mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2024-12-27 00:44:57 +03:00

Remove the ScopeGraph effect and define it with a constraint kind.

This commit is contained in:
Patrick Thomson 2020-02-11 12:30:19 -05:00
parent a572f05494
commit 7715fd46a9
5 changed files with 103 additions and 145 deletions

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@ -51,8 +51,7 @@ import Source.Span (Span, span_)
-- every single Python AST type.
class (forall a . Show a => Show (t a)) => ToScopeGraph t where
scopeGraph ::
( Has ScopeGraph sig m
, Has (State (ScopeGraph.ScopeGraph Name)) sig m
( ScopeGraphEff sig m
, Monoid (m Result)
=> t Loc
@ -64,8 +63,7 @@ instance (ToScopeGraph l, ToScopeGraph r) => ToScopeGraph (l :+: r) where
onField ::
forall (field :: Symbol) syn sig m r .
( Has ScopeGraph sig m
, Has (State (ScopeGraph.ScopeGraph Name)) sig m
( ScopeGraphEff sig m
, HasField field (r Loc) (syn Loc)
, ToScopeGraph syn
, Monoid (m Result)
@ -79,8 +77,7 @@ onField
onChildren ::
( Traversable t
, ToScopeGraph syn
, Has ScopeGraph sig m
, Has (State (ScopeGraph.ScopeGraph Name)) sig m
, ScopeGraphEff sig m
, HasField "extraChildren" (r Loc) (t (syn Loc))
, Monoid (m Result)
@ -91,7 +88,7 @@ onChildren
. traverse scopeGraph
. getField @"extraChildren"
scopeGraphModule :: (Has (State (ScopeGraph.ScopeGraph Name)) sig m, Has ScopeGraph sig m) => Py.Module Loc -> m Result
scopeGraphModule :: ScopeGraphEff sig m => Py.Module Loc -> m Result
scopeGraphModule = getAp . scopeGraph
instance ToScopeGraph Py.AssertStatement where scopeGraph = onChildren

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@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ The graph should be
runScopeGraph :: ToScopeGraph t => Path.AbsRelFile -> Source.Source -> t Loc -> (ScopeGraph.ScopeGraph Name, Result)
runScopeGraph p _src item = run . evalFresh 1 . fmap (first sGraph) . runState lowerBound $ scopeGraph item
sampleGraphThing :: (Has ScopeGraph sig m) => m Result
sampleGraphThing :: ScopeGraphEff sig m => m Result
sampleGraphThing = do
declare "hello" (Props.Declaration ScopeGraph.Assignment ScopeGraph.Default Nothing (Span (Pos 2 0) (Pos 2 10)))
declare "goodbye" (Props.Declaration ScopeGraph.Assignment ScopeGraph.Default Nothing (Span (Pos 3 0) (Pos 3 12)))
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ assertSimpleReference = do
HUnit.assertEqual "Should work for simple case" expecto result
expectedReference :: (Has ScopeGraph sig m) => m Result
expectedReference :: ScopeGraphEff sig m => m Result
expectedReference = do
declare "x" (Props.Declaration ScopeGraph.Assignment ScopeGraph.Default Nothing (Span (Pos 0 0) (Pos 0 5)))
let refProperties = Props.Reference ScopeGraph.Assignment ScopeGraph.Default (Span (Pos 0 0) (Pos 0 1))
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ expectedReference = do
newReference "x" refProperties
pure Complete
expectedQualifiedImport :: Has ScopeGraph sig m => m Result
expectedQualifiedImport :: ScopeGraphEff sig m => m Result
expectedQualifiedImport = do
let refProperties = Props.Reference ScopeGraph.Identifier ScopeGraph.Default (Span (Pos 0 0) (Pos 0 3))
newReference (Name.name "cheese") refProperties
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ expectedQualifiedImport = do
newReference (Name.name "ints") refProperties
pure Complete
expectedFunctionArg :: (Has ScopeGraph sig m) => m Result
expectedFunctionArg :: ScopeGraphEff sig m => m Result
expectedFunctionArg = do
(_, associatedScope) <- declareFunction (Just $ Name.name "foo") (Props.Function ScopeGraph.Function (Span (Pos 0 0) (Pos 1 12)))
withScope associatedScope $ do
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ expectedFunctionArg = do
newReference "foo" refProperties
pure Complete
expectedImportHole :: (Has ScopeGraph sig m) => m Result
expectedImportHole :: ScopeGraphEff sig m => m Result
expectedImportHole = do
newEdge ScopeGraph.Import (NonEmpty.fromList ["cheese", "ints"])
pure Complete
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ assertLexicalScope = do
(expecto, Complete) -> HUnit.assertEqual "Should work for simple case" expecto graph
(_, Todo msg) -> HUnit.assertFailure ("Failed to complete:" <> show msg)
expectedLexicalScope :: (Has ScopeGraph sig m) => m Result
expectedLexicalScope :: ScopeGraphEff sig m => m Result
expectedLexicalScope = do
_ <- declareFunction (Just $ Name.name "foo") (Props.Function ScopeGraph.Function (Span (Pos 0 0) (Pos 1 24)))
let refProperties = Props.Reference ScopeGraph.Identifier ScopeGraph.Default (Span (Pos 0 0) (Pos 0 3))

View File

@ -10,115 +10,44 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fprint-expanded-synonyms #-}
-- | This carrier interprets the Sketch effect, keeping track of
-- the current scope and in-progress graph internally.
module Control.Carrier.Sketch.ScopeGraph
( SketchC (..)
( SketchC
, runSketch
, module Control.Effect.ScopeGraph
) where
import Analysis.Name (Name)
import qualified Analysis.Name as Name
import Control.Algebra
import Control.Carrier.Fresh.Strict
import Control.Carrier.Reader
import Control.Carrier.State.Strict
import Control.Effect.ScopeGraph (ScopeGraphEff (..))
import qualified Control.Effect.ScopeGraph.Properties.Declaration as Props
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Bifunctor
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Data.Module
import Data.ScopeGraph (ScopeGraph)
import Control.Effect.ScopeGraph
import qualified Data.ScopeGraph as ScopeGraph
import Data.Semilattice.Lower
import Source.Span
import qualified System.Path as Path
-- | The state type used to keep track of the in-progress graph and
-- positional/contextual information. The name "sketchbook" is meant
-- to invoke an in-progress, concealed work, as well as the
-- "sketching" of a graph.
data Sketchbook = Sketchbook
{ sGraph :: ScopeGraph Name
, sCurrentScope :: Name
} deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Lower Sketchbook where
lowerBound =
initialGraph = ScopeGraph.insertScope n lowerBound lowerBound
n = Name.nameI 0
Sketchbook initialGraph n
newtype SketchC address m a = SketchC (StateC Sketchbook (FreshC m) a)
deriving (Applicative, Functor, Monad, MonadIO)
instance (Effect sig, Algebra sig m) => Algebra (ScopeGraphEff :+: Reader Name :+: Fresh :+: sig) (SketchC Name m) where
alg (L (Declare n props k)) = do
Sketchbook old current <- SketchC (get @Sketchbook)
let Props.Declaration kind relation associatedScope span = props
let (new, _pos) =
(ScopeGraph.Declaration n)
(lowerBound @ModuleInfo)
SketchC (put (Sketchbook new current))
k ()
alg (L (Reference n decl _props k)) = do
Sketchbook old current <- SketchC (get @Sketchbook)
let new =
(ScopeGraph.Reference (Name.name n))
(lowerBound @ModuleInfo)
(lowerBound @Span)
(ScopeGraph.Declaration (Name.name decl))
SketchC (put (Sketchbook new current))
k ()
alg (L (NewScope edges k)) = do
Sketchbook old current <- SketchC get
name <- SketchC Name.gensym
let new = ScopeGraph.newScope name edges old
SketchC (put (Sketchbook new current))
k name
alg (L (InsertEdge label address k)) = do
Sketchbook old current <- SketchC get
let new = ScopeGraph.addImportEdge label (NonEmpty.toList address) current old
SketchC (put (Sketchbook new current))
k ()
alg (R (L a)) = case a of
Ask k -> SketchC (gets sCurrentScope) >>= k
Local fn go k -> do
initial@(Sketchbook s oldScope) <- SketchC get
let newScope = fn oldScope
SketchC (put (Sketchbook s newScope))
result <- go
SketchC (put initial)
k result
alg (R (R (L a))) = send (handleCoercible a)
alg (R (R (R a))) = send (handleCoercible a)
type SketchC addr m
= StateC (ScopeGraph Name)
( StateC Name
( ReaderC Name
( FreshC m
runSketch ::
(Functor m)
=> Maybe Path.AbsRelFile
-> SketchC Name m a
-> m (ScopeGraph Name, a)
runSketch _rootpath (SketchC go)
= evalFresh 1
. fmap (first sGraph)
. runState lowerBound
runSketch _rootpath go
= evalFresh 0
. runReader @Name rootname
. evalState @Name rootname
. runState @(ScopeGraph Name) initialGraph
$ go
rootname = Name.nameI 0
initialGraph = ScopeGraph.insertScope rootname lowerBound lowerBound

View File

@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
@ -47,6 +49,7 @@ import GHC.Records
import qualified Scope.Reference as Reference
import Source.Span
import Scope.Graph.AdjacencyList (ScopeGraph)
import qualified Scope.Graph.AdjacencyList as AdjacencyList
import qualified Scope.Path as Scope
@ -61,42 +64,81 @@ maybeM :: Applicative f => f a -> Maybe a -> f a
maybeM f = maybe f pure
{-# INLINE maybeM #-}
type ScopeGraph
= ScopeGraphEff
:+: Reader (CurrentScope Name)
:+: Fresh
:+: Reader Name
type ScopeGraphEff sig m
= ( Has (State (ScopeGraph Name)) sig m
, Has (State Name) sig m
, Has (Reader Name) sig m
, Has Fresh sig m
data ScopeGraphEff m k =
Declare Name Props.Declaration (() -> m k)
| Reference Text Text Props.Reference (() -> m k)
| NewScope (Map ScopeGraph.EdgeLabel [Name]) (Name -> m k)
| InsertEdge ScopeGraph.EdgeLabel (NonEmpty Name) (() -> m k)
deriving (Generic, Generic1, HFunctor, Effect)
graphInProgress :: ScopeGraphEff sig m => m (ScopeGraph Name)
graphInProgress = get
declare :: forall sig m . (Has ScopeGraph sig m) => Name -> Props.Declaration -> m ()
declare n props = send (Declare n props pure)
currentScope :: ScopeGraphEff sig m => m Name
currentScope = ask
withScope :: ScopeGraphEff sig m
=> Name
-> m a
-> m a
withScope scope = local (const scope)
declare :: ScopeGraphEff sig m => Name -> Props.Declaration -> m ()
declare n props = do
current <- currentScope
old <- graphInProgress
let Props.Declaration kind relation associatedScope span = props
let (new, _pos) =
(ScopeGraph.Declaration n)
(lowerBound @Module.ModuleInfo)
put new
-- | Establish a reference to a prior declaration.
reference :: forall sig m . (Has ScopeGraph sig m) => Text -> Text -> Props.Reference -> m ()
reference n decl props = send (Reference n decl props pure)
reference :: forall sig m . ScopeGraphEff sig m => Text -> Text -> Props.Reference -> m ()
reference n decl props = do
current <- currentScope
old <- graphInProgress
let new =
(ScopeGraph.Reference (Name.name n))
(lowerBound @Module.ModuleInfo)
(lowerBound @Span)
(ScopeGraph.Declaration (Name.name decl))
put new
newScope :: forall sig m . Has ScopeGraph sig m => Map ScopeGraph.EdgeLabel [Name] -> m Name
newScope edges = send (NewScope edges pure)
newScope :: forall sig m . ScopeGraphEff sig m => Map ScopeGraph.EdgeLabel [Name] -> m Name
newScope edges = do
current <- currentScope
old <- graphInProgress
name <- Name.gensym
let new = ScopeGraph.newScope name edges old
name <$ put new
-- | Takes an edge label and a list of names and inserts an import edge to a hole.
newEdge :: Has ScopeGraph sig m => ScopeGraph.EdgeLabel -> NonEmpty Name -> m ()
newEdge label targets = send (InsertEdge label targets pure)
newEdge :: ScopeGraphEff sig m => ScopeGraph.EdgeLabel -> NonEmpty Name -> m ()
newEdge label address = do
current <- currentScope
old <- graphInProgress
let new = ScopeGraph.addImportEdge label (toList address) current old
put new
currentScope :: (Has ScopeGraph sig m) => m Name
currentScope = asks unCurrentScope
lookupScope :: Has (State (ScopeGraph.ScopeGraph Name)) sig m => Name -> m (ScopeGraph.Scope Name)
lookupScope :: ScopeGraphEff sig m => Name -> m (ScopeGraph.Scope Name)
lookupScope address = maybeM undefined . ScopeGraph.lookupScope address =<< get
-- | Inserts a reference.
newReference :: (Has (State (ScopeGraph.ScopeGraph Name)) sig m, Has ScopeGraph sig m) => Name -> Props.Reference -> m ()
newReference :: ScopeGraphEff sig m => Name -> Props.Reference -> m ()
newReference name props = do
currentAddress <- currentScope
scope <- lookupScope currentAddress
@ -111,12 +153,12 @@ newReference name props = do
case ((AdjacencyList.findPath (const Nothing) (ScopeGraph.Declaration name) currentAddress scopeGraph) :: Maybe (Scope.Path Name)) of
Just path -> modify (\scopeGraph -> insertRef' path scopeGraph)
Nothing -> undefined
-- maybe
-- (modify (const (ScopeGraph.insertScope currentAddress (ScopeGraph.newReference (Reference.Reference name) refProps scope))))
-- maybe
-- modify (const (ScopeGraph.insertScope currentAddress (ScopeGraph.newReference (Reference.Reference name) refProps scope)))
declareFunction :: forall sig m . (Has ScopeGraph sig m) => Maybe Name -> Props.Function -> m (Name, Name)
declareFunction :: forall sig m . ScopeGraphEff sig m => Maybe Name -> Props.Function -> m (Name, Name)
declareFunction name (Props.Function kind span) = do
currentScope' <- currentScope
let lexicalEdges = Map.singleton ScopeGraph.Lexical [ currentScope' ]
@ -129,7 +171,7 @@ declareFunction name (Props.Function kind span) = do
pure (name', associatedScope)
declareMaybeName :: Has ScopeGraph sig m
declareMaybeName :: ScopeGraphEff sig m
=> Maybe Name
-> Props.Declaration
-> m Name
@ -139,9 +181,3 @@ declareMaybeName maybeName props = do
_ -> do
name <- Name.gensym
name <$ declare name (props { Props.relation = ScopeGraph.Gensym })
withScope :: Has ScopeGraph sig m
=> Name
-> m a
-> m a
withScope scope = local (const scope)

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@ -13,18 +13,14 @@ module Scope.Graph.Convert
, complete
) where
import Analysis.Name (Name)
import Control.Effect.ScopeGraph
import Control.Effect.State
import Data.List.NonEmpty
import qualified Data.ScopeGraph as ScopeGraph
import Data.Typeable
import Source.Loc
import Control.Effect.ScopeGraph
import Data.List.NonEmpty
import Data.Typeable
import Source.Loc
class Typeable t => ToScopeGraph t where
scopeGraph ::
( Has ScopeGraph sig m
, Has (State (ScopeGraph.ScopeGraph Name)) sig m
( ScopeGraphEff sig m
=> t Loc
-> m Result