mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2024-12-22 22:31:36 +03:00

WIP - parse tree renderer

This commit is contained in:
Timothy Clem 2017-04-19 18:27:36 -07:00
parent 04f7f4b1f5
commit 5870b33b51
5 changed files with 54 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -funbox-strict-fields #-}
module Arguments where
import Command
import Data.Maybe
import Prelude
import Renderer
data DiffMode = DiffCommits String String [FilePath] | DiffPaths FilePath FilePath
@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ data ParseMode = ParseCommit String [FilePath] | ParsePaths [FilePath]
deriving Show
data ParseArguments = ParseArguments
{ renderParseTree :: ParseTreeRenderer
{ parseTreeFormat :: DefaultParseTreeRenderer
, parseMode :: ParseMode
, debug :: Bool
, gitDir :: FilePath

View File

@ -18,13 +18,12 @@ module Command
, sExpressionDiff
, tocDiff
, DiffEncoder
, ParseTreeRenderer
-- , ParseTreeEncoder
-- Evaluation
, runCommand
) where
import Command.Files
import Command.Parse
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async.Pool as Async
import Control.Exception (catch)
import Control.Monad.Free.Freer
@ -205,7 +204,7 @@ runRenderDiffs :: Monoid output => DiffRenderer fields output -> [(Both SourceBl
runRenderDiffs = runDiffRenderer
type ParseTreeRenderer = Bool -> [SourceBlob] -> IO ByteString
-- type ParseTreeEncoder = Bool -> [Term (Syntax Text) (Record DefaultFields)] -> Command ByteString
type DiffEncoder = [(Both SourceBlob, Diff (Syntax Text) (Record DefaultFields))] -> Command ByteString
@ -236,14 +235,14 @@ encodeText = encodeUtf8 . R.unFile
encodeSummaries :: Summaries -> ByteString
encodeSummaries = toS . (<> "\n") . encode
instance Show ParseTreeRenderer where
showsPrec d _ = showParen (d >= 10) $ showString "ParseTreeRenderer "
instance Listable ParseTreeRenderer where
tiers = cons0 jsonParseTree
\/ cons0 jsonIndexParseTree
\/ cons0 sExpressionParseTree
-- instance Show ParseTreeEncoder where
-- showsPrec d _ = showParen (d >= 10) $ showString "ParseTreeEncoder "
-- --
-- instance Listable ParseTreeEncoder where
-- tiers = cons0 jsonParseTree
-- \/ cons0 jsonIndexParseTree
-- \/ cons0 sExpressionParseTree
instance Show DiffEncoder where
showsPrec d encodeDiff = showParen (d >= 10) $ showString "DiffEncoder "

View File

@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
module Renderer
( DiffRenderer(..)
, runDiffRenderer
, DefaultParseTreeRenderer
, ParseTreeRenderer(..)
, runParseTreeRenderer
, Summaries(..)
, File(..)
) where
@ -23,6 +26,8 @@ import Renderer.Summary as R
import Renderer.TOC as R
import Source (SourceBlob)
import Syntax
import Term
import Data.Functor.Listable
data DiffRenderer fields output where
SplitRenderer :: (HasField fields Category, HasField fields Range) => DiffRenderer fields File
@ -41,6 +46,18 @@ runDiffRenderer renderer = foldMap . uncurry $ case renderer of
SExpressionDiffRenderer format -> R.sExpression format
ToCRenderer -> R.toc
type DefaultParseTreeRenderer = ParseTreeRenderer DefaultFields ByteString
data ParseTreeRenderer fields output where
SExpressionParseTreeRenderer :: (HasField fields Category, HasField fields SourceSpan) => SExpressionFormat -> ParseTreeRenderer fields ByteString
runParseTreeRenderer :: Monoid output => ParseTreeRenderer fields output -> [Term (Syntax Text) (Record fields)] -> output
runParseTreeRenderer renderer = foldMap $ case renderer of
SExpressionParseTreeRenderer format -> printTerm format
printTerm format term = R.printTerm term 0 format
newtype File = File { unFile :: Text }
deriving Show
@ -52,6 +69,12 @@ instance Show (DiffRenderer fields output) where
showsPrec d (SExpressionDiffRenderer format) = showsUnaryWith showsPrec "SExpressionDiffRenderer" d format
showsPrec _ ToCRenderer = showString "ToCRenderer"
instance Show (ParseTreeRenderer fields output) where
showsPrec d (SExpressionParseTreeRenderer format) = showsUnaryWith showsPrec "SExpressionParseTreeRenderer" d format
instance Monoid File where
mempty = File mempty
mappend (File a) (File b) = File (a <> "\n" <> b)
instance Listable DefaultParseTreeRenderer where
tiers = cons0 (SExpressionParseTreeRenderer TreeOnly)

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import Prologue
import Renderer
import Source
import Syntax
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import Term
@ -25,17 +26,17 @@ import Term
diffBlobs :: (Monoid output, StringConv output ByteString) => DiffRenderer DefaultFields output -> [Both SourceBlob] -> IO ByteString
diffBlobs renderer blobs = do
diffs <- traverse go blobs
pure . toS $ runDiffRenderer renderer diffs
pure . toS $ runDiffRenderer renderer (diffs `using` parTraversable (parTuple2 r0 rdeepseq))
go blobPair = do
diff <- diffBlobs' blobPair
pure (blobPair, diff)
-- | Diff a pair of blobs
-- | Diff a pair of blobs.
diffBlobs' :: Both SourceBlob -> IO (Diff (Syntax Text) (Record DefaultFields))
diffBlobs' blobs = do
terms <- traverse parseBlob' blobs
pure $ stripDiff (runBothWith diffTerms (fmap decorate terms))
pure $ stripDiff (runBothWith diffTerms (fmap decorate (terms `using` parTraversable rdeepseq)))
decorate = defaultFeatureVectorDecorator getLabel
getLabel :: HasField fields Category => TermF (Syntax Text) (Record fields) a -> (Category, Maybe Text)
@ -43,8 +44,11 @@ diffBlobs' blobs = do
Leaf s -> Just s
_ -> Nothing)
-- parseBlob :: SourceBlob -> IO ByteString
-- | Parse a list of blobs and use the specified renderer to produce ByteString output.
parseBlobs :: (Monoid output, StringConv output ByteString) => ParseTreeRenderer DefaultFields output -> [SourceBlob] -> IO ByteString
parseBlobs renderer blobs = do
terms <- traverse parseBlob' blobs
pure . toS $ runParseTreeRenderer renderer (terms `using` parTraversable rdeepseq)
-- | Parse a SourceBlob.
parseBlob' :: SourceBlob -> IO (Term (Syntax Text) (Record DefaultFields))

View File

@ -16,11 +16,14 @@ import Prologue hiding (concurrently, fst, snd, readFile)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Paths_semantic_diff as Library (version)
import Source
import Renderer
import Renderer.SExpression
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import System.FilePath.Posix (takeFileName, (-<.>))
import System.IO.Error (IOError)
import Text.Regex
import qualified Semantic (parseBlobs)
main :: IO ()
main = do
@ -74,7 +77,9 @@ runParse ParseArguments{..} = do
blobs <- case parseMode of
ParseCommit sha paths -> sourceBlobsFromSha sha gitDir paths
ParsePaths paths -> sourceBlobsFromPaths paths
renderParseTree debug blobs
Semantic.parseBlobs parseTreeFormat blobs
-- toS $ runParseTreeRenderer renderParseTree blobs
-- renderParseTree debug blobs
-- | A parser for the application's command-line arguments.
arguments :: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> ParserInfo Arguments
@ -111,9 +116,9 @@ arguments gitDir alternates = info (version <*> helper <*> argumentsParser) desc
parseCommand = command "parse" (info parseArgumentsParser (progDesc "Print parse trees for a commit or paths"))
parseArgumentsParser = Parse
<$> ( ParseArguments
<$> ( flag sExpressionParseTree sExpressionParseTree (long "sexpression" <> help "Output s-expression parse trees (default)")
<|> flag' jsonParseTree (long "json" <> help "Output JSON parse trees")
<|> flag' jsonIndexParseTree (long "index" <> help "Output JSON parse trees in index format") )
<$> ( flag (SExpressionParseTreeRenderer TreeOnly) (SExpressionParseTreeRenderer TreeOnly) (long "sexpression" <> help "Output s-expression parse trees (default)") )
-- <|> flag' jsonParseTree (long "json" <> help "Output JSON parse trees")
-- <|> flag' jsonIndexParseTree (long "index" <> help "Output JSON parse trees in index format") )
<*> ( ParsePaths
<$> some (argument str (metavar "FILES..."))
<|> ParseCommit