mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2024-12-22 22:31:36 +03:00

Merge pull request #651 from github/property-tests

Property tests
This commit is contained in:
Rob Rix 2016-07-26 15:42:48 -04:00 committed by GitHub
commit 5f713de971
10 changed files with 169 additions and 53 deletions

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@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ library
, comonad
, protolude
, wl-pprint-text
, quickcheck-instances
default-language: Haskell2010
default-extensions: DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable, DeriveTraversable, DeriveGeneric, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, OverloadedStrings, NoImplicitPrelude, RecordWildCards, LambdaCase
ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-name-shadowing -O2 -threaded -fprof-auto "-with-rtsopts=-N -p -s -h -i0.1" -j

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@ -2,7 +2,9 @@ module Category where
import Prologue
import Data.Hashable
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck (oneof, Arbitrary, arbitrary, shrink)
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary
import Data.Text (unpack)
import Data.Text.Arbitrary()
-- | A standardized category of AST node. Used to determine the semantics for
@ -72,23 +74,47 @@ data Category
| Other Text
deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show)
-- Instances
instance Hashable Category
instance CoArbitrary Text where
coarbitrary = coarbitrary . unpack
instance CoArbitrary Category where
coarbitrary = genericCoarbitrary
instance Arbitrary Category where
arbitrary = oneof
[ pure Program
arbitrary = oneof [
pure Program
, pure Error
, pure Boolean
, pure BinaryOperator
, pure DictionaryLiteral
, pure Pair
, pure FunctionCall
, pure Function
, pure Identifier
, pure Params
, pure ExpressionStatements
, pure MethodCall
, pure Args
, pure StringLiteral
, pure IntegerLiteral
, pure Regex
, pure SymbolLiteral
, pure TemplateString
, pure ArrayLiteral
, pure Assignment
, pure MathAssignment
, pure MemberAccess
, pure SubscriptAccess
, pure VarAssignment
, pure VarDecl
, pure Switch
, pure Ternary
, pure Case
, pure Operator
, pure Object
, Other <$> arbitrary

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ module Data.Record where
import GHC.Show
import Prologue
import Test.QuickCheck
import GHC.Show (Show(..))
-- | A type-safe, extensible record structure.
-- |

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@ -1,26 +1,31 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, TypeFamilies, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module DiffSummary (DiffSummary(..), diffSummary, DiffInfo(..)) where
module DiffSummary (DiffSummary(..), diffSummary, DiffInfo(..), annotatedSummaries) where
import Prologue hiding (snd, intercalate)
import Diff
import Info (category)
import Patch
import Term
import Info (category)
import Syntax
import Category
import Data.Functor.Foldable as Foldable
import Data.Functor.Both
import Data.Record
import Data.Text as Text (intercalate)
import Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text ((<+>), squotes, space, string)
import Test.QuickCheck hiding (Fixed)
import Patch.Arbitrary()
import Data.Record
import Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text ((<+>), squotes, space, string, Doc, punctuate, pretty)
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text as P
data DiffInfo = DiffInfo { categoryName :: Text, termName :: Text } deriving (Eq, Show)
data DiffInfo = LeafInfo { categoryName :: Text, termName :: Text }
| BranchInfo { branches :: [ DiffInfo ], categoryName :: Text, branchType :: Branch }
deriving (Eq, Show)
toTermName :: (HasCategory leaf, HasField fields Category) => Term leaf (Record fields) -> Text
toTermName term = case unwrap term of
Fixed children -> fromMaybe "EmptyFixedNode" $ (toCategoryName . category) . extract <$> head children
Indexed children -> fromMaybe "EmptyIndexedNode" $ (toCategoryName . category) . extract <$> head children
Syntax.Fixed children -> fromMaybe "branch" $ (toCategoryName . category) . extract <$> head children
Syntax.Indexed children -> fromMaybe "branch" $ (toCategoryName . category) . extract <$> head children
Leaf leaf -> toCategoryName leaf
Syntax.Assignment identifier value -> toTermName identifier <> toTermName value
Syntax.Function identifier _ _ -> (maybe "anonymous" toTermName identifier)
@ -98,29 +103,50 @@ instance HasCategory Category where
instance (HasCategory leaf, HasField fields Category) => HasCategory (Term leaf (Record fields)) where
toCategoryName = toCategoryName . category . extract
data Branch = BIndexed | BFixed | BCommented deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Arbitrary Branch where
arbitrary = oneof [ pure BIndexed, pure BFixed ]
shrink = genericShrink
data DiffSummary a = DiffSummary {
patch :: Patch a,
parentAnnotations :: [Category]
} deriving (Eq, Functor, Show)
} deriving (Eq, Functor, Show, Generic)
instance P.Pretty (DiffSummary DiffInfo) where
pretty DiffSummary{..} = case patch of
Insert diffInfo -> "Added the" <+> squotes (toDoc $ termName diffInfo) <+> (toDoc $ categoryName diffInfo) P.<> maybeParentContext parentAnnotations
Delete diffInfo -> "Deleted the" <+> squotes (toDoc $ termName diffInfo) <+> (toDoc $ categoryName diffInfo) P.<> maybeParentContext parentAnnotations
Replace t1 t2 -> "Replaced the" <+> squotes (toDoc $ termName t1) <+> (toDoc $ categoryName t1) <+> "with the" <+> P.squotes (toDoc $ termName t2) <+> (toDoc $ categoryName t2) P.<> maybeParentContext parentAnnotations
maybeParentContext annotations = if null annotations
then ""
else space <> "in the" <+> (toDoc . intercalate "/" $ toCategoryName <$> annotations) <+> "context"
toDoc = string . toS
instance (Eq a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (DiffSummary a) where
arbitrary = DiffSummary <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
shrink = genericShrink
instance P.Pretty DiffInfo where
pretty LeafInfo{..} = squotes (string $ toSL termName) <+> (string $ toSL categoryName)
pretty BranchInfo{..} = mconcat $ punctuate (string "," <> space) (pretty <$> branches)
annotatedSummaries :: DiffSummary DiffInfo -> [Text]
annotatedSummaries DiffSummary{..} = show . (P.<> maybeParentContext parentAnnotations) <$> summaries patch
summaries :: Patch DiffInfo -> [P.Doc]
summaries (Insert info) = (("Added" <+> "the") <+>) <$> toLeafInfos info
summaries (Delete info) = (("Deleted" <+> "the") <+>) <$> toLeafInfos info
summaries (Replace i1 i2) = zipWith (\a b -> "Replaced" <+> "the" <+> a <+> "with the" <+> b) (toLeafInfos i1) (toLeafInfos i2)
toLeafInfos :: DiffInfo -> [Doc]
toLeafInfos LeafInfo{..} = [ squotes (toDoc termName) <+> (toDoc categoryName) ]
toLeafInfos BranchInfo{..} = pretty <$> branches
maybeParentContext :: [Category] -> Doc
maybeParentContext annotations = if null annotations
then ""
else space <> "in the" <+> (toDoc . intercalate "/" $ toCategoryName <$> annotations) <+> "context"
toDoc :: Text -> Doc
toDoc = string . toS
diffSummary :: (HasCategory leaf, HasField fields Category) => Diff leaf (Record fields) -> [DiffSummary DiffInfo]
diffSummary = cata $ \case
-- Skip comments and leaves since they don't have any changes
(Free (_ :< Leaf _)) -> []
Free (_ :< (Syntax.Comment _)) -> []
(Free (infos :< Indexed children)) -> prependSummary (category $ snd infos) <$> join children
(Free (infos :< Fixed children)) -> prependSummary (category $ snd infos) <$> join children
(Free (infos :< Syntax.Indexed children)) -> prependSummary (category $ snd infos) <$> join children
(Free (infos :< Syntax.Fixed children)) -> prependSummary (category $ snd infos) <$> join children
(Free (infos :< Syntax.FunctionCall identifier children)) -> prependSummary (category $ snd infos) <$> join (Prologue.toList (identifier : children))
(Free (infos :< Syntax.Function id ps body)) -> prependSummary (category $ snd infos) <$> (fromMaybe [] id) <> (fromMaybe [] ps) <> body
(Free (infos :< Syntax.Assignment id value)) -> prependSummary (category $ snd infos) <$> id <> value
@ -138,26 +164,26 @@ diffSummary = cata $ \case
Free (infos :< (Syntax.Object kvs)) -> prependSummary (category $ snd infos) <$> join kvs
Free (infos :< (Syntax.Pair a b)) -> prependSummary (category $ snd infos) <$> a <> b
Free (infos :< (Syntax.Commented cs leaf)) -> prependSummary (category $ snd infos) <$> join cs <> fromMaybe [] leaf
(Pure (Insert term)) -> (\info -> DiffSummary (Insert info) []) <$> termToDiffInfo term
(Pure (Delete term)) -> (\info -> DiffSummary (Delete info) []) <$> termToDiffInfo term
(Pure (Replace t1 t2)) -> (\(info1, info2) -> DiffSummary (Replace info1 info2) []) <$> zip (termToDiffInfo t1) (termToDiffInfo t2)
(Pure (Insert term)) -> [ DiffSummary (Insert $ termToDiffInfo term) [] ]
(Pure (Delete term)) -> [ DiffSummary (Delete $ termToDiffInfo term) [] ]
(Pure (Replace t1 t2)) -> [ DiffSummary (Replace (termToDiffInfo t1) (termToDiffInfo t2)) [] ]
termToDiffInfo :: (HasCategory leaf, HasField fields Category) => Term leaf (Record fields) -> [DiffInfo]
termToDiffInfo :: (HasCategory leaf, HasField fields Category) => Term leaf (Record fields) -> DiffInfo
termToDiffInfo term = case unwrap term of
Leaf _ -> [ DiffInfo (toCategoryName term) (toTermName term) ]
Indexed children -> join $ termToDiffInfo <$> children
Fixed children -> join $ termToDiffInfo <$> children
Syntax.FunctionCall identifier _ -> [ DiffInfo (toCategoryName term) (toTermName identifier) ]
Syntax.Ternary ternaryCondition _ -> [ DiffInfo (toCategoryName term) (toTermName ternaryCondition) ]
Syntax.Function identifier _ _ -> [ DiffInfo (toCategoryName term) (maybe "anonymous" toTermName identifier) ]
Syntax.Assignment identifier _ -> [ DiffInfo (toCategoryName term) (toTermName identifier) ]
Syntax.MathAssignment identifier _ -> [ DiffInfo (toCategoryName term) (toTermName identifier) ]
Leaf _ -> LeafInfo (toCategoryName term) (toTermName term)
Syntax.Indexed children -> BranchInfo (termToDiffInfo <$> children) (toCategoryName term) BIndexed
Syntax.Fixed children -> BranchInfo (termToDiffInfo <$> children) (toCategoryName term) BFixed
Syntax.FunctionCall identifier _ -> LeafInfo (toCategoryName term) (toTermName identifier)
Syntax.Ternary ternaryCondition _ -> LeafInfo (toCategoryName term) (toTermName ternaryCondition)
Syntax.Function identifier _ _ -> LeafInfo (toCategoryName term) (maybe "anonymous" toTermName identifier)
Syntax.Assignment identifier _ -> LeafInfo (toCategoryName term) (toTermName identifier)
Syntax.MathAssignment identifier _ -> LeafInfo (toCategoryName term) (toTermName identifier)
-- Currently we cannot express the operator for an operator production from TreeSitter. Eventually we should be able to
-- use the term name of the operator identifier when we have that production value. Until then, I'm using a placeholder value
-- to indicate where that value should be when constructing DiffInfos.
Syntax.Operator _ -> [DiffInfo (toCategoryName term) "x"]
Commented cs leaf -> join (termToDiffInfo <$> cs) <> maybe [] (\leaf -> [ DiffInfo (toCategoryName term) (toTermName leaf) ]) leaf
_ -> [ DiffInfo (toCategoryName term) (toTermName term) ]
Syntax.Operator _ -> LeafInfo (toCategoryName term) "x"
Commented cs leaf -> BranchInfo (termToDiffInfo <$> cs <> maybeToList leaf) (toCategoryName term) BCommented
_ -> LeafInfo (toCategoryName term) (toTermName term)
prependSummary :: Category -> DiffSummary DiffInfo -> DiffSummary DiffInfo
prependSummary annotation summary = summary { parentAnnotations = annotation : parentAnnotations summary }

View File

@ -98,15 +98,18 @@ diffFiles parser renderer sourceBlobs = do
(True, False) -> pure $ Insert (snd terms)
(False, True) -> pure $ Delete (fst terms)
(_, _) ->
runBothWith (diffTerms construct shouldCompareTerms diffCostWithCachedTermCosts) (replaceLeaves <*> terms)
runBothWith (diffTerms construct compareCategoryEq diffCostWithCachedTermCosts) (replaceLeaves <*> terms)
pure $! renderer textDiff sourceBlobs
where construct (info :< syntax) = free (Free ((setCost <$> info <*> sumCost syntax) :< syntax))
sumCost = fmap getSum . foldMap (fmap Sum . getCost)
getCost diff = case runFree diff of
Free (info :< _) -> cost <$> info
Pure patch -> uncurry both (fromThese 0 0 (unPatch (cost . extract <$> patch)))
shouldCompareTerms = (==) `on` category . extract
compareCategoryEq :: HasField fields Category => Term leaf (Record fields) -> Term leaf (Record fields) -> Bool
compareCategoryEq = (==) `on` category . extract
-- | The sum of the node count of the diffs patches.
diffCostWithCachedTermCosts :: HasField fields Cost => Diff leaf (Record fields) -> Integer

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@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ import Data.Aeson
import Data.Record
import Range
import DiffSummary
import Data.Text (pack)
import Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text (pretty)
summary :: (HasField fields Category, HasField fields Range) => Renderer (Record fields)
summary diff _ = toS . encode $ pack . show . pretty <$> diffSummary diff
summary diff _ = toS . encode $ summaries >>= annotatedSummaries
where summaries = diffSummary diff

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@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import Term
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck
import GHC.Show (Show(..))
spec :: Spec
spec = parallel $ do

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, FlexibleContexts, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module CorpusSpec where
import System.IO
import Data.String
import Diffing
import Renderer
import qualified Renderer.JSON as J
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import qualified Source as S
import System.FilePath
import System.FilePath.Glob
import Test.Hspec
import GHC.Show (Show(..))
spec :: Spec
spec = parallel $ do
@ -77,7 +78,7 @@ testDiff renderer paths diff matcher = do
case diff of
Nothing -> matcher actual actual
Just file -> do
expected <- Verbatim . T.pack <$> readFile file
expected <- Verbatim <$> readFile file
matcher actual expected
where parser = parserForFilepath (fst paths)
sourceBlobs sources = pure S.SourceBlob <*> sources <*> pure mempty <*> paths <*> pure (Just S.defaultPlainBlob)

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@ -7,12 +7,17 @@ import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck
import Diff
import Syntax
import Term
import Patch
import Category
import DiffSummary
import Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text
import Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text (pretty)
import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck
import Diff.Arbitrary
import Data.List (partition)
import Term.Arbitrary
import Interpreter
import Info
arrayInfo :: Record '[Category]
arrayInfo = ArrayLiteral .: RNil
@ -24,23 +29,75 @@ testDiff :: Diff Text (Record '[Category])
testDiff = free $ Free (pure arrayInfo :< Indexed [ free $ Pure (Insert (cofree $ literalInfo :< Leaf "a")) ])
testSummary :: DiffSummary DiffInfo
testSummary = DiffSummary { patch = Insert (DiffInfo "string" "a"), parentAnnotations = [] }
testSummary = DiffSummary { patch = Insert (LeafInfo "string" "a"), parentAnnotations = [] }
replacementSummary :: DiffSummary DiffInfo
replacementSummary = DiffSummary { patch = Replace (DiffInfo "string" "a") (DiffInfo "symbol" "b"), parentAnnotations = [ ArrayLiteral ] }
replacementSummary = DiffSummary { patch = Replace (LeafInfo "string" "a") (LeafInfo "symbol" "b"), parentAnnotations = [ ArrayLiteral ] }
spec :: Spec
spec = parallel $ do
describe "diffSummary" $ do
it "outputs a diff summary" $ do
diffSummary testDiff `shouldBe` [ DiffSummary { patch = Insert (DiffInfo "string" "a"), parentAnnotations = [ ArrayLiteral ] } ]
diffSummary testDiff `shouldBe` [ DiffSummary { patch = Insert (LeafInfo "string" "a"), parentAnnotations = [ ArrayLiteral ] } ]
prop "equal terms produce identity diffs" $
\ a -> let term = toTerm (a :: ArbitraryTerm Text (Record '[Category])) in
diffSummary (diffTerms wrap (==) diffCost term term) `shouldBe` []
describe "show" $ do
describe "annotatedSummaries" $ do
it "should print adds" $
show (pretty testSummary) `shouldBe` ("Added the 'a' string" :: Text)
annotatedSummaries testSummary `shouldBe` ["Added the 'a' string"]
it "prints a replacement" $ do
show (pretty replacementSummary) `shouldBe` ("Replaced the 'a' string with the 'b' symbol in the array context" :: Text)
annotatedSummaries replacementSummary `shouldBe` ["Replaced the 'a' string with the 'b' symbol in the array context"]
describe "DiffInfo" $ do
prop "patches in summaries match the patches in diffs" $
\a -> let
diff = (toDiff (a :: ArbitraryDiff Text (Record '[Category, Cost])))
summaries = diffSummary diff
patches = toList diff
case (partition isBranchNode (patch <$> summaries), partition isIndexedOrFixed patches) of
((branchPatches, otherPatches), (branchDiffPatches, otherDiffPatches)) ->
(() <$ branchPatches, () <$ otherPatches) `shouldBe` (() <$ branchDiffPatches, () <$ otherDiffPatches)
prop "generates one LeafInfo for each child in an arbitrary branch patch" $
\a -> let
diff = (toDiff (a :: ArbitraryDiff Text (Record '[Category])))
diffInfoPatches = patch <$> diffSummary diff
syntaxPatches = toList diff
extractLeaves :: DiffInfo -> [DiffInfo]
extractLeaves (BranchInfo children _ _) = join $ extractLeaves <$> children
extractLeaves leaf = [ leaf ]
extractDiffLeaves :: Term Text (Record '[Category]) -> [ Term Text (Record '[Category]) ]
extractDiffLeaves term = case unwrap term of
(Indexed children) -> join $ extractDiffLeaves <$> children
(Fixed children) -> join $ extractDiffLeaves <$> children
Commented children leaf -> children <> maybeToList leaf >>= extractDiffLeaves
_ -> [ term ]
case (partition isBranchNode diffInfoPatches, partition isIndexedOrFixed syntaxPatches) of
((branchPatches, _), (diffPatches, _)) ->
let listOfLeaves = foldMap extractLeaves (join $ toList <$> branchPatches)
listOfDiffLeaves = foldMap extractDiffLeaves (diffPatches >>= toList)
length listOfLeaves `shouldBe` length listOfDiffLeaves
isIndexedOrFixed :: Patch (Term a annotation) -> Bool
isIndexedOrFixed patch = case unwrap <$> patch of
(Insert syntax) -> isIndexedOrFixed' syntax
(Delete syntax) -> isIndexedOrFixed' syntax
(Replace s1 s2) -> isIndexedOrFixed' s1 || isIndexedOrFixed' s2
isIndexedOrFixed' :: Syntax a f -> Bool
isIndexedOrFixed' syntax = case syntax of
(Indexed _) -> True
(Fixed _) -> True
_ -> False
isBranchInfo :: DiffInfo -> Bool
isBranchInfo info = case info of
(BranchInfo _ _ _) -> True
(LeafInfo _ _) -> False
isBranchNode :: Patch DiffInfo -> Bool
isBranchNode = any isBranchInfo

vendor/text-icu vendored

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit a660194e2358ffcc86a9fe11a67fc3223c316007
Subproject commit 6d07c2b2034f2bfdcd038de0d6a3ceca445f0221