mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2024-12-20 21:31:48 +03:00

Remove declaration free variable

and clean up lints
This commit is contained in:
joshvera 2018-09-14 18:35:11 -04:00
parent 8bc8b196a2
commit 7d287a8ca7

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module Data.Abstract.ScopeGraph
, Reference(..)
, Declaration(..)
, EdgeLabel(..)
, Frame
, Heap
, frameLookup
, scopeLookup
@ -15,12 +16,19 @@ module Data.Abstract.ScopeGraph
, setSlot
, lookup
, scopeOfRef
, pathOfRef
, declare
, emptyGraph
, reference
, newScope
, associatedScope
, insertDeclarationScope
, newFrame
, initFrame
, insertFrame
, fillFrame
, deleteFrame
, heapSize
) where
import Data.Abstract.Name
@ -168,68 +176,68 @@ newtype Declaration = Declaration Name
data EdgeLabel = P | I
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Frame scopeAddress frameAddress declaration value = Frame {
data Frame scopeAddress frameAddress value = Frame {
scopeAddress :: scopeAddress
, links :: Map EdgeLabel (Map scopeAddress frameAddress)
, slots :: Map declaration value
, slots :: Map Declaration value
newtype Heap scopeAddress frameAddress declaration value = Heap { unHeap :: Map frameAddress (Frame scopeAddress frameAddress declaration value) }
newtype Heap scopeAddress frameAddress value = Heap { unHeap :: Map frameAddress (Frame scopeAddress frameAddress value) }
-- | Look up the frame for an 'address' in a 'Heap', if any.
frameLookup :: Ord address => address -> Heap scope address declaration value -> Maybe (Frame scope address declaration value)
frameLookup :: Ord address => address -> Heap scope address value -> Maybe (Frame scope address value)
frameLookup address = Map.lookup address . unHeap
-- | Look up the scope address for a given frame address.
scopeLookup :: Ord address => address -> Heap scope address declaration value -> Maybe scope
scopeLookup :: Ord address => address -> Heap scope address value -> Maybe scope
scopeLookup address = fmap scopeAddress . frameLookup address
frameSlots :: Ord address => address -> Heap scope address declaration value -> Maybe (Map declaration value)
frameSlots :: Ord address => address -> Heap scope address value -> Maybe (Map Declaration value)
frameSlots address = fmap slots . frameLookup address
frameLinks :: Ord address => address -> Heap scope address declaration value -> Maybe (Map EdgeLabel (Map scope address))
frameLinks :: Ord address => address -> Heap scope address value -> Maybe (Map EdgeLabel (Map scope address))
frameLinks address = fmap links . frameLookup address
getSlot :: (Ord address, Ord declaration) => address -> Heap scope address declaration value -> declaration -> Maybe value
getSlot :: Ord address => address -> Heap scope address value -> Declaration -> Maybe value
getSlot address heap declaration = do
slotMap <- frameSlots address heap
Map.lookup declaration slotMap
setSlot :: (Ord address, Ord declaration) => address -> declaration -> value -> Heap scope address declaration value -> Heap scope address declaration value
setSlot :: Ord address => address -> Declaration -> value -> Heap scope address value -> Heap scope address value
setSlot address declaration value heap =
case frameLookup address heap of
Just frame -> let slotMap = slots frame in
Heap $ Map.insert address (frame { slots = Map.insert declaration value slotMap }) (unHeap heap)
Nothing -> heap
lookup :: (Ord address, Ord scope) => Heap scope address declaration value -> address -> Path scope -> declaration -> Maybe scope
lookup heap address (DPath d) declaration = scopeLookup address heap
lookup :: (Ord address, Ord scope) => Heap scope address value -> address -> Path scope -> Declaration -> Maybe scope
lookup heap address (DPath d) declaration = guard (d == declaration) >> scopeLookup address heap
lookup heap address (EPath label scope path) declaration = do
frame <- frameLookup address heap
scopeMap <- Map.lookup label (links frame)
nextAddress <- Map.lookup scope scopeMap
lookup heap nextAddress path declaration
newFrame :: (Ord address, Ord declaration) => scope -> address -> Map EdgeLabel (Map scope address) -> Heap scope address declaration value -> Heap scope address declaration value
newFrame :: (Ord address) => scope -> address -> Map EdgeLabel (Map scope address) -> Heap scope address value -> Heap scope address value
newFrame scope address links = insertFrame address (Frame scope links mempty)
initFrame :: (Ord address, Ord declaration) => scope -> address -> Map EdgeLabel (Map scope address) -> Map declaration value -> Heap scope address declaration value -> Heap scope address declaration value
initFrame :: (Ord address) => scope -> address -> Map EdgeLabel (Map scope address) -> Map Declaration value -> Heap scope address value -> Heap scope address value
initFrame scope address links slots = fillFrame address slots . newFrame scope address links
insertFrame :: Ord address => address -> Frame scope address declaration value -> Heap scope address declaration value -> Heap scope address declaration value
insertFrame :: Ord address => address -> Frame scope address value -> Heap scope address value -> Heap scope address value
insertFrame address frame = Heap . Map.insert address frame . unHeap
fillFrame :: Ord address => address -> Map declaration value -> Heap scope address declaration value -> Heap scope address declaration value
fillFrame :: Ord address => address -> Map Declaration value -> Heap scope address value -> Heap scope address value
fillFrame address slots heap =
case frameLookup address heap of
Just frame -> insertFrame address (frame { slots = slots }) heap
Nothing -> heap
deleteFrame :: Ord address => address -> Heap scope address declaration value -> Heap scope address declaration value
deleteFrame :: Ord address => address -> Heap scope address value -> Heap scope address value
deleteFrame address = Heap . Map.delete address . unHeap
-- | The number of frames in the `Heap`.
heapSize :: Heap scope address declaration value -> Int
heapSize :: Heap scope address value -> Int
heapSize = Map.size . unHeap
-- -- | Look up the list of values stored for a given address, if any.