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Merge pull request #1848 from github/allocator-effect

Allocator effect
This commit is contained in:
Josh Vera 2018-05-18 11:46:23 -04:00 committed by GitHub
commit 7daec2cfdb
16 changed files with 204 additions and 199 deletions

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@ -79,9 +79,9 @@ cachingTerms recur term = do
cachingConfiguration c pairs (recur term)
convergingModules :: ( AbstractValue location value effects
, Addressable location effects
, Cacheable term location (Cell location) value
, Members '[ Fresh
, Members '[ Allocator location value
, Fresh
, NonDet
, Reader (Cache term location (Cell location) value)
, Reader (Environment location value)

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@ -1,129 +1,43 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, RankNTypes, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Control.Abstract.Addressable where
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, RankNTypes, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Control.Abstract.Addressable
( Addressable(..)
) where
import Control.Abstract.Context
import Control.Abstract.Environment
import Control.Abstract.Evaluator
import Control.Abstract.Heap
import Data.Abstract.Address
import Data.Abstract.Environment (insert)
import Data.Abstract.FreeVariables
import Data.Semigroup.Reducer
import Prologue
-- | Defines 'alloc'ation and 'deref'erencing of 'Address'es in a Heap.
-- | Defines allocation and dereferencing of 'Address'es in a 'Heap'.
class (Ord location, Show location) => Addressable location effects where
-- | The type into which stored values will be written for a given location type.
type family Cell location :: * -> *
allocCell :: Name -> Evaluator location value effects location
derefCell :: Address location value -> Cell location value -> Evaluator location value effects (Maybe value)
allocLoc :: Name -> Evaluator location value effects location
-- | Look up or allocate an address for a 'Name'.
lookupOrAlloc :: ( Addressable location effects
, Members '[ Reader (Environment location value)
, State (Environment location value)
] effects
=> Name
-> Evaluator location value effects (Address location value)
lookupOrAlloc name = lookupEnv name >>= maybe (alloc name) pure
letrec :: ( Addressable location effects
, Members '[ Reader (Environment location value)
, State (Environment location value)
, State (Heap location (Cell location) value)
] effects
, Reducer value (Cell location value)
=> Name
-> Evaluator location value effects value
-> Evaluator location value effects (value, Address location value)
letrec name body = do
addr <- lookupOrAlloc name
v <- localEnv (insert name addr) body
assign addr v
pure (v, addr)
-- Lookup/alloc a name passing the address to a body evaluated in a new local environment.
letrec' :: ( Addressable location effects
, Members '[ Reader (Environment location value)
, State (Environment location value)
] effects
=> Name
-> (Address location value -> Evaluator location value effects value)
-> Evaluator location value effects value
letrec' name body = do
addr <- lookupOrAlloc name
v <- localEnv id (body addr)
v <$ modifyEnv (insert name addr)
-- | Look up and dereference the given 'Name', throwing an exception for free variables.
variable :: ( Addressable location effects
, Members '[ Reader (Environment location value)
, Resumable (AddressError location value)
, Resumable (EnvironmentError value)
, State (Environment location value)
, State (Heap location (Cell location) value)
] effects
=> Name
-> Evaluator location value effects value
variable name = lookupEnv name >>= maybe (freeVariableError name) deref
-- Instances
-- | 'Precise' locations are always 'alloc'ated a fresh 'Address', and 'deref'erence to the 'Latest' value written.
-- | 'Precise' locations are always allocated a fresh 'Address', and dereference to the 'Latest' value written.
instance Member Fresh effects => Addressable Precise effects where
type Cell Precise = Latest
allocCell _ = Precise <$> fresh
derefCell _ = pure . getLast . unLatest
allocLoc _ = Precise <$> fresh
-- | 'Monovariant' locations 'alloc'ate one 'Address' per unique variable name, and 'deref'erence once per stored value, nondeterministically.
-- | 'Monovariant' locations allocate one 'Address' per unique variable name, and dereference once per stored value, nondeterministically.
instance Member NonDet effects => Addressable Monovariant effects where
derefCell _ cell | null cell = pure Nothing
| otherwise = foldMapA (pure . Just) cell
allocLoc = pure . Monovariant
type Cell Monovariant = All
instance ( Addressable location effects
, Members '[ Reader ModuleInfo
, Reader PackageInfo
] effects
=> Addressable (Located location) effects where
derefCell (Address (Located loc _ _)) = raiseEff . lowerEff . derefCell (Address loc)
allocCell = pure . Monovariant
derefCell _ = traverse (foldMapA pure) . nonEmpty . toList
allocLoc name = raiseEff (lowerEff (Located <$> allocLoc name <*> currentPackage <*> currentModule))
-- | 'Located' locations allocate & dereference using the underlying location, contextualizing locations with the current 'PackageInfo' & 'ModuleInfo'.
instance (Addressable location effects, Members '[Reader ModuleInfo, Reader PackageInfo] effects) => Addressable (Located location) effects where
type Cell (Located location) = Cell location
-- | Dereference the given 'Address'in the heap, or fail if the address is uninitialized.
deref :: (Addressable location effects, Members '[Resumable (AddressError location value), State (Heap location (Cell location) value)] effects) => Address location value -> Evaluator location value effects value
deref addr = do
cell <- lookupHeap addr >>= maybeM (throwAddressError (UnallocatedAddress addr))
derefed <- derefCell addr cell
maybeM (throwAddressError (UninitializedAddress addr)) derefed
allocCell name = relocate (Located <$> allocCell name <*> currentPackage <*> currentModule)
derefCell (Address (Located loc _ _)) = relocate . derefCell (Address loc)
alloc :: Addressable location effects => Name -> Evaluator location value effects (Address location value)
alloc = fmap Address . allocLoc
data AddressError location value resume where
UnallocatedAddress :: Address location value -> AddressError location value (Cell location value)
UninitializedAddress :: Address location value -> AddressError location value value
deriving instance Eq location => Eq (AddressError location value resume)
deriving instance Show location => Show (AddressError location value resume)
instance Show location => Show1 (AddressError location value) where
liftShowsPrec _ _ = showsPrec
instance Eq location => Eq1 (AddressError location value) where
liftEq _ (UninitializedAddress a) (UninitializedAddress b) = a == b
liftEq _ (UnallocatedAddress a) (UnallocatedAddress b) = a == b
liftEq _ _ _ = False
throwAddressError :: Member (Resumable (AddressError location value)) effects => AddressError location value resume -> Evaluator location value effects resume
throwAddressError = throwResumable
runAddressError :: Effectful (m location value) => m location value (Resumable (AddressError location value) ': effects) a -> m location value effects (Either (SomeExc (AddressError location value)) a)
runAddressError = runResumable
runAddressErrorWith :: Effectful (m location value) => (forall resume . AddressError location value resume -> m location value effects resume) -> m location value (Resumable (AddressError location value) ': effects) a -> m location value effects a
runAddressErrorWith = runResumableWith
relocate :: Evaluator location value effects a -> Evaluator (Located location) value effects a
relocate = raiseEff . lowerEff

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ module Control.Abstract.Configuration
, getConfiguration
) where
import Control.Abstract.Addressable
import Control.Abstract.Environment
import Control.Abstract.Heap
import Control.Abstract.Roots

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@ -1,17 +1,33 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, RankNTypes, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Control.Abstract.Heap
( Heap
, Cell
, getHeap
, putHeap
, modifyHeap
, lookupHeap
, alloc
, deref
, assign
, lookupOrAlloc
, letrec
, letrec'
, variable
-- * Effects
, Allocator(..)
, runAllocator
, AddressError(..)
, runAddressError
, runAddressErrorWith
) where
import Control.Abstract.Addressable
import Control.Abstract.Environment
import Control.Abstract.Evaluator
import Data.Abstract.Address
import Data.Abstract.Environment
import Data.Abstract.FreeVariables
import Data.Abstract.Heap
import Data.Semigroup.Reducer
import Prologue
-- | Retrieve the heap.
getHeap :: Member (State (Heap location (Cell location) value)) effects => Evaluator location value effects (Heap location (Cell location) value)
@ -25,9 +41,14 @@ putHeap = put
modifyHeap :: Member (State (Heap location (Cell location) value)) effects => (Heap location (Cell location) value -> Heap location (Cell location) value) -> Evaluator location value effects ()
modifyHeap = modify'
-- | Look up the cell for the given 'Address' in the 'Heap'.
lookupHeap :: (Member (State (Heap location (Cell location) value)) effects, Ord location) => Address location value -> Evaluator location value effects (Maybe (Cell location value))
lookupHeap = flip fmap getHeap . heapLookup
alloc :: Member (Allocator location value) effects => Name -> Evaluator location value effects (Address location value)
alloc = send . Alloc
-- | Dereference the given 'Address'in the heap, or fail if the address is uninitialized.
deref :: Member (Allocator location value) effects => Address location value -> Evaluator location value effects value
deref = send . Deref
-- | Write a value to the given 'Address' in the 'Store'.
assign :: ( Member (State (Heap location (Cell location) value)) effects
@ -38,3 +59,89 @@ assign :: ( Member (State (Heap location (Cell location) value)) effects
-> value
-> Evaluator location value effects ()
assign address = modifyHeap . heapInsert address
-- | Look up or allocate an address for a 'Name'.
lookupOrAlloc :: Members '[ Allocator location value
, Reader (Environment location value)
, State (Environment location value)
] effects
=> Name
-> Evaluator location value effects (Address location value)
lookupOrAlloc name = lookupEnv name >>= maybe (alloc name) pure
letrec :: ( Members '[ Allocator location value
, Reader (Environment location value)
, State (Environment location value)
, State (Heap location (Cell location) value)
] effects
, Ord location
, Reducer value (Cell location value)
=> Name
-> Evaluator location value effects value
-> Evaluator location value effects (value, Address location value)
letrec name body = do
addr <- lookupOrAlloc name
v <- localEnv (insert name addr) body
assign addr v
pure (v, addr)
-- Lookup/alloc a name passing the address to a body evaluated in a new local environment.
letrec' :: Members '[ Allocator location value
, Reader (Environment location value)
, State (Environment location value)
] effects
=> Name
-> (Address location value -> Evaluator location value effects value)
-> Evaluator location value effects value
letrec' name body = do
addr <- lookupOrAlloc name
v <- localEnv id (body addr)
v <$ modifyEnv (insert name addr)
-- | Look up and dereference the given 'Name', throwing an exception for free variables.
variable :: Members '[ Allocator location value
, Reader (Environment location value)
, Resumable (EnvironmentError value)
, State (Environment location value)
, State (Heap location (Cell location) value)
] effects
=> Name
-> Evaluator location value effects value
variable name = lookupEnv name >>= maybe (freeVariableError name) deref
-- Effects
data Allocator location value return where
Alloc :: Name -> Allocator location value (Address location value)
Deref :: Address location value -> Allocator location value value
runAllocator :: (Addressable location effects, Members '[Resumable (AddressError location value), State (Heap location (Cell location) value)] effects) => Evaluator location value (Allocator location value ': effects) a -> Evaluator location value effects a
runAllocator = interpret (\ eff -> case eff of
Alloc name -> Address <$> allocCell name
Deref addr -> heapLookup addr <$> get >>= maybeM (throwResumable (UnallocatedAddress addr)) >>= derefCell addr >>= maybeM (throwResumable (UninitializedAddress addr)))
data AddressError location value resume where
UnallocatedAddress :: Address location value -> AddressError location value (Cell location value)
UninitializedAddress :: Address location value -> AddressError location value value
deriving instance Eq location => Eq (AddressError location value resume)
deriving instance Show location => Show (AddressError location value resume)
instance Show location => Show1 (AddressError location value) where
liftShowsPrec _ _ = showsPrec
instance Eq location => Eq1 (AddressError location value) where
liftEq _ (UninitializedAddress a) (UninitializedAddress b) = a == b
liftEq _ (UnallocatedAddress a) (UnallocatedAddress b) = a == b
liftEq _ _ _ = False
runAddressError :: Effectful (m location value) => m location value (Resumable (AddressError location value) ': effects) a -> m location value effects (Either (SomeExc (AddressError location value)) a)
runAddressError = runResumable
runAddressErrorWith :: Effectful (m location value) => (forall resume . AddressError location value resume -> m location value effects resume) -> m location value (Resumable (AddressError location value) ': effects) a -> m location value effects a
runAddressErrorWith = runResumableWith

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@ -10,10 +10,11 @@ module Control.Abstract.Value
, ValueRoots(..)
) where
import Control.Abstract.Addressable
import Control.Abstract.Environment
import Control.Abstract.Evaluator
import Control.Abstract.Heap
import Data.Abstract.Address (Address, Cell)
import Data.Abstract.Address (Address)
import Data.Abstract.Environment as Env
import Data.Abstract.FreeVariables
import Data.Abstract.Live (Live)

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@ -22,18 +22,10 @@ instance Show location => Show (Address location value) where
showsPrec d = showsPrec d . unAddress
class Location location where
-- | The type into which stored values will be written for a given location type.
type family Cell location :: * -> *
-- | 'Precise' models precise store semantics where only the 'Latest' value is taken. Everything gets it's own address (always makes a new allocation) which makes for a larger store.
newtype Precise = Precise { unPrecise :: Int }
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Location Precise where
type Cell Precise = Latest
instance Show Precise where
showsPrec d = showsUnaryWith showsPrec "Precise" d . unPrecise
@ -42,9 +34,6 @@ instance Show Precise where
newtype Monovariant = Monovariant { unMonovariant :: Name }
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Location Monovariant where
type Cell Monovariant = All
instance Show Monovariant where
showsPrec d = showsUnaryWith showsPrec "Monovariant" d . unName . unMonovariant
@ -56,9 +45,6 @@ data Located location = Located
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Location (Located location) where
type Cell (Located location) = Cell location
-- | A cell holding a single value. Writes will replace any prior value.

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@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Data.Abstract.Environment
( Environment(..)
, addresses
@ -19,16 +18,15 @@ module Data.Abstract.Environment
, roots
) where
import Prelude hiding (head, lookup)
import Data.Abstract.Address
import Data.Abstract.FreeVariables
import Data.Abstract.Live
import Data.Align
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Semilattice.Lower
import GHC.Exts (IsList (..))
import Prelude hiding (head, lookup)
import Prologue
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
-- $setup
-- >>> let bright = push (insert (name "foo") (Address (Precise 0)) emptyEnv)
@ -37,21 +35,13 @@ import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
-- | A LIFO stack of maps of names to addresses, representing a lexically-scoped evaluation environment.
-- All behaviors can be assumed to be frontmost-biased: looking up "a" will check the most specific
-- scope for "a", then the next, and so on.
newtype Environment location value = Environment { unEnvironment :: NonEmpty (Map.Map Name location) }
newtype Environment location value = Environment { unEnvironment :: NonEmpty (Map.Map Name (Address location value)) }
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Eq location => Eq1 (Environment location) where liftEq _ (Environment a) (Environment b) = a == b
instance Ord location => Ord1 (Environment location) where liftCompare _ (Environment a) (Environment b) = a `compare` b
instance Eq location => Eq1 (Environment location) where liftEq eq (Environment a) (Environment b) = liftEq (liftEq (liftEq eq)) a b
instance Ord location => Ord1 (Environment location) where liftCompare compare (Environment a) (Environment b) = liftCompare (liftCompare (liftCompare compare)) a b
instance Show location => Show1 (Environment location) where liftShowsPrec _ _ = showsPrec
-- | The provided list will be put into an Environment with one member, so fromList is total
-- (despite NonEmpty's instance being partial). Don't pass in multiple Addresses for the
-- same Name or you violate the axiom that toList . fromList == id.
instance IsList (Environment location value) where
type Item (Environment location value) = (Name, Address location value)
fromList xs = Environment (Map.fromList (second unAddress <$> xs) :| [])
toList (Environment (x :| _)) = second Address <$> Map.toList x
mergeEnvs :: Environment location value -> Environment location value -> Environment location value
mergeEnvs (Environment (a :| as)) (Environment (b :| bs)) =
Environment ((<>) a b :| alignWith (mergeThese (<>)) as bs)
@ -79,29 +69,29 @@ mergeNewer (Environment a) (Environment b) =
Environment (NonEmpty.fromList . reverse $ alignWith (mergeThese combine) (reverse as) (reverse bs))
combine = Map.unionWith (flip const)
as = NonEmpty.toList a
bs = NonEmpty.toList b
as = toList a
bs = toList b
-- | Extract an association list of bindings from an 'Environment'.
-- >>> pairs shadowed
-- [("foo",Precise 1)]
pairs :: Environment location value -> [(Name, Address location value)]
pairs = map (second Address) . Map.toList . fold . unEnvironment
pairs = Map.toList . fold . unEnvironment
unpairs :: [(Name, Address location value)] -> Environment location value
unpairs = fromList
unpairs = Environment . pure . Map.fromList
-- | Lookup a 'Name' in the environment.
-- >>> lookup (name "foo") shadowed
-- Just (Precise 1)
lookup :: Name -> Environment location value -> Maybe (Address location value)
lookup k = fmap Address . foldMapA (Map.lookup k) . unEnvironment
lookup k = foldMapA (Map.lookup k) . unEnvironment
-- | Insert a 'Name' in the environment.
insert :: Name -> Address location value -> Environment location value -> Environment location value
insert name (Address value) (Environment (a :| as)) = Environment (Map.insert name value a :| as)
insert name address (Environment (a :| as)) = Environment (Map.insert name address a :| as)
-- | Remove a 'Name' from the environment.
@ -115,7 +105,7 @@ trim (Environment (a :| as)) = Environment (a :| filtered)
where filtered = filter (not . Map.null) as
bind :: Foldable t => t Name -> Environment location value -> Environment location value
bind names env = fromList (mapMaybe lookupName (Prologue.toList names))
bind names env = unpairs (mapMaybe lookupName (toList names))
lookupName name = (,) name <$> lookup name env
@ -125,7 +115,7 @@ names = fmap fst . pairs
-- | Lookup and alias name-value bindings from an environment.
overwrite :: [(Name, Name)] -> Environment location value -> Environment location value
overwrite pairs env = fromList $ mapMaybe lookupAndAlias pairs
overwrite pairs env = unpairs $ mapMaybe lookupAndAlias pairs
lookupAndAlias (oldName, newName) = (,) newName <$> lookup oldName env

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@ -52,16 +52,15 @@ class Evaluatable constr where
type EvaluatableConstraints location term value effects =
( AbstractValue location value effects
, Addressable location effects
, Declarations term
, FreeVariables term
, Members '[ LoopControl value
, Members '[ Allocator location value
, LoopControl value
, Modules location value
, Reader (Environment location value)
, Reader ModuleInfo
, Reader PackageInfo
, Reader Span
, Resumable (AddressError location value)
, Resumable (EnvironmentError value)
, Resumable (EvalError value)
, Resumable ResolutionError
@ -72,6 +71,7 @@ type EvaluatableConstraints location term value effects =
, State (Heap location (Cell location) value)
, Trace
] effects
, Ord location
, Reducer value (Cell location value)
@ -139,10 +139,9 @@ instance Show1 (Unspecialized a) where
liftShowsPrec _ _ = showsPrec
-- | Evaluates a 'Value' returning the referenced value
value :: ( Addressable location effects
, AbstractValue location value effects
, Members '[ Reader (Environment location value)
, Resumable (AddressError location value)
value :: ( AbstractValue location value effects
, Members '[ Allocator location value
, Reader (Environment location value)
, Resumable (EnvironmentError value)
, Resumable (EvalError value)
, State (Environment location value)
@ -156,10 +155,9 @@ value (LvalMember obj prop) = evaluateInScopedEnv (pure obj) (variable prop)
value (Rval val) = pure val
-- | Evaluates a 'Subterm' to its rval
subtermValue :: ( Addressable location effects
, AbstractValue location value effects
, Members '[ Reader (Environment location value)
, Resumable (AddressError location value)
subtermValue :: ( AbstractValue location value effects
, Members '[ Allocator location value
, Reader (Environment location value)
, Resumable (EnvironmentError value)
, Resumable (EvalError value)
, State (Environment location value)
@ -200,14 +198,15 @@ traceResolve :: (Show a, Show b, Member Trace effects) => a -> b -> Evaluator lo
traceResolve name path = trace ("resolved " <> show name <> " -> " <> show path)
builtin :: ( Addressable location effects
, HasCallStack
, Members '[ Reader (Environment location value)
builtin :: ( HasCallStack
, Members '[ Allocator location value
, Reader (Environment location value)
, Reader ModuleInfo
, Reader Span
, State (Environment location value)
, State (Heap location (Cell location) value)
] effects
, Ord location
, Reducer value (Cell location value)
=> String
@ -221,20 +220,24 @@ builtin n def = withCurrentCallStack callStack $ do
-- | Evaluate a given package.
evaluatePackageWith :: forall location term value inner inner' outer
. ( Evaluatable (Base term)
-- FIXME: Itd be nice if we didnt have to mention 'Addressable' here at all, but 'Located' locations require knowledge of 'currentModule' to run. Can we fix that? If not, can we factor this effect list out?
. ( Addressable location (Reader ModuleInfo ': Modules location value ': State (Gotos location value (Reader Span ': Reader PackageInfo ': outer)) ': Reader Span ': Reader PackageInfo ': outer)
, Evaluatable (Base term)
, EvaluatableConstraints location term value inner
, Members '[ Fail
, Fresh
, Reader (Environment location value)
, Resumable (AddressError location value)
, Resumable (LoadError location value)
, State (Environment location value)
, State (Exports location value)
, State (Heap location (Cell location) value)
, State (ModuleTable (Maybe (Environment location value, value)))
, Trace
] outer
, Recursive term
, inner ~ (Goto inner' value ': inner')
, inner' ~ (LoopControl value ': Return value ': Reader ModuleInfo ': Modules location value ': State (Gotos location value (Reader Span ': Reader PackageInfo ': outer)) ': Reader Span ': Reader PackageInfo ': outer)
, inner' ~ (LoopControl value ': Return value ': Allocator location value ': Reader ModuleInfo ': Modules location value ': State (Gotos location value (Reader Span ': Reader PackageInfo ': outer)) ': Reader Span ': Reader PackageInfo ': outer)
=> (SubtermAlgebra Module term (TermEvaluator term location value inner value) -> SubtermAlgebra Module term (TermEvaluator term location value inner value))
-> (SubtermAlgebra (Base term) term (TermEvaluator term location value inner (ValueRef value)) -> SubtermAlgebra (Base term) term (TermEvaluator term location value inner (ValueRef value)))
@ -259,6 +262,7 @@ evaluatePackageWith analyzeModule analyzeTerm package
runInModule info
= runReader info
. raiseHandler runAllocator
. raiseHandler runReturn
. raiseHandler runLoopControl
. raiseHandler (runGoto Gotos getGotos)
@ -287,7 +291,7 @@ evaluatePackageWith analyzeModule analyzeTerm package
| otherwise = Exports.toEnvironment ports `mergeEnvs` overwrite (Exports.aliases ports) env
pairValueWithEnv action = flip (,) <$> action <*> (filterEnv <$> TermEvaluator getExports <*> TermEvaluator getEnv)
newtype Gotos location value outer = Gotos { getGotos :: GotoTable (LoopControl value ': Return value ': Reader ModuleInfo ': Modules location value ': State (Gotos location value outer) ': outer) value }
newtype Gotos location value outer = Gotos { getGotos :: GotoTable (LoopControl value ': Return value ': Allocator location value ': Reader ModuleInfo ': Modules location value ': State (Gotos location value outer) ': outer) value }
deriving (Lower)

View File

@ -12,8 +12,6 @@ import Prologue
newtype Heap location cell value = Heap { unHeap :: Monoidal.Map location (cell value) }
deriving (Eq, Foldable, Functor, Lower, Monoid, Ord, Semigroup, Traversable)
deriving instance (Ord location, Reducer value (cell value)) => Reducer (location, value) (Heap location cell value)
-- | Look up the cell of values for an 'Address' in a 'Heap', if any.
heapLookup :: Ord location => Address location value -> Heap location cell value -> Maybe (cell value)
heapLookup (Address address) = Monoidal.lookup address . unHeap
@ -24,7 +22,7 @@ heapLookupAll address = fmap toList . heapLookup address
-- | Append a value onto the cell for a given address, inserting a new cell if none existed.
heapInsert :: (Ord location, Reducer value (cell value)) => Address location value -> value -> Heap location cell value -> Heap location cell value
heapInsert (Address address) value = flip snoc (address, value)
heapInsert address value = flip snoc (address, value)
-- | Manually insert a cell into the heap at a given address.
heapInit :: Ord location => Address location value -> cell value -> Heap location cell value -> Heap location cell value
@ -39,6 +37,10 @@ heapRestrict :: Ord location => Heap location cell value -> Live location value
heapRestrict (Heap m) roots = Heap (Monoidal.filterWithKey (\ address _ -> Address address `liveMember` roots) m)
instance (Ord location, Reducer value (cell value)) => Reducer (Address location value, value) (Heap location cell value) where
unit = Heap . unit . first unAddress
cons (Address key, a) (Heap heap) = Heap (cons (key, a) heap)
snoc (Heap heap) (Address key, a) = Heap (snoc heap (key, a))
instance (Show location, Show (cell value)) => Show (Heap location cell value) where
showsPrec d = showsUnaryWith showsPrec "Heap" d . Monoidal.pairs . unHeap

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@ -103,8 +103,8 @@ instance AbstractHole Type where
hole = Hole
-- | Discard the value arguments (if any), constructing a 'Type' instead.
instance ( Addressable location effects
, Members '[ Fresh
instance ( Members '[ Allocator location Type
, Fresh
, NonDet
, Reader (Environment location Type)
, Resumable (AddressError location Type)
@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ instance ( Addressable location effects
, State (Environment location Type)
, State (Heap location (Cell location) Type)
] effects
, Ord location
, Reducer Type (Cell location Type)
=> AbstractValue location Type effects where

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@ -205,18 +205,18 @@ instance AbstractHole (Value location) where
hole = injValue Hole
-- | Construct a 'Value' wrapping the value arguments (if any).
instance ( Addressable location (Goto effects (Value location) ': effects)
, Members '[ Fail
instance ( Members '[ Allocator location (Value location)
, Fail
, LoopControl (Value location)
, Reader (Environment location (Value location))
, Reader ModuleInfo
, Reader PackageInfo
, Resumable (AddressError location (Value location))
, Resumable (ValueError location)
, Return (Value location)
, State (Environment location (Value location))
, State (Heap location (Cell location) (Value location))
] effects
, Ord location
, Reducer (Value location) (Cell location (Value location))
, Show location

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@ -18,12 +18,9 @@ import Data.Semilattice.Lower
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Prologue hiding (Map)
newtype Map key value = Map (Map.Map key value)
newtype Map key value = Map { unMap :: Map.Map key value }
deriving (Eq, Eq1, Eq2, Foldable, Functor, Ord, Ord1, Ord2, Show, Show1, Show2, ToJSON, Traversable)
unMap :: Map key value -> Map.Map key value
unMap (Map map) = map
singleton :: key -> value -> Map key value
singleton k v = Map (Map.singleton k v)

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@ -52,12 +52,11 @@ resolvePHPName n = do
where name = toName n
toName = BC.unpack . dropRelativePrefix . stripQuotes
include :: ( Addressable location effects
, AbstractValue location value effects
, Members '[ Modules location value
include :: ( AbstractValue location value effects
, Members '[ Allocator location value
, Modules location value
, Reader (Environment location value)
, Resumable ResolutionError
, Resumable (AddressError location value)
, Resumable (EnvironmentError value)
, Resumable (EvalError value)
, State (Environment location value)

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@ -128,17 +128,18 @@ instance Evaluatable Import where
-- Evaluate a qualified import
evalQualifiedImport :: ( AbstractValue location a effects
, Addressable location effects
, Reducer.Reducer a (Cell location a)
, Members '[ (State (Exports location a))
, (State (Environment location a))
, (State (Heap location (Cell location) a))
, (Reader (Environment location a))
, (Modules location a)
evalQualifiedImport :: ( AbstractValue location value effects
, Members '[ Allocator location value
, Modules location value
, Reader (Environment location value)
, State (Environment location value)
, State (Exports location value)
, State (Heap location (Cell location) value)
] effects
, Ord location
, Reducer.Reducer value (Cell location value)
=> Name -> ModulePath -> Evaluator location a effects a
=> Name -> ModulePath -> Evaluator location value effects value
evalQualifiedImport name path = letrec' name $ \addr -> do
importedEnv <- maybe emptyEnv fst <$> isolate (require path)
modifyEnv (mergeEnvs importedEnv)

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@ -134,14 +134,15 @@ javascriptExtensions :: [String]
javascriptExtensions = ["js"]
evalRequire :: ( AbstractValue location value effects
, Addressable location effects
, Members '[ Modules location value
, Members '[ Allocator location value
, Modules location value
, Reader (Environment location value)
, State (Environment location value)
, State (Exports location value)
, State (Heap location (Cell location) value)
, Trace
] effects
, Ord location
, Reducer value (Cell location value)
=> M.ModulePath

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@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ evaluate
. Value.runValueError
. runEnvironmentError
. runAddressError
. runAllocator
. runReturn
. runLoopControl
. fmap fst