mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 08:25:19 +03:00
Merge branch 'master' into factor-git-integration-into-a-separate-package
# Conflicts: # semantic-diff.cabal
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ library
, Renderer
, Renderer.Patch
, Renderer.Split
, Renderer.Unified
, Category
, Term
@ -38,8 +37,9 @@ library
, Source
, Control.Monad.Free
, Control.Comonad.Cofree
, Data.Bifunctor.Join
, Data.Option
build-depends: base >= 4.8 && < 5
, bifunctors
, blaze-html
, blaze-markup
, bytestring
@ -48,8 +48,6 @@ library
, directory
, filepath
, mtl
, rainbow
, semigroups
, text >=
, text-icu
, tree-sitter-parsers
@ -70,7 +68,6 @@ test-suite semantic-diff-test
, SplitSpec
, TermSpec
build-depends: base
, bifunctors
, bytestring
, containers
, deepseq
@ -78,7 +75,6 @@ test-suite semantic-diff-test
, Glob
, hspec >= 2.1.10
, QuickCheck >= 2.8.1
, rainbow
, semantic-diff
, text >=
, quickcheck-text
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
module Data.Bifunctor.Join where
newtype Join a = Join { runJoin :: (a, a) }
deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
instance Applicative Join where
pure a = Join (a, a)
Join (f, g) <*> Join (a, b) = Join (f a, g b)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
module Data.Option where
newtype Option a = Option { getOption :: Maybe a }
option :: b -> (a -> b) -> Option a -> b
option b f = maybe b f . getOption
@ -10,22 +10,15 @@ import qualified System.IO as IO
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as TextIO
import qualified Renderer.Patch as P
import Renderer.Split
import Renderer.Unified
import Rainbow
-- | The available types of diff rendering.
data Format = Unified | Split | Patch
data Format = Split | Patch
data DiffArguments = DiffArguments { format :: Format, output :: Maybe FilePath, outputPath :: FilePath }
-- | Return a renderer from the command-line arguments that will print the diff.
printDiff :: Parser -> DiffArguments -> (SourceBlob, SourceBlob) -> IO ()
printDiff parser arguments sources = case format arguments of
Unified -> put =<< diffFiles parser unified sources
put chunks = do
renderer <- byteStringMakerFromEnvironment
B1.putStr $ mconcat $ chunksToByteStrings renderer chunks
Split -> put (output arguments) =<< diffFiles parser split sources
put Nothing rendered = TextIO.putStr rendered
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import qualified Data.Char as Char
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Option
-- | A half-open interval of integers, defined by start & end indices.
data Range = Range { start :: !Int, end :: !Int }
@ -64,8 +64,12 @@ unionRange (Range start1 end1) (Range start2 end2) = Range (min start1 start2) (
unionRanges :: (Functor f, Foldable f) => f Range -> Range
unionRanges ranges = option (Range 0 0) id . foldl mappend mempty $ Option . Just <$> ranges
instance Semigroup Range where
(<>) = unionRange
instance Monoid (Option Range) where
mempty = Option Nothing
mappend (Option (Just a)) (Option (Just b)) = Option (Just (unionRange a b))
mappend a@(Option (Just _)) _ = a
mappend _ b@(Option (Just _)) = b
mappend _ _ = mempty
instance Ord Range where
a <= b = start a <= start b
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
module Renderer.Unified (unified, substring) where
import Diff
import Patch
import Syntax
import Term
import Range
import Renderer
import Source hiding ((++))
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad.Free
import Control.Comonad.Cofree
import Data.List hiding (foldl)
import qualified Data.OrderedMap as Map
import Rainbow
-- | Render a diff with the unified format.
unified :: Renderer a [Chunk String]
unified diff (beforeBlob, afterBlob) = fst $ iter g mapped where
mapped = fmap (unifiedPatch &&& range) diff
toChunk = chunk . toList
g (Annotated (_, info) syntax) = annotationAndSyntaxToChunks (source afterBlob) info syntax
-- | Render an annotation and syntax into a list of chunks.
annotationAndSyntaxToChunks source (Info range _) (Leaf _) = ([ toChunk $ slice range source ], Just range)
annotationAndSyntaxToChunks source (Info range _) (Indexed i) = (unifiedRange range i source, Just range)
annotationAndSyntaxToChunks source (Info range _) (Fixed f) = (unifiedRange range f source, Just range)
annotationAndSyntaxToChunks source (Info range _) (Keyed k) = (unifiedRange range (snd <$> Map.toList k) source, Just range)
-- | Render a Patch into a list of chunks.
unifiedPatch :: Patch (Term a Info) -> [Chunk String]
unifiedPatch patch = (fore red . bold <$> beforeChunk) <> (fore green . bold <$> afterChunk) where
before = source beforeBlob
after = source afterBlob
beforeChunk = maybe [] (change "-" . unifiedTerm before) $ Patch.before patch
afterChunk = maybe [] (change "+" . unifiedTerm after) $ Patch.after patch
-- | Render the contents of a Term as a series of chunks.
unifiedTerm :: Source Char -> Term a Info -> [Chunk String]
unifiedTerm source term = fst $ cata (annotationAndSyntaxToChunks source) term
-- | Given a range and a list of pairs of chunks and a range, render the
-- | entire range from the source as a single list of chunks.
unifiedRange :: Range -> [([Chunk String], Maybe Range)] -> Source Char -> [Chunk String]
unifiedRange range children source = out <> [ toChunk $ slice Range { start = previous, end = end range } source ]
(out, previous) = foldl' accumulateContext ([], start range) children
accumulateContext (out, previous) (child, Just range) = (out <> [ toChunk $ slice Range { start = previous, end = start range } source ] <> child, end range)
accumulateContext (out, previous) (child, _) = (out <> child, previous)
-- | Return the range of the after side of the patch, or Nothing if it's not a replacement.
range :: Patch (Term a Info) -> Maybe Range
range patch = range . extract <$> after patch where
extract (annotation :< _) = annotation
range (Info range _) = range
-- | Add chunks to the beginning and end of the list with curly braces and the given string.
change :: String -> [Chunk String] -> [Chunk String]
change bound content = [ chunk "{", chunk bound ] ++ content ++ [ chunk bound, chunk "}" ]
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import Diffing
import Renderer
import qualified Renderer.Patch as P
import qualified Renderer.Split as Split
import qualified Renderer.Unified as Unified
import qualified Source as S
import Control.DeepSeq
@ -16,7 +15,6 @@ import Data.Maybe
import Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Rainbow
import System.FilePath
import System.FilePath.Glob
import Test.Hspec
@ -39,29 +37,26 @@ spec = parallel $ do
let tests = correctTests =<< paths
mapM_ (\ (formatName, renderer, a, b, output) -> it (normalizeName a ++ " (" ++ formatName ++ ")") $ testDiff renderer a b output matcher) tests
correctTests :: (FilePath, FilePath, Maybe FilePath, Maybe FilePath, Maybe FilePath) -> [(String, Renderer a String, FilePath, FilePath, Maybe FilePath)]
correctTests paths@(_, _, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing) = testsForPaths paths
correctTests :: (FilePath, FilePath, Maybe FilePath, Maybe FilePath) -> [(String, Renderer a String, FilePath, FilePath, Maybe FilePath)]
correctTests paths@(_, _, Nothing, Nothing) = testsForPaths paths
correctTests paths = List.filter (\(_, _, _, _, output) -> isJust output) $ testsForPaths paths
testsForPaths :: (FilePath, FilePath, Maybe FilePath, Maybe FilePath, Maybe FilePath) -> [(String, Renderer a String, FilePath, FilePath, Maybe FilePath)]
testsForPaths (a, b, patch, split, unified) = [ ("patch", P.patch, a, b, patch), ("split", testSplit, a, b, split), ("unified", testUnified, a, b, unified) ]
testsForPaths :: (FilePath, FilePath, Maybe FilePath, Maybe FilePath) -> [(String, Renderer a String, FilePath, FilePath, Maybe FilePath)]
testsForPaths (a, b, patch, split) = [ ("patch", P.patch, a, b, patch), ("split", testSplit, a, b, split) ]
testSplit :: Renderer a String
testSplit diff sources = TL.unpack $ Split.split diff sources
testUnified :: Renderer a String
testUnified diff sources = B1.unpack $ mconcat $ chunksToByteStrings toByteStringsColors0 $ Unified.unified diff sources
-- | Return all the examples from the given directory. Examples are expected to
-- | have the form "foo.A.js", "foo.B.js", "foo.unified.js". Diffs are not
-- | have the form "foo.A.js", "foo.B.js", "foo.patch.js". Diffs are not
-- | required as the test may be verifying that the inputs don't crash.
examples :: FilePath -> IO [(FilePath, FilePath, Maybe FilePath, Maybe FilePath, Maybe FilePath)]
examples :: FilePath -> IO [(FilePath, FilePath, Maybe FilePath, Maybe FilePath)]
examples directory = do
as <- toDict <$> globFor "*.A.*"
bs <- toDict <$> globFor "*.B.*"
patches <- toDict <$> globFor "*.patch.*"
splits <- toDict <$> globFor "*.split.*"
unifieds <- toDict <$> globFor "*.unified.*"
let keys = Set.unions $ keysSet <$> [as, bs]
return $ (\name -> (as ! name, bs ! name, Map.lookup name patches, Map.lookup name splits, Map.lookup name unifieds)) <$> sort (Set.toList keys)
return $ (\name -> (as ! name, bs ! name, Map.lookup name patches, Map.lookup name splits)) <$> sort (Set.toList keys)
globFor :: String -> IO [FilePath]
@ -1 +0,0 @@
// some comment here
@ -1 +0,0 @@
// Some comment here
@ -1 +0,0 @@
// {-some-}{+Some+} comment here;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user