mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2024-12-26 08:25:19 +03:00

Merge branch 'master' into go-assignment

This commit is contained in:
Rick Winfrey 2017-10-23 15:10:29 -07:00
commit 5ad5a882ba
7 changed files with 51 additions and 51 deletions

.ghci Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
-- Load the pretty-show & hscolour packages for use with :pretty.
:set -package pretty-show -package hscolour
-- See docs/💡ProTip!.md
:undef pretty
:def pretty \ _ -> return (unlines ["let colour = putStrLn . Language.Haskell.HsColour.hscolour Language.Haskell.HsColour.TTY Language.Haskell.HsColour.Colourise.defaultColourPrefs Prelude.False Prelude.False \"\" Prelude.False . Text.Show.Pretty.ppShow", ":set -interactive-print colour"])
-- See docs/💡ProTip!.md
:undef no-pretty
:def no-pretty \_ -> return ":set -interactive-print System.IO.print"
-- See docs/💡ProTip!.md
:undef r
:def r \_ -> return (unlines [":reload", ":pretty"])
-- See docs/💡ProTip!.md for documentation & examples.
assignmentExample lang = case lang of
"Python" -> mk "py" "python"
"Go" -> mk "go" "go"
"Ruby" -> mk "rb" "ruby"
"JavaScript" -> mk "js" "typescript"
"TypeScript" -> mk "ts" "typescript"
"Haskell" -> mk "hs" "haskell"
"Markdown" -> mk "md" "markdown"
"JSON" -> mk "json" "json"
_ -> mk "" ""
where mk fileExtension parser = putStrLn ("example: fmap (() <$) . runTask . parse " ++ parser ++ "Parser =<< Semantic.Util.file \"example." ++ fileExtension ++ "\"") >> return ("import Parser\nimport Semantic.Task\nimport Semantic.Util")
:undef assignment
:def assignment assignmentExample
-- Enable breaking on errors for code written in the repl.
:seti -fbreak-on-error
-- Continue loading after warnings when in the repl.
:set -Wwarn
-- Use a cyan lambda as the prompt.
:set prompt "\ESC[1;36m\STXλ \ESC[m\STX"

View File

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
:set prompt "\ESC[1;36m\STXλ: \ESC[m\STX"
:def pretty \_ -> return ("import Text.Show.Pretty (pPrint, ppShow)\nimport Language.Haskell.HsColour\nimport Language.Haskell.HsColour.Colourise\nlet color = putStrLn . hscolour TTY defaultColourPrefs False False \"\" False . ppShow\n:set -interactive-print color")
:def no-pretty \_ -> return (":set -interactive-print System.IO.print")
:def re \_ -> return (":r\n:pretty")
assignmentExample lang = case lang of
"Python" -> mk "py" "python"
"Go" -> mk "go" "go"
"Ruby" -> mk "rb" "ruby"
"JavaScript" -> mk "js" "typescript"
"TypeScript" -> mk "ts" "typescript"
"Haskell" -> mk "hs" "haskell"
"Markdown" -> mk "md" "markdown"
"JSON" -> mk "json" "json"
_ -> mk "" ""
where mk fileExtension parser = putStrLn ("example: fmap (() <$) . runTask . parse " ++ parser ++ "Parser =<< Semantic.Util.file \"example." ++ fileExtension ++ "\"") >> return ("import Parser\nimport Semantic.Task\nimport Semantic.Util")
:def assignment assignmentExample

View File

@ -124,8 +124,6 @@ library
, tree-sitter-python
, tree-sitter-ruby
, tree-sitter-typescript
, pretty-show
, hscolour
default-language: Haskell2010
default-extensions: DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable, DeriveTraversable, DeriveGeneric, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, OverloadedStrings, RecordWildCards, StrictData
ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-name-shadowing -O -j

View File

@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ forInStatement :: Assignment
forInStatement = makeTerm <$> symbol ForInStatement <*> children (Statement.ForEach <$> expression <*> expression <*> statement)
doStatement :: Assignment
doStatement = makeTerm <$> symbol DoStatement <*> children (flip Statement.DoWhile <$> statementBlock <*> parenthesizedExpression)
doStatement = makeTerm <$> symbol DoStatement <*> children (flip Statement.DoWhile <$> statement <*> parenthesizedExpression)
continueStatement :: Assignment
continueStatement = makeTerm <$> symbol ContinueStatement <*> children (Statement.Continue <$> ((symbol StatementIdentifier *> identifier) <|> emptyTerm))

View File

@ -226,8 +226,7 @@ formatTOCError e = showExpectation False (errorExpected e) (errorActual e) ""
-- | An entry in a table of contents.
data Entry a
= Unchanged { entryPayload :: a } -- ^ An entry for an unchanged portion of a diff (i.e. a diff node not containing any patches).
| Changed { entryPayload :: a } -- ^ An entry for a node containing changes.
= Changed { entryPayload :: a } -- ^ An entry for a node containing changes.
| Inserted { entryPayload :: a } -- ^ An entry for a change occurring inside an 'Insert' 'Patch'.
| Deleted { entryPayload :: a } -- ^ An entry for a change occurring inside a 'Delete' 'Patch'.
| Replaced { entryPayload :: a } -- ^ An entry for a change occurring on the insertion side of a 'Replace' 'Patch'.
@ -238,13 +237,12 @@ data Entry a
tableOfContentsBy :: (Foldable f, Functor f)
=> (forall b. TermF f ann b -> Maybe a) -- ^ A function mapping relevant nodes onto values in Maybe.
-> Diff f ann ann -- ^ The diff to compute the table of contents for.
-> [Entry a] -- ^ A list of entries for relevant changed and unchanged nodes in the diff.
-> [Entry a] -- ^ A list of entries for relevant changed nodes in the diff.
tableOfContentsBy selector = fromMaybe [] . cata (\ r -> case r of
Patch patch -> (pure . patchEntry <$> bicrosswalk selector selector patch) <> bifoldMap fold fold patch <> Just []
Merge (In (_, ann2) r) -> case (selector (In ann2 r), fold r) of
(Just a, Nothing) -> Just [Unchanged a]
(Just a, Just []) -> Just [Changed a]
(_ , entries) -> entries)
(Just a, Just entries) -> Just (Changed a : entries)
(_ , entries) -> entries)
where patchEntry = patch Deleted Inserted (const Replaced)
@ -284,10 +282,9 @@ dedupe = let tuples = sortOn fst . Map.elems . snd . foldl' go (0, Map.empty) in
dedupeKey entry = DedupeKey ((fmap toCategoryName . getDeclaration . entryPayload) entry, (fmap (toLower . declarationIdentifier) . getDeclaration . entryPayload) entry)
exactMatch = (==) `on` (getDeclaration . entryPayload)
-- | Construct a 'JSONSummary' from an 'Entry'. Returns 'Nothing' for 'Unchanged' patches.
-- | Construct a 'JSONSummary' from an 'Entry'.
entrySummary :: (HasField fields (Maybe Declaration), HasField fields Span) => Entry (Record fields) -> Maybe JSONSummary
entrySummary entry = case entry of
Unchanged _ -> Nothing
Changed a -> recordSummary a "modified"
Deleted a -> recordSummary a "removed"
Inserted a -> recordSummary a "added"

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@ -4,9 +4,6 @@ module Semantic.Util where
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Blob
import Language.Haskell.HsColour (hscolour, Output(TTY))
import Language.Haskell.HsColour.Colourise (defaultColourPrefs)
import Text.Show.Pretty (ppShow)
import Files
import Data.Record
import Data.Functor.Classes
@ -23,10 +20,6 @@ import Renderer.TOC
import Data.Range
import Data.Span
-- Produces colorized pretty-printed output for the terminal / GHCi.
pp :: Show a => a -> IO ()
pp = putStrLn . hscolour TTY defaultColourPrefs False False "" False . ppShow
file :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m Blob
file path = Files.readFile path (languageForFilePath path)

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@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Diff
import Data.Functor.Both
import Data.Functor.Listable
import Data.Functor.Foldable (cata)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid (Last(..))
import Data.Output
@ -44,13 +45,8 @@ spec = parallel $ do
prop "drops all nodes with the constant Nothing function" $
\ diff -> tableOfContentsBy (const Nothing :: a -> Maybe ()) (diff :: Diff Syntax () ()) `shouldBe` []
let diffSize = max 1 . length . diffPatches
let lastValue a = fromMaybe (extract a) (getLast (foldMap (Last . Just) a))
prop "includes all nodes with a constant Just function" $
\ diff -> let diff' = (diff :: Diff Syntax () ()) in entryPayload <$> tableOfContentsBy (const (Just ())) diff' `shouldBe` replicate (diffSize diff') ()
prop "produces an unchanged entry for identity diffs" $
\ term -> tableOfContentsBy (Just . termAnnotation) (diffSyntaxTerms term term) `shouldBe` [Unchanged (lastValue (term :: Term Syntax (Record '[Category])))]
prop "produces no entries for identity diffs" $
\ term -> tableOfContentsBy (Just . termAnnotation) (diffSyntaxTerms term (term :: Term Syntax (Record '[Category]))) `shouldBe` []
prop "produces inserted/deleted/replaced entries for relevant nodes within patches" $
\ p -> tableOfContentsBy (Just . termAnnotation) (patch deleting inserting replacing p)
@ -60,8 +56,7 @@ spec = parallel $ do
prop "produces changed entries for relevant nodes containing irrelevant patches" $
\ diff -> let diff' = merge (0, 0) (Indexed [bimap (const 1) (const 1) (diff :: Diff Syntax Int Int)]) in
tableOfContentsBy (\ (n `In` _) -> if n == (0 :: Int) then Just n else Nothing) diff' `shouldBe`
if null (diffPatches diff') then [Unchanged 0]
else replicate (length (diffPatches diff')) (Changed 0)
replicate (length (diffPatches diff')) (Changed 0)
describe "diffTOC" $ do
it "blank if there are no methods" $
@ -167,7 +162,7 @@ spec = parallel $ do
it "summarizes Markdown headings" $ do
blobs <- blobsForPaths (both "markdown/headings.A.md" "markdown/headings.B.md")
output <- runTask (diffBlobPair ToCDiffRenderer blobs)
toOutput output `shouldBe` ("{\"changes\":{\"test/fixtures/toc/markdown/headings.A.md -> test/fixtures/toc/markdown/headings.B.md\":[{\"span\":{\"start\":[5,1],\"end\":[7,10]},\"category\":\"Heading 2\",\"term\":\"Two\",\"changeType\":\"added\"},{\"span\":{\"start\":[9,1],\"end\":[10,4]},\"category\":\"Heading 1\",\"term\":\"Final\",\"changeType\":\"added\"}]},\"errors\":{}}\n" :: ByteString)
toOutput output `shouldBe` ("{\"changes\":{\"test/fixtures/toc/markdown/headings.A.md -> test/fixtures/toc/markdown/headings.B.md\":[{\"span\":{\"start\":[1,1],\"end\":[7,10]},\"category\":\"Heading 1\",\"term\":\"One\",\"changeType\":\"modified\"},{\"span\":{\"start\":[5,1],\"end\":[7,10]},\"category\":\"Heading 2\",\"term\":\"Two\",\"changeType\":\"added\"},{\"span\":{\"start\":[9,1],\"end\":[10,4]},\"category\":\"Heading 1\",\"term\":\"Final\",\"changeType\":\"added\"}]},\"errors\":{}}\n" :: ByteString)
type Diff' = Diff Syntax (Record (Maybe Declaration ': DefaultFields)) (Record (Maybe Declaration ': DefaultFields))