mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2024-12-22 22:31:36 +03:00

Add a wrapper for handles indicating their mode.

This commit is contained in:
Rob Rix 2018-05-11 19:11:54 -04:00
parent ec6e3c3a52
commit 71a0fa3309
2 changed files with 36 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -20,24 +20,23 @@ import Prologue
import Rendering.Renderer
import qualified Semantic.Diff as Semantic (diffBlobPairs)
import Semantic.Graph as Semantic (Graph, GraphType(..), Vertex, graph, style)
import Semantic.IO (Destination(..), languageForFilePath)
import Semantic.IO as IO
import qualified Semantic.Log as Log
import qualified Semantic.Parse as Semantic (parseBlobs, astParseBlobs)
import qualified Semantic.Task as Task
import Serializing.Format
import System.IO (Handle, stdin, stdout)
import Text.Read
main :: IO ()
main = customExecParser (prefs showHelpOnEmpty) arguments >>= uncurry Task.runTaskWithOptions
runDiff :: SomeRenderer DiffRenderer -> Either Handle [Both File] -> Task.TaskEff Builder
runDiff :: SomeRenderer DiffRenderer -> Either (Handle 'IO.ReadMode) [Both File] -> Task.TaskEff Builder
runDiff (SomeRenderer diffRenderer) = fmap toOutput . Semantic.diffBlobPairs diffRenderer <=< Task.readBlobPairs
runParse :: SomeRenderer TermRenderer -> Either Handle [File] -> Task.TaskEff Builder
runParse :: SomeRenderer TermRenderer -> Either (Handle 'IO.ReadMode) [File] -> Task.TaskEff Builder
runParse (SomeRenderer parseTreeRenderer) = fmap toOutput . Semantic.parseBlobs parseTreeRenderer <=< Task.readBlobs
runASTParse :: SomeRenderer TermRenderer -> Either Handle [File] -> Task.TaskEff Builder
runASTParse :: SomeRenderer TermRenderer -> Either (Handle 'IO.ReadMode) [File] -> Task.TaskEff Builder
runASTParse (SomeRenderer parseTreeRenderer) = fmap toOutput . Semantic.astParseBlobs parseTreeRenderer <=< Task.readBlobs
runGraph :: Semantic.GraphType -> Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> Language -> [FilePath] -> Task.TaskEff (Graph Vertex)

View File

@ -18,6 +18,12 @@ module Semantic.IO
, readBlobs
, readBlobPairs
, writeToOutput
, Handle
, IO.IOMode(..)
, stdin
, stdout
, stderr
, Source(..)
, Destination(..)
, Files
, runFiles
@ -36,7 +42,7 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.Language
import Data.Source
import Data.Source (fromBytes, fromText)
import Prelude hiding (readFile)
import Prologue hiding (MonadError (..), fail)
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist)
@ -45,7 +51,7 @@ import System.Directory.Tree (AnchoredDirTree(..))
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath
import System.FilePath.Glob
import System.IO (Handle, IOMode(..), withBinaryFile)
import qualified System.IO as IO
import Text.Read
-- | Read a utf8-encoded file to a 'Blob'.
@ -73,7 +79,7 @@ languageForFilePath :: FilePath -> Maybe Language
languageForFilePath = languageForType . takeExtension
-- | Read JSON encoded blob pairs from a handle.
readBlobPairsFromHandle :: MonadIO m => Handle -> m [Blob.BlobPair]
readBlobPairsFromHandle :: MonadIO m => Handle 'IO.ReadMode -> m [Blob.BlobPair]
readBlobPairsFromHandle = fmap toBlobPairs . readFromHandle
toBlobPairs :: BlobDiff -> [Blob.BlobPair]
@ -81,7 +87,7 @@ readBlobPairsFromHandle = fmap toBlobPairs . readFromHandle
toBlobPair blobs = toBlob <$> blobs
-- | Read JSON encoded blobs from a handle.
readBlobsFromHandle :: MonadIO m => Handle -> m [Blob.Blob]
readBlobsFromHandle :: MonadIO m => Handle 'IO.ReadMode -> m [Blob.Blob]
readBlobsFromHandle = fmap toBlobs . readFromHandle
where toBlobs BlobParse{..} = fmap toBlob blobs
@ -137,8 +143,8 @@ readBlobsFromDir path = do
blobs <- traverse readFile paths'
pure (catMaybes blobs)
readFromHandle :: (FromJSON a, MonadIO m) => Handle -> m a
readFromHandle h = do
readFromHandle :: (FromJSON a, MonadIO m) => Handle 'IO.ReadMode -> m a
readFromHandle (ReadHandle h) = do
input <- liftIO $ BL.hGetContents h
case eitherDecode input of
Left e -> liftIO (die (e <> ". Invalid input on " <> show h <> ", expecting JSON"))
@ -193,11 +199,11 @@ readBlob :: Member Files effs => File -> Eff effs Blob.Blob
readBlob = send . ReadBlob
-- | A task which reads a list of 'Blob's from a 'Handle' or a list of 'FilePath's optionally paired with 'Language's.
readBlobs :: Member Files effs => Either Handle [File] -> Eff effs [Blob.Blob]
readBlobs :: Member Files effs => Either (Handle 'IO.ReadMode) [File] -> Eff effs [Blob.Blob]
readBlobs = send . ReadBlobs
-- | A task which reads a list of pairs of 'Blob's from a 'Handle' or a list of pairs of 'FilePath's optionally paired with 'Language's.
readBlobPairs :: Member Files effs => Either Handle [Both File] -> Eff effs [Blob.BlobPair]
readBlobPairs :: Member Files effs => Either (Handle 'IO.ReadMode) [Both File] -> Eff effs [Blob.BlobPair]
readBlobPairs = send . ReadBlobPairs
readProject :: Member Files effs => Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> Language -> [FilePath] -> Eff effs Project
@ -207,13 +213,26 @@ readProject rootDir dir excludeDirs = send . ReadProject rootDir dir excludeDirs
writeToOutput :: Member Files effs => Destination -> B.Builder -> Eff effs ()
writeToOutput dest = send . WriteToOutput dest
data Destination = ToPath FilePath | ToHandle Handle
data Handle mode where
ReadHandle :: IO.Handle -> Handle 'IO.ReadMode
WriteHandle :: IO.Handle -> Handle 'IO.WriteMode
stdin :: Handle 'IO.ReadMode
stdin = ReadHandle IO.stdin
stdout :: Handle 'IO.WriteMode
stdout = WriteHandle IO.stdout
stderr :: Handle 'IO.WriteMode
stderr = WriteHandle IO.stderr
data Destination = ToPath FilePath | ToHandle (Handle 'IO.WriteMode)
-- | An effect to read/write 'Blob.Blob's from 'Handle's or 'FilePath's.
data Files out where
ReadBlob :: File -> Files Blob.Blob
ReadBlobs :: Either Handle [File] -> Files [Blob.Blob]
ReadBlobPairs :: Either Handle [Both File] -> Files [Blob.BlobPair]
ReadBlobs :: Either (Handle 'IO.ReadMode) [File] -> Files [Blob.Blob]
ReadBlobPairs :: Either (Handle 'IO.ReadMode) [Both File] -> Files [Blob.BlobPair]
ReadProject :: Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> Language -> [FilePath] -> Files Project
WriteToOutput :: Destination -> B.Builder -> Files ()
@ -226,8 +245,8 @@ runFiles = interpret $ \ files -> case files of
ReadBlobs (Right paths) -> rethrowing (readBlobsFromPaths paths)
ReadBlobPairs source -> rethrowing (either readBlobPairsFromHandle (traverse (runBothWith readFilePair)) source)
ReadProject rootDir dir language excludeDirs -> rethrowing (readProjectFromPaths rootDir dir language excludeDirs)
WriteToOutput (ToPath path) builder -> liftIO (withBinaryFile path WriteMode (flip B.hPutBuilder builder))
WriteToOutput (ToHandle handle) builder -> liftIO (B.hPutBuilder handle builder)
WriteToOutput (ToPath path) builder -> liftIO (IO.withBinaryFile path IO.WriteMode (flip B.hPutBuilder builder))
WriteToOutput (ToHandle (WriteHandle handle)) builder -> liftIO (B.hPutBuilder handle builder)
-- | Catch exceptions in 'IO' actions embedded in 'Eff', handling them with the passed function.