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Merge pull request #1823 from github/evaluate-closures-without-terms

Evaluate closures without terms
This commit is contained in:
Josh Vera 2018-05-08 17:07:16 -04:00 committed by GitHub
commit 52e2e37cf0
19 changed files with 206 additions and 183 deletions

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@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ library
, Control.Abstract.Environment
, Control.Abstract.Evaluator
, Control.Abstract.Exports
, Control.Abstract.Goto
, Control.Abstract.Heap
, Control.Abstract.Label
, Control.Abstract.Matching
, Control.Abstract.ModuleTable
, Control.Abstract.Roots

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Analysis.Abstract.Evaluating
( EvaluatingState(..)
, evaluating
@ -9,17 +9,16 @@ import Data.Abstract.Address
import Data.Semilattice.Lower
-- | An analysis evaluating @term@s to @value@s with a list of @effects@ using 'Evaluatable', and producing incremental results of type @a@.
data EvaluatingState location term value = EvaluatingState
data EvaluatingState location value = EvaluatingState
{ environment :: Environment location value
, heap :: Heap location value
, modules :: ModuleTable (Environment location value, value)
, exports :: Exports location value
, jumps :: JumpTable term
deriving instance (Eq (Cell location value), Eq location, Eq term, Eq value) => Eq (EvaluatingState location term value)
deriving instance (Ord (Cell location value), Ord location, Ord term, Ord value) => Ord (EvaluatingState location term value)
deriving instance (Show (Cell location value), Show location, Show term, Show value) => Show (EvaluatingState location term value)
deriving instance (Eq (Cell location value), Eq location, Eq value) => Eq (EvaluatingState location value)
deriving instance (Ord (Cell location value), Ord location, Ord value) => Ord (EvaluatingState location value)
deriving instance (Show (Cell location value), Show location, Show value) => Show (EvaluatingState location value)
evaluating :: Evaluator location term value
@ -30,12 +29,10 @@ evaluating :: Evaluator location term value
': State (Heap location value)
': State (ModuleTable (Environment location value, value))
': State (Exports location value)
': State (JumpTable term)
': effects) result
-> Evaluator location term value effects (Either String result, EvaluatingState location term value)
-> Evaluator location term value effects (Either String result, EvaluatingState location value)
= fmap (\ (((((result, env), heap), modules), exports), jumps) -> (result, EvaluatingState env heap modules exports jumps))
. runState lowerBound -- State (JumpTable term)
= fmap (\ ((((result, env), heap), modules), exports) -> (result, EvaluatingState env heap modules exports))
. runState lowerBound -- State (Exports location value)
. runState lowerBound -- State (ModuleTable (Environment location value, value))
. runState lowerBound -- State (Heap location value)

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import Control.Abstract.Environment as X
import Control.Abstract.Evaluator as X
import Control.Abstract.Exports as X
import Control.Abstract.Heap as X
import Control.Abstract.Label as X
import Control.Abstract.Goto as X
import Control.Abstract.ModuleTable as X
import Control.Abstract.Roots as X
import Control.Abstract.Value as X

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@ -2,7 +2,9 @@ module Control.Abstract.Context
( ModuleInfo
, PackageInfo
, currentModule
, withCurrentModule
, currentPackage
, withCurrentPackage
) where
import Control.Effect
@ -15,6 +17,14 @@ import Prologue
currentModule :: (Effectful m, Member (Reader ModuleInfo) effects) => m effects ModuleInfo
currentModule = raise ask
-- | Run an action with a locally-replaced 'ModuleInfo'.
withCurrentModule :: (Effectful m, Member (Reader ModuleInfo) effects) => ModuleInfo -> m effects a -> m effects a
withCurrentModule = raiseHandler . local . const
-- | Get the currently evaluating 'PackageInfo'.
currentPackage :: (Effectful m, Member (Reader PackageInfo) effects) => m effects PackageInfo
currentPackage = raise ask
-- | Run an action with a locally-replaced 'PackageInfo'.
withCurrentPackage :: (Effectful m, Member (Reader PackageInfo) effects) => PackageInfo -> m effects a -> m effects a
withCurrentPackage = raiseHandler . local . const

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@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
module Control.Abstract.Evaluator
( Evaluator(..)
-- * Effects
, Trace(..)
, traceE
, EvalClosure(..)
, evaluateClosureBody
, runEvalClosure
@ -30,14 +28,13 @@ module Control.Abstract.Evaluator
) where
import Control.Effect
import Control.Monad.Effect
import Control.Monad.Effect (Eff, interpose, relay)
import Control.Monad.Effect.Fail
import Control.Monad.Effect.Fresh
import Control.Monad.Effect.NonDet
import Control.Monad.Effect.Reader hiding (runReader)
import Control.Monad.Effect.Resumable
import Control.Monad.Effect.State hiding (runState)
import Control.Monad.Effect.Trace
import Data.Abstract.Module
import Prologue
@ -54,18 +51,12 @@ deriving instance Member NonDet effects => Alternative (Evaluator location term
-- Effects
-- | Trace into the current context.
-- TODO: Someday we can generalize this to work for Task and Graph.
traceE :: Member Trace effects => String -> Evaluator location term value effects ()
traceE = raise . trace
-- | An effect to evaluate a closures body.
data EvalClosure term value resume where
EvalClosure :: term -> EvalClosure term value value
evaluateClosureBody :: Member (EvalClosure term value) effects => term -> Evaluator location term value effects value
evaluateClosureBody = raise . send . EvalClosure
evaluateClosureBody = send . EvalClosure
runEvalClosure :: (term -> Evaluator location term value effects value) -> Evaluator location term value (EvalClosure term value ': effects) a -> Evaluator location term value effects a
runEvalClosure evalClosure = runEffect (\ (EvalClosure term) yield -> evalClosure term >>= yield)
@ -76,7 +67,7 @@ data EvalModule term value resume where
EvalModule :: Module term -> EvalModule term value value
evaluateModule :: Member (EvalModule term value) effects => Module term -> Evaluator location term value effects value
evaluateModule = raise . send . EvalModule
evaluateModule = send . EvalModule
runEvalModule :: (Module term -> Evaluator location term value effects value) -> Evaluator location term value (EvalModule term value ': effects) a -> Evaluator location term value effects a
runEvalModule evalModule = runEffect (\ (EvalModule m) yield -> evalModule m >>= yield)
@ -90,10 +81,10 @@ deriving instance Eq value => Eq (Return value a)
deriving instance Show value => Show (Return value a)
earlyReturn :: Member (Return value) effects => value -> Evaluator location term value effects value
earlyReturn = raise . send . Return
earlyReturn = send . Return
catchReturn :: Member (Return value) effects => (forall x . Return value x -> Evaluator location term value effects a) -> Evaluator location term value effects a -> Evaluator location term value effects a
catchReturn handler = raiseHandler (interpose pure (\ ret _ -> lower (handler ret)))
catchReturn :: Member (Return value) effects => Evaluator location term value effects a -> (forall x . Return value x -> Evaluator location term value effects a) -> Evaluator location term value effects a
catchReturn action handler = raiseHandler (interpose pure (\ ret _ -> lower (handler ret))) action
runReturn :: Evaluator location term value (Return value ': effects) value -> Evaluator location term value effects value
runReturn = runEffect (\ (Return value) _ -> pure value)
@ -108,10 +99,10 @@ deriving instance Eq value => Eq (LoopControl value a)
deriving instance Show value => Show (LoopControl value a)
throwBreak :: Member (LoopControl value) effects => value -> Evaluator location term value effects value
throwBreak = raise . send . Break
throwBreak = send . Break
throwContinue :: Member (LoopControl value) effects => value -> Evaluator location term value effects value
throwContinue = raise . send . Continue
throwContinue = send . Continue
catchLoopControl :: Member (LoopControl value) effects => Evaluator location term value effects a -> (forall x . LoopControl value x -> Evaluator location term value effects a) -> Evaluator location term value effects a
catchLoopControl action handler = raiseHandler (interpose pure (\ control _ -> lower (handler control))) action

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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, TypeOperators #-}
module Control.Abstract.Goto
( GotoTable
, Label
, label
, goto
, Goto(..)
, runGoto
) where
import Control.Abstract.Evaluator
import Control.Monad.Effect (Eff, relayState)
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import Prelude hiding (fail)
import Prologue
type GotoTable effects value = IntMap.IntMap (Eff effects value)
-- | The type of labels.
-- TODO: This should be rolled into 'Name' and tracked in the environment, both so that we can abstract over labels like any other location, and so that we can garbage collect unreachable labels.
type Label = Int
-- | Allocate a 'Label' for the given @term@.
-- Labels must be allocated before being jumped to with 'goto', but are suitable for nonlocal jumps; thus, they can be used to implement coroutines, exception handling, call with current continuation, and other esoteric control mechanisms.
label :: Evaluator location term value (Goto effects value ': effects) value -> Evaluator location term value (Goto effects value ': effects) Label
label = send . Label . lower
-- | “Jump” to a previously-allocated 'Label' (retrieving the @term@ at which it points, which can then be evaluated in e.g. a 'MonadAnalysis' instance).
goto :: Label -> Evaluator location term value (Goto effects value ': effects) (Evaluator location term value (Goto effects value ': effects) value)
goto = fmap raise . send . Goto
-- | 'Goto' effects embed an 'Eff' action which can be run in the environment under the 'Goto' itself.
-- Its tempting to try to use a 'Member' constraint to require a 'Goto' effect:
-- @
-- foo :: Member (Goto effects a) effects => Eff effects a
-- @
-- However, using this type would require that the type of the effect list include a reference to itself, which is forbidden by the occurs check: we wouldnt be able to write a handler for 'Goto' if it could be used at that type. Instead, one can either use a smaller, statically known effect list inside the 'Goto', e.g. @Member (Goto outer) inner@ where @outer@ is a suffix of @inner@ (and with some massaging to raise the @outer@ actions into the @inner@ context), or use 'Goto' when its statically known to be the head of the list: @Eff (Goto rest a ': rest) b@. In either case, the 'Eff' actions embedded in the effect are themselves able to contain further 'Goto' effects,
data Goto effects value return where
Label :: Eff (Goto effects value ': effects) value -> Goto effects value Label
Goto :: Label -> Goto effects value (Eff (Goto effects value ': effects) value)
runGoto :: Member Fail effects => GotoTable (Goto effects value ': effects) value -> Evaluator location term value (Goto effects value ': effects) a -> Evaluator location term value effects (a, GotoTable (Goto effects value ': effects) value)
runGoto initial = raiseHandler (relayState (IntMap.size initial, initial) (\ (_, table) a -> pure (a, table)) (\ (supremum, table) goto yield -> case goto of
Label action -> yield (succ supremum, IntMap.insert supremum action table) supremum
Goto label -> maybe (fail ("unknown label: " <> show label)) (yield (supremum, table)) (IntMap.lookup label table)))

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@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
module Control.Abstract.Label
( JumpTable
, Label
, label
, goto
) where
import Control.Abstract.Context
import Control.Abstract.Evaluator
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import Prelude hiding (fail)
import Prologue
type JumpTable term = IntMap.IntMap (PackageInfo, ModuleInfo, term)
-- | The type of labels.
-- TODO: This should be rolled into 'Name' and tracked in the environment, both so that we can abstract over labels like any other location, and so that we can garbage collect unreachable labels.
type Label = Int
getJumpTable :: Member (State (JumpTable term)) effects => Evaluator location term vlaue effects (JumpTable term)
getJumpTable = raise get
-- | Allocate a 'Label' for the given @term@.
-- Labels must be allocated before being jumped to with 'goto', but are suitable for nonlocal jumps; thus, they can be used to implement coroutines, exception handling, call with current continuation, and other esoteric control mechanisms.
label :: Members '[Reader ModuleInfo, Reader PackageInfo, State (JumpTable term)] effects => term -> Evaluator location term value effects Label
label term = do
m <- getJumpTable
moduleInfo <- currentModule
packageInfo <- currentPackage
let i = IntMap.size m
raise (put (IntMap.insert i (packageInfo, moduleInfo, term) m))
pure i
-- | “Jump” to a previously-allocated 'Label' (retrieving the @term@ at which it points, which can then be evaluated in e.g. a 'MonadAnalysis' instance).
goto :: Members '[Fail, Reader ModuleInfo, Reader PackageInfo, State (JumpTable term)] effects => Label -> (term -> Evaluator location term value effects a) -> Evaluator location term value effects a
goto label comp = do
maybeTerm <- IntMap.lookup label <$> getJumpTable
case maybeTerm of
Just (packageInfo, moduleInfo, term) -> raiseHandler (local (const packageInfo)) (raiseHandler (local (const moduleInfo)) (comp term))
Nothing -> raise (fail ("unknown label: " <> show label))

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, KindSignatures, Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
module Control.Abstract.Value
( AbstractValue(..)
, AbstractHole(..)
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class AbstractHole value where
-- | A 'Monad' abstracting the evaluation of (and under) binding constructs (functions, methods, etc).
-- This allows us to abstract the choice of whether to evaluate under binders for different value types.
class Show value => AbstractValue location term value (effects :: [* -> *]) where
class Show value => AbstractValue location value effects where
-- | Construct an abstract unit value.
-- TODO: This might be the same as the empty tuple for some value types
unit :: Evaluator location term value effects value
@ -137,8 +137,11 @@ class Show value => AbstractValue location term value (effects :: [* -> *]) wher
-- | Extract the environment from any scoped object (e.g. classes, namespaces, etc).
scopedEnvironment :: value -> Evaluator location term value effects (Maybe (Environment location value))
-- | Evaluate an abstraction (a binder like a lambda or method definition).
lambda :: FreeVariables term => [Name] -> Subterm term (Evaluator location term value effects value) -> Evaluator location term value effects value
-- | Build a closure (a binder like a lambda or method definition).
closure :: [Name] -- ^ The parameter names.
-> Set Name -- ^ The set of free variables to close over.
-> Evaluator location term value effects value -- ^ The evaluator for the body of the closure.
-> Evaluator location term value effects value
-- | Evaluate an application (like a function call).
call :: value -> [Evaluator location term value effects value] -> Evaluator location term value effects value
@ -149,7 +152,7 @@ class Show value => AbstractValue location term value (effects :: [* -> *]) wher
-- | Attempt to extract a 'Prelude.Bool' from a given value.
forLoop :: ( AbstractValue location term value effects
forLoop :: ( AbstractValue location value effects
, Member (State (Environment location value)) effects
=> Evaluator location term value effects value -- ^ Initial statement
@ -161,7 +164,7 @@ forLoop initial cond step body =
localize (initial *> while cond (body *> step))
-- | The fundamental looping primitive, built on top of ifthenelse.
while :: AbstractValue location term value effects
while :: AbstractValue location value effects
=> Evaluator location term value effects value
-> Evaluator location term value effects value
-> Evaluator location term value effects value
@ -170,7 +173,7 @@ while cond body = loop $ \ continue -> do
ifthenelse this (body *> continue) unit
-- | Do-while loop, built on top of while.
doWhile :: AbstractValue location term value effects
doWhile :: AbstractValue location value effects
=> Evaluator location term value effects value
-> Evaluator location term value effects value
-> Evaluator location term value effects value
@ -178,7 +181,7 @@ doWhile body cond = loop $ \ continue -> body *> do
this <- cond
ifthenelse this continue unit
makeNamespace :: ( AbstractValue location term value effects
makeNamespace :: ( AbstractValue location value effects
, Member (State (Environment location value)) effects
, Member (State (Heap location value)) effects
, Ord location

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@ -5,7 +5,10 @@ module Control.Effect
, Eff.Reader
, Eff.State
, Fresh
, Trace
, send
, throwResumable
, traceE
-- * Handlers
, run
, runM
@ -45,9 +48,16 @@ instance Effectful Eff.Eff where
-- Effects
send :: (Effectful m, Member effect effects) => effect result -> m effects result
send = raise . Eff.send
throwResumable :: (Member (Resumable exc) effects, Effectful m) => exc v -> m effects v
throwResumable = raise . throwError
-- | Trace into the current context.
traceE :: (Effectful m, Member Trace effects) => String -> m effects ()
traceE = raise . trace
-- Handlers

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds, DefaultSignatures, GADTs, RankNTypes, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds, DefaultSignatures, GADTs, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Data.Abstract.Evaluatable
( module X
, Evaluatable(..)
@ -17,8 +17,9 @@ module Data.Abstract.Evaluatable
, isolate
) where
import Control.Abstract as X hiding (LoopControl(..), Return(..))
import Control.Abstract as X hiding (LoopControl(..), Return(..), Goto(..))
import Control.Abstract.Evaluator (LoopControl, Return(..))
import Control.Abstract.Goto (Goto(..))
import Control.Monad.Effect as Eff
import Data.Abstract.Address
import Data.Abstract.Declarations as X
@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ class Evaluatable constr where
eval expr = throwResumable (Unspecialized ("Eval unspecialized for " ++ liftShowsPrec (const (const id)) (const id) 0 expr ""))
type EvaluatableConstraints location term value effects =
( AbstractValue location term value effects
( AbstractValue location value effects
, Addressable location effects
, Declarations term
, FreeVariables term
@ -93,7 +94,7 @@ runEvalErrorWith = runResumableWith
-- | Evaluate a term within the context of the scoped environment of 'scopedEnvTerm'.
-- Throws an 'EnvironmentLookupError' if @scopedEnvTerm@ does not have an environment.
evaluateInScopedEnv :: ( AbstractValue location term value effects
evaluateInScopedEnv :: ( AbstractValue location value effects
, Members '[ Resumable (EvalError value)
, State (Environment location value)
] effects
@ -169,41 +170,39 @@ traceResolve name path = traceE ("resolved " <> show name <> " -> " <> show path
-- | Evaluate a given package.
evaluatePackageWith :: ( Evaluatable (Base term)
, EvaluatableConstraints location term value termEffects
, EvaluatableConstraints location term value inner
, Members '[ Fail
, Reader (Environment location value)
, State (Environment location value)
, Trace
] effects
] outer
, Recursive term
, termEffects ~ (LoopControl value ': Return value ': EvalClosure term value ': moduleEffects)
, moduleEffects ~ (Reader ModuleInfo ': EvalModule term value ': packageBodyEffects)
, packageBodyEffects ~ (Reader LoadStack ': Reader (ModuleTable [Module term]) ': packageEffects)
, packageEffects ~ (Reader PackageInfo ': effects)
, inner ~ (Goto inner' value ': inner')
, inner' ~ (LoopControl value ': Return value ': Reader ModuleInfo ': EvalModule term value ': Reader LoadStack ': Reader (ModuleTable [Module term]) ': Reader PackageInfo ': outer)
=> (SubtermAlgebra Module term (Evaluator location term value moduleEffects value) -> SubtermAlgebra Module term (Evaluator location term value moduleEffects value))
-> (SubtermAlgebra (Base term) term (Evaluator location term value termEffects value) -> SubtermAlgebra (Base term) term (Evaluator location term value termEffects value))
=> (SubtermAlgebra Module term (Evaluator location term value inner value) -> SubtermAlgebra Module term (Evaluator location term value inner value))
-> (SubtermAlgebra (Base term) term (Evaluator location term value inner value) -> SubtermAlgebra (Base term) term (Evaluator location term value inner value))
-> Package term
-> Evaluator location term value effects [value]
-> Evaluator location term value outer [value]
evaluatePackageWith perModule perTerm = runReader . packageInfo <*> evaluatePackageBodyWith perModule perTerm . packageBody
-- | Evaluate a given package body (module table and entry points).
evaluatePackageBodyWith :: ( Evaluatable (Base term)
, EvaluatableConstraints location term value termEffects
evaluatePackageBodyWith :: forall location term value inner inner' outer
. ( Evaluatable (Base term)
, EvaluatableConstraints location term value inner
, Members '[ Fail
, Reader (Environment location value)
, State (Environment location value)
, Trace
] effects
] outer
, Recursive term
, termEffects ~ (LoopControl value ': Return value ': EvalClosure term value ': moduleEffects)
, moduleEffects ~ (Reader ModuleInfo ': EvalModule term value ': packageBodyEffects)
, packageBodyEffects ~ (Reader LoadStack ': Reader (ModuleTable [Module term]) ': effects)
, inner ~ (Goto inner' value ': inner')
, inner' ~ (LoopControl value ': Return value ': Reader ModuleInfo ': EvalModule term value ': Reader LoadStack ': Reader (ModuleTable [Module term]) ': outer)
=> (SubtermAlgebra Module term (Evaluator location term value moduleEffects value) -> SubtermAlgebra Module term (Evaluator location term value moduleEffects value))
-> (SubtermAlgebra (Base term) term (Evaluator location term value termEffects value) -> SubtermAlgebra (Base term) term (Evaluator location term value termEffects value))
=> (SubtermAlgebra Module term (Evaluator location term value inner value) -> SubtermAlgebra Module term (Evaluator location term value inner value))
-> (SubtermAlgebra (Base term) term (Evaluator location term value inner value) -> SubtermAlgebra (Base term) term (Evaluator location term value inner value))
-> PackageBody term
-> Evaluator location term value effects [value]
-> Evaluator location term value outer [value]
evaluatePackageBodyWith perModule perTerm body
= runReader (packageModules body)
. runReader lowerBound
@ -212,17 +211,19 @@ evaluatePackageBodyWith perModule perTerm body
$ traverse (uncurry evaluateEntryPoint) (ModuleTable.toPairs (packageEntryPoints body))
where evalModule m
= runEvalModule evalModule
. runReader (moduleInfo m)
. runInModule (moduleInfo m)
. perModule (subtermValue . moduleBody)
. fmap (Subterm <*> evalTerm)
. fmap (Subterm <*> foldSubterms (perTerm eval))
$ m
= runEvalClosure evalTerm
runInModule info
= runReader info
. runReturn
. runLoopControl
. foldSubterms (perTerm eval)
. fmap fst
. runGoto lowerBound
evaluateEntryPoint m sym = runReader (ModuleInfo m) . runEvalClosure evalTerm . runReturn . runLoopControl $ do
evaluateEntryPoint :: ModulePath -> Maybe Name -> Evaluator location term value (EvalModule term value ': Reader LoadStack ': Reader (ModuleTable [Module term]) ': outer) value
evaluateEntryPoint m sym = runInModule (ModuleInfo m) $ do
v <- maybe unit (pure . snd) <$> require m
maybe v ((`call` []) <=< variable) sym

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@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ instance ( Addressable location effects
] effects
, Reducer (Type location) (Cell location (Type location))
=> AbstractValue location term (Type location) effects where
lambda names (Subterm _ body) = do
=> AbstractValue location (Type location) effects where
closure names _ body = do
(env, tvars) <- foldr (\ name rest -> do
a <- alloc name
tvar <- Var <$> raise fresh

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, RankNTypes, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Data.Abstract.Value where
import Control.Abstract
@ -6,9 +6,7 @@ import Data.Abstract.Address
import Data.Abstract.Environment (Environment, emptyEnv, mergeEnvs)
import qualified Data.Abstract.Environment as Env
import Data.Abstract.FreeVariables
import Data.Abstract.Module (ModuleInfo)
import qualified Data.Abstract.Number as Number
import Data.Abstract.Package (PackageInfo)
import Data.List (genericIndex, genericLength)
import Data.Scientific (Scientific)
import Data.Scientific.Exts
@ -59,8 +57,8 @@ prjPair = bitraverse prjValue prjValue
-- TODO: Parameterize Value by the set of constructors s.t. each language can have a distinct value union.
-- | A function value consisting of a list of parameter 'Name's, a 'Label' to jump to the body of the function, and an 'Environment' of bindings captured by the body.
data Closure location value = Closure [Name] Label (Environment location value)
-- | A function value consisting of a package & module info, a list of parameter 'Name's, a 'Label' to jump to the body of the function, and an 'Environment' of bindings captured by the body.
data Closure location value = Closure PackageInfo ModuleInfo [Name] Label (Environment location value)
deriving (Eq, Generic1, Ord, Show)
instance Eq location => Eq1 (Closure location) where liftEq = genericLiftEq
@ -200,32 +198,30 @@ instance Show1 Null where liftShowsPrec = genericLiftShowsPrec
instance Ord location => ValueRoots location (Value location) where
valueRoots v
| Just (Closure _ _ env) <- prjValue v = Env.addresses env
| otherwise = mempty
| Just (Closure _ _ _ _ env) <- prjValue v = Env.addresses env
| otherwise = mempty
instance AbstractHole (Value location) where
hole = injValue Hole
-- | Construct a 'Value' wrapping the value arguments (if any).
instance ( Addressable location effects
, Members '[ EvalClosure term (Value location)
, Fail
instance ( Addressable location (Goto effects (Value location) ': effects)
, Members '[ Fail
, LoopControl (Value location)
, Reader (Environment location (Value location))
, Reader ModuleInfo
, Reader PackageInfo
, Resumable (AddressError location (Value location))
, Resumable (ValueError location (Value location))
, Resumable (ValueError location)
, Return (Value location)
, State (Environment location (Value location))
, State (Heap location (Value location))
, State (JumpTable term)
] effects
, Reducer (Value location) (Cell location (Value location))
, Show location
=> AbstractValue location term (Value location) effects where
=> AbstractValue location (Value location) (Goto effects (Value location) ': effects) where
unit = pure . injValue $ Unit
integer = pure . injValue . Integer . Number.Integer
boolean = pure . injValue . Boolean
@ -243,7 +239,7 @@ instance ( Addressable location effects
asPair val
| Just (KVPair k v) <- prjValue val = pure (k, v)
| otherwise = throwResumable @(ValueError location (Value location)) $ KeyValueError val
| otherwise = throwValueError $ KeyValueError val
hash = pure . injValue . Hash . fmap (injValue . uncurry KVPair)
@ -258,7 +254,7 @@ instance ( Addressable location effects
pure (injValue (Namespace n (Env.mergeNewer env' env)))
where asNamespaceEnv v
| Just (Namespace _ env') <- prjValue v = pure env'
| otherwise = throwResumable $ NamespaceError ("expected " <> show v <> " to be a namespace")
| otherwise = throwValueError $ NamespaceError ("expected " <> show v <> " to be a namespace")
scopedEnvironment o
| Just (Class _ env) <- prjValue o = pure (Just env)
@ -267,7 +263,7 @@ instance ( Addressable location effects
asString v
| Just (String n) <- prjValue v = pure n
| otherwise = throwResumable @(ValueError location (Value location)) $ StringError v
| otherwise = throwValueError $ StringError v
ifthenelse cond if' else' = do
isHole <- isHole cond
@ -279,7 +275,7 @@ instance ( Addressable location effects
asBool val
| Just (Boolean b) <- prjValue val = pure b
| otherwise = throwResumable @(ValueError location (Value location)) $ BoolError val
| otherwise = throwValueError $ BoolError val
isHole val = pure (prjValue val == Just Hole)
@ -313,7 +309,7 @@ instance ( Addressable location effects
tentative x i j = attemptUnsafeArithmetic (x i j)
-- Dispatch whatever's contained inside a 'Number.SomeNumber' to its appropriate 'MonadValue' ctor
specialize :: Either ArithException Number.SomeNumber -> Evaluator location term (Value location) effects (Value location)
specialize :: (AbstractValue location (Value location) effects, Member (Resumable (ValueError location)) effects) => Either ArithException Number.SomeNumber -> Evaluator location term (Value location) effects (Value location)
specialize (Left exc) = throwValueError (ArithmeticError exc)
specialize (Right (Number.SomeNumber (Number.Integer i))) = integer i
specialize (Right (Number.SomeNumber (Number.Ratio r))) = rational r
@ -332,7 +328,7 @@ instance ( Addressable location effects
-- Explicit type signature is necessary here because we're passing all sorts of things
-- to these comparison functions.
go :: Ord a => a -> a -> Evaluator location term (Value location) effects (Value location)
go :: (AbstractValue location (Value location) effects, Ord a) => a -> a -> Evaluator location term (Value location) effects (Value location)
go l r = case comparator of
Concrete f -> boolean (f l r)
Generalized -> integer (orderingToInt (compare l r))
@ -353,53 +349,53 @@ instance ( Addressable location effects
| otherwise = throwValueError (Bitwise2Error left right)
where pair = (left, right)
lambda names (Subterm body _) = do
closure parameters freeVariables body = do
packageInfo <- currentPackage
moduleInfo <- currentModule
l <- label body
injValue . Closure names l . Env.bind (foldr Set.delete (Set.fromList (freeVariables body)) names) <$> getEnv
injValue . Closure packageInfo moduleInfo parameters l . Env.bind (foldr Set.delete freeVariables parameters) <$> getEnv
call op params = do
case prjValue op of
Just (Closure names label env) -> do
-- Evaluate the bindings and the body within a `goto` in order to
-- charge their origins to the closure's origin.
goto label $ \body -> do
Just (Closure packageInfo moduleInfo names label env) -> do
body <- goto label
-- Evaluate the bindings and body with the closures package/module info in scope in order to
-- charge them to the closure's origin.
withCurrentPackage packageInfo . withCurrentModule moduleInfo $ do
bindings <- foldr (\ (name, param) rest -> do
v <- param
a <- alloc name
assign a v
Env.insert name a <$> rest) (pure env) (zip names params)
localEnv (mergeEnvs bindings) (evalClosure body)
localEnv (mergeEnvs bindings) (catchReturn body (\ (Return value) -> pure value))
Nothing -> throwValueError (CallError op)
evalClosure term = catchReturn @(Value location) (\ (Return value) -> pure value) (evaluateClosureBody term)
loop x = catchLoopControl @(Value location) (fix x) (\ control -> case control of
loop x = catchLoopControl (fix x) (\ control -> case control of
Break value -> pure value
-- FIXME: Figure out how to deal with this. Ruby treats this as the result of the current block iteration, while PHP specifies a breakout level and TypeScript appears to take a label.
Continue _ -> loop x)
-- | The type of exceptions that can be thrown when constructing values in 'Value's 'MonadValue' instance.
data ValueError location value resume where
StringError :: value -> ValueError location value ByteString
BoolError :: value -> ValueError location value Bool
IndexError :: value -> value -> ValueError location value value
NamespaceError :: Prelude.String -> ValueError location value (Environment location value)
CallError :: value -> ValueError location value value
NumericError :: value -> ValueError location value value
Numeric2Error :: value -> value -> ValueError location value value
ComparisonError :: value -> value -> ValueError location value value
BitwiseError :: value -> ValueError location value value
Bitwise2Error :: value -> value -> ValueError location value value
KeyValueError :: value -> ValueError location value (value, value)
data ValueError location resume where
StringError :: Value location -> ValueError location ByteString
BoolError :: Value location -> ValueError location Bool
IndexError :: Value location -> Value location -> ValueError location (Value location)
NamespaceError :: Prelude.String -> ValueError location (Environment location (Value location))
CallError :: Value location -> ValueError location (Value location)
NumericError :: Value location -> ValueError location (Value location)
Numeric2Error :: Value location -> Value location -> ValueError location (Value location)
ComparisonError :: Value location -> Value location -> ValueError location (Value location)
BitwiseError :: Value location -> ValueError location (Value location)
Bitwise2Error :: Value location -> Value location -> ValueError location (Value location)
KeyValueError :: Value location -> ValueError location (Value location, Value location)
-- Indicates that we encountered an arithmetic exception inside Haskell-native number crunching.
ArithmeticError :: ArithException -> ValueError location value value
ArithmeticError :: ArithException -> ValueError location (Value location)
-- Out-of-bounds error
BoundsError :: [value] -> Prelude.Integer -> ValueError location value value
BoundsError :: [Value location] -> Prelude.Integer -> ValueError location (Value location)
instance Eq value => Eq1 (ValueError location value) where
instance Eq location => Eq1 (ValueError location) where
liftEq _ (StringError a) (StringError b) = a == b
liftEq _ (NamespaceError a) (NamespaceError b) = a == b
liftEq _ (CallError a) (CallError b) = a == b
@ -413,15 +409,15 @@ instance Eq value => Eq1 (ValueError location value) where
liftEq _ (BoundsError a b) (BoundsError c d) = (a == c) && (b == d)
liftEq _ _ _ = False
deriving instance (Show value) => Show (ValueError location value resume)
instance (Show value) => Show1 (ValueError location value) where
deriving instance Show location => Show (ValueError location resume)
instance Show location => Show1 (ValueError location) where
liftShowsPrec _ _ = showsPrec
throwValueError :: Member (Resumable (ValueError location value)) effects => ValueError location value resume -> Evaluator location term value effects resume
throwValueError :: Member (Resumable (ValueError location)) effects => ValueError location resume -> Evaluator location term value effects resume
throwValueError = throwResumable
runValueError :: Evaluator location term value (Resumable (ValueError location value) ': effects) a -> Evaluator location term value effects (Either (SomeExc (ValueError location value)) a)
runValueError :: Evaluator location term value (Resumable (ValueError location) ': effects) a -> Evaluator location term value effects (Either (SomeExc (ValueError location)) a)
runValueError = raiseHandler runError
runValueErrorWith :: (forall resume . ValueError location value resume -> Evaluator location term value effects resume) -> Evaluator location term value (Resumable (ValueError location value) ': effects) a -> Evaluator location term value effects a
runValueErrorWith :: (forall resume . ValueError location resume -> Evaluator location term value effects resume) -> Evaluator location term value (Resumable (ValueError location) ': effects) a -> Evaluator location term value effects a
runValueErrorWith = runResumableWith

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module Data.Syntax.Declaration where
import qualified Data.Abstract.Environment as Env
import Data.Abstract.Evaluatable
import qualified Data.Set as Set (fromList)
import Diffing.Algorithm
import Prologue
@ -22,7 +23,7 @@ instance Show1 Function where liftShowsPrec = genericLiftShowsPrec
instance Evaluatable Function where
eval Function{..} = do
name <- either (throwEvalError . FreeVariablesError) pure (freeVariable $ subterm functionName)
(v, addr) <- letrec name (lambda (paramNames functionParameters) functionBody)
(v, addr) <- letrec name (closure (paramNames functionParameters) (Set.fromList (freeVariables functionBody)) (subtermValue functionBody))
modifyEnv (Env.insert name addr)
pure v
where paramNames = foldMap (freeVariables . subterm)
@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ instance Show1 Method where liftShowsPrec = genericLiftShowsPrec
instance Evaluatable Method where
eval Method{..} = do
name <- either (throwEvalError . FreeVariablesError) pure (freeVariable $ subterm methodName)
(v, addr) <- letrec name (lambda (paramNames methodParameters) methodBody)
(v, addr) <- letrec name (closure (paramNames methodParameters) (Set.fromList (freeVariables methodBody)) (subtermValue methodBody))
modifyEnv (Env.insert name addr)
pure v
where paramNames = foldMap (freeVariables . subterm)

View File

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ resolvePHPName n = do
where name = toName n
toName = BC.unpack . dropRelativePrefix . stripQuotes
include :: ( AbstractValue location term value effects
include :: ( AbstractValue location value effects
, Members '[ Reader (ModuleTable [Module term])
, Resumable ResolutionError
, State (Environment location value)

View File

@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ instance Evaluatable Require where
modifyEnv (`mergeNewer` importedEnv)
pure v -- Returns True if the file was loaded, False if it was already loaded. http://ruby-doc.org/core-2.5.0/Kernel.html#method-i-require
doRequire :: ( AbstractValue location term value effects
doRequire :: ( AbstractValue location value effects
, Members '[ EvalModule term value
, Reader LoadStack
, Reader (ModuleTable [M.Module term])
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ instance Evaluatable Load where
doLoad path shouldWrap
eval (Load _) = raise (fail "invalid argument supplied to load, path is required")
doLoad :: ( AbstractValue location term value effects
doLoad :: ( AbstractValue location value effects
, Members '[ EvalModule term value
, Reader LoadStack
, Reader (ModuleTable [M.Module term])

View File

@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ typescriptExtensions = ["ts", "tsx", "d.ts"]
javascriptExtensions :: [String]
javascriptExtensions = ["js"]
evalRequire :: ( AbstractValue location term value effects
evalRequire :: ( AbstractValue location value effects
, Addressable location effects
, Members '[ EvalModule term value
, Reader (Environment location value)

View File

@ -3,10 +3,9 @@ module Semantic.Graph where
import Analysis.Abstract.Evaluating
import Analysis.Abstract.Graph
import Control.Effect (runIgnoringTraces)
import Control.Effect (runIgnoringTraces, traceE)
import qualified Control.Exception as Exc
import Control.Monad.Effect (relayState)
import Control.Monad.Effect.Trace (trace)
import Control.Monad.Effect (reinterpret)
import Data.Abstract.Address
import Data.Abstract.Evaluatable
import Data.Abstract.Located
@ -70,7 +69,7 @@ parsePackage parser preludeFile project@Project{..} = do
prelude <- traverse (parseModule parser Nothing) preludeFile
p <- parseModules parser project
let pkg = Package.fromModules n Nothing prelude (length projectEntryPoints) p
pkg <$ trace ("project: " <> show pkg)
pkg <$ traceE ("project: " <> show pkg)
n = name (projectName project)
@ -87,7 +86,7 @@ parseModule parser rootDir file = do
resumingResolutionError :: (Applicative (m effects), Effectful m, Member Trace effects) => m (Resumable ResolutionError ': effects) a -> m effects a
resumingResolutionError = runResolutionErrorWith (\ err -> raise (trace ("ResolutionError:" <> show err)) *> case err of
resumingResolutionError = runResolutionErrorWith (\ err -> traceE ("ResolutionError:" <> show err) *> case err of
NotFoundError nameToResolve _ _ -> pure nameToResolve
GoImportError pathToResolve -> pure [pathToResolve])
@ -112,7 +111,7 @@ resumingAddressError = runAddressErrorWith (\ err -> traceE ("AddressError:" <>
UnallocatedAddress _ -> pure lowerBound
UninitializedAddress _ -> pure hole)
resumingValueError :: (AbstractHole value, Member (State (Environment location value)) effects, Member Trace effects, Show value) => Evaluator location term value (Resumable (ValueError location value) ': effects) a -> Evaluator location term value effects a
resumingValueError :: (Members '[State (Environment location (Value location)), Trace] effects, Show location) => Evaluator location term (Value location) (Resumable (ValueError location) ': effects) a -> Evaluator location term (Value location) effects a
resumingValueError = runValueErrorWith (\ err -> traceE ("ValueError" <> show err) *> case err of
CallError val -> pure val
StringError val -> pure (pack (show val))
@ -129,4 +128,6 @@ resumingValueError = runValueErrorWith (\ err -> traceE ("ValueError" <> show er
ArithmeticError{} -> pure hole)
resumingEnvironmentError :: AbstractHole value => Evaluator location term value (Resumable (EnvironmentError value) ': effects) a -> Evaluator location term value effects (a, [Name])
resumingEnvironmentError = raiseHandler (relayState [] (fmap pure . flip (,)) (\ names (Resumable (FreeVariable name)) yield -> yield (name : names) hole))
= runState []
. raiseHandler (reinterpret (\ (Resumable (FreeVariable name)) -> modify' (name :) $> hole))

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ spec = parallel $ do
it "evaluates load with wrapper" $ do
res <- evaluate "load-wrap.rb"
fst res `shouldBe` Left (SomeExc (injectSum (FreeVariable "foo" :: EnvironmentError (Value Precise) (Value Precise))))
fst res `shouldBe` Left (SomeExc (injectSum @(EnvironmentError (Value Precise)) (FreeVariable "foo")))
environment (snd res) `shouldBe` [ ("Object", addr 0) ]
it "evaluates subclass" $ do

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Control.Abstract.Evaluator.Spec where
import Analysis.Abstract.Evaluating (evaluating)
@ -9,6 +10,7 @@ import qualified Data.Abstract.Value as Value
import Data.Algebra
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Data.Functor.Const
import Data.Semilattice.Lower
import Data.Sum
import SpecHelpers hiding (Term, reassociate)
@ -20,7 +22,7 @@ spec = parallel $ do
it "calls functions" $ do
(expected, _) <- evaluate $ do
identity <- lambda [name "x"] (term (variable (name "x")))
identity <- closure [name "x"] lowerBound (variable (name "x"))
call identity [integer 123]
expected `shouldBe` Right (Value.injValue (Value.Integer (Number.Integer 123)))
@ -33,23 +35,26 @@ evaluate
. Value.runValueError
. runEnvironmentError
. runAddressError
. runValue
runValue = runEvalClosure (runValue . runTerm) . runReturn . runLoopControl
. runReturn
. runLoopControl
. fmap fst
. runGoto lowerBound
. constraining
constraining :: TermEvaluator Value -> TermEvaluator Value
constraining = id
reassociate :: Either String (Either (SomeExc exc1) (Either (SomeExc exc2) (Either (SomeExc exc3) result))) -> Either (SomeExc (Sum '[Const String, exc1, exc2, exc3])) result
reassociate (Left s) = Left (SomeExc (injectSum (Const s)))
reassociate (Right (Right (Right (Right a)))) = Right a
term :: TermEvaluator Value -> Subterm Term (TermEvaluator Value)
term eval = Subterm (Term eval) eval
type TermEffects
type TermEffects = Goto GotoEffects Value ': GotoEffects
type GotoEffects
= '[ LoopControl Value
, Return Value
, EvalClosure Term Value
, Resumable (AddressError Precise Value)
, Resumable (EnvironmentError Value)
, Resumable (Value.ValueError Precise Value)
, Resumable (Value.ValueError Precise)
, Reader ModuleInfo
, Reader PackageInfo
, Fail
@ -59,7 +64,6 @@ type TermEffects
, State (Heap Precise Value)
, State (ModuleTable (Environment Precise Value, Value))
, State (Exports Precise Value)
, State (JumpTable Term)
, IO