mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2025-01-07 16:07:28 +03:00

remove shapeParameterName from all generated datatypes and hardcode Parse.Err when building product types

This commit is contained in:
Ayman Nadeem 2020-05-07 11:37:29 -04:00
parent 3e1c267df3
commit 72d8ad5792
4 changed files with 21 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -72,21 +72,20 @@ annParameterName = mkName "a"
-- Auto-generate Haskell datatypes for sums, products and leaf types
syntaxDatatype :: Ptr TS.Language -> [(String, Named)] -> Datatype -> Q [Dec]
syntaxDatatype language allSymbols datatype = skipDefined $ do
shapeFunctorKind <- [t| * -> * |]
let traversalInstances = mappend <$> makeStandaloneDerivings (conT name) <*> makeTraversalInstances (conT name)
glue a b c = a : b <> c
name = mkName nameStr
generatedDatatype cons = dataD (cxt []) name [kindedTV shapeParameterName shapeFunctorKind, plainTV annParameterName] Nothing cons [deriveStockClause, deriveAnyClassClause]
generatedDatatype cons = dataD (cxt []) name [plainTV annParameterName] Nothing cons [deriveStockClause, deriveAnyClassClause]
deriveStockClause = derivClause (Just StockStrategy) [conT ''Generic, conT ''Generic1]
deriveAnyClassClause = derivClause (Just AnyclassStrategy) [conT ''Traversable1 `appT` varT (mkName "someConstraint")]
deriveGN = derivClause (Just NewtypeStrategy) [conT ''TS.SymbolMatching]
case datatype of
SumType (DatatypeName _) _ subtypes ->
let types' = fieldTypesToNestedSum shapeParameterName subtypes
let types' = fieldTypesToNestedSum subtypes
fieldName = mkName ("get" <> nameStr)
con = recC name [varBangType fieldName (bangType strictness (types' `appT` varT annParameterName))]
hasFieldInstance = makeHasFieldInstance (conT name) (varE fieldName)
newType = newtypeD (cxt []) name [plainTV shapeParameterName, plainTV annParameterName] Nothing con [deriveGN, deriveStockClause, deriveAnyClassClause]
newType = newtypeD (cxt []) name [plainTV annParameterName] Nothing con [deriveGN, deriveStockClause, deriveAnyClassClause]
in glue <$> newType <*> hasFieldInstance <*> traversalInstances
ProductType datatypeName named children fields ->
let con = ctorForProductType datatypeName children fields
@ -110,27 +109,26 @@ syntaxDatatype language allSymbols datatype = skipDefined $ do
makeStandaloneDerivings :: TypeQ -> Q [Dec]
makeStandaloneDerivings ty =
deriving instance ((forall x . Eq x => Eq (f x)), Eq a) => Eq ($ty f a)
deriving instance ((forall x . Ord x => Ord (f x)), (forall x . Eq x => Eq (f x)), Ord a) => Ord ($ty f a)
deriving instance ((forall x . Show x => Show (f x)), Show a) => Show ($ty f a)
instance TS.Unmarshal ($ty Parse.Err)
deriving instance (Eq a) => Eq ($ty a)
deriving instance (Ord a) => Ord ($ty a)
deriving instance (Show a) => Show ($ty a)
instance TS.Unmarshal ($ty)
makeTraversalInstances :: TypeQ -> Q [Dec]
makeTraversalInstances ty =
instance Traversable f => Foldable ($ty f) where
instance Foldable $ty where
foldMap = foldMapDefault1
instance Traversable f => Functor ($ty f) where
instance Functor $ty where
fmap = fmapDefault1
instance Traversable f => Traversable ($ty f) where
instance Traversable $ty where
traverse = traverseDefault1
makeHasFieldInstance :: TypeQ -> ExpQ -> Q [Dec]
makeHasFieldInstance ty elim =
[d|instance HasField "ann" ($ty f a) a where
[d|instance HasField "ann" ($ty a) a where
getField = TS.gann . $elim |]
-- | Create TH-generated SymbolMatching instances for sums, products, leaves
@ -138,7 +136,7 @@ symbolMatchingInstance :: [(String, Named)] -> Name -> Named -> DatatypeName ->
symbolMatchingInstance allSymbols name named (DatatypeName str) = do
let tsSymbols = elemIndices (str, named) allSymbols
names = intercalate ", " $ fmap (debugPrefix . (!!) allSymbols) tsSymbols
[d|instance TS.SymbolMatching ($(conT name) $(varT shapeParameterName)) where
[d|instance TS.SymbolMatching $(conT name) where
matchedSymbols _ = tsSymbols
showFailure _ node = "expected " <> $(litE (stringL names))
<> " but got " <> if nodeSymbol node == 65535 then "ERROR" else genericIndex debugSymbolNames (nodeSymbol node)
@ -160,11 +158,11 @@ ctorForProductType constructorName children fields = ctorForTypes constructorNam
fieldList = map (fmap (toType)) fields
childList = toList $ fmap toTypeChild children
inject t = varT shapeParameterName `appT` t
inject t = conT ''Parse.Err `appT` t
toType :: Field -> TypeQ
toType (MkField required fieldTypes mult) =
let ftypes = inject (fieldTypesToNestedSum shapeParameterName fieldTypes `appT` varT annParameterName)
let ftypes = inject (fieldTypesToNestedSum fieldTypes `appT` varT annParameterName)
in case (required, mult) of
(Required, Multiple) -> appT (conT ''NonEmpty) ftypes
(Required, Single) -> ftypes
@ -192,11 +190,11 @@ ctorForTypes (DatatypeName constructorName) types = recC (toName Named construct
-- | Convert field types to Q types
fieldTypesToNestedSum :: Name -> NonEmpty AST.Deserialize.Type -> Q TH.Type
fieldTypesToNestedSum shapeParameterName xs = go (toList xs)
fieldTypesToNestedSum :: NonEmpty AST.Deserialize.Type -> Q TH.Type
fieldTypesToNestedSum xs = go (toList xs)
combine lhs rhs = uInfixT lhs ''(:+:) rhs -- (((((a :+: b) :+: c) :+: d)) :+: e) ((a :+: b) :+: (c :+: d))
convertToQType (MkType (DatatypeName n) named) = conT (toName named n) `appT` (varT shapeParameterName)
convertToQType (MkType (DatatypeName n) named) = conT (toName named n)
go [x] = convertToQType x
go xs = let (l,r) = splitAt (length xs `div` 2) xs in combine (go l) (go r)

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@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -ddump-splices #-}
module Language.Java.Grammar
( tree_sitter_java
, Grammar(..)

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@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -ddump-splices #-}
module Language.JSON.AST
( module Language.JSON.AST

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@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class ToTags (t :: ((* -> *) -> * -> *)) where
default tags ::
( Has (Reader Source) sig m,
Has (Writer Tags.Tags) sig m,
Traversable1 ToTags (t Parse.Err)
Traversable1 ToTags t
) =>
t Parse.Err Loc ->
m ()