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synced 2025-01-08 08:30:27 +03:00
Merge pull request #1222 from github/preserve-errors-in-repetition-assignment
Preserve errors in repetition assignment
This commit is contained in:
@ -194,13 +194,15 @@ data ErrorCause grammar
-- | Pretty-print an Error with reference to the source where it occurred.
printError :: Show grammar => Source.Source -> Error grammar -> IO ()
printError source error@Error{..} = do
withSGRCode [SetConsoleIntensity BoldIntensity] . putStrErr . showPos Nothing errorPos . showString ": " $ ""
withSGRCode [SetColor Foreground Vivid Red] . putStrErr . showString "error" . showString ": " . showExpectation error . showChar '\n' . showString (toS context) . (if isSuffixOf "\n" context then identity else showChar '\n') . showString (replicate (succ (Info.posColumn errorPos + lineNumberDigits)) ' ') $ ""
withSGRCode [SetColor Foreground Vivid Green] . putStrErr . showChar '^' . showChar '\n' . showString (prettyCallStack callStack) $ ""
withSGRCode [SetConsoleIntensity BoldIntensity] . putStrErr $ showPos Nothing errorPos . showString ": "
withSGRCode [SetColor Foreground Vivid Red] . putStrErr $ showString "error" . showString ": " . showExpectation error . showChar '\n'
putStrErr $ showString (toS context) . (if isSuffixOf "\n" context then identity else showChar '\n') . showString (replicate (succ (Info.posColumn errorPos + lineNumberDigits)) ' ')
withSGRCode [SetColor Foreground Vivid Green] . putStrErr $ showChar '^' . showChar '\n'
putStrErr $ showString (prettyCallStack callStack) . showChar '\n'
where context = maybe "\n" (Source.sourceBytes . sconcat) (nonEmpty [ Source.fromBytes (toS (showLineNumber i)) <> Source.fromBytes ": " <> l | (i, l) <- zip [1..] (Source.sourceLines source), inRange (Info.posLine errorPos - 2, Info.posLine errorPos) i ])
showLineNumber n = let s = show n in replicate (lineNumberDigits - length s) ' ' <> s
lineNumberDigits = succ (floor (logBase 10 (fromIntegral (Info.posLine errorPos) :: Double)))
putStrErr = hPutStr stderr
putStrErr = hPutStr stderr . ($ "")
withSGRCode :: [SGR] -> IO a -> IO ()
withSGRCode code action = do
@ -240,7 +242,8 @@ assignAllFrom :: (Symbol grammar, Enum grammar, Eq grammar, Recursive ast, Folda
assignAllFrom toNode assignment state = case runAssignment toNode assignment state of
Result err (Just (a, state)) -> case stateNodes (dropAnonymous toNode state) of
[] -> pure (a, state)
node : _ -> Result (err <|> Just (Error (statePos state) (UnexpectedSymbol [] (nodeSymbol (toNode (F.project node)))))) Nothing
node : _ -> let Node nodeSymbol _ (Info.Span spanStart _) = toNode (F.project node) in
Result (err <|> Just (Error spanStart (UnexpectedSymbol [] nodeSymbol))) Nothing
r -> r
-- | Run an assignment of nodes in a grammar onto terms in a syntax.
@ -257,7 +260,8 @@ runAssignment toNode = iterFreer run . fmap ((pure .) . (,))
Result err Nothing -> Result err Nothing
(Choose choices, node : _) | Node symbol _ _ <- toNode (F.project node), Just a <- IntMap.lookup (fromEnum symbol) choices -> yield a state
(Many _, []) -> yield [] state
(Many rule, _) -> uncurry yield (runMany rule state)
(Many rule, _) -> let (e1, values, state') = runMany rule state
Result e2 v = yield values state' in Result (e2 <|> e1) v
-- Nullability: some rules, e.g. @pure a@ and @many a@, should match at the end of input. Either side of an alternation may be nullable, ergo Alt can match at the end of input.
(Alt a b, _) -> yield a state <|> yield b state
(Throw e, _) -> Result (Just e) Nothing
@ -273,10 +277,10 @@ runAssignment toNode = iterFreer run . fmap ((pure .) . (,))
Choose choices -> choiceSymbols choices
_ -> []
choiceSymbols choices = (toEnum :: Int -> grammar) <$> IntMap.keys choices
runMany :: Assignment ast grammar v -> AssignmentState ast -> ([v], AssignmentState ast)
runMany :: Assignment ast grammar v -> AssignmentState ast -> (Maybe (Error grammar), [v], AssignmentState ast)
runMany rule state = case runAssignment toNode rule state of
Result _ (Just (a, state')) -> let (as, state'') = runMany rule state' in as `seq` (a : as, state'')
_ -> ([], state)
Result e1 (Just (a, state')) -> let (e2, as, state'') = runMany rule state' in as `seq` (e2 <|> e1, a : as, state'')
Result err Nothing -> (err, [], state)
{-# INLINE run #-}
dropAnonymous :: (Symbol grammar, Recursive ast) => (forall x. Base ast x -> Node grammar) -> AssignmentState ast -> AssignmentState ast
@ -350,7 +354,7 @@ instance Applicative (Result grammar) where
instance Alternative (Result grammar) where
empty = Result Nothing Nothing
Result e (Just a) <|> _ = Result e (Just a)
Result e1 (Just a) <|> Result e2 _ = Result (e1 <|> e2) (Just a)
Result e1 Nothing <|> Result e2 b = Result (e1 <|> e2) b
instance MonadError (Error grammar) (Assignment ast grammar) where
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ runParser parser = case parser of
AssignmentParser parser by assignment -> \ source -> do
ast <- runParser parser source
let Result err term = assignBy by assignment source ast
traverse_ (printError source) (toList err)
traverse_ (printError source) err
pure $! fromMaybe (errorTerm source) term
TreeSitterParser language tslanguage -> treeSitterParser language tslanguage
MarkdownParser -> pure . cmarkParser
Reference in New Issue
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