mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2024-12-01 09:15:01 +03:00

Add a type parameter to Line.

This commit is contained in:
Rob Rix 2015-12-18 16:41:50 -05:00
parent eb89e828bb
commit 7964727da6
2 changed files with 16 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ split diff before after = return . renderHtml
columnWidth = max (20 + digits maxNumber * 8) 40
numberRows :: [(Int, Line, Int, Line)] -> Row HTML -> [(Int, Line, Int, Line)]
numberRows :: [(Int, Line HTML, Int, Line HTML)] -> Row HTML -> [(Int, Line HTML, Int, Line HTML)]
numberRows [] (Row EmptyLine EmptyLine) = []
numberRows [] (Row left@(Line _ _) EmptyLine) = [(1, left, 0, EmptyLine)]
numberRows [] (Row EmptyLine right@(Line _ _)) = [(0, EmptyLine, 1, right)]
@ -85,16 +85,16 @@ split diff before after = return . renderHtml
numberRows rows@((leftCount, _, rightCount, _):_) (Row left right) = (leftCount + 1, left, rightCount + 1, right):rows
data Row a = Row Line Line
data Row a = Row (Line a) (Line a)
deriving Eq
instance Show (Row a) where
show (Row left right) = "\n" ++ show left ++ " | " ++ show right
instance ToMarkup (Int, Line, Int, Line) where
instance ToMarkup (Int, Line a, Int, Line a) where
toMarkup (m, left, n, right) = tr $ toMarkup (m, left) <> toMarkup (n, right) <> string "\n"
instance ToMarkup (Int, Line) where
instance ToMarkup (Int, Line a) where
toMarkup (_, EmptyLine) = numberTd "" <> toMarkup EmptyLine <> string "\n"
toMarkup (num, line@(Line True _)) = td (string $ show num) ! A.class_ (stringValue "blob-num blob-num-replacement") <> toMarkup line <> string "\n"
toMarkup (num, line@(Line _ _)) = numberTd (show num) <> toMarkup line <> string "\n"
@ -108,28 +108,28 @@ codeTd _ Nothing = td mempty ! A.class_ (stringValue "blob-code blob-code-empty
codeTd True (Just el) = td el ! A.class_ (stringValue "blob-code blob-code-replacement")
codeTd _ (Just el) = td el ! A.class_ (stringValue "blob-code")
instance ToMarkup Line where
instance ToMarkup (Line a) where
toMarkup EmptyLine = codeTd False Nothing
toMarkup (Line changed html) = codeTd changed . Just . mconcat $ toMarkup <$> html
data Line =
data Line a =
Line Bool [HTML]
| EmptyLine
deriving Eq
unLine :: Line -> [HTML]
unLine :: Line a -> [HTML]
unLine EmptyLine = []
unLine (Line _ htmls) = htmls
isChanged :: Line -> Bool
isChanged :: Line a -> Bool
isChanged EmptyLine = False
isChanged (Line isChanged _) = isChanged
instance Show Line where
instance Show (Line a) where
show (Line change elements) = show change ++ " [" ++ (concat . intersperse ", " $ show <$> elements) ++ "]"
show EmptyLine = "EmptyLine"
instance Monoid Line where
instance Monoid (Line a) where
mempty = EmptyLine
mappend EmptyLine EmptyLine = EmptyLine
mappend EmptyLine (Line c ys) = Line c ys
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ diffToRows (Pure (Replace a b)) _ before after = (replacedRows, (leftRange, righ
-- | Takes a term and a `source` and returns a list of HTML lines
-- | and their range within `source`.
termToLines :: Term a Info -> String -> ([Line], Range)
termToLines :: Term a Info -> String -> ([Line HTML], Range)
termToLines (Info range categories :< syntax) source = (rows syntax, range)
rows (Leaf _) = reverse $ foldl adjoin2Lines [] $ Line True . (:[]) <$> elements
@ -260,12 +260,12 @@ adjoin2 rows (Row left' right') | Just _ <- openLine $ rightLines rows = case le
adjoin2 rows row = row : rows
leftLines :: [Row a] -> [Line]
leftLines :: [Row a] -> [Line a]
leftLines rows = left <$> rows
left (Row left _) = left
rightLines :: [Row a] -> [Line]
rightLines :: [Row a] -> [Line a]
rightLines rows = right <$> rows
right (Row _ right) = right
@ -277,12 +277,12 @@ openElement (Dl _ elements) = openElement =<< maybeLast elements
openElement (Div _ elements) = openElement =<< maybeLast elements
openElement h = Just h
openLine :: [Line] -> Maybe Line
openLine :: [Line a] -> Maybe (Line a)
openLine [] = Nothing
openLine (EmptyLine : rest) = openLine rest
openLine (line : _) = const line <$> (openElement =<< (maybeLast $ unLine line))
adjoin2Lines :: [Line] -> Line -> [Line]
adjoin2Lines :: [Line a] -> Line a -> [Line a]
adjoin2Lines [] line = [line]
adjoin2Lines (EmptyLine : xs) line | Just _ <- openLine xs = EmptyLine : adjoin2Lines xs line
adjoin2Lines (prev:rest) line | Just _ <- openLine [ prev ] = (prev <> line) : rest

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@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ instance Arbitrary HTML where
Span <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary,
const Break <$> (arbitrary :: Gen ()) ]
instance Arbitrary Line where
instance Arbitrary (Line a) where
arbitrary = oneof [
Line <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary,
const EmptyLine <$> (arbitrary :: Gen ()) ]