mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 21:01:35 +03:00
Merge branch 'master' into use-external-exceptions-package
This commit is contained in:
@ -37,8 +37,12 @@ legacyParseSymbols blobs = Legacy.ParseTreeSymbolResponse <$> distributeFoldMap
go blob@Blob{..} = (doParse blob >>= withSomeTerm (renderToSymbols blob)) `catchError` (\(SomeException _) -> pure (pure emptyFile))
where emptyFile = Legacy.File (pack blobPath) (pack (show blobLanguage)) []
-- Legacy symbols output doesn't include Function Calls.
symbolsToSummarize :: [Text]
symbolsToSummarize = ["Function", "Method", "Class", "Module"]
renderToSymbols :: (IsTaggable f, Applicative m) => Blob -> Term f Location -> m [Legacy.File]
renderToSymbols blob term = pure $ either mempty (pure . tagsToFile blob) (runTagging blob term)
renderToSymbols blob term = pure $ either mempty (pure . tagsToFile blob) (runTagging blob symbolsToSummarize term)
tagsToFile :: Blob -> [Tag] -> Legacy.File
tagsToFile Blob{..} tags = Legacy.File (pack blobPath) (pack (show blobLanguage)) (fmap tagToSymbol tags)
@ -63,8 +67,11 @@ parseSymbols blobs = ParseTreeSymbolResponse . V.fromList . toList <$> distribut
errorFile e = File (pack blobPath) (bridging # blobLanguage) mempty (V.fromList [ParseError (T.pack e)])
symbolsToSummarize :: [Text]
symbolsToSummarize = ["Function", "Method", "Class", "Module", "Call", "Send"]
renderToSymbols :: (IsTaggable f, Applicative m) => Blob -> Term f Location -> m File
renderToSymbols blob@Blob{..} term = pure $ either (errorFile . show) (tagsToFile blob) (runTagging blob term)
renderToSymbols blob@Blob{..} term = pure $ either (errorFile . show) (tagsToFile blob) (runTagging blob symbolsToSummarize term)
tagsToFile :: Blob -> [Tag] -> File
tagsToFile Blob{..} tags = File (pack blobPath) (bridging # blobLanguage) (V.fromList (fmap tagToSymbol tags)) mempty
@ -200,6 +200,15 @@ instance Taggable TypeScript.Module where
snippet ann (TypeScript.Module _ _ ) = Just $ locationByteRange ann
symbolName = declaredName . TypeScript.moduleIdentifier
instance Taggable Expression.Call where
snippet ann (Expression.Call _ _ _ (Term (In body _))) = Just $ subtractLocation ann body
symbolName = declaredName . Expression.callFunction
instance Taggable Ruby.Send where
snippet ann (Ruby.Send _ _ _ (Just (Term (In body _)))) = Just $ subtractLocation ann body
snippet ann _ = Just $ locationByteRange ann
symbolName Ruby.Send{..} = maybe Nothing declaredName sendSelector
instance Taggable []
instance Taggable Comment.Comment
instance Taggable Comment.HashBang
@ -209,7 +218,6 @@ instance Taggable Expression.Await
instance Taggable Expression.BAnd
instance Taggable Expression.BOr
instance Taggable Expression.BXOr
instance Taggable Expression.Call
instance Taggable Expression.Cast
instance Taggable Expression.Comparison
instance Taggable Expression.Complement
@ -606,7 +614,6 @@ instance Taggable PHP.PropertyModifier
instance Taggable PHP.InterfaceDeclaration
instance Taggable PHP.Declare
instance Taggable Ruby.Send
instance Taggable Ruby.Require
instance Taggable Ruby.Load
instance Taggable Ruby.LowPrecedenceAnd
@ -21,19 +21,17 @@ import Data.Term
import Data.Text hiding (empty)
import Tags.Taggable
symbolsToSummarize :: [Text]
symbolsToSummarize = ["Function", "Method", "Class", "Module"]
runTagging :: (IsTaggable syntax)
=> Blob
-> [Text]
-> Term syntax Location
-> Either TranslationError [Tag]
runTagging blob tree
runTagging blob symbolsToSummarize tree
= Eff.run
. Error.runError
. State.evalState mempty
. runT $ source (tagging blob tree)
~> contextualizing blob
~> contextualizing blob symbolsToSummarize
type ContextToken = (Text, Maybe Range)
@ -41,8 +39,8 @@ type Contextualizer
= StateC [ContextToken]
( ErrorC TranslationError PureC)
contextualizing :: Blob -> Machine.ProcessT Contextualizer Token Tag
contextualizing Blob{..} = repeatedly $ await >>= \case
contextualizing :: Blob -> [Text] -> Machine.ProcessT Contextualizer Token Tag
contextualizing Blob{..} symbolsToSummarize = repeatedly $ await >>= \case
Enter x r -> enterScope (x, r)
Exit x r -> exitScope (x, r)
Iden iden span docsLiteralRange -> lift State.get >>= \case
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
module Tags.Spec (spec) where
import Tags.Tagging
import Data.Text (Text)
import SpecHelpers
import Tags.Tagging
spec :: Spec
@ -9,35 +10,40 @@ spec = parallel $ do
describe "go" $ do
it "produces tags for functions with docs" $ do
(blob, tree) <- parseTestFile goParser "test/fixtures/go/tags/simple_functions.go"
runTagging blob tree `shouldBe` Right
[ Tag "TestFromBits" "Function" (Span (Pos 6 1) (Pos 7 2)) ["Statements"] (Just "func TestFromBits(t *testing.T)") (Just "// TestFromBits ...")
, Tag "Hi" "Function" (Span (Pos 9 1) (Pos 10 2)) ["Statements"] (Just "func Hi()") Nothing ]
runTagging blob symbolsToSummarize tree `shouldBe` Right
[ Tag "TestFromBits" "Function" (Span (Pos 6 1) (Pos 8 2)) ["Statements"] (Just "func TestFromBits(t *testing.T) {") (Just "// TestFromBits ...")
, Tag "Hi" "Function" (Span (Pos 10 1) (Pos 11 2)) ["Statements"] (Just "func Hi()") Nothing ]
it "produces tags for methods" $ do
(blob, tree) <- parseTestFile goParser "test/fixtures/go/tags/method.go"
runTagging blob tree `shouldBe` Right
runTagging blob symbolsToSummarize tree `shouldBe` Right
[ Tag "CheckAuth" "Method" (Span (Pos 3 1) (Pos 3 100)) ["Statements"] (Just "func (c *apiClient) CheckAuth(req *http.Request, user, repo string) (*authenticatedActor, error)") Nothing]
it "produces tags for calls" $ do
(blob, tree) <- parseTestFile goParser "test/fixtures/go/tags/simple_functions.go"
runTagging blob ["Call"] tree `shouldBe` Right
[ Tag "Hi" "Call" (Span (Pos 7 2) (Pos 7 6)) ["Function", "Context", "Statements"] (Just "Hi()") Nothing]
describe "javascript and typescript" $ do
it "produces tags for functions with docs" $ do
(blob, tree) <- parseTestFile typescriptParser "test/fixtures/javascript/tags/simple_function_with_docs.js"
runTagging blob tree `shouldBe` Right
runTagging blob symbolsToSummarize tree `shouldBe` Right
[ Tag "myFunction" "Function" (Span (Pos 2 1) (Pos 4 2)) ["Statements"] (Just "function myFunction()") (Just "// This is myFunction") ]
it "produces tags for classes" $ do
(blob, tree) <- parseTestFile typescriptParser "test/fixtures/typescript/tags/class.ts"
runTagging blob tree `shouldBe` Right
runTagging blob symbolsToSummarize tree `shouldBe` Right
[ Tag "FooBar" "Class" (Span (Pos 1 1) (Pos 1 16)) ["Statements"] (Just "class FooBar") Nothing ]
it "produces tags for modules" $ do
(blob, tree) <- parseTestFile typescriptParser "test/fixtures/typescript/tags/module.ts"
runTagging blob tree `shouldBe` Right
runTagging blob symbolsToSummarize tree `shouldBe` Right
[ Tag "APromise" "Module" (Span (Pos 1 1) (Pos 1 20)) ["Statements"] (Just "module APromise { }") Nothing ]
describe "python" $ do
it "produces tags for functions" $ do
(blob, tree) <- parseTestFile pythonParser "test/fixtures/python/tags/simple_functions.py"
runTagging blob tree `shouldBe` Right
runTagging blob symbolsToSummarize tree `shouldBe` Right
[ Tag "Foo" "Function" (Span (Pos 1 1) (Pos 5 17)) ["Statements"] (Just "def Foo(x)") Nothing
, Tag "Bar" "Function" (Span (Pos 7 1) (Pos 11 13)) ["Statements"] (Just "def Bar()") Nothing
, Tag "local" "Function" (Span (Pos 8 5) (Pos 9 17)) ["Statements", "Function", "Statements"] (Just "def local()") Nothing
@ -45,35 +51,43 @@ spec = parallel $ do
it "produces tags for functions with docs" $ do
(blob, tree) <- parseTestFile pythonParser "test/fixtures/python/tags/simple_function_with_docs.py"
runTagging blob tree `shouldBe` Right
runTagging blob symbolsToSummarize tree `shouldBe` Right
[ Tag "Foo" "Function" (Span (Pos 1 1) (Pos 3 13)) ["Statements"] (Just "def Foo(x)") (Just "\"\"\"This is the foo function\"\"\"") ]
it "produces tags for classes" $ do
(blob, tree) <- parseTestFile pythonParser "test/fixtures/python/tags/class.py"
runTagging blob tree `shouldBe` Right
runTagging blob symbolsToSummarize tree `shouldBe` Right
[ Tag "Foo" "Class" (Span (Pos 1 1) (Pos 5 17)) ["Statements"] (Just "class Foo") (Just "\"\"\"The Foo class\"\"\"")
, Tag "f" "Function" (Span (Pos 3 5) (Pos 5 17)) ["Statements", "Class", "Statements"] (Just "def f(self)") (Just "\"\"\"The f method\"\"\"")
it "produces tags for multi-line functions" $ do
(blob, tree) <- parseTestFile pythonParser "test/fixtures/python/tags/multiline.py"
runTagging blob tree `shouldBe` Right
runTagging blob symbolsToSummarize tree `shouldBe` Right
[ Tag "Foo" "Function" (Span (Pos 1 1) (Pos 3 13)) ["Statements"] (Just "def Foo(x,") Nothing ]
describe "ruby" $ do
it "produces tags for methods" $ do
(blob, tree) <- parseTestFile rubyParser "test/fixtures/ruby/tags/simple_method.rb"
runTagging blob tree `shouldBe` Right
[ Tag "foo" "Method" (Span (Pos 1 1) (Pos 2 4)) ["Statements"] (Just "def foo") Nothing ]
runTagging blob symbolsToSummarize tree `shouldBe` Right
[ Tag "foo" "Method" (Span (Pos 1 1) (Pos 4 4)) ["Statements"] (Just "def foo") Nothing ]
it "produces tags for sends" $ do
(blob, tree) <- parseTestFile rubyParser "test/fixtures/ruby/tags/simple_method.rb"
runTagging blob ["Send"] tree `shouldBe` Right
[ Tag "puts" "Send" (Span (Pos 2 3) (Pos 2 12)) ["Statements", "Method", "Statements"] (Just "puts \"hi\"") Nothing
, Tag "bar" "Send" (Span (Pos 3 3) (Pos 3 8)) ["Statements", "Method", "Statements"] (Just "a.bar") Nothing
, Tag "a" "Send" (Span (Pos 3 3) (Pos 3 4)) ["Send", "Statements", "Method", "Statements"] (Just "a") Nothing
it "produces tags for methods with docs" $ do
(blob, tree) <- parseTestFile rubyParser "test/fixtures/ruby/tags/simple_method_with_docs.rb"
runTagging blob tree `shouldBe` Right
runTagging blob symbolsToSummarize tree `shouldBe` Right
[ Tag "foo" "Method" (Span (Pos 2 1) (Pos 3 4)) ["Statements"] (Just "def foo") (Just "# Public: foo") ]
it "produces tags for methods and classes with docs" $ do
(blob, tree) <- parseTestFile rubyParser "test/fixtures/ruby/tags/class_module.rb"
runTagging blob tree `shouldBe` Right
runTagging blob symbolsToSummarize tree `shouldBe` Right
[ Tag "Foo" "Module" (Span (Pos 2 1 ) (Pos 12 4)) ["Statements"] (Just "module Foo") (Just "# Public: Foo")
, Tag "Bar" "Class" (Span (Pos 5 3 ) (Pos 11 6)) ["Module", "Context", "Statements"] (Just "class Bar") (Just "# Public: Bar")
, Tag "baz" "Method" (Span (Pos 8 5 ) (Pos 10 8)) ["Class", "Context", "Module", "Context", "Statements"] (Just "def baz(a)") (Just "# Public: baz")
@ -81,3 +95,6 @@ spec = parallel $ do
, Tag "foo" "Method" (Span (Pos 15 3) (Pos 17 6)) ["Statements", "Class", "Statements"] (Just "def foo") Nothing
, Tag "foo" "Method" (Span (Pos 18 3) (Pos 19 6)) ["Statements", "Class", "Statements"] (Just "def self.foo") Nothing
symbolsToSummarize :: [Text]
symbolsToSummarize = ["Function", "Method", "Class", "Module"]
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import "testing"
// TestFromBits ...
func TestFromBits(t *testing.T) {
func Hi() {
@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
def foo
puts "hi"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user