mirror of
synced 2024-12-27 17:05:33 +03:00
Merge branch 'master' into evaluate-ruby
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ dist-newstyle
@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ library
, Data.Map.Monoidal
, Data.Patch
, Data.Project
, Data.Quieterm
, Data.Range
, Data.Record
, Data.Semigroup.App
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ module Control.Abstract.Heap
, alloc
, deref
, assign
, lookupOrAlloc
, letrec
, letrec'
, variable
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Control.Abstract.Primitive
( define
, defineClass
@ -5,6 +6,7 @@ module Control.Abstract.Primitive
, builtInPrint
, builtInExport
, lambda
, Lambda(..)
) where
import Control.Abstract.Context
@ -60,17 +62,33 @@ defineNamespace name scope = define name $ do
binds <- Env.head <$> locally (scope >> getEnv)
namespace name Nothing binds
-- | Construct a function from a Haskell function taking 'Name's as arguments.
-- The constructed function will have the same arity as the Haskell function. Nullary functions are constructed by providing an evaluator producing an address. Note that the constructed function must not contain free variables as they will not be captured by the closure, and/or will be garbage collected.
lambda :: ( HasCallStack
, Member Fresh effects
, Member (Function address value) effects
, Lambda address value effects fn
, Member (Reader ModuleInfo) effects
, Member (Reader Span) effects
=> (Name -> Evaluator address value effects address)
=> fn
-> Evaluator address value effects value
lambda body = withCurrentCallStack callStack $ do
var <- gensym
function [var] lowerBound (body var)
lambda body = withCurrentCallStack callStack (lambda' [] body)
-- | A class of types forming the body of 'lambda's. Note that there should in general only be two cases: a recursive case of functions taking 'Name's as parameters, and a base case of an 'Evaluator'.
class Lambda address value effects ty | ty -> address, ty -> value, ty -> effects where
lambda' :: [Name]
-> ty
-> Evaluator address value effects value
instance (Member Fresh effects, Lambda address value effects ret) => Lambda address value effects (Name -> ret) where
lambda' vars body = do
var <- gensym
lambda' (var : vars) (body var)
{-# INLINE lambda' #-}
instance Member (Function address value) effects => Lambda address value effects (Evaluator address value effects address) where
lambda' vars body = function vars lowerBound body
{-# INLINE lambda' #-}
builtInPrint :: ( AbstractValue address value effects
, HasCallStack
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ instance HasPrelude 'Ruby where
define (name "puts") builtInPrint
defineClass (name "Object") [] $ do
define (name "inspect") (lambda (const (box (string "<object>"))))
define (name "inspect") (lambda (box (string "<object>")))
instance HasPrelude 'TypeScript where
definePrelude _ =
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, TypeFamilies #-}
module Data.Quieterm
( Quieterm(..)
, quieterm
) where
import Data.Abstract.Declarations (Declarations)
import Data.Abstract.FreeVariables (FreeVariables)
import Data.Functor.Classes
import Data.Functor.Foldable
import Data.Term
import Text.Show (showListWith)
newtype Quieterm syntax ann = Quieterm { unQuieterm :: TermF syntax ann (Quieterm syntax ann) }
deriving (Declarations, FreeVariables)
type instance Base (Quieterm syntax ann) = TermF syntax ann
instance Functor syntax => Recursive (Quieterm syntax ann) where project = unQuieterm
instance Functor syntax => Corecursive (Quieterm syntax ann) where embed = Quieterm
instance Eq1 syntax => Eq1 (Quieterm syntax) where
liftEq eqA = go where go t1 t2 = liftEq2 eqA go (unQuieterm t1) (unQuieterm t2)
instance (Eq1 syntax, Eq ann) => Eq (Quieterm syntax ann) where
(==) = eq1
instance Ord1 syntax => Ord1 (Quieterm syntax) where
liftCompare comp = go where go t1 t2 = liftCompare2 comp go (unQuieterm t1) (unQuieterm t2)
instance (Ord1 syntax, Ord ann) => Ord (Quieterm syntax ann) where
compare = compare1
instance Show1 syntax => Show1 (Quieterm syntax) where
liftShowsPrec _ _ = go where go d = liftShowsPrec go (showListWith (go 0)) d . termFOut . unQuieterm
instance Show1 syntax => Show (Quieterm syntax ann) where
showsPrec = liftShowsPrec (const (const id)) (const id)
quieterm :: (Recursive term, Base term ~ TermF syntax ann) => term -> Quieterm syntax ann
quieterm = cata Quieterm
@ -256,9 +256,7 @@ instance Show1 TypeAlias where liftShowsPrec = genericLiftShowsPrec
instance Evaluatable TypeAlias where
eval TypeAlias{..} = do
name <- maybeM (throwEvalError NoNameError) (declaredName (subterm typeAliasIdentifier))
v <- subtermValue typeAliasKind
addr <- lookupOrAlloc name
assign addr v
addr <- subtermAddress typeAliasKind
bind name addr
pure (Rval addr)
@ -118,13 +118,11 @@ instance Show1 Assignment where liftShowsPrec = genericLiftShowsPrec
instance Evaluatable Assignment where
eval Assignment{..} = do
lhs <- subtermRef assignmentTarget
rhs <- subtermValue assignmentValue
rhs <- subtermAddress assignmentValue
case lhs of
LvalLocal nam -> do
addr <- lookupOrAlloc nam
assign addr rhs
bind nam addr
bind nam rhs
LvalMember _ _ ->
-- we don't yet support mutable object properties:
pure ()
@ -132,7 +130,7 @@ instance Evaluatable Assignment where
-- the left hand side of the assignment expression is invalid:
pure ()
rvalBox rhs
pure (Rval rhs)
-- | Post increment operator (e.g. 1++ in Go, or i++ in C).
newtype PostIncrement a = PostIncrement a
@ -110,9 +110,7 @@ instance Evaluatable DefaultExport where
eval (DefaultExport term) = do
case declaredName term of
Just name -> do
addr <- lookupOrAlloc name
v <- subtermValue term
assign addr v
addr <- subtermAddress term
export name name Nothing
bind name addr
Nothing -> throwEvalError DefaultExportError
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ module Rendering.Graph
, termStyle
, diffStyle
, ToTreeGraph(..)
, Vertex(..)
, TaggedVertex(..)
, DiffTag(..)
) where
@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ import Control.Monad.Effect.Reader
import Data.Diff
import Data.Graph
import Data.Patch
import Data.Semigroup.App
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import Data.Term
import Prologue
@ -24,53 +23,59 @@ import Prologue
renderTreeGraph :: (Ord vertex, Recursive t, ToTreeGraph vertex (Base t)) => t -> Graph vertex
renderTreeGraph = simplify . runGraph . cata toTreeGraph
runGraph :: Eff '[Fresh, Reader (Graph vertex)] (Graph vertex) -> Graph vertex
runGraph = run . runReader mempty . runFresh 0
runGraph :: Eff '[Reader (Graph vertex), Fresh] (Graph vertex) -> Graph vertex
runGraph = run . runFresh 0 . runReader mempty
termAlgebra :: (ConstructorName syntax, Foldable syntax, Member Fresh effs, Member (Reader (Graph (Vertex tag))) effs)
termAlgebra :: (ConstructorName syntax, Foldable syntax, Member Fresh effs, Member (Reader (Graph (TaggedVertex tag))) effs)
=> tag
-> TermF syntax ann (Eff effs (Graph (Vertex tag)))
-> Eff effs (Graph (Vertex tag))
termAlgebra tag (In _ syntax) = do
-> TermF syntax ann (Eff effs (Graph (TaggedVertex tag)))
-> Eff effs (Graph (TaggedVertex tag))
termAlgebra t (In _ syntax) = do
i <- fresh
let root = vertex (Vertex i tag (constructorName syntax))
parent <- ask
(parent `connect` root <>) <$> local (const root) (runAppMerge (foldMap AppMerge syntax))
let root = vertex (TaggedVertex i t (constructorName syntax))
subGraph <- foldl' (\acc x -> overlay <$> acc <*> local (const root) x) (pure mempty) syntax
pure (parent `connect` root `overlay` subGraph)
style :: (IsString string, Monoid string) => String -> (tag -> [Attribute string]) -> Style (Vertex tag) string
style :: (IsString string, Monoid string) => String -> (tag -> [Attribute string]) -> Style (TaggedVertex tag) string
style name tagAttributes = (defaultStyle (fromString . show . vertexId))
{ graphName = fromString (quote name)
, vertexAttributes = vertexAttributes }
where quote a = "\"" <> a <> "\""
vertexAttributes Vertex{..} = "label" := fromString vertexName : tagAttributes vertexTag
vertexAttributes TaggedVertex{..} = "label" := fromString vertexName : tagAttributes vertexTag
termStyle :: (IsString string, Monoid string) => String -> Style (Vertex ()) string
termStyle :: (IsString string, Monoid string) => String -> Style (TaggedVertex ()) string
termStyle name = style name (const [])
diffStyle :: (IsString string, Monoid string) => String -> Style (Vertex DiffTag) string
diffStyle :: (IsString string, Monoid string) => String -> Style (TaggedVertex DiffTag) string
diffStyle name = style name diffTagAttributes
where diffTagAttributes Deleted = ["color" := "red"]
diffTagAttributes Inserted = ["color" := "green"]
diffTagAttributes Replaced = ["color" := "orange", "style" := "dashed"]
diffTagAttributes _ = []
data Vertex tag = Vertex { vertexId :: Int, vertexTag :: tag, vertexName :: String }
data TaggedVertex tag = TaggedVertex { vertexId :: Int, vertexTag :: tag, vertexName :: String }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data DiffTag = Deleted | Inserted | Merged
data DiffTag = Deleted | Inserted | Replaced | Merged
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
class ToTreeGraph vertex t | t -> vertex where
toTreeGraph :: (Member Fresh effs, Member (Reader (Graph vertex)) effs) => t (Eff effs (Graph vertex)) -> Eff effs (Graph vertex)
instance (ConstructorName syntax, Foldable syntax) => ToTreeGraph (Vertex ()) (TermF syntax ann) where
instance (ConstructorName syntax, Foldable syntax) => ToTreeGraph (TaggedVertex ()) (TermF syntax ann) where
toTreeGraph = termAlgebra ()
instance (ConstructorName syntax, Foldable syntax) => ToTreeGraph (Vertex DiffTag) (DiffF syntax ann1 ann2) where
instance (ConstructorName syntax, Foldable syntax) => ToTreeGraph (TaggedVertex DiffTag) (DiffF syntax ann1 ann2) where
toTreeGraph d = case d of
Merge t -> termAlgebra Merged t
Patch (Delete t1) -> termAlgebra Deleted t1
Patch (Insert t2) -> termAlgebra Inserted t2
Patch (Replace t1 t2) -> (<>) <$> termAlgebra Deleted t1 <*> termAlgebra Inserted t2
Patch (Replace t1 t2) -> do
i <- fresh
parent <- ask
let replace = vertex (TaggedVertex i Replaced "Replacement")
graph <- local (const replace) (overlay <$> termAlgebra Deleted t1 <*> termAlgebra Inserted t2)
pure (parent `connect` replace `overlay` graph)
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ data DiffRenderer output where
-- | Render to a 'ByteString' formatted as nested s-expressions with patches indicated.
SExpressionDiffRenderer :: DiffRenderer Builder
-- | Render to a 'ByteString' formatted as a DOT description of the diff.
DOTDiffRenderer :: DiffRenderer (Graph (Vertex DiffTag))
DOTDiffRenderer :: DiffRenderer (Graph (TaggedVertex DiffTag))
-- | Render to a 'ByteString' formatted using the 'Show' instance.
ShowDiffRenderer :: DiffRenderer Builder
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ data TermRenderer output where
-- | Render to a list of symbols.
SymbolsTermRenderer :: SymbolFields -> TermRenderer (JSON "files" SomeJSON)
-- | Render to a 'ByteString' formatted as a DOT description of the term.
DOTTermRenderer :: TermRenderer (Graph (Vertex ()))
DOTTermRenderer :: TermRenderer (Graph (TaggedVertex ()))
-- | Render to a 'ByteString' formatted using the 'Show' instance.
ShowTermRenderer :: TermRenderer Builder
@ -6,8 +6,9 @@ module Semantic.CLI
, Parse.runParse
) where
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Language (ensureLanguage)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.List (intercalate, uncons)
import Data.List.Split (splitWhen)
import Data.Project
import Options.Applicative hiding (style)
@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ import qualified Semantic.Parse as Parse
import qualified Semantic.Task as Task
import qualified Semantic.Telemetry.Log as Log
import Semantic.Version
import System.FilePath
import Serializing.Format hiding (Options)
import Text.Read
@ -36,21 +38,25 @@ arguments = info (version <*> helper <*> ((,) <$> optionsParser <*> argumentsPar
version = infoOption versionString (long "version" <> short 'v' <> help "Output the version of the program")
versionString = "semantic version " <> buildVersion <> " (" <> buildSHA <> ")"
description = fullDesc <> header "semantic -- Parse and diff semantically"
description = fullDesc <> header "semantic -- Semantic (syntax-aware) diffs, program analysis toolkit"
optionsParser = do
logLevel <- options [ ("error", Just Log.Error) , ("warning", Just Log.Warning) , ("info", Just Log.Info) , ("debug", Just Log.Debug) , ("none", Nothing)]
(long "log-level" <> value (Just Log.Warning) <> help "Log messages at or above this level, or disable logging entirely.")
requestId <- optional (strOption $ long "request-id" <> help "A string to use as the request identifier for any logged messages." <> metavar "id")
failOnWarning <- switch (long "fail-on-warning" <> help "Fail on assignment warnings.")
pure $ Options logLevel requestId failOnWarning
optionsParser :: Parser Options
optionsParser = do
logLevel <- options [ ("error", Just Log.Error) , ("warning", Just Log.Warning) , ("info", Just Log.Info) , ("debug", Just Log.Debug) , ("none", Nothing)]
(long "log-level" <> value (Just Log.Warning) <> help "Log messages at or above this level, or disable logging entirely.")
requestId <- optional (strOption $ long "request-id" <> help "A string to use as the request identifier for any logged messages." <> metavar "id")
failOnWarning <- switch (long "fail-on-warning" <> help "Fail on assignment warnings.")
pure $ Options logLevel requestId failOnWarning
argumentsParser = do
subparser <- hsubparser (diffCommand <> parseCommand <> tsParseCommand <> graphCommand)
output <- ToPath <$> strOption (long "output" <> short 'o' <> help "Output path, defaults to stdout") <|> pure (ToHandle stdout)
pure $ subparser >>= Task.write output
argumentsParser :: Parser (Task.TaskEff ())
argumentsParser = do
subparser <- hsubparser (diffCommand <> parseCommand <> tsParseCommand <> graphCommand)
output <- ToPath <$> strOption (long "output" <> short 'o' <> help "Output path, defaults to stdout") <|> pure (ToHandle stdout)
pure $ subparser >>= Task.write output
diffCommand = command "diff" (info diffArgumentsParser (progDesc "Compute changes between paths"))
diffCommand :: Mod CommandFields (Task.TaskEff Builder)
diffCommand = command "diff" (info diffArgumentsParser (progDesc "Compute changes between paths"))
diffArgumentsParser = do
renderer <- flag (Diff.runDiff SExpressionDiffRenderer) (Diff.runDiff SExpressionDiffRenderer) (long "sexpression" <> help "Output s-expression diff tree (default)")
<|> flag' (Diff.runDiff JSONDiffRenderer) (long "json" <> help "Output JSON diff trees")
@ -60,7 +66,9 @@ arguments = info (version <*> helper <*> ((,) <$> optionsParser <*> argumentsPar
filesOrStdin <- Right <$> some (both <$> argument filePathReader (metavar "FILE_A") <*> argument filePathReader (metavar "FILE_B")) <|> pure (Left stdin)
pure $ Task.readBlobPairs filesOrStdin >>= renderer
parseCommand = command "parse" (info parseArgumentsParser (progDesc "Generate parse trees for path(s)"))
parseCommand :: Mod CommandFields (Task.TaskEff Builder)
parseCommand = command "parse" (info parseArgumentsParser (progDesc "Generate parse trees for path(s)"))
parseArgumentsParser = do
renderer <- flag (Parse.runParse SExpressionTermRenderer) (Parse.runParse SExpressionTermRenderer) (long "sexpression" <> help "Output s-expression parse trees (default)")
<|> flag' (Parse.runParse JSONTermRenderer) (long "json" <> help "Output JSON parse trees")
@ -74,7 +82,12 @@ arguments = info (version <*> helper <*> ((,) <$> optionsParser <*> argumentsPar
filesOrStdin <- Right <$> some (argument filePathReader (metavar "FILES...")) <|> pure (Left stdin)
pure $ Task.readBlobs filesOrStdin >>= renderer
tsParseCommand = command "ts-parse" (info tsParseArgumentsParser (progDesc "Print specialized tree-sitter ASTs for path(s)"))
-- Example: semantic parse --symbols --fields=symbol,path,language,kind,line,span
symbolFieldsReader = eitherReader (Right . parseSymbolFields)
tsParseCommand :: Mod CommandFields (Task.TaskEff Builder)
tsParseCommand = command "ts-parse" (info tsParseArgumentsParser (progDesc "Print specialized tree-sitter ASTs for path(s)"))
tsParseArgumentsParser = do
format <- flag AST.SExpression AST.SExpression (long "sexpression" <> help "Output s-expression ASTs (default)")
<|> flag' AST.JSON (long "json" <> help "Output JSON ASTs")
@ -82,32 +95,45 @@ arguments = info (version <*> helper <*> ((,) <$> optionsParser <*> argumentsPar
filesOrStdin <- Right <$> some (argument filePathReader (metavar "FILES...")) <|> pure (Left stdin)
pure $ Task.readBlobs filesOrStdin >>= AST.runASTParse format
graphCommand = command "graph" (info graphArgumentsParser (progDesc "Compute a graph for a directory or from a top-level entry point module"))
graphArgumentsParser = do
graphType <- flag Graph.ImportGraph Graph.ImportGraph (long "imports" <> help "Compute an import graph (default)")
<|> flag' Graph.CallGraph (long "calls" <> help "Compute a call graph")
let style = Graph.style
includePackages <- switch (long "packages" <> help "Include a vertex for the package, with edges from it to each module")
serializer <- flag (Task.serialize (DOT style)) (Task.serialize (DOT style)) (long "dot" <> help "Output in DOT graph format (default)")
<|> flag' (Task.serialize JSON) (long "json" <> help "Output JSON graph")
<|> flag' (Task.serialize Show) (long "show" <> help "Output using the Show instance (debug only, format subject to change without notice)")
rootDir <- rootDirectoryOption
excludeDirs <- excludeDirsOption
File{..} <- argument filePathReader (metavar "DIR:LANGUAGE | FILE")
pure $ Task.readProject rootDir filePath fileLanguage excludeDirs >>= Graph.runGraph graphType includePackages >>= serializer
graphCommand :: Mod CommandFields (Task.TaskEff Builder)
graphCommand = command "graph" (info graphArgumentsParser (progDesc "Compute a graph for a directory or from a top-level entry point module"))
graphArgumentsParser = makeGraphTask
<$> graphType
<*> switch (long "packages" <> help "Include a vertex for the package, with edges from it to each module")
<*> serializer
<*> (readProjectFromPaths <|> readProjectRecursively)
graphType = flag Graph.ImportGraph Graph.ImportGraph (long "imports" <> help "Compute an import graph (default)")
<|> flag' Graph.CallGraph (long "calls" <> help "Compute a call graph")
serializer = flag (Task.serialize (DOT Graph.style)) (Task.serialize (DOT Graph.style)) (long "dot" <> help "Output in DOT graph format (default)")
<|> flag' (Task.serialize JSON) (long "json" <> help "Output JSON graph")
<|> flag' (Task.serialize Show) (long "show" <> help "Output using the Show instance (debug only, format subject to change without notice)")
readProjectFromPaths = makeReadProjectFromPathsTask
<$> option auto (long "language" <> help "The language for the analysis.")
<*> ( Just <$> some (strArgument (metavar "FILES..."))
<|> flag' Nothing (long "stdin" <> help "Read a list of newline-separated paths to analyze from stdin."))
makeReadProjectFromPathsTask language maybePaths = do
paths <- maybeM (liftIO (many getLine)) maybePaths
blobs <- traverse IO.readBlob (flip File language <$> paths)
pure $! Project (takeDirectory (maybe "/" fst (uncons paths))) blobs language []
readProjectRecursively = makeReadProjectRecursivelyTask
<$> optional (strOption (long "root" <> help "Root directory of project. Optional, defaults to entry file/directory." <> metavar "DIR"))
<*> many (strOption (long "exclude-dir" <> help "Exclude a directory (e.g. vendor)" <> metavar "DIR"))
<*> argument filePathReader (metavar "DIR:LANGUAGE | FILE")
makeReadProjectRecursivelyTask rootDir excludeDirs File{..} = Task.readProject rootDir filePath fileLanguage excludeDirs
makeGraphTask graphType includePackages serializer projectTask = projectTask >>= Graph.runGraph graphType includePackages >>= serializer
rootDirectoryOption = optional (strOption (long "root" <> help "Root directory of project. Optional, defaults to entry file/directory." <> metavar "DIR"))
excludeDirsOption = many (strOption (long "exclude-dir" <> help "Exclude a directory (e.g. vendor)" <> metavar "DIR"))
filePathReader = eitherReader parseFilePath
filePathReader :: ReadM File
filePathReader = eitherReader parseFilePath
parseFilePath arg = case splitWhen (== ':') arg of
[a, b] | (Just lang) <- readMaybe b >>= ensureLanguage -> Right (File a lang)
| (Just lang) <- readMaybe a >>= ensureLanguage -> Right (File b lang)
[a, b] | Just lang <- readMaybe b >>= ensureLanguage -> Right (File a lang)
| Just lang <- readMaybe a >>= ensureLanguage -> Right (File b lang)
[path] -> maybe (Left $ "Cannot identify language for path: " <> path) (Right . File path) (ensureLanguage (languageForFilePath path))
args -> Left ("cannot parse `" <> join args <> "`\nexpecting FILE:LANGUAGE or just FILE")
options :: Eq a => [(String, a)] -> Mod OptionFields a -> Parser a
options options fields = option (optionsReader options) (fields <> showDefaultWith (findOption options) <> metavar (intercalate "|" (fmap fst options)))
optionsReader options = eitherReader $ \ str -> maybe (Left ("expected one of: " <> intercalate ", " (fmap fst options))) (Right . snd) (find ((== str) . fst) options)
options options fields = option (optionsReader options) (fields <> showDefaultWith (findOption options) <> metavar (intercalate "|" (fmap fst options)))
findOption options value = maybe "" fst (find ((== value) . snd) options)
-- Example: semantic parse --symbols --fields=symbol,path,language,kind,line,span
symbolFieldsReader = eitherReader (Right . parseSymbolFields)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, TypeOperators #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-signatures -Wno-missing-export-lists #-}
module Semantic.Util where
@ -18,13 +18,12 @@ import Data.Abstract.Value.Concrete as Concrete
import Data.Abstract.Value.Type as Type
import Data.Blob
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Functor.Foldable
import Data.Graph (topologicalSort)
import qualified Data.Language as Language
import Data.List (uncons)
import Data.Project hiding (readFile)
import Data.Quieterm (quieterm)
import Data.Sum (weaken)
import Data.Term
import Language.Haskell.HsColour
import Language.Haskell.HsColour.Colourise
import Parsing.Parser
@ -36,7 +35,6 @@ import Semantic.Task
import Semantic.Telemetry (LogQueue, StatQueue)
import System.Exit (die)
import System.FilePath.Posix (takeDirectory)
import Text.Show (showListWith)
import Text.Show.Pretty (ppShow)
@ -53,28 +51,28 @@ justEvaluating
. runAddressError
. runValueError
newtype UtilEff address a = UtilEff
{ runUtilEff :: Eff '[ Function address (Value address (UtilEff address))
, Exc (LoopControl address)
, Exc (Return address)
, Env address
, Deref address (Value address (UtilEff address))
, Allocator address (Value address (UtilEff address))
newtype UtilEff a = UtilEff
{ runUtilEff :: Eff '[ Function Precise (Value Precise UtilEff)
, Exc (LoopControl Precise)
, Exc (Return Precise)
, Env Precise
, Deref Precise (Value Precise UtilEff)
, Allocator Precise (Value Precise UtilEff)
, Reader ModuleInfo
, Modules address
, Reader (ModuleTable (NonEmpty (Module (ModuleResult address))))
, Modules Precise
, Reader (ModuleTable (NonEmpty (Module (ModuleResult Precise))))
, Reader Span
, Reader PackageInfo
, Resumable (ValueError address (UtilEff address))
, Resumable (AddressError address (Value address (UtilEff address)))
, Resumable (ValueError Precise UtilEff)
, Resumable (AddressError Precise (Value Precise UtilEff))
, Resumable ResolutionError
, Resumable EvalError
, Resumable (EnvironmentError address)
, Resumable (Unspecialized (Value address (UtilEff address)))
, Resumable (LoadError address)
, Resumable (EnvironmentError Precise)
, Resumable (Unspecialized (Value Precise UtilEff))
, Resumable (LoadError Precise)
, Trace
, Fresh
, State (Heap address Latest (Value address (UtilEff address)))
, State (Heap Precise Latest (Value Precise UtilEff))
, Lift IO
] a
@ -126,7 +124,7 @@ evaluateProject' (TaskConfig config logger statter) proxy parser paths = either
package <- fmap quieterm <$> parsePackage parser (Project (takeDirectory (maybe "/" fst (uncons paths))) blobs (Language.reflect proxy) [])
modules <- topologicalSort <$> runImportGraphToModules proxy package
trace $ "evaluating with load order: " <> show (map (modulePath . moduleInfo) modules)
pure (runTermEvaluator @_ @_ @(Value Precise (UtilEff Precise))
pure (runTermEvaluator @_ @_ @(Value Precise UtilEff)
(runReader (packageInfo package)
(runReader (lowerBound @Span)
(runReader (lowerBound @(ModuleTable (NonEmpty (Module (ModuleResult Precise)))))
@ -159,34 +157,5 @@ reassociate :: Either (SomeExc exc1) (Either (SomeExc exc2) (Either (SomeExc exc
reassociate = mergeExcs . mergeExcs . mergeExcs . mergeExcs . mergeExcs . mergeExcs . mergeExcs . Right
newtype Quieterm syntax ann = Quieterm { unQuieterm :: TermF syntax ann (Quieterm syntax ann) }
deriving (Declarations, FreeVariables)
type instance Base (Quieterm syntax ann) = TermF syntax ann
instance Functor syntax => Recursive (Quieterm syntax ann) where project = unQuieterm
instance Functor syntax => Corecursive (Quieterm syntax ann) where embed = Quieterm
instance Eq1 syntax => Eq1 (Quieterm syntax) where
liftEq eqA = go where go t1 t2 = liftEq2 eqA go (unQuieterm t1) (unQuieterm t2)
instance (Eq1 syntax, Eq ann) => Eq (Quieterm syntax ann) where
(==) = eq1
instance Ord1 syntax => Ord1 (Quieterm syntax) where
liftCompare comp = go where go t1 t2 = liftCompare2 comp go (unQuieterm t1) (unQuieterm t2)
instance (Ord1 syntax, Ord ann) => Ord (Quieterm syntax ann) where
compare = compare1
instance Show1 syntax => Show1 (Quieterm syntax) where
liftShowsPrec _ _ = go where go d = liftShowsPrec go (showListWith (go 0)) d . termFOut . unQuieterm
instance Show1 syntax => Show (Quieterm syntax ann) where
showsPrec = liftShowsPrec (const (const id)) (const id)
quieterm :: (Recursive term, Base term ~ TermF syntax ann) => term -> Quieterm syntax ann
quieterm = cata Quieterm
prettyShow :: Show a => a -> IO ()
prettyShow = putStrLn . hscolour TTY defaultColourPrefs False False "" False . ppShow
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ readFilePair :: Both FilePath -> IO BlobPair
readFilePair paths = let paths' = fmap file paths in
runBothWith IO.readFilePair paths'
type TestEvaluatingEffects = '[ Resumable (ValueError Precise (UtilEff Precise))
type TestEvaluatingEffects = '[ Resumable (ValueError Precise UtilEff)
, Resumable (AddressError Precise Val)
, Resumable ResolutionError
, Resumable EvalError
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ type TestEvaluatingEffects = '[ Resumable (ValueError Precise (UtilEff Precise))
, State (Heap Precise Latest Val)
, Lift IO
type TestEvaluatingErrors = '[ ValueError Precise (UtilEff Precise)
type TestEvaluatingErrors = '[ ValueError Precise UtilEff
, AddressError Precise Val
, ResolutionError
, EvalError
@ -137,9 +137,9 @@ testEvaluating
. runEvalError
. runResolutionError
. runAddressError
. runValueError @_ @Precise @(UtilEff Precise)
. runValueError @_ @Precise @UtilEff
type Val = Value Precise (UtilEff Precise)
type Val = Value Precise UtilEff
deNamespace :: Heap Precise (Cell Precise) (Value Precise term)
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