mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2025-01-02 20:41:38 +03:00

Add source spans to terms

This commit is contained in:
joshvera 2016-10-05 17:27:45 -04:00
parent 39f3fcb2af
commit 7ba5607cc8
11 changed files with 80 additions and 56 deletions

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@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ data DiffSummary a = DiffSummary {
} deriving (Eq, Functor, Show, Generic)
-- Returns a list of diff summary texts given two source blobs and a diff.
diffSummaries :: (HasCategory leaf, HasField fields Category, HasField fields Range) => Both SourceBlob -> SyntaxDiff leaf fields -> [Either Text Text]
diffSummaries :: (HasCategory leaf, HasField fields Category, HasField fields Range, HasField fields SourceSpan) => Both SourceBlob -> SyntaxDiff leaf fields -> [Either Text Text]
diffSummaries blobs diff = summaryToTexts =<< diffToDiffSummaries (source <$> blobs) diff
-- Takes a 'DiffSummary' and returns a list of summary texts representing the LeafInfos
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ summaryToTexts :: DiffSummary DiffInfo -> [Either Text Text]
summaryToTexts DiffSummary{..} = runJoin . fmap (show . (<+> parentContexts parentAnnotation)) <$> (Join <$> summaries patch)
-- Returns a list of 'DiffSummary' given two source blobs and a diff.
diffToDiffSummaries :: (HasCategory leaf, HasField fields Category, HasField fields Range) => Both (Source Char) -> SyntaxDiff leaf fields -> [DiffSummary DiffInfo]
diffToDiffSummaries :: (HasCategory leaf, HasField fields Category, HasField fields Range, HasField fields SourceSpan) => Both (Source Char) -> SyntaxDiff leaf fields -> [DiffSummary DiffInfo]
diffToDiffSummaries sources = para $ \diff ->
diff' = free (Prologue.fst <$> diff)
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ toTermName source term = case unwrap term of
S.Object kvs -> "{ " <> intercalate ", " (toTermName' <$> kvs) <> " }"
S.Pair a _ -> toTermName' a <> ": …"
S.Return expr -> maybe "empty" toTermName' expr
S.Error _ _ -> termNameFromSource term
S.Error _ -> termNameFromSource term
S.If expr _ _ -> termNameFromSource expr
S.For clauses _ -> termNameFromChildren term clauses
S.While expr _ -> toTermName' expr
@ -209,13 +209,13 @@ parentContexts contexts = hsep $ either identifiableDoc annotatableDoc <$> conte
toDoc :: Text -> Doc
toDoc = string . toS
termToDiffInfo :: (HasCategory leaf, HasField fields Category, HasField fields Range) => Source Char -> SyntaxTerm leaf fields -> DiffInfo
termToDiffInfo :: (HasCategory leaf, HasField fields Category, HasField fields Range, HasField fields SourceSpan) => Source Char -> SyntaxTerm leaf fields -> DiffInfo
termToDiffInfo blob term = case unwrap term of
S.Indexed children -> BranchInfo (termToDiffInfo' <$> children) (toCategoryName term) BIndexed
S.Fixed children -> BranchInfo (termToDiffInfo' <$> children) (toCategoryName term) BFixed
S.AnonymousFunction _ _ -> LeafInfo "anonymous function" (toTermName' term)
Commented cs leaf -> BranchInfo (termToDiffInfo' <$> cs <> maybeToList leaf) (toCategoryName term) BCommented
S.Error sourceSpan _ -> ErrorInfo sourceSpan (toTermName' term)
S.Error _ -> ErrorInfo (getField $ extract term) (toTermName' term)
_ -> LeafInfo (toCategoryName term) (toTermName' term)
where toTermName' = toTermName blob
termToDiffInfo' = termToDiffInfo blob

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@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ import Text.Parser.TreeSitter.Language
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Aeson (toJSON, toEncoding)
import Data.Aeson.Encoding (encodingToLazyByteString)
import SourceSpan
-- | Given a parser and renderer, diff two sources and return the rendered
-- | result.
@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ diffFiles parser renderer sourceBlobs = do
_ -> Nothing)
-- | Return a parser based on the file extension (including the ".").
parserForType :: Text -> Parser (Syntax Text) (Record '[Range, Category])
parserForType :: Text -> Parser (Syntax Text) (Record '[Range, Category, SourceSpan])
parserForType mediaType = case languageForType mediaType of
Just C -> treeSitterParser C ts_language_c
Just JavaScript -> treeSitterParser JavaScript ts_language_javascript
@ -77,20 +78,19 @@ parserForType mediaType = case languageForType mediaType of
_ -> lineByLineParser
-- | A fallback parser that treats a file simply as rows of strings.
lineByLineParser :: Parser (Syntax Text) (Record '[Range, Category])
lineByLineParser blob = pure . cofree . root $ case foldl' annotateLeaves ([], 0) lines of
lineByLineParser :: Parser (Syntax Text) (Record '[Range, Category, SourceSpan])
lineByLineParser SourceBlob{..} = pure . cofree . root $ case foldl' annotateLeaves ([], 0) lines of
(leaves, _) -> cofree <$> leaves
input = source blob
lines = actualLines input
root children = (Range 0 (length input) .: Program .: RNil) :< Indexed children
leaf charIndex line = (Range charIndex (charIndex + T.length line) .: Program .: RNil) :< Leaf line
lines = actualLines source
root children = (Range 0 (length source) .: Program .: sourceRangeToSpan source (toS path) (Range 0 (length source)) .: RNil) :< Indexed children
leaf charIndex line = (Range charIndex (charIndex + T.length line) .: Program .: sourceRangeToSpan source (toS path) (Range charIndex (charIndex + T.length line)) .: RNil) :< Leaf line
annotateLeaves (accum, charIndex) line =
(accum <> [ leaf charIndex (toText line) ] , charIndex + length line)
toText = T.pack . Source.toString
-- | Return the parser that should be used for a given path.
parserForFilepath :: FilePath -> Parser (Syntax Text) (Record '[Cost, Range, Category])
parserForFilepath :: FilePath -> Parser (Syntax Text) (Record '[Cost, Range, Category, SourceSpan])
parserForFilepath path blob = decorateTerm termCostDecorator <$> parserForType (toS (takeExtension path)) blob
-- | Transcode a file to a unicode source.
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ diffCostWithCachedTermCosts diff = unCost $ case runFree diff of
Pure patch -> sum (cost . extract <$> patch)
-- | Returns a rendered diff given a parser, diff arguments and two source blobs.
textDiff :: (HasField fields Category, HasField fields Cost, HasField fields Range) => Parser (Syntax Text) (Record fields) -> DiffArguments -> Both SourceBlob -> IO Output
textDiff :: (HasField fields SourceSpan, HasField fields Category, HasField fields Cost, HasField fields Range) => Parser (Syntax Text) (Record fields) -> DiffArguments -> Both SourceBlob -> IO Output
textDiff parser arguments = diffFiles parser $ case format arguments of
Split -> split
Patch -> patch
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ truncatedDiff arguments sources = pure $ case format arguments of
Summary -> SummaryOutput mempty
-- | Prints a rendered diff to stdio or a filepath given a parser, diff arguments and two source blobs.
printDiff :: (HasField fields Category, HasField fields Cost, HasField fields Range) => Parser (Syntax Text) (Record fields) -> DiffArguments -> Both SourceBlob -> IO ()
printDiff :: (HasField fields SourceSpan, HasField fields Category, HasField fields Cost, HasField fields Range) => Parser (Syntax Text) (Record fields) -> DiffArguments -> Both SourceBlob -> IO ()
printDiff parser arguments sources = do
rendered <- textDiff parser arguments sources
let renderedText = case rendered of

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@ -45,11 +45,14 @@ termConstructor
-> IO SourceSpan -- ^ The span that the term occupies. This is passed in 'IO' to guarantee some access constraints & encourage its use only when needed (improving performance).
-> Text -- ^ The name of the production for this node.
-> Range -- ^ The character range that the term occupies.
-> [Term (S.Syntax Text) (Record '[Range, Category])] -- ^ The child nodes of the term.
-> IO (Term (S.Syntax Text) (Record '[Range, Category])) -- ^ The resulting term, in IO.
-> [Term (S.Syntax Text) (Record '[Range, Category, SourceSpan])] -- ^ The child nodes of the term.
-> IO (Term (S.Syntax Text) (Record '[Range, Category, SourceSpan])) -- ^ The resulting term, in IO.
termConstructor source sourceSpan name range children =
withDefaultInfo <$> case (name, children) of
("ERROR", _) -> S.Error <$> sourceSpan <*> pure children
(_, []) -> S.Leaf <$> pure (toText $ slice range source)
_ -> S.Indexed <$> pure children
where withDefaultInfo syntax = cofree ((range .: Other name .: RNil) :< syntax)
withDefaultInfo $ case (name, children) of
("ERROR", _) -> S.Error children
(_, []) -> S.Leaf (toText $ slice range source)
_ -> S.Indexed children
withDefaultInfo syntax = do
sourceSpan' <- sourceSpan
pure $! cofree ((range .: Other name .: sourceSpan' .: RNil) :< syntax)

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@ -15,15 +15,17 @@ termConstructor
-> IO SourceSpan -- ^ The span that the term occupies. This is passed in 'IO' to guarantee some access constraints & encourage its use only when needed (improving performance).
-> Text -- ^ The name of the production for this node.
-> Range -- ^ The character range that the term occupies.
-> [Term (Syntax Text) (Record '[Range, Category])] -- ^ The child nodes of the term.
-> IO (Term (Syntax Text) (Record '[Range, Category])) -- ^ The resulting term, in IO.
-> [Term (Syntax Text) (Record '[Range, Category, SourceSpan])] -- ^ The child nodes of the term.
-> IO (Term (Syntax Text) (Record '[Range, Category, SourceSpan])) -- ^ The resulting term, in IO.
termConstructor source sourceSpan name range children
| name == "ERROR" = sourceSpan >>= withDefaultInfo . (`S.Error` children)
| name == "ERROR" = withDefaultInfo (S.Error children)
| otherwise = withDefaultInfo $ case (name, children) of
(_, []) -> S.Leaf . toText $ slice range source
_ -> S.Indexed children
where withDefaultInfo syntax = pure $! cofree ((range .: categoryForCProductionName name .: RNil) :< syntax)
withDefaultInfo syntax = do
sourceSpan' <- sourceSpan
pure $! cofree ((range .: categoryForCProductionName name .: sourceSpan' .: RNil) :< syntax)
categoryForCProductionName :: Text -> Category
categoryForCProductionName name = case name of
_ -> Other name
categoryForCProductionName name = Other name

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@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ termConstructor
-> IO SourceSpan -- ^ The span that the term occupies. This is passed in 'IO' to guarantee some access constraints & encourage its use only when needed (improving performance).
-> Text -- ^ The name of the production for this node.
-> Range -- ^ The character range that the term occupies.
-> [Term (S.Syntax Text) (Record '[Range, Category])] -- ^ The child nodes of the term.
-> IO (Term (S.Syntax Text) (Record '[Range, Category])) -- ^ The resulting term, in IO.
-> [Term (S.Syntax Text) (Record '[Range, Category, SourceSpan])] -- ^ The child nodes of the term.
-> IO (Term (S.Syntax Text) (Record '[Range, Category, SourceSpan])) -- ^ The resulting term, in IO.
termConstructor source sourceSpan name range children
| name == "ERROR" = sourceSpan >>= withDefaultInfo . (`S.Error` children)
| name == "ERROR" = withDefaultInfo (S.Error children)
| otherwise = withDefaultInfo $ case (name, children) of
("return_statement", _) -> S.Return (listToMaybe children)
("assignment", [ identifier, value ]) -> S.Assignment identifier value
@ -37,16 +37,16 @@ termConstructor source sourceSpan name range children
S.Indexed rest -> S.Indexed $ a : rest
_ -> S.Indexed children
("function_call", _) -> case runCofree <$> children of
[ (_ :< S.MemberAccess{..}), (_ :< S.Args args) ] -> S.MethodCall memberId property args
[ (_ :< S.MemberAccess{..}) ] -> S.MethodCall memberId property []
[ function, (_ :< S.Args args) ] -> S.FunctionCall (cofree function) args
[ _ :< S.MemberAccess{..}, _ :< S.Args args ] -> S.MethodCall memberId property args
[ _ :< S.MemberAccess{..} ] -> S.MethodCall memberId property []
[ function, _ :< S.Args args ] -> S.FunctionCall (cofree function) args
(x:xs) -> S.FunctionCall (cofree x) (cofree <$> xs)
_ -> S.Indexed children
("ternary", (condition:cases)) -> S.Ternary condition cases
("ternary", condition : cases) -> S.Ternary condition cases
("arguments", _) -> S.Args children
("var_assignment", [ x, y ]) -> S.VarAssignment x y
("var_declaration", _) -> S.Indexed $ toVarDecl <$> children
("switch_statement", (expr:rest)) -> S.Switch expr rest
("switch_statement", expr : rest) -> S.Switch expr rest
("case", [ expr, body ]) -> S.Case expr body
("object", _) -> S.Object $ foldMap toTuple children
("pair", _) -> S.Fixed children
@ -78,8 +78,12 @@ termConstructor source sourceSpan name range children
_ -> S.Indexed children
(_, []) -> S.Leaf . toText $ slice range source
_ -> S.Indexed children
where withDefaultInfo syntax@(S.MethodCall _ _ _) = pure $! cofree ((range .: MethodCall .: RNil) :< syntax)
withDefaultInfo syntax = pure $! cofree ((range .: categoryForJavaScriptProductionName name .: RNil) :< syntax)
withDefaultInfo syntax = do
sourceSpan' <- sourceSpan
pure $! case syntax of
S.MethodCall{} -> cofree ((range .: MethodCall .: sourceSpan' .: RNil) :< syntax)
_ -> cofree ((range .: categoryForJavaScriptProductionName name .: sourceSpan' .: RNil) :< syntax)
categoryForJavaScriptProductionName :: Text -> Category
categoryForJavaScriptProductionName name = case name of
@ -145,7 +149,7 @@ categoryForJavaScriptProductionName name = case name of
_ -> Other name
toVarDecl :: (HasField fields Category) => Term (S.Syntax Text) (Record fields) -> Term (S.Syntax Text) (Record fields)
toVarDecl child = cofree $ (setCategory (extract child) VarDecl :< S.VarDecl child)
toVarDecl child = cofree $ setCategory (extract child) VarDecl :< S.VarDecl child
toTuple :: Term (S.Syntax Text) (Record fields) -> [Term (S.Syntax Text) (Record fields)]
toTuple child | S.Indexed [key,value] <- unwrap child = [cofree (extract child :< S.Pair key value)]

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@ -12,16 +12,21 @@ import Source
import SourceSpan
import Syntax
cmarkParser :: Parser (Syntax Text) (Record '[Range, Category])
cmarkParser SourceBlob{..} = pure . toTerm (totalRange source) $ commonmarkToNode [ optSourcePos, optSafe ] (toText source)
where toTerm :: Range -> Node -> Cofree (Syntax Text) (Record '[Range, Category])
toTerm within (Node position t children) = let range = maybe within (sourceSpanToRange source . toSpan) position in cofree $ (range .: toCategory t .: RNil) :< case t of
cmarkParser :: Parser (Syntax Text) (Record '[Range, Category, SourceSpan])
cmarkParser SourceBlob{..} = pure . toTerm (totalRange source) (sourceRangeToSpan source (toS path) $ totalRange source) $ commonmarkToNode [ optSourcePos, optSafe ] (toText source)
where toTerm :: Range -> SourceSpan -> Node -> Cofree (Syntax Text) (Record '[Range, Category, SourceSpan])
toTerm within withinSpan (Node position t children) =
range = maybe within (sourceSpanToRange source . toSpan) position
span = maybe withinSpan toSpan position
cofree $ (range .: toCategory t .: span .: RNil) :< case t of
-- Leaves
CODE text -> Leaf text
TEXT text -> Leaf text
CODE_BLOCK _ text -> Leaf text
-- Branches
_ -> Indexed (toTerm range <$> children)
_ -> Indexed (toTerm range span <$> children)
toCategory :: NodeType -> Category
toCategory (TEXT _) = Other "text"
@ -29,10 +34,10 @@ cmarkParser SourceBlob{..} = pure . toTerm (totalRange source) $ commonmarkToNod
toCategory (HTML_BLOCK _) = Other "html"
toCategory (HTML_INLINE _) = Other "html"
toCategory (HEADING _) = Other "heading"
toCategory (LIST (ListAttributes{..})) = Other $ case listType of
toCategory (LIST ListAttributes{..}) = Other $ case listType of
BULLET_LIST -> "unordered list"
ORDERED_LIST -> "ordered list"
toCategory (LINK{}) = Other "link"
toCategory (IMAGE{}) = Other "image"
toCategory LINK{} = Other "link"
toCategory IMAGE{} = Other "image"
toCategory t = Other (show t)
toSpan PosInfo{..} = SourceSpan "" (SourcePos (pred startLine) (pred startColumn)) (SourcePos (pred endLine) endColumn)

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@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ termFields info syntax = "range" .= characterRange info : "category" .= category
S.Constructor expr -> [ "constructorExpression" .= expr ]
S.Comment _ -> []
S.Commented comments child -> childrenFields (comments <> maybeToList child)
S.Error sourceSpan c -> [ "sourceSpan" .= sourceSpan ] <> childrenFields c
S.Error c -> childrenFields c
S.Throw c -> [ "throwExpression" .= c ]
S.Try body catch finally -> [ "tryBody" .= body ] <> [ "tryCatch" .= catch ] <> [ "tryFinally" .= finally ]
S.Array c -> childrenFields c

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@ -9,8 +9,9 @@ import Range
import DiffSummary
import Data.Map as Map hiding (null)
import Source
import SourceSpan
summary :: (HasField fields Category, HasField fields Range) => Renderer (Record fields)
summary :: (HasField fields Category, HasField fields Range, HasField fields SourceSpan) => Renderer (Record fields)
summary blobs diff = SummaryOutput $ Map.fromList [
("changes", changes),
("errors", errors)

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@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ actualLineRanges :: Range -> Source Char -> [Range]
actualLineRanges range = drop 1 . scanl toRange (Range (start range) (start range)) . actualLines . slice range
where toRange previous string = Range (end previous) $ end previous + length string
-- | Compute the character range corresponding to a given SourceSpan within a Source.
-- | Compute the character range given a Source and a SourceSpan.
sourceSpanToRange :: Source Char -> SourceSpan -> Range
sourceSpanToRange source SourceSpan{..} = Range start end
where start = sumLengths leadingRanges + column spanStart
@ -99,6 +99,14 @@ sourceSpanToRange source SourceSpan{..} = Range start end
(leadingRanges, remainingRanges) = splitAt (line spanStart) (actualLineRanges (totalRange source) source)
sumLengths = sum . fmap (\ Range{..} -> end - start)
sourceRangeToSpan :: Source Char -> Text -> Range -> SourceSpan
sourceRangeToSpan source name range@Range{} = SourceSpan name startPos endPos
where startPos = maybe (SourcePos 0 0) (toStartPos 0) (head lineRanges)
endPos = toEndPos (length lineRanges) (last lineRanges)
lineRanges = actualLineRanges range source
toStartPos line range = SourcePos line (start range)
toEndPos line range = SourcePos line (end range)
instance Semigroup (Source a) where
Source a <> Source b = Source (a Vector.++ b)

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@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import Prologue
import Data.Mergeable
import GHC.Generics
import Test.QuickCheck hiding (Fixed)
import SourceSpan
-- | A node in an abstract syntax tree.
@ -57,7 +56,7 @@ data Syntax a f
| Comment a
-- | A term preceded or followed by any number of comments.
| Commented [f] (Maybe f)
| Error SourceSpan [f]
| Error [f]
| For [f] f
| DoWhile { doWhileBody :: f, doWhileExpr :: f }
| While { whileExpr :: f, whileBody :: f }

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@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import SourceSpan
import Info
-- | Returns a TreeSitter parser for the given language and TreeSitter grammar.
treeSitterParser :: Language -> Ptr TS.Language -> Parser (Syntax.Syntax Text) (Record '[Range, Category])
treeSitterParser :: Language -> Ptr TS.Language -> Parser (Syntax.Syntax Text) (Record '[Range, Category, SourceSpan])
treeSitterParser language grammar blob = do
document <- ts_document_make
ts_document_set_language document grammar
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ treeSitterParser language grammar blob = do
pure term)
-- | Return a parser for a tree sitter language & document.
documentToTerm :: Language -> Ptr Document -> Parser (Syntax.Syntax Text) (Record '[Range, Category])
documentToTerm :: Language -> Ptr Document -> Parser (Syntax.Syntax Text) (Record '[Range, Category, SourceSpan])
documentToTerm language document SourceBlob{..} = alloca $ \ root -> do
ts_document_root_node_p document root
toTerm root
@ -43,9 +43,11 @@ documentToTerm language document SourceBlob{..} = alloca $ \ root -> do
let range = Range { start = fromIntegral $ ts_node_p_start_char node, end = fromIntegral $ ts_node_p_end_char node }
let sourceSpan = SourceSpan { spanName = toS path
let sourceSpan = SourceSpan {
spanName = toS path
, spanStart = SourcePos (fromIntegral $! ts_node_p_start_point_row node) (fromIntegral $! ts_node_p_start_point_column node)
, spanEnd = SourcePos (fromIntegral $! ts_node_p_end_point_row node) (fromIntegral $! ts_node_p_end_point_column node) }
, spanEnd = SourcePos (fromIntegral $! ts_node_p_end_point_row node) (fromIntegral $! ts_node_p_end_point_column node)
-- Note: The strict application here is semantically important.
-- Without it, we may not evaluate the range until after weve exited