From 552576f80cf559b4383ef8a2e667d901ac5e3701 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Timothy Clem <>
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2018 13:39:05 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] New Eval type class to go with

 semantic-diff.cabal        |  1 +
 src/Data/Abstract/Eval2.hs | 63 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 64 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/Data/Abstract/Eval2.hs

diff --git a/semantic-diff.cabal b/semantic-diff.cabal
index 01c1f6f24..6e28aa370 100644
--- a/semantic-diff.cabal
+++ b/semantic-diff.cabal
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ library
                      , Data.Abstract.Environment
                      , Data.Abstract.Linker
                      , Data.Abstract.Eval
+                     , Data.Abstract.Eval2
                      , Data.Abstract.FreeVariables
                      , Data.Abstract.Live
                      , Data.Abstract.Store
diff --git a/src/Data/Abstract/Eval2.hs b/src/Data/Abstract/Eval2.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a25e0e31b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Data/Abstract/Eval2.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures, MultiParamTypeClasses, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-}
+module Data.Abstract.Eval2
+( Eval(..)
+, MonadGC(..)
+, MonadFail(..)
+, Recursive(..)
+, Base
+) where
+import Control.Monad.Effect.Env
+import Control.Monad.Effect.GC
+import Control.Monad.Fail
+import Data.Abstract.Environment
+import Data.Abstract.FreeVariables
+import Data.Abstract.Value
+import Data.Functor.Classes
+import Data.Proxy
+import Data.Term
+import Data.Union
+import Data.Functor.Foldable (Base, Recursive(..), project)
+import Prelude hiding (fail)
+-- | The 'Eval' class defines the necessary interface for a term to be evaluated. While a default definition of 'eval' is given, instances with computational content must implement 'eval' to perform their small-step operational semantics.
+class Monad m => Eval term v m constr where
+  eval :: constr term -> m v
+  default eval :: (MonadFail m, Show1 constr) => (constr term -> m v)
+  eval expr = fail $ "Eval unspecialized for " ++ liftShowsPrec (const (const id)) (const id) 0 expr ""
+-- | If we can evaluate any syntax which can occur in a 'Union', we can evaluate the 'Union'.
+instance (Monad m, Apply (Eval t v m) fs) => Eval t v m (Union fs) where
+  eval = apply (Proxy :: Proxy (Eval t v m)) eval
+-- | Evaluating a 'TermF' ignores its annotation, evaluating the underlying syntax.
+instance (Monad m, Eval t v m s) => Eval t v m (TermF s a) where
+  eval In{..} = eval termFOut
+-- | '[]' is treated as an imperative sequence of statements/declarations s.t.:
+--   1. Each statement’s effects on the store are accumulated;
+--   2. Each statement can affect the environment of later statements (e.g. by yielding under 'localEnv'); and
+--   3. Only the last statement’s return value is returned.
+--   This also allows e.g. early returns to be implemented in the middle of a list, by means of a statement returning instead of yielding. Therefore, care must be taken by 'Eval' instances in general to yield and not simply return, or else they will unintentionally short-circuit control and skip the rest of the scope.
+instance ( Monad m
+         , Ord (LocationFor v)
+         -- , MonadGC v m
+         -- , MonadEnv v m
+         , AbstractValue v
+         , Recursive t
+         -- , FreeVariables t
+         , Eval t v m (Base t)
+         )
+         => Eval t v m [] where
+  eval []  = pure unit
+  eval [x] = eval (project x)
+  -- eval ev yield [a]    = ev pure a >>= yield
+  -- eval ev yield (a:as) = do
+  --   env <- askEnv :: m (Environment (LocationFor v) v)
+  --   extraRoots (envRoots env (freeVariables1 as)) (ev (const (eval ev pure as)) a) >>= yield
+-- Default should be to yield
+-- Allow "return" to short circuit the rest of the imperative scope