mirror of
synced 2025-01-03 04:51:57 +03:00
Don’t pass eq around.
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import Prologue hiding (for, State)
data MyersF element result where
SES :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> EditGraph a -> MyersF a [These a a]
LCS :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> EditGraph a -> MyersF a [a]
MiddleSnake :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> EditGraph a -> MyersF a (Snake, EditDistance)
FindDPath :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> EditGraph a -> Direction -> EditDistance -> Diagonal -> MyersF a Endpoint
SES :: EditGraph a -> MyersF a [These a a]
LCS :: EditGraph a -> MyersF a [a]
MiddleSnake :: EditGraph a -> MyersF a (Snake, EditDistance)
FindDPath :: EditGraph a -> Direction -> EditDistance -> Diagonal -> MyersF a Endpoint
data State s a where
Get :: State s s
@ -56,40 +56,40 @@ runMyersStep eq graph state step = case step of
decompose :: MyersF a b -> Myers a b
decompose myers = case myers of
LCS eq graph
LCS graph
| null (as graph) || null (bs graph) -> return []
| otherwise -> do
(Snake xy uv, EditDistance d) <- middleSnake eq graph
(Snake xy uv, EditDistance d) <- middleSnake graph
if d > 1 then do
let (before, _) = divideGraph graph xy
let (start, after) = divideGraph graph uv
let (mid, _) = divideGraph start xy
before' <- lcs eq before
after' <- lcs eq after
before' <- lcs before
after' <- lcs after
return $! before' <> toList (as mid) <> after'
else if length (bs graph) > length (as graph) then
return (toList (as graph))
return (toList (bs graph))
SES eq graph
SES graph
| null (bs graph) -> return (This <$> toList (as graph))
| null (as graph) -> return (That <$> toList (bs graph))
| otherwise -> do
return []
MiddleSnake eq graph -> fmap (fromMaybe (error "bleah")) $
MiddleSnake graph -> fmap (fromMaybe (error "bleah")) $
for [0..maxD] $ \ d ->
<$> for [negate d, negate d + 2 .. d] (\ k -> do
forwardEndpoint <- findDPath eq graph Forward (EditDistance d) (Diagonal k)
forwardEndpoint <- findDPath graph Forward (EditDistance d) (Diagonal k)
backwardV <- gets backward
let reverseEndpoint = backwardV `at` (maxD + k)
if odd delta && k `inInterval` (delta - pred d, delta + pred d) && overlaps forwardEndpoint reverseEndpoint
then return (Just (Snake reverseEndpoint forwardEndpoint, EditDistance $ 2 * d - 1))
else continue)
<*> for [negate d, negate d + 2 .. d] (\ k -> do
reverseEndpoint <- findDPath eq graph Reverse (EditDistance d) (Diagonal (k + delta))
reverseEndpoint <- findDPath graph Reverse (EditDistance d) (Diagonal (k + delta))
forwardV <- gets forward
let forwardEndpoint = forwardV `at` (maxD + k + delta)
if even delta && k `inInterval` (negate d, d) && overlaps forwardEndpoint reverseEndpoint
@ -100,37 +100,38 @@ decompose myers = case myers of
delta = n - m
maxD = (m + n) `ceilDiv` 2
FindDPath eq (EditGraph as bs) Forward (EditDistance d) (Diagonal k) -> do
FindDPath (EditGraph as bs) Forward (EditDistance d) (Diagonal k) -> do
v <- gets forward
eq <- getEq
let prev = v `at` (maxD + pred k)
let next = v `at` (maxD + succ k)
let xy = if k == negate d || k /= d && x prev < x next
then next
else let x' = succ (x prev) in Endpoint x' (x' - k)
let Endpoint x' y' = slide xy
let Endpoint x' y' = slide eq xy
setForward (v Vector.// [(maxD + k, x')])
return (Endpoint x' y')
where n = length as
m = length bs
maxD = (m + n) `ceilDiv` 2
slide (Endpoint x y)
| (as Vector.! x) `eq` (bs Vector.! y) = slide (Endpoint (succ x) (succ y))
slide eq (Endpoint x y)
| (as Vector.! x) `eq` (bs Vector.! y) = slide eq (Endpoint (succ x) (succ y))
| otherwise = Endpoint x y
FindDPath eq (EditGraph as bs) Reverse (EditDistance d) (Diagonal k) -> return (Endpoint 0 0)
FindDPath (EditGraph as bs) Reverse (EditDistance d) (Diagonal k) -> return (Endpoint 0 0)
-- Smart constructors
lcs :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> EditGraph a -> Myers a [a]
lcs eq graph = M (LCS eq graph) `Then` return
lcs :: EditGraph a -> Myers a [a]
lcs graph = M (LCS graph) `Then` return
findDPath :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> EditGraph a -> Direction -> EditDistance -> Diagonal -> Myers a Endpoint
findDPath eq graph direction d k = M (FindDPath eq graph direction d k) `Then` return
findDPath :: EditGraph a -> Direction -> EditDistance -> Diagonal -> Myers a Endpoint
findDPath graph direction d k = M (FindDPath graph direction d k) `Then` return
middleSnake :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> EditGraph a -> Myers a (Snake, EditDistance)
middleSnake eq graph = M (MiddleSnake eq graph) `Then` return
middleSnake :: EditGraph a -> Myers a (Snake, EditDistance)
middleSnake graph = M (MiddleSnake graph) `Then` return
getEditGraph :: Myers a (EditGraph a)
getEditGraph = GetGraph `Then` return
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