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synced 2025-01-06 06:46:07 +03:00
Define a function to parse and diff a pair of blobs.
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,22 +4,29 @@ module Semantic
, parseBlob
, diffBlobPairs
, diffBlobPair
, parseAndDiffBlobPair
, diffTermPair
) where
import Algorithm (Diffable)
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad ((<=<))
import Control.Monad.Error.Class
import Data.Align.Generic (GAlign)
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Blob
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Diff
import Data.Functor.Both as Both
import Data.Functor.Classes
import Data.Output
import Data.Record
import Data.Syntax.Algebra
import qualified Data.Syntax as Syntax
import qualified Data.Syntax.Declaration as Declaration
import Data.Term
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Union
import Info
import Interpreter
import qualified Language
@ -110,6 +117,9 @@ diffBlobPair renderer blobs = case (renderer, effectiveLanguage) of
run :: Functor syntax => (Blob -> Task (Term syntax ann)) -> (Term syntax ann -> Term syntax ann -> Diff syntax ann ann) -> (Diff syntax ann ann -> output) -> Task output
run parse diff renderer = distributeFor blobs parse >>= runBothWith (diffTermPair blobs diff) >>= render renderer
parseAndDiffBlobPair :: (Apply Diffable syntax, Apply Foldable syntax, Apply Functor syntax, Apply GAlign syntax, Apply Show1 syntax, Apply Traversable syntax, Declaration.Function :< syntax, Declaration.Method :< syntax, Syntax.Context :< syntax) => Both Blob -> Parser (Term (Union syntax) (Record fields)) -> Task (Diff (Union syntax) (Record fields) (Record fields))
parseAndDiffBlobPair blobs parser = distributeFor blobs (parse parser) >>= runBothWith (diffTermPair blobs diffTerms)
-- | A task to diff a pair of 'Term's, producing insertion/deletion 'Patch'es for non-existent 'Blob's.
diffTermPair :: Functor syntax => Both Blob -> Differ syntax ann1 ann2 -> Term syntax ann1 -> Term syntax ann2 -> Task (Diff syntax ann1 ann2)
diffTermPair blobs differ t1 t2 = case runJoin (blobExists <$> blobs) of
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