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synced 2024-12-29 01:42:43 +03:00
Merge pull request #249 from github/sunshine-lollipops-and-rainbows-everywhere
Sunshine lollipops and rainbows everywhere
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
module Unified (unified) where
import Diff
import Patch
import Syntax
import Term
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad.Free
import Control.Comonad.Cofree
import Data.List hiding (foldl)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Rainbow
unified :: Diff a Info -> String -> String -> IO ByteString
unified diff before after = do
renderer <- byteStringMakerFromEnvironment
return . mconcat . chunksToByteStrings renderer . pure . fst $ iter g mapped where
mapped = fmap (unifiedPatch &&& range) diff
g (Annotated (_, info) syntax) = f info syntax
f (Info range _) (Leaf _) = (substring range after, Just range)
f (Info range _) (Indexed i) = (unifiedRange range i after, Just range)
f (Info range _) (Fixed f) = (unifiedRange range f after, Just range)
f (Info range _) (Keyed k) = (unifiedRange range (sort $ snd <$> Map.toList k) after, Just range)
unifiedPatch :: Patch (Term a Info) -> Chunk String
unifiedPatch patch = (beforeChunk & fore red & bold) <> (afterChunk & fore green & bold) where
beforeChunk = maybe (chunk "") (change "-" . unifiedTerm before) $ Patch.before patch
afterChunk = maybe (chunk "") (change "+" . unifiedTerm after) $ Patch.after patch
unifiedTerm :: String -> Term a Info -> Chunk String
unifiedTerm source term = fst $ cata f term
unifiedRange :: Range -> [(Chunk String, Maybe Range)] -> String -> Chunk String
unifiedRange range children source = out <> substring Range { start = previous, end = end range } after where
(out, previous) = foldl accumulateContext (chunk "", start range) children
accumulateContext (out, previous) (child, Just range) = (mconcat [ out, substring Range { start = previous, end = start range } source, child ], end range)
accumulateContext (out, previous) (child, _) = (out <> child, previous)
substring :: Range -> String -> Chunk String
substring range = chunk . take (end range) . drop (start range)
range :: Patch (Term a Info) -> Maybe Range
range patch = range . extract <$> after patch where
extract (annotation :< _) = annotation
range (Info range _) = range
change :: String -> Chunk String -> Chunk String
change bound content = mconcat [ chunk "{", chunk bound, content, chunk bound, chunk "}" ]
instance Ord Range where
a <= b = start a <= start b
@ -22,13 +22,11 @@ library
, Categorizable
, Term
, Unified
, Console
build-depends: base >= 4.8 && < 5
, containers
, free
default-language: Haskell2010
default-extensions: DeriveFunctor, FlexibleInstances, DeriveFoldable, DeriveTraversable
default-extensions: DeriveFunctor, FlexibleInstances, DeriveFoldable, DeriveTraversable
executable semantic-diff-exe
hs-source-dirs: app
@ -38,9 +36,11 @@ executable semantic-diff-exe
, containers
, free
, semantic-diff
, rainbow
default-language: Haskell2010
extra-libraries: bridge
extra-lib-dirs: prototype/External/tree-sitter/out/Release, prototype/External/tree-sitter-c, .
other-modules: Unified
extra-libraries: bridge
extra-lib-dirs: prototype/External/tree-sitter/out/Release, prototype/External/tree-sitter-c, .
test-suite semantic-diff-test
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
module Console where
import Data.Char
data Colour = Black | Red | Green | Yellow | Blue | Purple | Cyan | White
deriving Bounded
instance Enum Colour where
fromEnum Black = 30
fromEnum Red = 31
fromEnum Green = 32
fromEnum Yellow = 33
fromEnum Blue = 34
fromEnum Purple = 35
fromEnum Cyan = 36
fromEnum White = 37
toEnum 30 = Black
toEnum 31 = Red
toEnum 32 = Green
toEnum 33 = Yellow
toEnum 34 = Blue
toEnum 35 = Purple
toEnum 36 = Cyan
toEnum 37 = White
toEnum _ = error "unknown colour code"
data Style = Normal | Bold | Underline
deriving Bounded
instance Enum Style where
fromEnum Normal = 0
fromEnum Bold = 1
fromEnum Underline = 4
toEnum 0 = Normal
toEnum 1 = Bold
toEnum 4 = Underline
data Attribute = Attribute { colour :: Colour, style :: Style }
applyAttribute :: Attribute -> String -> String
applyAttribute attribute string = "\x001b[" ++ [ chr . fromEnum $ style attribute ] ++ ";" ++ [ chr . fromEnum $ colour attribute ] ++ "m" ++ string ++ "\x001b[0m"
@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
module Unified (unified) where
import Console
import Diff
import Patch
import Syntax
import Term
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad.Free
import Control.Comonad.Cofree
import Data.List hiding (foldl)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
unified :: Diff a Info -> String -> String -> String
unified diff before after =
fst $ iter g mapped where
mapped = fmap (unifiedPatch &&& range) diff
g (Annotated (_, info) syntax) = f info syntax
f (Info range _) (Leaf _) = (substring range after, Just range)
f (Info range _) (Indexed i) = (unifiedRange range i after, Just range)
f (Info range _) (Fixed f) = (unifiedRange range f after, Just range)
f (Info range _) (Keyed k) = (unifiedRange range (sort $ snd <$> Map.toList k) after, Just range)
unifiedPatch :: Patch (Term a Info) -> String
unifiedPatch patch = before ++ after where
before = maybe "" (applyAttribute beforeAttribute . change "-" . unifiedTerm before) $ Patch.before patch
after = maybe "" (applyAttribute afterAttribute . change "+" . unifiedTerm after) $ Patch.after patch
beforeAttribute = Attribute { colour = Red, style = Bold }
afterAttribute = Attribute { colour = Green, style = Bold }
unifiedTerm :: String -> Term a Info -> String
unifiedTerm source term = fst $ cata f term
unifiedRange :: Range -> [(String, Maybe Range)] -> String -> String
unifiedRange range children source = out ++ substring Range { start = previous, end = end range } after where
(out, previous) = foldl accumulateContext ("", start range) children
accumulateContext (out, previous) (child, Just range) = (out ++ substring Range { start = previous, end = start range } source ++ child, end range)
accumulateContext (out, previous) (child, _) = (out ++ child, previous)
substring :: Range -> String -> String
substring range = take (end range) . drop (start range)
range :: Patch (Term a Info) -> Maybe Range
range patch = range . extract <$> after patch where
extract (annotation :< _) = annotation
range (Info range _) = range
change :: String -> String -> String
change bound content = "{" ++ bound ++ content ++ bound ++ "}"
instance Ord Range where
a <= b = start a <= start b
Reference in New Issue
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