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synced 2024-12-19 12:51:52 +03:00
Merge pull request #625 from github/strongly-ordered-random-walk-similarity-diffs
Strongly ordered random walk similarity diffs
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ module Data.RandomWalkSimilarity where
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Monad.Random
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Bifunctor.Join
import qualified Data.DList as DList
import Data.Functor.Foldable as Foldable
import Data.Hashable
@ -20,35 +19,34 @@ import Test.QuickCheck hiding (Fixed)
import Test.QuickCheck.Random
-- | Given a function comparing two terms recursively, and a function to compute a Hashable label from an annotation, compute the diff of a pair of lists of terms using a random walk similarity metric, which completes in log-linear time. This implementation is based on the paper [_RWS-Diff—Flexible and Efficient Change Detection in Hierarchical Data_](https://github.com/github/semantic-diff/files/325837/RWS-Diff.Flexible.and.Efficient.Change.Detection.in.Hierarchical.Data.pdf).
rws :: (Hashable label, Hashable leaf, Eq leaf, Ord annotation) => (Term leaf annotation -> Term leaf annotation -> Maybe (Diff leaf annotation)) -> (annotation -> label) -> [Term leaf annotation] -> [Term leaf annotation] -> [Diff leaf annotation]
rws :: (Hashable label, Hashable leaf, Eq leaf, Eq annotation) => (Term leaf annotation -> Term leaf annotation -> Maybe (Diff leaf annotation)) -> (annotation -> label) -> [Term leaf annotation] -> [Term leaf annotation] -> [Diff leaf annotation]
rws compare getLabel as bs
| null as, null bs = []
| null as = insert <$> bs
| null bs = delete <$> as
| otherwise = uncurry deleteRemaining . (`runState` fas) $ traverse findNearestNeighbourTo fbs
| otherwise = fmap snd . uncurry deleteRemaining . (`runState` (negate 1, fas)) $ traverse findNearestNeighbourTo fbs
where insert = pure . Insert
delete = pure . Delete
replace = (pure .) . Replace
(p, q, d) = (2, 2, 15)
fas = featurize <$> as
fbs = featurize <$> bs
kdas = KdTree.build (Vector.toList . fst) fas
featurize = featureVector d . pqGrams p q getLabel &&& identity
findNearestNeighbourTo kv@(_, v) = do
unmapped <- get
let (k, _) = KdTree.nearest kdas kv
case k `List.lookup` unmapped of
Nothing -> pure $! insert v
Just found -> do
put (List.delete (k, found) unmapped)
pure $! fromMaybe (replace found v) (compare found v)
deleteRemaining diffs unmapped = foldl' (flip (List.insertBy (comparing firstAnnotation))) diffs (delete . snd <$> unmapped)
fas = zipWith featurize [0..] as
fbs = zipWith featurize [0..] bs
kdas = KdTree.build (Vector.toList . feature) fas
featurize index term = UnmappedTerm index (featureVector d (pqGrams p q getLabel term)) term
findNearestNeighbourTo kv@(UnmappedTerm _ _ v) = do
(previous, unmapped) <- get
let (UnmappedTerm i _ _) = KdTree.nearest kdas kv
fromMaybe (pure (negate 1, insert v)) $ do
found <- find ((== i) . termIndex) unmapped
guard (i >= previous)
compared <- compare (term found) v
pure $! do
put (i, List.delete found unmapped)
pure (i, compared)
deleteRemaining diffs (_, unmapped) = foldl' (flip (List.insertBy (comparing fst))) diffs ((termIndex &&& delete . term) <$> unmapped)
-- | Extract the annotation for the before state of a diff node. This is returned in `Maybe` because e.g. an `Insert` patch does not have an annotation for the before state.
firstAnnotation :: Diff leaf annotation -> Maybe annotation
firstAnnotation diff = case runFree diff of
Free (annotations :< _) -> Just (fst (runJoin annotations))
Pure patch -> maybeFst (unPatch $ extract <$> patch)
-- | A term which has not yet been mapped by `rws`, along with its feature vector summary & index.
data UnmappedTerm leaf annotation = UnmappedTerm { termIndex :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, feature :: !(Vector.Vector Double), term :: !(Term leaf annotation) }
deriving Eq
-- | A `Gram` is a fixed-size view of some portion of a tree, consisting of a `stem` of _p_ labels for parent nodes, and a `base` of _q_ labels of sibling nodes. Collectively, the bag of `Gram`s for each node of a tree (e.g. as computed by `pqGrams`) form a summary of the tree.
data Gram label = Gram { stem :: [Maybe label], base :: [Maybe label] }
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ module Data.RandomWalkSimilarity.Spec where
import Category
import Data.DList as DList hiding (toList)
import Data.RandomWalkSimilarity
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Diff
import Patch
import Prologue
@ -33,7 +32,5 @@ spec = parallel $ do
\ (as, bs) -> let tas = toTerm <$> as
tbs = toTerm <$> bs
diff = free (Free (pure Program :< Indexed (rws compare identity tas tbs :: [Diff Text Category]))) in
(childrenOf <$> beforeTerm diff, childrenOf <$> afterTerm diff) `shouldBe` (Just (Set.fromList tas), Just (Set.fromList tbs))
(beforeTerm diff, afterTerm diff) `shouldBe` (Just (cofree (Program :< Indexed tas)), Just (cofree (Program :< Indexed tbs)))
childrenOf :: (Ord leaf, Ord annotation) => Term leaf annotation -> Set.Set (Term leaf annotation)
childrenOf = Set.fromList . toList . unwrap
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