set of addresses to consider rooted.
-> Heap location (Cell location) value -- ^ A heap to collect unreachable addresses within.
-> Heap location (Cell location) value -- ^ A garbage-collected heap.
gc roots heap = heapRestrict heap (reachable roots heap)
@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ reachable :: ( Ord location
, Foldable (Cell location)
, ValueRoots location value
=> Live location value -- ^ The set of root addresses.
=> Live location -- ^ The set of root addresses.
-> Heap location (Cell location) value -- ^ The heap to trace addresses through.
-> Live location value -- ^ The set of addresses reachable from the root set.
-> Live location -- ^ The set of addresses reachable from the root set.
reachable roots heap = go mempty roots
where go seen set = case liveSplit set of
Nothing -> seen
@ -50,5 +50,5 @@ reachable roots heap = go mempty roots
_ -> seen)
providingLiveSet :: Effectful (m location value) => m location value (Reader (Live location value) ': effects) a -> m location value effects a
providingLiveSet :: Effectful (m location value) => m location value (Reader (Live location) ': effects) a -> m location value effects a
providingLiveSet = runReader lowerBound
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ variableDefinition :: ( Member (Reader (Environment (Hole (Located location))))
=> Name
-> TermEvaluator term (Hole (Located location)) value effects ()
variableDefinition name = do
graph <- maybe lowerBound (maybe lowerBound (vertex . moduleVertex . locationModule) . toMaybe . unAddress) <$> TermEvaluator (lookupEnv name)
graph <- maybe lowerBound (maybe lowerBound (vertex . moduleVertex . locationModule) . toMaybe) <$> TermEvaluator (lookupEnv name)
appendGraph (vertex (Variable (unName name)) `connect` graph)
appendGraph :: (Effectful m, Member (State (Graph Vertex)) effects) => Graph Vertex -> m effects ()
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import Prologue
-- Instantiating @trace@ to @[]@ yields a linear trace analysis, while @Set@ yields a reachable state analysis.
tracingTerms :: ( Corecursive term
, Member (Reader (Live location value)) effects
, Member (Reader (Live location)) effects
, Member (State (Environment location)) effects
, Member (State (Heap location (Cell location) value)) effects
, Member (Writer (trace (Configuration term location (Cell location) value))) effects
@ -10,23 +10,23 @@ import Data.Abstract.Address
import Data.Abstract.Name
import Prologue
-- | Defines allocation and dereferencing of 'Address'es in a 'Heap'.
-- | Defines allocation and dereferencing of addresses.
class (Ord location, Show location) => Addressable location effects where
-- | The type into which stored values will be written for a given location type.
type family Cell location :: * -> *
allocCell :: Name -> Evaluator location value effects location
derefCell :: Address location value -> Cell location value -> Evaluator location value effects (Maybe value)
derefCell :: location -> Cell location value -> Evaluator location value effects (Maybe value)
-- | 'Precise' locations are always allocated a fresh 'Address', and dereference to the 'Latest' value written.
-- | 'Precise' locations are always allocated a fresh address, and dereference to the 'Latest' value written.
instance Member Fresh effects => Addressable Precise effects where
type Cell Precise = Latest
allocCell _ = Precise <$> fresh
derefCell _ = pure . getLast . unLatest
-- | 'Monovariant' locations allocate one 'Address' per unique variable name, and dereference once per stored value, nondeterministically.
-- | 'Monovariant' locations allocate one address per unique variable name, and dereference once per stored value, nondeterministically.
instance Member NonDet effects => Addressable Monovariant effects where
type Cell Monovariant = All
@ -38,14 +38,14 @@ instance (Addressable location effects, Member (Reader ModuleInfo) effects, Memb
type Cell (Located location) = Cell location
allocCell name = relocate (Located <$> allocCell name <*> currentPackage <*> currentModule)
derefCell (Address (Located loc _ _)) = relocate . derefCell (Address loc)
derefCell (Located loc _ _) = relocate . derefCell loc
instance Addressable location effects => Addressable (Hole location) effects where
type Cell (Hole location) = Cell location
allocCell name = relocate (Total <$> allocCell name)
derefCell (Address (Total loc)) = relocate . derefCell (Address loc)
derefCell (Address Partial) = const (pure Nothing)
derefCell (Total loc) = relocate . derefCell loc
derefCell Partial = const (pure Nothing)
relocate :: Evaluator location1 value effects a -> Evaluator location2 value effects a
relocate = raiseEff . lowerEff
@ -12,5 +12,5 @@ import Control.Abstract.TermEvaluator
import Data.Abstract.Configuration
-- | Get the current 'Configuration' with a passed-in term.
getConfiguration :: (Member (Reader (Live location value)) effects, Member (State (Environment location)) effects, Member (State (Heap location (Cell location) value)) effects) => term -> TermEvaluator term location value effects (Configuration term location (Cell location) value)
getConfiguration :: (Member (Reader (Live location)) effects, Member (State (Environment location)) effects, Member (State (Heap location (Cell location) value)) effects) => term -> TermEvaluator term location value effects (Configuration term location (Cell location) value)
getConfiguration term = Configuration term <$> TermEvaluator askRoots <*> TermEvaluator getEnv <*> TermEvaluator getHeap
@ -3,14 +3,12 @@ module Control.Abstract.Environment
( Environment
, getEnv
, putEnv
, modifyEnv
, withEnv
, defaultEnvironment
, withDefaultEnvironment
, fullEnvironment
, localEnv
, localize
, lookupEnv
, bind
, bindAll
, locally
, EnvironmentError(..)
, freeVariableError
, runEnvironmentError
@ -18,7 +16,6 @@ module Control.Abstract.Environment
) where
import Control.Abstract.Evaluator
import Data.Abstract.Address
import Data.Abstract.Environment as Env
import Data.Abstract.Name
import Prologue
@ -49,26 +46,25 @@ defaultEnvironment = ask
withDefaultEnvironment :: Member (Reader (Environment location)) effects => Environment location -> Evaluator location value effects a -> Evaluator location value effects a
withDefaultEnvironment e = local (const e)
-- | Obtain an environment that is the composition of the current and default environments.
-- Useful for debugging.
fullEnvironment :: (Member (Reader (Environment location)) effects, Member (State (Environment location)) effects) => Evaluator location value effects (Environment location)
fullEnvironment = mergeEnvs <$> getEnv <*> defaultEnvironment
-- | Run an action with a locally-modified environment.
localEnv :: Member (State (Environment location)) effects => (Environment location -> Environment location) -> Evaluator location value effects a -> Evaluator location value effects a
localEnv f a = do
modifyEnv (f . Env.push)
result <- a
result <$ modifyEnv Env.pop
-- | Run a computation in a new local environment.
localize :: Member (State (Environment location)) effects => Evaluator location value effects a -> Evaluator location value effects a
localize = localEnv id
-- | Look a 'Name' up in the current environment, trying the default environment if no value is found.
lookupEnv :: (Member (Reader (Environment location)) effects, Member (State (Environment location)) effects) => Name -> Evaluator location value effects (Maybe (Address location value))
lookupEnv :: (Member (Reader (Environment location)) effects, Member (State (Environment location)) effects) => Name -> Evaluator location value effects (Maybe location)
lookupEnv name = (<|>) <$> (Env.lookup name <$> getEnv) <*> (Env.lookup name <$> defaultEnvironment)
-- | Bind a 'Name' to an 'Address' in the current scope.
bind :: Member (State (Environment location)) effects => Name -> location -> Evaluator location value effects ()
bind name = modifyEnv . Env.insert name
-- | Bind all of the names from an 'Environment' in the current scope.
bindAll :: Member (State (Environment location)) effects => Environment location -> Evaluator location value effects ()
bindAll = foldr ((>>) . uncurry bind) (pure ()) . pairs
-- | Run an action in a new local environment.
locally :: Member (State (Environment location)) effects => Evaluator location value effects a -> Evaluator location value effects a
locally a = do
modifyEnv Env.push
a' <- a
a' <$ modifyEnv Env.pop
-- | Errors involving the environment.
data EnvironmentError location return where
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ module Control.Abstract.Exports
) where
import Control.Abstract.Evaluator
import Data.Abstract.Address
import Data.Abstract.Exports
import Data.Abstract.Name
@ -25,7 +24,7 @@ modifyExports :: Member (State (Exports location)) effects => (Exports location
modifyExports = modify'
-- | Add an export to the global export state.
addExport :: Member (State (Exports location)) effects => Name -> Name -> Maybe (Address location value) -> Evaluator location value effects ()
addExport :: Member (State (Exports location)) effects => Name -> Name -> Maybe location -> Evaluator location value effects ()
addExport name alias = modifyExports . insert name alias
-- | Sets the global export state for the lifetime of the given action.
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, RankNTypes, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Control.Abstract.Heap
( Heap
, getHeap
@ -23,8 +23,6 @@ import Control.Abstract.Addressable
import Control.Abstract.Environment
import Control.Abstract.Evaluator
import Control.Monad.Effect.Internal
import Data.Abstract.Address
import Data.Abstract.Environment
import Data.Abstract.Heap
import Data.Abstract.Name
import Data.Semigroup.Reducer
@ -43,20 +41,20 @@ modifyHeap :: Member (State (Heap location (Cell location) value)) effects => (H
modifyHeap = modify'
alloc :: Member (Allocator location value) effects => Name -> Evaluator location value effects (Address location value)
alloc = send . Alloc
alloc :: forall location value effects . Member (Allocator location value) effects => Name -> Evaluator location value effects location
alloc = send . Alloc @location @value
-- | Dereference the given 'Address'in the heap, or fail if the address is uninitialized.
deref :: Member (Allocator location value) effects => Address location value -> Evaluator location value effects value
-- | Dereference the given address in the heap, or fail if the address is uninitialized.
deref :: Member (Allocator location value) effects => location -> Evaluator location value effects value
deref = send . Deref
-- | Write a value to the given 'Address' in the 'Store'.
-- | Write a value to the given address in the 'Store'.
assign :: ( Member (State (Heap location (Cell location) value)) effects
, Ord location
, Reducer value (Cell location value)
=> Address location value
=> location
-> value
-> Evaluator location value effects ()
assign address = modifyHeap . heapInsert address
@ -68,7 +66,7 @@ lookupOrAlloc :: ( Member (Allocator location value) effects
, Member (State (Environment location)) effects
=> Name
-> Evaluator location value effects (Address location value)
-> Evaluator location value effects location
lookupOrAlloc name = lookupEnv name >>= maybe (alloc name) pure
@ -81,10 +79,10 @@ letrec :: ( Member (Allocator location value) effects
=> Name
-> Evaluator location value effects value
-> Evaluator location value effects (value, Address location value)
-> Evaluator location value effects (value, location)
letrec name body = do
addr <- lookupOrAlloc name
v <- localEnv (insert name addr) body
v <- locally (bind name addr *> body)
assign addr v
pure (v, addr)
@ -94,12 +92,12 @@ letrec' :: ( Member (Allocator location value) effects
, Member (State (Environment location)) effects
=> Name
-> (Address location value -> Evaluator location value effects value)
-> (location -> Evaluator location value effects value)
-> Evaluator location value effects value
letrec' name body = do
addr <- lookupOrAlloc name
v <- localEnv id (body addr)
v <$ modifyEnv (insert name addr)
v <- locally (body addr)
v <$ bind name addr
-- | Look up and dereference the given 'Name', throwing an exception for free variables.
@ -110,24 +108,24 @@ variable :: ( Member (Allocator location value) effects
=> Name
-> Evaluator location value effects value
variable name = lookupEnv name >>= maybeM (Address <$> freeVariableError name) >>= deref
variable name = lookupEnv name >>= maybeM (freeVariableError name) >>= deref
-- Effects
data Allocator location value return where
Alloc :: Name -> Allocator location value (Address location value)
Deref :: Address location value -> Allocator location value value
Alloc :: Name -> Allocator location value location
Deref :: location -> Allocator location value value
runAllocator :: (Addressable location effects, Effectful (m location value), Member (Resumable (AddressError location value)) effects, Member (State (Heap location (Cell location) value)) effects) => m location value (Allocator location value ': effects) a -> m location value effects a
runAllocator = raiseHandler (interpret (\ eff -> case eff of
Alloc name -> lowerEff $ Address <$> allocCell name
Alloc name -> lowerEff $ allocCell name
Deref addr -> lowerEff $ heapLookup addr <$> get >>= maybeM (throwResumable (UnallocatedAddress addr)) >>= derefCell addr >>= maybeM (throwResumable (UninitializedAddress addr))))
data AddressError location value resume where
UnallocatedAddress :: Address location value -> AddressError location value (Cell location value)
UninitializedAddress :: Address location value -> AddressError location value value
UnallocatedAddress :: location -> AddressError location value (Cell location value)
UninitializedAddress :: location -> AddressError location value value
deriving instance Eq location => Eq (AddressError location value resume)
deriving instance Show location => Show (AddressError location value resume)
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import Control.Abstract.Environment
import Control.Abstract.Evaluator
import Control.Abstract.Heap
import Control.Abstract.Value
import Data.Abstract.Environment
import Data.Abstract.Name
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (pack, unpack)
import Data.Semigroup.Reducer hiding (unit)
@ -28,7 +27,7 @@ builtin :: ( HasCallStack
builtin s def = withCurrentCallStack callStack $ do
let name' = name (pack ("__semantic_" <> s))
addr <- alloc name'
modifyEnv (insert name' addr)
bind name' addr
def >>= assign addr
lambda :: (AbstractFunction location value effects, Member Fresh effects)
@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import Data.Abstract.Live
import Prologue
-- | Retrieve the local 'Live' set.
askRoots :: Member (Reader (Live location value)) effects => Evaluator location value effects (Live location value)
askRoots :: Member (Reader (Live location)) effects => Evaluator location value effects (Live location)
askRoots = ask
-- | Run a computation with the given 'Live' set added to the local root set.
extraRoots :: (Member (Reader (Live location value)) effects, Ord location) => Live location value -> Evaluator location value effects a -> Evaluator location value effects a
extraRoots :: (Member (Reader (Live location)) effects, Ord location) => Live location -> Evaluator location value effects a -> Evaluator location value effects a
extraRoots roots = local (<> roots)
@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ import Control.Abstract.Addressable
import Control.Abstract.Environment
import Control.Abstract.Evaluator
import Control.Abstract.Heap
import Data.Abstract.Address (Address)
import Data.Abstract.Environment as Env
import Data.Abstract.Live (Live)
import Data.Abstract.Name
@ -167,7 +166,7 @@ forLoop :: ( AbstractValue location value effects
-> Evaluator location value effects value -- ^ Body
-> Evaluator location value effects value
forLoop initial cond step body =
localize (initial *> while cond (body *> step))
locally (initial *> while cond (body *> step))
-- | The fundamental looping primitive, built on top of 'ifthenelse'.
while :: AbstractValue location value effects
@ -194,7 +193,7 @@ makeNamespace :: ( AbstractValue location value effects
, Reducer value (Cell location value)
=> Name
-> Address location value
-> location
-> Maybe value
-> Evaluator location value effects value
makeNamespace name addr super = do
@ -214,7 +213,7 @@ evaluateInScopedEnv :: ( AbstractValue location value effects
-> Evaluator location value effects value
evaluateInScopedEnv scopedEnvTerm term = do
scopedEnv <- scopedEnvTerm >>= scopedEnvironment
maybe term (flip localEnv term . mergeEnvs) scopedEnv
maybe term (\ env -> locally (bindAll env *> term)) scopedEnv
-- | Evaluates a 'Value' returning the referenced value
@ -245,4 +244,4 @@ subtermValue = value <=< subtermRef
-- | Value types, e.g. closures, which can root a set of addresses.
class ValueRoots location value where
-- | Compute the set of addresses rooted by a given value.
valueRoots :: value -> Live location value
valueRoots :: value -> Live location
@ -10,18 +10,6 @@ import Data.Semilattice.Lower
import Data.Set as Set
import Prologue
-- | An abstract address with a @location@ pointing to a variable of type @value@.
newtype Address location value = Address { unAddress :: location }
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Eq location => Eq1 (Address location) where liftEq _ a b = unAddress a == unAddress b
instance Ord location => Ord1 (Address location) where liftCompare _ a b = unAddress a `compare` unAddress b
instance Show location => Show1 (Address location) where liftShowsPrec _ _ = showsPrec
instance Show location => Show (Address location value) where
showsPrec d = showsPrec d . unAddress
-- | 'Precise' models precise store semantics where only the 'Latest' value is taken. Everything gets it's own address (always makes a new allocation) which makes for a larger store.
newtype Precise = Precise { unPrecise :: Int }
deriving (Eq, Ord)
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import Data.Abstract.Live
-- | A single point in a program’s execution.
data Configuration term location cell value = Configuration
{ configurationTerm :: term -- ^ The “instruction,” i.e. the current term to evaluate.
, configurationRoots :: Live location value -- ^ The set of rooted addresses.
, configurationRoots :: Live location -- ^ The set of rooted addresses.
, configurationEnvironment :: Environment location -- ^ The environment binding any free variables in 'configurationTerm'.
, configurationHeap :: Heap location cell value -- ^ The heap of values.
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
module Data.Abstract.Environment
( Environment(..)
, addresses
, bind
, intersect
, delete
, head
, emptyEnv
@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ module Data.Abstract.Environment
, roots
) where
import Data.Abstract.Address
import Data.Abstract.Live
import Data.Abstract.Name
import Data.Align
@ -29,8 +28,9 @@ import Prelude hiding (head, lookup)
import Prologue
-- $setup
-- >>> let bright = push (insert (name "foo") (Address (Precise 0)) emptyEnv)
-- >>> let shadowed = insert (name "foo") (Address (Precise 1)) bright
-- >>> import Data.Abstract.Address
-- >>> let bright = push (insert (name "foo") (Precise 0) emptyEnv)
-- >>> let shadowed = insert (name "foo") (Precise 1) bright
-- | A LIFO stack of maps of names to addresses, representing a lexically-scoped evaluation environment.
-- All behaviors can be assumed to be frontmost-biased: looking up "a" will check the most specific
@ -72,22 +72,22 @@ mergeNewer (Environment a) (Environment b) =
-- >>> pairs shadowed
-- [("foo",Precise 1)]
pairs :: Environment location -> [(Name, Address location value)]
pairs = map (second Address) . Map.toList . fold . unEnvironment
pairs :: Environment location -> [(Name, location)]
pairs = Map.toList . fold . unEnvironment
unpairs :: [(Name, Address location value)] -> Environment location
unpairs = Environment . pure . Map.fromList . map (second unAddress)
unpairs :: [(Name, location)] -> Environment location
unpairs = Environment . pure . Map.fromList
-- | Lookup a 'Name' in the environment.
-- >>> lookup (name "foo") shadowed
-- Just (Precise 1)
lookup :: Name -> Environment location -> Maybe (Address location value)
lookup k = fmap Address . foldMapA (Map.lookup k) . unEnvironment
lookup :: Name -> Environment location -> Maybe location
lookup name = foldMapA (Map.lookup name) . unEnvironment
-- | Insert a 'Name' in the environment.
insert :: Name -> Address location value -> Environment location -> Environment location
insert name (Address value) (Environment (a :| as)) = Environment (Map.insert name value a :| as)
insert :: Name -> location -> Environment location -> Environment location
insert name addr (Environment (a :| as)) = Environment (Map.insert name addr a :| as)
-- | Remove a 'Name' from the environment.
@ -100,8 +100,8 @@ trim :: Environment location -> Environment location
trim (Environment (a :| as)) = Environment (a :| filtered)
where filtered = filter (not . Map.null) as
bind :: Foldable t => t Name -> Environment location -> Environment location
bind names env = unpairs (mapMaybe lookupName (toList names))
intersect :: Foldable t => t Name -> Environment location -> Environment location
intersect names env = unpairs (mapMaybe lookupName (toList names))
lookupName name = (,) name <$> lookup name env
@ -118,10 +118,10 @@ overwrite pairs env = unpairs $ mapMaybe lookupAndAlias pairs
-- | Retrieve the 'Live' set of addresses to which the given free variable names are bound.
-- Unbound names are silently dropped.
roots :: (Ord location, Foldable t) => Environment location -> t Name -> Live location value
roots env = foldMap (maybe mempty liveSingleton . flip lookup env)
roots :: (Ord location, Foldable t) => Environment location -> t Name -> Live location
roots env names = addresses (names `intersect` env)
addresses :: Ord location => Environment location -> Live location value
addresses :: Ord location => Environment location -> Live location
addresses = fromAddresses . map snd . pairs
@ -7,13 +7,12 @@ module Data.Abstract.Exports
, toEnvironment
) where
import Prelude hiding (null)
import Prologue hiding (null)
import Data.Abstract.Address
import Data.Abstract.Environment (Environment, unpairs)
import Data.Abstract.Name
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Semilattice.Lower
import Prelude hiding (null)
import Prologue hiding (null)
-- | A map of export names to an alias & address tuple.
newtype Exports location = Exports { unExports :: Map.Map Name (Name, Maybe location) }
@ -23,10 +22,10 @@ null :: Exports location -> Bool
null = Map.null . unExports
toEnvironment :: Exports location -> Environment location
toEnvironment exports = unpairs (mapMaybe (traverse (fmap Address)) (toList (unExports exports)))
toEnvironment exports = unpairs (mapMaybe sequenceA (toList (unExports exports)))
insert :: Name -> Name -> Maybe (Address location value) -> Exports location -> Exports location
insert name alias address = Exports . Map.insert name (alias, unAddress <$> address) . unExports
insert :: Name -> Name -> Maybe location -> Exports location -> Exports location
insert name alias address = Exports . Map.insert name (alias, address) . unExports
-- TODO: Should we filter for duplicates here?
aliases :: Exports location -> [(Name, Name)]
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Data.Abstract.Heap where
import Data.Abstract.Address
import Data.Abstract.Live
import qualified Data.Map.Monoidal as Monoidal
import Data.Semigroup.Reducer
@ -13,34 +12,34 @@ newtype Heap location cell value = Heap { unHeap :: Monoidal.Map location (cell
deriving (Eq, Foldable, Functor, Lower, Monoid, Ord, Semigroup, Traversable)
-- | Look up the cell of values for an 'Address' in a 'Heap', if any.
heapLookup :: Ord location => Address location value -> Heap location cell value -> Maybe (cell value)
heapLookup (Address address) = Monoidal.lookup address . unHeap
heapLookup :: Ord location => location -> Heap location cell value -> Maybe (cell value)
heapLookup address = Monoidal.lookup address . unHeap
-- | Look up the list of values stored for a given address, if any.
heapLookupAll :: (Ord location, Foldable cell) => Address location value -> Heap location cell value -> Maybe [value]
heapLookupAll :: (Ord location, Foldable cell) => location -> Heap location cell value -> Maybe [value]
heapLookupAll address = fmap toList . heapLookup address
-- | Append a value onto the cell for a given address, inserting a new cell if none existed.
heapInsert :: (Ord location, Reducer value (cell value)) => Address location value -> value -> Heap location cell value -> Heap location cell value
heapInsert :: (Ord location, Reducer value (cell value)) => location -> value -> Heap location cell value -> Heap location cell value
heapInsert address value = flip snoc (address, value)
-- | Manually insert a cell into the heap at a given address.
heapInit :: Ord location => Address location value -> cell value -> Heap location cell value -> Heap location cell value
heapInit (Address address) cell (Heap h) = Heap (Monoidal.insert address cell h)
heapInit :: Ord location => location -> cell value -> Heap location cell value -> Heap location cell value
heapInit address cell (Heap h) = Heap (Monoidal.insert address cell h)
-- | The number of addresses extant in a 'Heap'.
heapSize :: Heap location cell value -> Int
heapSize = Monoidal.size . unHeap
-- | Restrict a 'Heap' to only those 'Address'es in the given 'Live' set (in essence garbage collecting the rest).
heapRestrict :: Ord location => Heap location cell value -> Live location value -> Heap location cell value
heapRestrict (Heap m) roots = Heap (Monoidal.filterWithKey (\ address _ -> Address address `liveMember` roots) m)
-- | Restrict a 'Heap' to only those addresses in the given 'Live' set (in essence garbage collecting the rest).
heapRestrict :: Ord location => Heap location cell value -> Live location -> Heap location cell value
heapRestrict (Heap m) roots = Heap (Monoidal.filterWithKey (\ address _ -> address `liveMember` roots) m)
instance (Ord location, Reducer value (cell value)) => Reducer (Address location value, value) (Heap location cell value) where
unit = Heap . unit . first unAddress
cons (Address key, a) (Heap heap) = Heap (cons (key, a) heap)
snoc (Heap heap) (Address key, a) = Heap (snoc heap (key, a))
instance (Ord location, Reducer value (cell value)) => Reducer (location, value) (Heap location cell value) where
unit = Heap . unit
cons (addr, a) (Heap heap) = Heap (cons (addr, a) heap)
snoc (Heap heap) (addr, a) = Heap (snoc heap (addr, a))
instance (Show location, Show (cell value)) => Show (Heap location cell value) where
showsPrec d = showsUnaryWith showsPrec "Heap" d . Monoidal.pairs . unHeap
@ -1,42 +1,41 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators #-}
module Data.Abstract.Live where
import Data.Abstract.Address
import Data.Semilattice.Lower
import Data.Set as Set
import Prologue
-- | A set of live addresses (whether roots or reachable).
newtype Live location value = Live { unLive :: Set location }
newtype Live location = Live { unLive :: Set location }
deriving (Eq, Lower, Monoid, Ord, Semigroup)
fromAddresses :: (Foldable t, Ord location) => t (Address location value) -> Live location value
fromAddresses :: (Foldable t, Ord location) => t location -> Live location
fromAddresses = Prologue.foldr liveInsert lowerBound
-- | Construct a 'Live' set containing only the given address.
liveSingleton :: Address location value -> Live location value
liveSingleton = Live . Set.singleton . unAddress
liveSingleton :: location -> Live location
liveSingleton = Live . Set.singleton
-- | Insert an address into a 'Live' set.
liveInsert :: Ord location => Address location value -> Live location value -> Live location value
liveInsert addr = Live . Set.insert (unAddress addr) . unLive
liveInsert :: Ord location => location -> Live location -> Live location
liveInsert addr = Live . Set.insert addr . unLive
-- | Delete an address from a 'Live' set, if present.
liveDelete :: Ord location => Address location value -> Live location value -> Live location value
liveDelete addr = Live . Set.delete (unAddress addr) . unLive
liveDelete :: Ord location => location -> Live location -> Live location
liveDelete addr = Live . Set.delete addr . unLive
-- | Compute the (asymmetric) difference of two 'Live' sets, i.e. delete every element of the second set from the first set.
liveDifference :: Ord location => Live location value -> Live location value -> Live location value
liveDifference :: Ord location => Live location -> Live location -> Live location
liveDifference = fmap Live . (Set.difference `on` unLive)
-- | Test whether an 'Address' is in a 'Live' set.
liveMember :: Ord location => Address location value -> Live location value -> Bool
liveMember addr = Set.member (unAddress addr) . unLive
-- | Test whether an address is in a 'Live' set.
liveMember :: Ord location => location -> Live location -> Bool
liveMember addr = Set.member addr . unLive
-- | Decompose a 'Live' set into a pair of one member address and the remaining set, or 'Nothing' if empty.
liveSplit :: Live location value -> Maybe (Address location value, Live location value)
liveSplit = fmap (bimap Address Live) . Set.minView . unLive
liveSplit :: Live location -> Maybe (location, Live location)
liveSplit = fmap (fmap Live) . Set.minView . unLive
instance Show location => Show (Live location value) where
instance Show location => Show (Live location) where
showsPrec d = showsUnaryWith showsPrec "Live" d . Set.toList . unLive
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ instance ( Member (Allocator location Type) effects
tvar <- Var <$> fresh
assign a tvar
bimap (Env.insert name a) (tvar :) <$> rest) (pure (emptyEnv, [])) names
(zeroOrMoreProduct tvars :->) <$> localEnv (mergeEnvs env) (body `catchReturn` \ (Return value) -> pure value)
(zeroOrMoreProduct tvars :->) <$> locally (bindAll env *> body `catchReturn` \ (Return value) -> pure value)
call op params = do
tvar <- fresh
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ instance ( Coercible body (Eff effects)
packageInfo <- currentPackage
moduleInfo <- currentModule
i <- fresh
Closure packageInfo moduleInfo parameters (ClosureBody i (coerce (lowerEff body))) . Env.bind (foldr Set.delete freeVariables parameters) <$> getEnv
Closure packageInfo moduleInfo parameters (ClosureBody i (coerce (lowerEff body))) . Env.intersect (foldr Set.delete freeVariables parameters) <$> getEnv
call op params = do
case op of
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ instance ( Coercible body (Eff effects)
a <- alloc name
assign a v
Env.insert name a <$> rest) (pure env) (zip names params)
localEnv (mergeEnvs bindings) (raiseEff (coerce body) `catchReturn` \ (Return value) -> pure value)
locally (bindAll bindings *> raiseEff (coerce body) `catchReturn` \ (Return value) -> pure value)
_ -> throwValueError (CallError op)
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ instance Evaluatable Function where
eval Function{..} = do
name <- either (throwEvalError . FreeVariablesError) pure (freeVariable $ subterm functionName)
(v, addr) <- letrec name (closure (paramNames functionParameters) (Set.fromList (freeVariables functionBody)) (subtermValue functionBody))
modifyEnv (Env.insert name addr)
bind name addr
pure (Rval v)
where paramNames = foldMap (freeVariables . subterm)
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ instance Evaluatable Method where
eval Method{..} = do
name <- either (throwEvalError . FreeVariablesError) pure (freeVariable $ subterm methodName)
(v, addr) <- letrec name (closure (paramNames methodParameters) (Set.fromList (freeVariables methodBody)) (subtermValue methodBody))
modifyEnv (Env.insert name addr)
bind name addr
pure (Rval v)
where paramNames = foldMap (freeVariables . subterm)
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ instance Evaluatable Class where
void $ subtermValue classBody
classEnv <- Env.head <$> getEnv
klass name supers classEnv
Rval <$> (v <$ modifyEnv (Env.insert name addr))
Rval v <$ bind name addr
-- | A decorator in Python
data Decorator a = Decorator { decoratorIdentifier :: !a, decoratorParamaters :: ![a], decoratorBody :: !a }
@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ instance Evaluatable TypeAlias where
v <- subtermValue typeAliasKind
addr <- lookupOrAlloc name
assign addr v
Rval <$> (modifyEnv (Env.insert name addr) $> v)
Rval v <$ bind name addr
instance Declarations a => Declarations (TypeAlias a) where
declaredName TypeAlias{..} = declaredName typeAliasIdentifier
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass, MultiParamTypeClasses, ScopedTypeVariables, UndecidableInstances, ViewPatterns #-}
module Data.Syntax.Statement where
import qualified Data.Abstract.Environment as Env
import Data.Abstract.Evaluatable
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (unpack)
import Data.JSON.Fields
@ -95,7 +94,7 @@ instance Evaluatable Let where
eval Let{..} = do
name <- either (throwEvalError . FreeVariablesError) pure (freeVariable $ subterm letVariable)
addr <- snd <$> letrec name (subtermValue letValue)
Rval <$> localEnv (Env.insert name addr) (subtermValue letBody)
Rval <$> locally (bind name addr *> subtermValue letBody)
-- Assignment
@ -119,7 +118,7 @@ instance Evaluatable Assignment where
LvalLocal nam -> do
addr <- lookupOrAlloc nam
assign addr rhs
modifyEnv (Env.insert nam addr)
bind nam addr
LvalMember _ _ ->
-- we don't yet support mutable object properties:
pure ()
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ instance Evaluatable Import where
for_ paths $ \path -> do
traceResolve (unPath importPath) path
importedEnv <- maybe emptyEnv fst <$> isolate (require path)
modifyEnv (mergeEnvs importedEnv)
bindAll importedEnv
pure (Rval unit)
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ instance Evaluatable QualifiedImport where
for_ paths $ \p -> do
traceResolve (unPath importPath) p
importedEnv <- maybe emptyEnv fst <$> isolate (require p)
modifyEnv (mergeEnvs importedEnv)
bindAll importedEnv
makeNamespace alias addr Nothing
pure (Rval unit)
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ include pathTerm f = do
path <- resolvePHPName name
traceResolve name path
(importedEnv, v) <- isolate (f path) >>= maybeM (pure (emptyEnv, unit))
modifyEnv (mergeEnvs importedEnv)
bindAll importedEnv
pure (Rval v)
newtype Require a = Require a
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ instance Evaluatable Import where
-- Last module path is the one we want to import
let path = NonEmpty.last modulePaths
importedEnv <- maybe emptyEnv fst <$> isolate (require path)
modifyEnv (mergeEnvs (select importedEnv))
bindAll (select importedEnv)
pure (Rval unit)
select importedEnv
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ evalQualifiedImport :: ( AbstractValue location value effects
=> Name -> ModulePath -> Evaluator location value effects value
evalQualifiedImport name path = letrec' name $ \addr -> do
importedEnv <- maybe emptyEnv fst <$> isolate (require path)
modifyEnv (mergeEnvs importedEnv)
bindAll importedEnv
unit <$ makeNamespace name addr Nothing
newtype QualifiedImport a = QualifiedImport { qualifiedImportFrom :: QualifiedName }
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ instance Evaluatable QualifiedAliasedImport where
Rval <$> letrec' alias (\addr -> do
let path = NonEmpty.last modulePaths
importedEnv <- maybe emptyEnv fst <$> isolate (require path)
modifyEnv (mergeEnvs importedEnv)
bindAll importedEnv
unit <$ makeNamespace alias addr Nothing)
-- | Ellipsis (used in splice expressions and alternatively can be used as a fill in expression, like `undefined` in Haskell)
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ instance Evaluatable Require where
path <- resolveRubyName name
traceResolve name path
(importedEnv, v) <- isolate (doRequire path)
modifyEnv (`mergeNewer` importedEnv)
bindAll importedEnv
pure (Rval v) -- Returns True if the file was loaded, False if it was already loaded. http://ruby-doc.org/core-2.5.0/Kernel.html#method-i-require
doRequire :: ( AbstractValue location value effects
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ doLoad path shouldWrap = do
path' <- resolveRubyPath path
traceResolve path path'
importedEnv <- maybe emptyEnv fst <$> isolate (load path')
unless shouldWrap $ modifyEnv (mergeEnvs importedEnv)
unless shouldWrap $ bindAll importedEnv
pure (boolean Prelude.True) -- load always returns true. http://ruby-doc.org/core-2.5.0/Kernel.html#method-i-load
-- TODO: autoload
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ evalRequire :: ( AbstractValue location value effects
-> Evaluator location value effects value
evalRequire modulePath alias = letrec' alias $ \addr -> do
importedEnv <- maybe emptyEnv fst <$> isolate (require modulePath)
modifyEnv (mergeEnvs importedEnv)
bindAll importedEnv
unit <$ makeNamespace alias addr Nothing
data Import a = Import { importSymbols :: ![(Name, Name)], importFrom :: ImportPath }
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ instance Evaluatable Import where
eval (Import symbols importPath) = do
modulePath <- resolveWithNodejsStrategy importPath typescriptExtensions
importedEnv <- maybe emptyEnv fst <$> isolate (require modulePath)
modifyEnv (mergeEnvs (renamed importedEnv)) $> Rval unit
bindAll (renamed importedEnv) $> Rval unit
renamed importedEnv
| Prologue.null symbols = importedEnv
@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ instance Evaluatable DefaultExport where
addr <- lookupOrAlloc name
assign addr v
addExport name name Nothing
void $ modifyEnv (Env.insert name addr)
void $ bind name addr
Nothing -> throwEvalError DefaultExportError
pure (Rval unit)
@ -853,7 +853,7 @@ instance Evaluatable AbstractClass where
void $ subtermValue classBody
classEnv <- Env.head <$> getEnv
klass name supers classEnv
Rval <$> (v <$ modifyEnv (Env.insert name addr))
Rval v <$ bind name addr
data JsxElement a = JsxElement { _jsxOpeningElement :: !a, _jsxElements :: ![a], _jsxClosingElement :: !a }
@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ spec = parallel $ do
ns n = Just . Latest . Last . Just . Namespace n
addr = Address . Precise
fixtures = "test/fixtures/python/analysis/"
evaluate entry = evalPythonProject (fixtures <> entry)
evalPythonProject path = testEvaluating <$> evaluateProject pythonParser Language.Python pythonPrelude path
@ -76,7 +76,6 @@ spec = parallel $ do
ns n = Just . Latest . Last . Just . Namespace n
addr = Address . Precise
fixtures = "test/fixtures/ruby/analysis/"
evaluate entry = evalRubyProject (fixtures <> entry)
evalRubyProject path = testEvaluating <$> evaluateProject rubyParser Language.Ruby rubyPrelude path
@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ import System.Environment
import Test.DocTest
defaultFiles =
[ "src/Data/Abstract/Environment.hs"
[ "src/Data/Abstract/Address.hs"
, "src/Data/Abstract/Environment.hs"
, "src/Data/Abstract/Name.hs"
, "src/Data/Range.hs"
, "src/Data/Semigroup/App.hs"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user