mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2025-01-09 00:56:32 +03:00

🔥 monolithic Ruby assignment.

This commit is contained in:
Rob Rix 2017-08-29 15:50:11 -04:00
parent bb2c66d32c
commit 81eb3f8425
3 changed files with 0 additions and 183 deletions

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@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ library
, Language.Go.Syntax
, Language.JSON.Grammar
, Language.JSON.Syntax
, Language.Ruby
, Language.Ruby.Grammar
, Language.Ruby.Syntax
, Language.TypeScript.Grammar

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@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
module Language.Ruby where
import Control.Comonad
import Control.Comonad.Cofree
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.List (partition)
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Source
import Data.Text (Text)
import Info
import Language
import qualified Syntax as S
import Term hiding ((:<))
:: Source -- ^ The source of the term.
-> Category -- ^ The category for the term.
-> [ SyntaxTerm DefaultFields ] -- ^ The child nodes of the term.
-> Maybe (S.Syntax (SyntaxTerm DefaultFields)) -- ^ The resulting term, in Maybe.
termAssignment _ category children
= case (category, children) of
(ArgumentPair, [ k, v ] ) -> Just $ S.Pair k v
(KeywordParameter, [ k, v ] ) -> Just $ S.Pair k v
-- NB: ("keyword_parameter", k) is a required keyword parameter, e.g.:
-- def foo(name:); end
-- Let it fall through to generate an Indexed syntax.
(OptionalParameter, [ k, v ] ) -> Just $ S.Pair k v
(AnonymousFunction, first : rest)
| null rest -> Just $ S.AnonymousFunction [] [first]
| otherwise -> Just $ S.AnonymousFunction (toList (unwrap first)) rest
(ArrayLiteral, _ ) -> Just $ S.Array Nothing children
(Assignment, [ identifier, value ]) -> Just $ S.Assignment identifier value
(Begin, _ ) -> Just $ case partition (\x -> Info.category (extract x) == Rescue) children of
(rescues, rest) -> case partition (\x -> Info.category (extract x) == Ensure || Info.category (extract x) == Else) rest of
(ensureElse, body) -> case ensureElse of
[ elseBlock, ensure ]
| Else <- Info.category (extract elseBlock)
, Ensure <- Info.category (extract ensure) -> S.Try body rescues (Just elseBlock) (Just ensure)
[ ensure, elseBlock ]
| Ensure <- Info.category (extract ensure)
, Else <- Info.category (extract elseBlock) -> S.Try body rescues (Just elseBlock) (Just ensure)
[ elseBlock ] | Else <- Info.category (extract elseBlock) -> S.Try body rescues (Just elseBlock) Nothing
[ ensure ] | Ensure <- Info.category (extract ensure) -> S.Try body rescues Nothing (Just ensure)
_ -> S.Try body rescues Nothing Nothing
(Class, constant : superclass : body)
| Superclass <- Info.category (extract superclass)
-> Just $ S.Class constant [superclass] body
(Class, constant : rest) -> Just $ S.Class constant [] rest
(SingletonClass, identifier : rest) -> Just $ S.Class identifier [] rest
(Case, _) -> Just $ uncurry S.Switch (break ((== When) . Info.category . extract) children)
(When, expr : body) -> Just $ S.Case expr body
(Ternary, condition : cases) -> Just $ S.Ternary condition cases
(MethodCall, fn : args)
| MemberAccess <- Info.category (extract fn)
, [target, method] <- toList (unwrap fn)
-> Just $ S.MethodCall target method [] (toList . unwrap =<< args)
| otherwise
-> Just $ S.FunctionCall fn [] (toList . unwrap =<< args)
(Object, _ ) -> Just . S.Object Nothing $ foldMap toTuple children
(Modifier If, [ lhs, condition ]) -> Just $ S.If condition [lhs]
(Modifier Unless, [lhs, rhs]) -> Just $ S.If (setCategory (extract rhs) Negate :< S.Negate rhs) [lhs]
(Unless, expr : rest) -> Just $ S.If ((setCategory (extract expr) Negate) :< S.Negate expr) rest
(Modifier Until, [ lhs, rhs ]) -> Just $ S.While (setCategory (extract rhs) Negate :< S.Negate rhs) [lhs]
(Until, expr : rest) -> Just $ S.While (setCategory (extract expr) Negate :< S.Negate expr) rest
(Elsif, condition : body ) -> Just $ S.If condition body
(SubscriptAccess, [ base, element ]) -> Just $ S.SubscriptAccess base element
(For, lhs : expr : rest ) -> Just $ S.For [lhs, expr] rest
(OperatorAssignment, [ identifier, value ]) -> Just $ S.OperatorAssignment identifier value
(MemberAccess, [ base, property ]) -> Just $ S.MemberAccess base property
(SingletonMethod, expr : methodName : rest)
| params : body <- rest
, Params <- Info.category (extract params)
-> Just $ S.Method [] methodName (Just expr) [params] body
| Identifier <- Info.category (extract methodName)
-> Just $ S.Method [] methodName (Just expr) [] rest
(Method, identifier : rest)
| params : body <- rest
, Params <- Info.category (extract params)
-> Just $ S.Method [] identifier Nothing [params] body
| otherwise
-> Just $ S.Method [] identifier Nothing [] rest
(Module, constant : body ) -> Just $ S.Module constant body
(Modifier Rescue, [lhs, rhs] ) -> Just $ S.Rescue [lhs] [rhs]
(Rescue, exceptions : exceptionVar : rest)
| RescueArgs <- Info.category (extract exceptions)
, RescuedException <- Info.category (extract exceptionVar)
-> Just $ S.Rescue (toList (unwrap exceptions) <> [exceptionVar]) rest
(Rescue, exceptionVar : rest)
| RescuedException <- Info.category (extract exceptionVar)
-> Just $ S.Rescue [exceptionVar] rest
(Rescue, exceptions : body)
| RescueArgs <- Info.category (extract exceptions)
-> Just $ S.Rescue (toList (unwrap exceptions)) body
(Rescue, body) -> Just $ S.Rescue [] body
(Modifier While, [ lhs, condition ]) -> Just $ S.While condition [lhs]
_ | category `elem` [ BeginBlock, EndBlock ] -> Just $ S.BlockStatement children
_ -> Nothing
categoryForRubyName :: Text -> Category
categoryForRubyName name = case name of
"argument_list_with_parens" -> Args
"argument_list" -> Args
"argument_pair" -> ArgumentPair
"array" -> ArrayLiteral
"assignment" -> Assignment
"begin_block" -> BeginBlock
"begin" -> Begin
"binary" -> Binary
"block" -> ExpressionStatements
"block_parameter" -> BlockParameter
"block_parameters" -> Params
"boolean" -> Boolean
"call" -> MemberAccess
"case" -> Case
"class" -> Class
"comment" -> Comment
"conditional" -> Ternary
"constant" -> Constant
"element_reference" -> SubscriptAccess
"else" -> Else
"elsif" -> Elsif
"empty_statement" -> Empty
"end_block" -> EndBlock
"ensure" -> Ensure
"exception_variable" -> RescuedException
"exceptions" -> RescueArgs
"false" -> Boolean
"float" -> NumberLiteral
"for" -> For
"hash_splat_parameter" -> HashSplatParameter
"hash" -> Object
"identifier" -> Identifier
"if_modifier" -> Modifier If
"if" -> If
"instance_variable" -> Identifier
"integer" -> IntegerLiteral
"interpolation" -> Interpolation
"keyword_parameter" -> KeywordParameter
"lambda_parameters" -> Params
"lambda" -> AnonymousFunction
"left_assignment_list" -> Args
"method_call" -> MethodCall
"method_parameters" -> Params
"method" -> Method
"module" -> Module
"nil" -> Identifier
"operator_assignment" -> OperatorAssignment
"optional_parameter" -> OptionalParameter
"pair" -> Pair
"pattern" -> Args
"program" -> Program
"range" -> RangeExpression
"regex" -> Regex
"rescue_modifier" -> Modifier Rescue
"rescue" -> Rescue
"rest_assignment" -> SplatParameter
"return" -> Return
"scope_resolution" -> ScopeOperator
"self" -> Identifier
"singleton_class" -> SingletonClass
"singleton_method" -> SingletonMethod
"splat_parameter" -> SplatParameter
"string" -> StringLiteral
"subshell" -> Subshell
"superclass" -> Superclass
"symbol" -> SymbolLiteral
"true" -> Boolean
"unary" -> Unary
"unless_modifier" -> Modifier Unless
"unless" -> Unless
"until_modifier" -> Modifier Until
"until" -> Until
"when" -> When
"while_modifier" -> Modifier While
"while" -> While
"yield" -> Yield
s -> Other s

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@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ import qualified Data.Syntax.Assignment as A
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import Language
import qualified Language.Go as Go
import qualified Language.Ruby as Ruby
import Foreign
import Foreign.C.String (peekCString)
import Foreign.Marshal.Array (allocaArray)
@ -115,7 +114,6 @@ assignTerm language source annotation children allChildren =
where assignTermByLanguage :: Source -> Category -> [ SyntaxTerm DefaultFields ] -> Maybe (S.Syntax (SyntaxTerm DefaultFields))
assignTermByLanguage = case languageForTSLanguage language of
Just Language.Go -> Go.termAssignment
Just Ruby -> Ruby.termAssignment
_ -> \ _ _ _ -> Nothing
defaultTermAssignment :: Source -> Record DefaultFields -> [ SyntaxTerm DefaultFields ] -> IO [ SyntaxTerm DefaultFields ] -> IO (SyntaxTerm DefaultFields)
@ -192,7 +190,6 @@ categoryForLanguageProductionName = withDefaults . byLanguage
s -> productionMap s
byLanguage language = case languageForTSLanguage language of
Just Ruby -> Ruby.categoryForRubyName
Just Language.Go -> Go.categoryForGoName
_ -> Other
@ -200,6 +197,5 @@ categoryForLanguageProductionName = withDefaults . byLanguage
languageForTSLanguage :: Ptr TS.Language -> Maybe Language
languageForTSLanguage = flip lookup
[ (TS.tree_sitter_go, Language.Go)
, (TS.tree_sitter_ruby, Ruby)
, (TS.tree_sitter_typescript, TypeScript)